Worst character on Fear TWD >_<
Chris you motherfucker, Travis, Please, PLEASE, Let Chris go, He is going to kill everybody.
Sorry, But this has to be said, This also let's some discussion be held on Fear TWD characters as a whole, Since most of them in my eyes are not as memorable as the comic or games characters. I do like Travis though.
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i say ftwd characters are more memorable then ones in comics and game because they are more realistic. people are forgetting that ftwd is set only few months into apocalypse. these characters are adapting. if a character like michone appeared in ftwd, id stop watching it immediately.
chris is worst. hes the only character i cant stand.
All of them.
Chris, Madison, and Nick
Right now Madison is really annoying me. Just when she's got the "I'm a good leader" thing going for her she acts impulsively and puts everyone in danger. She turns on the lights at the hotel for selfish reasons, just like she let's Travis in for selfish reasons. I like her better when she's just focused on being a leader and not trying to mom everyone.
I dislike: Chris, Madison, Travis and Alicia. They are so all annoying!
I like: Nick and Ofelia.
Plus, Alicia and Nick need less screen time. Ofelia needs more screen time.
Chris at least keeps me entertained. Madison on the other hand is an awful person and boring as shit.
Ofelia! she is a boring character, i personally hate Madison but at least she has importance to the story, but Ofelia.... i never liked her and her father, im glad he is gone!
Just about every single character in Fear is painfully naive to some degree. To the point where they shouldn't be because of how long its been since the world fell to shit.
Seriously, it's been a whole month and they still act like its day one.
Madison is annoying, but I don't HATE her yet.
Chris needs to be put down. End of story. That kid is Too Far Gone (pause for laughter) and is going down a very dark path that has "antagonist" written all over it.
Travis, for the love of God, just transform already. I know you're holding back. You HAVE what it takes but you aren't doing anything about it. You beat the ever loving shit out of that soldier. DO IT AGAIN TO THE NEXT SORRY ASS VILLAIN THAT CROSSES YOU.
Everyone else, for the love of God, do SOMETHING that makes buying your action figures worth it or some shit. This is ridiculous.
I'm going to be one of these annoying guys and say...
"hurr durr Chris because he eeeeebbiiilll!"
But i seriously like all of the characters in FTWD. I may think Maddison and Alycia are weak character-wise though. Alycia is just null as a character, and they keep trying to force Maddison to become sort of a "new Rick" in a sense, so...
Chris, Nick and Travis are my favorites. The rest... i don't dislike 'em, at least.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but Kenny is even a better character than Chris.
This thread is making me glad I don't watch Fear the Walking Dead...
Kenny is a great character nonetheless. You can love him or hate him but it's a fact that he's very well written.
Hate: Chris, Brandon, Derek, the lady who stabbed Strand.
Dislike: Madison, Ofelia, The Colonia people, the Hotel people.
Neutral: Alicia.
Like: Travis, Daniel, Nick.
Love: Strand.
Never saw the show...have hear both good and bad.
I lost interest halfway through Season 2. But until then my least favorite character was Chris. With the exception of Strand, the other characters were tolerable at best but that kid was such a disrespectful asshole. My parents agree too. Every time Chris was on screen, we all let out a long collective groan.
Fear is set only I think only a 4 weeks barely, max. I do like the fact that they focus more on family issues.
no its not, its your opinion.
My opinion is that he's a great character, but he IS very well written, for better or worse. I wish other characters were as deep and well written as him. Season 2 would've been incredible. As I said you have the absolute right to either like him or dislike him, but he's a very well thought out character and a far, far better character than Chris.
FTWD writers:

If he was so well thought out why did they make his return so unbelievable? Kenny is a pretty bland and predictable character.
Anybody's return would have been unbelievable.