Maybe the guy who's just gotten kicked out because he can't afford the rent won't relate to the guy who's concerned about the effect on his portfolio if the Fed raises interest rates. They may still like the same home team, though, or both have kids in school play, or any number of experiences that transcend social classes.
Modern social media makes this easier than ever before.
Is it possible to be able to connect with someone who's background is totally different from yours?
I know that people often connect from… more having shared experiences, even though that does not mean they shared them together. But what if you don't?
I'll give a few examples of what I am talking about.
Say for example that one person grew up very poor, the other grew up rich. The poor person had to work like a dog as a child to earn everything they ever got.
The rich person, on the other hand, never wanted for anything, and never really had to work to provide for the basic needs and desires.
Or, say for example that one person went to public schoil as a child, while the other one was home schooled. The person who went to public school experienced all the things a person who goes to public scool experiences, while the home schooled person never got to experience any of that.
Or say for example that one person grew up celebrating a… [view original content]
To be fair though, I was pretty close to giving up on the series altogether during Season 2. The love triangle made me want to punch a wall. The romance even in the original series was the weakest part but was thankfully downplayed back then; so why would they make romance one of the largest subplots in this series? Korra also rubbed me the wrong way early on. I understand they wanted to have a brash female character that in every way was the opposite of Aang - but sometimes that made her seem incredibly immature for her age and her decisions could be infuriating.
However Season 3 and 4 saved it for me. I liked seeing Korra become wiser and more mature as she battled her hardships, and was so relieved that they dropped the love triangle in favor of only one main romantic pair. I do wish that they had only one or two main villains for the entire series and not one for each season as it would have given the series higher stakes and better character development and suspense, but for what it is I think they made the best out of what they started with.
WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THE LEGEND OF KORRA?? It's four seasons of pandering, fanservice, forced messages, bad writing, frightfully unthought thr… moreough design choices, and dumb cliches! The only character I liked dies by the end of the first season (if you watched it, then you know who I'm talking about), and the inconsistencies from TLAB to the content pumped out in TLoK's own seasons pile up like seventy times seven layers of seven layer dip!
I guess I'm not really asking why people enjoyed the show (from what I've read and heard from other people, it's mainly because of at least some of the descriptors I've used for it), it's just that I strongly disagree with the notion that the series warrants the amount of praise it's received. Most people seem to be okay with how TLoK turned out, and although the team did some good, especially under the circumstances, it just doesn't deserve the acclaim attributed to it! At best, many of the decisions rega… [view original content]
The only person you have to really look after is yourself. Now I am not saying to never look after others, because if you only look out for yourself, that's all you're gonna have. But your first responsibility is toward yourself.
Honestly my comment is now 2 weeks old and while I'm still thinking about this, it's not bothering me as much. But thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.
The only person you have to really look after is yourself. Now I am not saying to never look after others, because if you only look out for yourself, that's all you're gonna have. But your first responsibility is toward yourself.
To be fair though, I was pretty close to giving up on the series altogether during Season 2
The start of season 2 is when I figured it wasn't worth seeing if the show would get any better. I was already having trouble sticking with it during the first season, since it was clear the developers had different goals from when they were making TLAB, so I basically lost hope altogether when the series wasn't improving.
The love triangle made me want to punch a wall. The romance even in the original series was the weakest part but was thankfully downplayed back then; so why would they make romance one of the largest subplots in this series?
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Korra also rubbed me the wrong way early on. I understand they wanted to have a brash female character that in every way was the opposite of Aang - but sometimes that made her seem incredibly immature for her age and her decisions could be infuriating. However Season 3 and 4 saved it for me. I liked seeing Korra become wiser and more mature as she battled her hardships
They wanted to make Aang's complete opposite? That's almost hard to believe, given the way she turned out, but I do agree that she rubbed me the wrong way also. As far as "seeing Korra become wiser" goes, I... never really saw that, but then again maybe that's because I judged her character growth based on Tenzin telling her something to the effect of "you've been through what no other avatar has gone through"- basically the devs way of telling people that they should feel for her because Tenzin says they should. Being the type of person who doesn't like being told what they should feel outright, this rubbed me the wrong way, and if anything made Korra's "arc" less believable.
and was so relieved that they dropped the love triangle in favor of only one main romantic pair.
A romantic pairing that makes even less sense to me than Korra's sudden mastery of the avatar state in the second season... yeah, I personally wasn't sold on it.
I do wish that they had only one or two main villains for the entire series and not one for each season as it would have given the series higher stakes and better character development and suspense, but for what it is I think they made the best out of what they started with.
The thing is, as a matter of differing design philosophy, if I was tasked with making a sequel to TLAB- only being told I'd be making one short season- I wouldn't have introduced Korra at all, at least not until the end of that season. I would've instead had Aang telling the new avatar about the darkest day in fire nation history. Since this is something that happened that could be relevant, but not prominent enough to warrant too much criticism if the presentation didn't turn out, it seems like a safe starting point. If it has to end with Aang finishing telling Korra the story, then so be it. If the devs had the audacity to bother trying to explain the origins of the avatar to begin with, going over the day of black sun shouldn't be that big an issue. It's only after knowing that I'd be making more seasons that I would show more of Korra and her world, but even this I would try to be minimalist enough so that the atmosphere was believable. I can understand why the devs made the decisions they did, and to be fair I was onboard with it when I first heard about the idea of a new series in a steampunk place, but if that's really what they wanted to go for, I feel they should've made the series its own thing instead of trying to appeal to their fanbase. If their fans stayed true, they would be willing to overlook the fact that it wasn't avatar since it's still a new show being made by the same creators, this being at least partially what sparked my interest in Voltron: Legendary Defender.
If you liked The Legend of Korra, more power to you for being able to enjoy an installment to the Avatar universe that I only found issues with. It's just not my thing, and I'm still surprised to be in the minority on this.
... I liked it.
To be fair though, I was pretty close to giving up on the series altogether during Season 2. The love triangle made me wa… morent to punch a wall. The romance even in the original series was the weakest part but was thankfully downplayed back then; so why would they make romance one of the largest subplots in this series? Korra also rubbed me the wrong way early on. I understand they wanted to have a brash female character that in every way was the opposite of Aang - but sometimes that made her seem incredibly immature for her age and her decisions could be infuriating.
However Season 3 and 4 saved it for me. I liked seeing Korra become wiser and more mature as she battled her hardships, and was so relieved that they dropped the love triangle in favor of only one main romantic pair. I do wish that they had only one or two main villains for the entire series and not one for each season as it would have given the series higher s… [view original content]
Well let me tell you something, and this is just what I have learned in life, is that most people in this world are never going to care about you at all.
What they're going to do basically is just tolerate you. Most people will simply chew you up, spit you out, and kick you to the curb when they're done with you.
If people sense that you have a big heart, and that you actually care about them, they will not hesitate to exploit that.
Yes they may act like they're your friend, they may act like they care about you, but that is usually done just so that they can get something from you.
And if you're there for people, most of the time they will not be there for you in return.
If you help them out when they're in trouble, well that's good of you, but when it comes time where you're in trouble and you need help and you turn to them, oftentimes they will not be there, and generally they'll always have some sort of excuse as to why they can't be there.
Because people who really care about you, they will be there for you even when their own lives are a mess. And they will even go out of their way to help you. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is!
So that's why I said, just look out for yourself. Nobody else will look out for you, and as I already stated most people will simply use you for what they can get from you.
Honestly my comment is now 2 weeks old and while I'm still thinking about this, it's not bothering me as much. But thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.
Most people will simply chew you up, spit you out, and kick you to the curb when they're done with you.
I'm sorry, but this is not true. Just because most people you've known do, doesn't mean everyone does.
Nobody else will look out for you, and as already stated most people will simply use you for what they can get from you.
Again, not true. you make it sound like nobody will ever give a shit about anything but themselves. And while there are people who are like that, not everyone is.
Well let me tell you something, and this is just what I have learned in life, is that most people in this world are never going to care abou… moret you at all.
What they're going to do basically is just tolerate you. Most people will simply chew you up, spit you out, and kick you to the curb when they're done with you.
If people sense that you have a big heart, and that you actually care about them, they will not hesitate to exploit that.
Yes they may act like they're your friend, they may act like they care about you, but that is usually done just so that they can get something from you.
And if you're there for people, most of the time they will not be there for you in return.
If you help them out when they're in trouble, well that's good of you, but when it comes time where you're in trouble and you need help and you turn to them, oftentimes they will not be there, and generally they'll always have some sort of excuse as to why the… [view original content]
Not taking any of this advice as I don't agree with any of it. I personally think most of it is incorrect and I don't take advice either way, thanks for trying though I guess.
Well let me tell you something, and this is just what I have learned in life, is that most people in this world are never going to care abou… moret you at all.
What they're going to do basically is just tolerate you. Most people will simply chew you up, spit you out, and kick you to the curb when they're done with you.
If people sense that you have a big heart, and that you actually care about them, they will not hesitate to exploit that.
Yes they may act like they're your friend, they may act like they care about you, but that is usually done just so that they can get something from you.
And if you're there for people, most of the time they will not be there for you in return.
If you help them out when they're in trouble, well that's good of you, but when it comes time where you're in trouble and you need help and you turn to them, oftentimes they will not be there, and generally they'll always have some sort of excuse as to why the… [view original content]
I'm sorry. Dishonesty never fails to leave a bitter taste in the mouth. When your life finds solid ground for you to make your stand, yours will be an interesting tale to tell someday. Hope your week improves.
Sorry if it didn't really make sense, I was tired and angry when I wrote this.
I'd rather not go into details. I'm just sick of being lie… mored to and stabbed in the back.
And last time it took nearly a year to get sorted.
I haven't had a "normal" life in a long time, and I'm getting sick of it.
I'm sorry. Dishonesty never fails to leave a bitter taste in the mouth. When your life finds solid ground for you to make your stand, yours will be an interesting tale to tell someday. Hope your week improves.
Fuck me man! Spent $60 on some clothing from america. Now they've arrived in England and stuck in damn customs!
Got to play £14 to get them! WHY?! For some tops, customs is a bitch
To the individuals who fail to sit on the sensor in the left turn lane: fools, all of you. You could have arrived at your destination so much sooner if you had just waited behind the line while it was red. But now, instead of turning left under the glorious beacon of a green arrow, you and everyone else behind you are forced to sit and wait for 5+ more minutes of through traffic. Thanks a whole bunch. Love, Doz
I wish I could retain mine. As much as I'd like to forget certain things, I wish I had better memory. Even if that meant remembering bad experiences more.
I missed out on a lot growing up. My family was not into holidays, and thus we never celebrated them, not even Christmas.
My family was not big on birthdays either. I never got anything for my birthday, not even a birthday cake.
The first birthday I ever had, was when I was in my mid-twenties. And even then I didn't get much, only a shirt.
And a result, it's impossible for me to relate to anyone who had holidays and birthdays. That and I often miss the various social cues that people give off, especially non-verbal.
And as a result nobody really wants me around. Im ignored by crowds, I am invisible.
And I have to say it really hurts!
And I have no idea of how to fix it.
I'm sorry to hear that dude! Know we all want you around! You may have gotten a rough start, but it's up to you to choose your direction you head in. It's never too late! If you are a father/planning on being one, make up for it by giving your kids the best birthdays to your ability.
I missed out on a lot growing up. My family was not into holidays, and thus we never celebrated them, not even Christmas.
My family was n… moreot big on birthdays either. I never got anything for my birthday, not even a birthday cake.
The first birthday I ever had, was when I was in my mid-twenties. And even then I didn't get much, only a shirt.
And a result, it's impossible for me to relate to anyone who had holidays and birthdays. That and I often miss the various social cues that people give off, especially non-verbal.
And as a result nobody really wants me around. Im ignored by crowds, I am invisible.
And I have to say it really hurts!
And I have no idea of how to fix it.
I'm sorry to hear that dude! Know we all want you around! You may have gotten a rough start, but it's up to you to choose your direction you… more head in. It's never too late! If you are a father/planning on being one, make up for it by giving your kids the best birthdays to your ability.
Sometimes you don't have to have something to give it away. Sometimes, like a birthday for example, even though you never had one, you still have a basic knowledge on what they are. So ask your kids what they want for presents, get them a big cake, and give them the best day of their life. It won't change the past, but you can have peace of mind knowing you didn't make the same mistake your parents made and you gave your kids a memory they're gonna look back on and treasure with all their heart.
It's whether you can relate now that matters.
Maybe the guy who's just gotten kicked out because he can't afford the rent won't relate to the guy who's concerned about the effect on his portfolio if the Fed raises interest rates. They may still like the same home team, though, or both have kids in school play, or any number of experiences that transcend social classes.
Modern social media makes this easier than ever before.
Can this whole "water bottle flipping" trend just die... in a fire... in Hell... like the deepest, deepest level?
... I liked it.
To be fair though, I was pretty close to giving up on the series altogether during Season 2. The love triangle made me want to punch a wall. The romance even in the original series was the weakest part but was thankfully downplayed back then; so why would they make romance one of the largest subplots in this series? Korra also rubbed me the wrong way early on. I understand they wanted to have a brash female character that in every way was the opposite of Aang - but sometimes that made her seem incredibly immature for her age and her decisions could be infuriating.
However Season 3 and 4 saved it for me. I liked seeing Korra become wiser and more mature as she battled her hardships, and was so relieved that they dropped the love triangle in favor of only one main romantic pair. I do wish that they had only one or two main villains for the entire series and not one for each season as it would have given the series higher stakes and better character development and suspense, but for what it is I think they made the best out of what they started with.
How the hell did it even get popular?
I never got it either, to be honest.
It makes me glad I graduated a few months before it started or else I would have to see this bullshit every single day.
Seriously. Its just flipping a bottle to see how it lands. How the fuck did this catch on nation wide?
The only person you have to really look after is yourself. Now I am not saying to never look after others, because if you only look out for yourself, that's all you're gonna have. But your first responsibility is toward yourself.
The same reason we get all the other shit, 'The Internet' 'tis a strange place.
Fuck me man! Spent $60 on some clothing from america. Now they've arrived in England and stuck in damn customs!
Got to play £14 to get them! WHY?! For some tops, customs is a bitch
Honestly my comment is now 2 weeks old and while I'm still thinking about this, it's not bothering me as much. But thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.
for no reason, how???
What's the best solution for hangover?
Have a massive shit
A can of coke helps me out
The start of season 2 is when I figured it wasn't worth seeing if the show would get any better. I was already having trouble sticking with it during the first season, since it was clear the developers had different goals from when they were making TLAB, so I basically lost hope altogether when the series wasn't improving.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
They wanted to make Aang's complete opposite? That's almost hard to believe, given the way she turned out, but I do agree that she rubbed me the wrong way also. As far as "seeing Korra become wiser" goes, I... never really saw that, but then again maybe that's because I judged her character growth based on Tenzin telling her something to the effect of "you've been through what no other avatar has gone through"- basically the devs way of telling people that they should feel for her because Tenzin says they should. Being the type of person who doesn't like being told what they should feel outright, this rubbed me the wrong way, and if anything made Korra's "arc" less believable.
A romantic pairing that makes even less sense to me than Korra's sudden mastery of the avatar state in the second season... yeah, I personally wasn't sold on it.
The thing is, as a matter of differing design philosophy, if I was tasked with making a sequel to TLAB- only being told I'd be making one short season- I wouldn't have introduced Korra at all, at least not until the end of that season. I would've instead had Aang telling the new avatar about the darkest day in fire nation history. Since this is something that happened that could be relevant, but not prominent enough to warrant too much criticism if the presentation didn't turn out, it seems like a safe starting point. If it has to end with Aang finishing telling Korra the story, then so be it. If the devs had the audacity to bother trying to explain the origins of the avatar to begin with, going over the day of black sun shouldn't be that big an issue. It's only after knowing that I'd be making more seasons that I would show more of Korra and her world, but even this I would try to be minimalist enough so that the atmosphere was believable. I can understand why the devs made the decisions they did, and to be fair I was onboard with it when I first heard about the idea of a new series in a steampunk place, but if that's really what they wanted to go for, I feel they should've made the series its own thing instead of trying to appeal to their fanbase. If their fans stayed true, they would be willing to overlook the fact that it wasn't avatar since it's still a new show being made by the same creators, this being at least partially what sparked my interest in Voltron: Legendary Defender.
If you liked The Legend of Korra, more power to you for being able to enjoy an installment to the Avatar universe that I only found issues with. It's just not my thing, and I'm still surprised to be in the minority on this.
Don't drink in the first place...
More alcohol.
Well let me tell you something, and this is just what I have learned in life, is that most people in this world are never going to care about you at all.
What they're going to do basically is just tolerate you. Most people will simply chew you up, spit you out, and kick you to the curb when they're done with you.
If people sense that you have a big heart, and that you actually care about them, they will not hesitate to exploit that.
Yes they may act like they're your friend, they may act like they care about you, but that is usually done just so that they can get something from you.
And if you're there for people, most of the time they will not be there for you in return.
If you help them out when they're in trouble, well that's good of you, but when it comes time where you're in trouble and you need help and you turn to them, oftentimes they will not be there, and generally they'll always have some sort of excuse as to why they can't be there.
Because people who really care about you, they will be there for you even when their own lives are a mess. And they will even go out of their way to help you. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is!
So that's why I said, just look out for yourself. Nobody else will look out for you, and as I already stated most people will simply use you for what they can get from you.
Just look out for yourself!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry, but this is not true. Just because most people you've known do, doesn't mean everyone does.
Again, not true. you make it sound like nobody will ever give a shit about anything but themselves. And while there are people who are like that, not everyone is.
I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh.
Not taking any of this advice as I don't agree with any of it. I personally think most of it is incorrect and I don't take advice either way, thanks for trying though I guess.
No problemo! It's what this thread is for.
So... worst parts of your life? Another 1-2 years of pain? What do you mean?
Sorry if it didn't really make sense, I was tired and angry when I wrote this.
I'd rather not go into details. I'm just sick of being lied to and stabbed in the back.
And last time it took nearly a year to get sorted.
I haven't had a "normal" life in a long time, and I'm getting sick of it.
I'm sorry. Dishonesty never fails to leave a bitter taste in the mouth. When your life finds solid ground for you to make your stand, yours will be an interesting tale to tell someday. Hope your week improves.
I hope so too, and not just for me, for my family. We've all just about had it.
And thanks, that helps.
Thats why I like ordering from the east they know the score price is usually marked below the customs threshold and they mark it as a gift
I wish I could erase my own memory.
To the individuals who fail to sit on the sensor in the left turn lane: fools, all of you. You could have arrived at your destination so much sooner if you had just waited behind the line while it was red. But now, instead of turning left under the glorious beacon of a green arrow, you and everyone else behind you are forced to sit and wait for 5+ more minutes of through traffic. Thanks a whole bunch. Love, Doz
But it's better to deal with the past and move on then to try and forget it ever happened.
I want to erase everything that happened to me this year except watching TV shows/movies and playing games.
It's nothing but cringe.
I can relate, I'm going through some pretty shit times too.
But trying to learn from our mistakes and bad experiences is better then ignoring them.
I wish I could retain mine. As much as I'd like to forget certain things, I wish I had better memory. Even if that meant remembering bad experiences more.
I missed out on a lot growing up. My family was not into holidays, and thus we never celebrated them, not even Christmas.
My family was not big on birthdays either. I never got anything for my birthday, not even a birthday cake.
The first birthday I ever had, was when I was in my mid-twenties. And even then I didn't get much, only a shirt.
And a result, it's impossible for me to relate to anyone who had holidays and birthdays. That and I often miss the various social cues that people give off, especially non-verbal.
And as a result nobody really wants me around. Im ignored by crowds, I am invisible.
And I have to say it really hurts!
And I have no idea of how to fix it.
Same. There's some shit I'd rather not have to replay in my head while trying to fall asleep.
I'm sorry to hear that dude! Know we all want you around! You may have gotten a rough start, but it's up to you to choose your direction you head in. It's never too late! If you are a father/planning on being one, make up for it by giving your kids the best birthdays to your ability.
How can you give something to someone else, you never had?
Sometimes you don't have to have something to give it away. Sometimes, like a birthday for example, even though you never had one, you still have a basic knowledge on what they are. So ask your kids what they want for presents, get them a big cake, and give them the best day of their life. It won't change the past, but you can have peace of mind knowing you didn't make the same mistake your parents made and you gave your kids a memory they're gonna look back on and treasure with all their heart.