How long do you think each Episode will be in Season 3??

I am hoping that it will be around 2 hours each Episode.


  • While I really loved the long episodes from back in Season 1, I don't see episodes ever becoming that lengthy again. I'm hoping that each episode will be around two hours, although I see them being more around an hour and forty-five minutes. While longer episodes seem preferable, Telltale has shown that they can accomplish great things in smaller time frames. Can't wait to see what they bring to the table.

  • However long they need to be to tell the story most effectively. As we've seen with games like TWAU and Batman, shorter episodes can be great, as long as it's paced well and tells the story it needs to tell. While longer episodes would be great, sometimes it can hurt the episode rather than improve it (Around Every Corner), so I don't really mind the length as long as it's a good episode.

  • I personally prefer episodes that range somewhere from around 2 hours to 2 and a half hours at bare minimum.

    However, given past history with recent Telltale series, I can see episodes being around 1 hour 45 min at average.

  • Hope - 2 hours

    Probably - 1 hour 30 min

    Just give us a lot of replayability and I'll be happy.

  • While longer episodes would be great, sometimes it can hurt the episode rather than improve it (Around Every Corner), so I don't really mind the length as long as it's a good episode.

    How so?

    However long they need to be to tell the story most effectively. As we've seen with games like TWAU and Batman, shorter episodes can be grea

  • They should be at least 1.5 to 2 hours or else I'd ask why are they even doing it

  • 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours at most.

  • In the case of Around Every Corner, it was a 2 hour and 30 minute (sometimes even a 2 hour and 45 minute) long FILLER episode. If you were to cut out everything after the group arriving in Savannah to Lee getting bit, literally nothing would have changed. The only thing introduced in that episode that has any sort of role in the final episode is Vernon's group, and even with a little changes to the writing, you wouldn't have even needed them. The ending of the previous episode revealed that someone was following us and talking to Clementine via her radio, and that is almost entirely ignored in this episode. "Hey, there's some guy stalking us and he possibly intends to hurt us, let's focus instead on sneaking into this potentially dangerous camp of survivors and steal their shit." Not to mention the disappointment that was Crawford being overrun with walkers, all that hype and suspense, building up this camp and Crawford himself as this dangerous group of people, only for them to fall so quickly was a huge middle finger to the audience.

    The first time you play it, it doesn't seem that bad, but on repeat play throughs, it's a hassle to get through. And even the first time, the writing and pacing were not that good, I didn't feel as invested with what was going on as I did with the other episodes, and as a result, the episode begins to drag on and on until it finally gets to it's conclusion. A shorter, more concise episode, that cuts out characters like Molly, Crawford, and Vernon, and instead focuses on the group searching what's left of the city, coming to the realization that Kenny's boat plan is a bust, and having our group at its supposed darkest and most desperate moment would have been a better episode. With the group thinking that thing's couldn't get any worse, we could have had a scene where someone tries to rebuild a sense of optimism, that even though they've hit rock bottom, they can only go up from here (something similar to the camp fire scene in No Going Back). And then, after letting us think things are going to start looking up, you have Lee get bit, which would make it even more shocking and devastating, not only for the group, but the audience as well.

    What Around Every Corner was trying to accomplish did not need to be told in an almost 3 hour episode, it could have been done in a shorter, hour and a half (maybe even shorter) episode, and it probably would have been a lot better.

    DabigRG posted: »

    While longer episodes would be great, sometimes it can hurt the episode rather than improve it (Around Every Corner), so I don't really mind the length as long as it's a good episode. How so?

  • Depending on how the length is handled, it can either kill or disrupt the pacing, or lead to filler segments that feel like they're only there to pad things out

    AEC definitely has a few moments that could be removed without having a negative impact on the rest of the episode. For example, the sewer puzzle. Or quite a few bits of the Crawford segment, which pacing-wise, wasn't that great if you ask me. After you're inside Crawford, it feels like the narrative decided to stop and take a break, and meandered around until you finished a drawn-out fetch quest.

    DabigRG posted: »

    While longer episodes would be great, sometimes it can hurt the episode rather than improve it (Around Every Corner), so I don't really mind the length as long as it's a good episode. How so?

  • ...You know what, I didn't even think about that. But you're right: it is basically a very long filler arc. I guess I just enjoyed the episode enough that I never really noticed.

    In the case of Around Every Corner, it was a 2 hour and 30 minute (sometimes even a 2 hour and 45 minute) long FILLER episode. If you were t

  • 90 minutes seems to be the current average.

  • I like long episodes as much as the next guy, but it really comes down to the quality.

    For example, Minecraft ep 2 was kinda disappointingly short, only about 45 mins. But the episode its self is almost another episode based on the past choice you made in episode 1.

    Now more recently, Batman episode 2 came out, and although it was only about an hour and 15 mins, it was still an incredible episode, and I enjoyed every second of it, very similar to Wolf Among Us episode 5 which was also about an hour and 15 mins.

    So really, as long as the episode reaches a little more than an hour, and the quality of the episode is great, I really have no issue of not having an episode being 1 and a half to 2 hours.

  • I disagree with this. Infact now I think about it, episode 4 might just be the least fillerish episode in the game. This is the episode where we find a boat (basically the main plot to the game), Kenny finds out that Ben is responsible for his familes death, Lee gets bit, Clementine gets kidnapped, Vernon steals the boat and causes all kind of panic. I think you find that it drags because you've been through all of it already rather than it being filler. And what you're suggesting seems to be a complete rewrite of the story rather than cutting out the filler.

    The only real filler bit I can think of is Lee taking so long to rejoin the group when he is in the sewers. Everything else is pretty necessary to the plot. There was a lot of meat to the Crawford stuff yeah but if there wasn't then the ep risks feeling like a underdeveloped season 2 type episode (pretty much all season 2 eps were inferior to season 1 eps imo)

    In the case of Around Every Corner, it was a 2 hour and 30 minute (sometimes even a 2 hour and 45 minute) long FILLER episode. If you were t

  • 2 hours each episode

  • And what you're suggesting seems to be a complete rewrite of the story rather than cutting out the filler.

    How so? In my version, I still would have Ben tell Kenny about his family (which, by the way, he revealed at the worst possible time just for the sake of causing more conflict rather than making logical sense. I know this is Ben, but come on, there are walkers behind you, now's not the time to tell Kenny about this), Clementine would still get kidnapped, Lee would get bit, and everything about Episode 5 would remain the same. But instead, I would just be adding a lot more focus back on the guy who's following us rather than some out of the blue story arc involving some Nazi like survivors camp that adds almost nothing to the story. It would also focus on our group's internal and external struggles and coming to the realization that this new world is here to stay, that Kenny's idea that the government is going to give out vaccines is never going to happen and that the world is going to be like this forever. It would be a much better character oriented episode than the one we ended up getting, while still getting from point A to point B in the story by the end of the episode.

    wdfan posted: »

    I disagree with this. Infact now I think about it, episode 4 might just be the least fillerish episode in the game. This is the episode wher

  • At this point, I believe that 2 hours and above long episodes are a thing of the past.

    What I do hope is at least an hour and a half worth of content to invest into per episode, just so as long as there's enough room to give new characters a chance to shine.

  • I would like an 1 hour and 45 minute Episode. Long Episodes are boring like Around Every Corner.

  • An hour and a half is what I'm expecting. Maybe 2 hours for the first episode.

  • I am sure it will probably be around the same length as Season 1 and 2 or depending on the storyline.

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