Arvo's "Stash"
I know the outcome at the end is the same whether you robbed/didn't rob. That's not the point. This scene had so much potential. Lee in S1 taught Clem that sometimes, you gotta take what you need to survive. They thought the car was abandoned, no one was hurt, so they weren't like the bandits.
Fast forward to S2 where I'm playing Clem as following Lee's advice (which is a lot easier to do since I'm binging thru the episodes, but I digress). Previous ep, she gladly watched Carver get beaten to death. Now came this decision, this tough choice, where TTG had a chance to make it seem like 'Yes this is an evil thing, but there are many benefits. Think of the group!'
Instead... One bottle. Clem takes only ONE bottle of pain pills? The kid had a whole bag of stuff and ... just... What??? And the scene right after I wanted to, I don't know, talk with Kenny about what happened (and give him some much needed meds for his pain/infection) but we don't get that option.
So I mean... what the hell. What becomes of the bag? Hell, for that matter, why is this even a 'moral' choice when Clem could just as easily have said 'We'll only take this one bottle. I'm sorry, but we have a very pregnant lady'. Nothing about this scenario makes any sense.
This horse has been beat so much that you'd think it was"Lucilled". S2 was hampered in many ways. But worts and all I say its fine. This is not AAA call of duty money here. This is still a fairly small company. Issues will occur they really can't afford to start over.
That makes me wonder how they got the medicine for Kenny's eye if you didn't take medicine from Arvo specifically...
Apparently Jane takes the rest for whatever reason without it being shown again? I don't know, it's Season Two and it has allot of plot holes and inconsistencies.
I have no idea what this means. Could you explain? As for the 'been beat so much' yea, maybe, but so has the Kenny vs Jane debate and that's still being discussed, on the first page, at length. I'm sure there are others, like me, who are replaying this season for next month's release. What's old is new again, and all that.
While true, that doesn't explain or excuse what I'm talking about. This is a mistake they could've fixed at the writing phase, or even the 'writing notes on random napkin phase' long before any animation was worked on. Point being, given that this was such a defining moment for several characters, and it was a huge decision at the end, they should've written this scene a lot better.
Yeah, Amid the Ruins got pretty bad when it came to choices that matter. I too recall playing Clementine in a similar fashion(Season1Clementine+Lee's ways and dying advice+things Christa may have tauhgt her+Newfound lessons) and turned Arvo loose on my first playthrough in part because I truly felt outright robbing the boy isn't the right thing to do.
On my second playthrough, I was under the impression that taking the bag would have various small effects but all we got for it was Rebecca taking a few from one bottle and that's it. I completely forgot about the bag itself, too.
I know I saw an older post where someone mention benefits like helping Kenny think better due to lessened pain, helping Luke with his injured ribs, and, interestingly, giving Sarah some to help her feel better(with...interesting results) and get her advice on how to effectively use them for Rebecca.
Bonnie was the one to give it to Clementine, so I assume Carlos had it initially and she just held on to it for Kenny's sake.
Did she?
I think Clem only takes one bottle because the rest of the bag was supposed to pinned on Jane. When you are fighting with the Russians, you can blame Jane for taking the rest of the medicine which I guess is meant to be a flaw for Jane's character or a reason for you to be against her since in previous episodes, there were not many choices to dislike her.
I suppose Carlos could've had medicine on hand from when they planned to leave the lodge, I guess that Carver let him look over Kenny's wounds? It's possible that Bonnie might've stolen some medicine during the escape night as well.
That's what Arvo and Clementine allude to - the option is present that it was Jane who took the rest but the last time we see the medicine bag is on the Observation Deck... they don't even check for any medicine to use for Rebecca, Clementine just uses the first thing she picks out from the bag... I think the writing is to blame for that though.
Yeah. Also, apparently its possible for Clementine to blame Jane for what she did:"I only took the medicine. Jane took the rest of your stuff." Clementine, you're a dick!
I still love Clementine lol
"I didn't steal anything" hides stolen stash of medicine
"It was their fault, I'm just a little girl that everyone should underestimate..."
I wish those benefits had been in the game. Although giving pills to Sarah seems rather iffy. TT never even say, definitively, what is wrong with her besides the obvious Bad Father, so Clem handing out pills to everyone like the tiniest drug queen is a hilarious, if incredibly terrible, mental image.
I get that in a meta-gaming sense, but my initial post was referring to the actual world of the game. In that moment, you have Jane listing the benefits of taking the meds and, presumably, Clementine agrees. Yet she takes only one bottle, and there's no option to give them to either Kenny or Rebecca in the following scene.
I know, right? Granted, Jane was the reason those fuckers came after us in the firs place, so an eye for an eye? Anyway, I wish Edgy! Clementine was more like that and/or Scumbag Lee then a sociopath. Far more entertaining that way, in my opinion.
Not sure if that's actually a choice, but I saw it in a manuscript showing various lines during that scene, including the Russians' translated dialogue.
To be fair, I wouldn't say Carlos was an outright bad father, just an overprotective and patronizing one. As some people(mostly those who don't like either) exaggerate, Carlos was technically right ...but for the wrong reasons. I think people are a little too hard on Carlos because, and this is a problem amongst the Cabin Group in general, he doesn't really get a substantial cool moment or a chance to adequately redeem himself. And I say doesn't instead of never and included the word 'substantial' because, in addition from apologizing for putting Clementine in the shed in the first place, he also outright saves her during the windmill scene just before she and Walter find Nick being grabbed by a walker and, of course, his final moments are essentially him helping Clementine prepare for the herd and then trusting her as Sarah's friend to help keep her calm before a stray bullet hits him.
Yeah, but that's kinda what makes hilarious, even on a sorta dark comedy level. Basically, in a classic moment of "I Didn't think this Through," Clementine and Jane have no idea how to effectively use the medicine and Sarah's connection to Carlos causes them to ask her for advice, in addition to the choice to give her some to help her relax a bit. After giving them advice, Sarah takes to the pill a little too well and asks if she can have another so she can just take the time to get her head straight. Predictably, this involves her going into a deep sleep, which means Clementine and Jane(or maybe whoever is available considering their respective locations) will have to take responsibility for leaving Sarah prone and carry her to safety before the herd gets her. I don't know about you, but the idea of anyone sleeping through an oncoming walker attack and Clementine and Jane having to grab her like a treasure chest and run is hilarious.
Edgy Clementine xD
Yeeeah, that's the nickname I've seen going around that's the most fitting and I think this is an example of that joke played a little too straight from what I've seen so far.
You could argue that Mike, Arvo, and Bonnie have it. They left with bags, I think.
You know what, you might be right about that! Only thing is that it only really makes sense if Clementine didn't steal the bag from Arvo, although that reminds me - why was he trying to stuff it down a rubbish bin on the observation deck?
Also everyone forgets that you are playing the role of a 11 year old girl. She doesn't always think logically I mean she was in 1st grade and was 8 years old. She should've been 6 years old but I guess she failed 1st grade twice lol jk. Also I hope Arvo shows up in Season 3 so Javier can kick his ass.
Never actually explained in the game itself, but the general assumption is that he was just hiding it there as a stash for later use. Personally, I think this is because his group was considering relocating with the upcoming snowy weather.
You can say that about a lot of scenes honestly. Particularly those involving Luke, Rebecca, Alvin, Carver, Carlos, Sarah, Jane, and Arvo.
I felt like he was hiding it from his own group to be honest, it seems a bit irrational to send the youngest(?) member of your group, who also has a leg brace, to hide a bag filled with medicine... if they did do this then surely they would've realized the possible consequences of doing so, right? Or is this another Plot Hole/Inconsistency that Season Two faces? <Just in case people think I hate S2 because of my negative comments about it as of late, it is still my favorite TTG game!
I never really subscribed to that idea when I first heard and that has only strengthened after I did the research. Not only would hiding/stealing it from his own group make little sense (unless he's planning on getting his sister away from the other two or something), but all of the various details I've found around him and his group's characterization makes it very unlikely that this was the intention.
Are you talking about Arvo or Clementine? Not so Different, Indeed.
That is my answer to your question because it's pretty much truth given Buricko's attitude.
Nah. Bonnie or someone could've received it off screen.
Then why hide the stash at all? Especially send Arvo to do so alone? I can't really think of a good reason for why they'd intentionally send Arvo with a bag of medicine to the Observation Deck alone :x
At least they didn't make AJ do any heavy lifting xD
That would still be weird though - in the instance where the medicine bag is left behind, Bonnie is never shown carrying it - the only explanation I can think of is that Jane ended up tracking Arvo down and giving it back to him but that in itself is illogical considering that Luke and Jane got it on.
Because Buricko is a dick, that's why.Sorry but it's the only reason I can think of at the moment and it happens to make some sense, hilariously enough.
Fair enough, can I ask why Buricko is a dick though? xD I have read what the translations of their dialogue were sometime after EP5 came out but I can't find the thread xD
New Adult: "Ok AJ, so this is how you fire a rifle..."
Because. I pointed out in a discussion about Arvo that Buricko is essentially the Jane to Arvo's Clementine: encouraging/pressuring him to rob people in spite of his determinate reluctance. We don't get much time with the Russian Group and the lack of further personal conversation with Arvo means that a lot of things don't get explained.
At the very least, its implied/inferred that the Russians were hurting for proper sanctuary and supplies due to the upcoming snowy weather, which means that Arvo getting stuck up by Jane and Clementine and coming back home without his gun and determinately Natasha's medicine really ticked them off and Buricko decided to rob them for anything useful as justice/retribution.
I'll link you to a recent source.