You know, this is actually what I think Kenny, Mike, or Sarah should've done.
Why not Bonnie? Or is Clem not capable of helping a pr… moreegnant woman on her own despite being able to drag a 37 year old man into a jewellery store? You know just saying haha
Hey I think even Clem should have done that. She would have been more than capable of distracting them
You know, this is actually what I think Kenny, Mike, or Sarah should've done.
Why not Bonnie? Or is Clem not capable of helping a pr… moreegnant woman on her own despite being able to drag a 37 year old man into a jewellery store? You know just saying haha
Hey I think even Clem should have done that. She would have been more than capable of distracting them
You know, this is actually what I think Kenny, Mike, or Sarah should've done.
Why not Bonnie? Or is Clem not capable of helping a pr… moreegnant woman on her own despite being able to drag a 37 year old man into a jewellery store? You know just saying haha
Hey I think even Clem should have done that. She would have been more than capable of distracting them
Because he and Mike would be noticed?! Unless I was playing another game than you, they were all being watched equally, so I put that in the… more class of bullshit excuse.
Let's look at it this way. Kenny and Mike, just one day prior, got into a fight and inadvertently caused a breach. Troy comes to a conclusion that these guys are two idiots that can't handle simple tasks without finding a way to screw it up. So he decides to stay in the same room and watch their each and every move. No one leaves that room, and the second one of them so much as looks at the other wrong, he'll put an end to it.
Luke is waiting in the comic store for the walkie-talkie. If Kenny and Mike are being escorted by Troy to and from the work site, and presumably can only leave the work site if Troy allows it, how is Kenny going to manage to get into the comic store?
Troy has zero reason to trust Kenny to be alone under any circumstance; within the first minu… [view original content]
Well no...see Kenny did not know that...amazing that the argument goes both ways.
Fair enough, so it goes both ways in that sense. S… moreo let's agree that neither of us are right but what i said still stands. It's speculation based on what "you" think. Nothing more nothing less.
Kenny was putting her at risk when a grown ass man who had just as much desire to escape as anyone was willing to take the risk.
sigh let's rewind a moment. Who came up with the radio plan? It was Luke right? Word got back to the others and the "whole" group decided on this radio plan, something Kenny was against at first due to the rough shape Luke was in. If anyone was putting her in danger it was Luke and everyone getting her to steal the radio in the first place but of course you don't look at it like that. As i had said, no one else was coming up with anything as to who should take the radio to Luke until Mike and Kenny discussed it. Kenny tells… [view original content]
The issue isn't that he's nice--that's refreshing. The issue is that they see him a JUST nice. A problem with Luke is that for all he tries to be this paragon who leads everyone by doing what's right, there isn't much to know about him outside of that. No backstory, no family, no motivation, nothing investing up until the final episode.
Well, something about Luke that most people don't look at, is what he was trying to do in episode 2. This 'nice guy' was willing to lie to both Walter and Nick and manipulate them in order for their group to stay on good terms with Kenny and the others. Then in episode 3, he sugests leaving people behind at Howe's. In episode 4 he gets reckless and doesn't do his job and when confronted with it he just starts screaming waking up everyone. Let's not forget the way he treated Nick sometimes and his not explored rivalry with Carlos ('Well, when's the last time you've liked anything, Carlos?'; 'Your father is a good man, one of the best and that's why he isn't going to do anything not nice, right?').
Please, he does have some backstory. His parents died, he had some sort of romantic relationship with Bonnie, he didn't like the way Carver ran things at Howe's and led the group that excaped. Post-outbreak Nick confirms that he was already reckless. They were entrepreneurs. Pretty shitty ones that were so bad and careless that got bankrupt. They didn't care, though, since they were having fun.
He has plenty of motivation as well. He seemed to want to protect the people he was leading and cared about. That included the whole cabin group, Clem, AJ, Jane and Bonnie. Mike as well, perhaps and Kenny too, just less.
The issue isn't that he's nice--that's refreshing. The issue is that they see him a JUST nice. A problem with Luke is that for all he tries … moreto be this paragon who leads everyone by doing what's right, there isn't much to know about him outside of that. No backstory, no family, no motivation, nothing investing up until the final episode.
Characters like Shawn and Matthew get away with it because of their ties to another character, which gives them some implied backstory. Well, that and the fact that they aren't major characters who get decent spotlight.
Well, something about Luke that most people don't look at, is what he was trying to do in episode 2. 1.This 'nice guy' was willing to lie to both Walter and Nick and manipulate them in order for their group to stay on good terms with Kenny and the others. 2.Then in episode 3, he sugests leaving people behind at Howe's. 3.In episode 4 he gets reckless and doesn't do his job and when confronted with it he just starts screaming waking up everyone. 4.Let's not forget the way he treated Nick sometimes and 5.his not explored rivalry with Carlos ('Well, when's the last time you've liked anything, Carlos?'; 'Your father is a good man, one of the best and that's why he isn't going to do anything not nice, right?').
1.That was him trying to keep the peace and keep his best friend from being killed.
2.Reluctantly and only after it becomes clear that his suggestion that they wait for another opportunity isn't gaining ground. His point was that he, Kenny, and Sarita were in no shape to be going anywhere, so the others would have to leave some people behind if they really wanted to escape that night.
3.Self-explanatory and the point where his character showed development and really started to have a point.
4.Okay, this is honestly one of the things about Luke's reception that bothers me. He treated Nick the way he did at times because he was endangering their lives with his instability and paranoia. Could he have been a little more sensitive about it? Yes. But that doesn't mean he's a bad friend or that his "nice guy"-ness is just an act.
5.There's a recent topic that fits with that statement. Check it out.
Please, he does have some backstory.
Admittedly, the point was more that we didn't learn much about him at first. It's also worth noting that we hear all this through other characters rather than Luke himself. We don't get to ask him much about himself until the last episode, which unfortunately due to the events of the last episode combined with his lack of proper focus, some people chalk it up as a last minute attempt to develop him before he dies in the very next scene.
He has plenty of motivation as well. He seemed to want to protect the people he was leading and cared about. That included the whole cabin group, Clem, AJ, Jane and Bonnie. Mike as well, perhaps and Kenny too, just less.
Pretty sure I alluded to this in my post. I may have been muddled by my claim that he had no motivation, but that was the intent.
He isn't as bland as people make him out to be...
Agreed. Sorry, Luke is considered my second favorite main Season 2 character after Sarah but I was just trying be understanding to other people's perspective and help explain it. It doesn't mean that his character doesn't have problems but it is worth being open to.
The issue isn't that he's nice--that's refreshing. The issue is that they see him a JUST nice. A problem with Luke is that for all he tries … moreto be this paragon who leads everyone by doing what's right, there isn't much to know about him outside of that. No backstory, no family, no motivation, nothing investing up until the final episode.
Well, something about Luke that most people don't look at, is what he was trying to do in episode 2. This 'nice guy' was willing to lie to both Walter and Nick and manipulate them in order for their group to stay on good terms with Kenny and the others. Then in episode 3, he sugests leaving people behind at Howe's. In episode 4 he gets reckless and doesn't do his job and when confronted with it he just starts screaming waking up everyone. Let's not forget the way he treated Nick sometimes and his not explored rivalry with Carlos ('Well, when's the last time you've liked anything, Carlos?'; 'Your father… [view original content]
I liked him in Episodes 1-3. hated him in Episode 4, and I didn't really care for him anymore in Episode 5.
He's my 2nd least favorite member of the cabin group.
Technically, maybe, as he definitely tried to keep things under control and everyone besides Carlos seemed to defer to him regardless of their opinions of Clementine's bite.
Who exactly was the leader was never really explicit, but Pete, Carlos, and Luke seemed to have the most pull in the group's decisions, with Carlos being something of an advisor.
Technically, maybe, as he definitely tried to keep things under control and everyone besides Carlos seemed to defer to him regardless of the… moreir opinions of Clementine's bite.
Who exactly was the leader was never really explicit, but Pete, Carlos, and Luke seemed to have the most pull in the group's decisions, with Carlos being something of an advisor.
I always thought Luke was untrustworthy from the beginning and a weak mind. He would do stuff that would irritate me and make me resent him i.e
Taking off when Carvers team too siege of the ski lodge and left people he called friends die.
Shows up suddenly at Carvers base and comes up with a plan with Clementine with the walkies without explaining why he took off and left the group.
Then gets himself caught and fucks the whole plan up because of his negligence.
Another reason why was because stupid fangirls drooled over him for being cute, yet couldn't see through their raging hormones that the guy was shifty and seedy, probably a turn on for them because they like mysterious seedy guys.
It's sick to think that after he said he would be on the lookout for walkers to help Rebecca who was almost about to give birth to her son, that he decided to go have sex with Jane, and fangirls actually thought it wasn't bad that he did that despite leaving the whole group and a almost in labour woman in danger.
They probably got turned on by the fact that Luke got his little man excited for a minute or two. (two if he was lucky).
I always thought Luke was untrustworthy from the beginning and a weak mind. He would do stuff that would irritate me and make me resent him i.e
Taking off when Carvers team too siege of the ski lodge and left people he called friends die.
Shows up suddenly at Carvers base and comes up with a plan with Clementine with the walkies without explaining why he took off and left the group.
Then gets himself caught and fucks the whole plan up because of his negligence.
Another reason why was because stupid fangirls drooled over him for being cute, yet couldn't see through their raging hormones that the guy was shifty and seedy, probably a turn on for them because they like mysterious seedy guys.
It's sick to think that after he said he would be on the lookout for walkers to help Rebecca who was almost about to give birth to her son, that he decided to go have sex with Jane, and fangirls actually thought it wasn't bad that he did that despite leaving the whole group and a almost in labour woman in danger.
They probably got turned on by the fact that Luke got his little man excited for a minute or two. (two if he was lucky).
Shows up suddenly at Carvers base and comes up with a plan with Clementine with the walkies without explaining why he took off and left the group.
If you sneak out to find Kenny and ask him about Luke, he says Luke was "wining about something or other, so I told him to take a hike."
Another reason why was because stupid fangirls drooled over him for being cute, yet couldn't see through their raging hormones that the guy was shifty and seedy, probably a turn on for them because they like mysterious seedy guys.
No offense dude, but that sounds like a personal problem. People like certain characters for various reasons just like people dislike certain characters for various reasons. If you don't like Luke for being a bit unreliable, that's fine but try not to let other people's opinions bother you too much.
I always thought Luke was untrustworthy from the beginning and a weak mind. He would do stuff that would irritate me and make me resent him … morei.e
* Taking off when Carvers team too siege of the ski lodge and left people he called friends die.
* Shows up suddenly at Carvers base and comes up with a plan with Clementine with the walkies without explaining why he took off and left the group.
* Then gets himself caught and fucks the whole plan up because of his negligence.
Another reason why was because stupid fangirls drooled over him for being cute, yet couldn't see through their raging hormones that the guy was shifty and seedy, probably a turn on for them because they like mysterious seedy guys.
It's sick to think that after he said he would be on the lookout for walkers to help Rebecca who was almost about to give birth to her son, that he decided to go have sex with Jane, and fangirls actually thought it wasn't bad that he did that … [view original content]
It's funny how he claims Kenny told him to rack off, so he leaves and deserts the group, he could've found a different spot to hide but he takes off and look what ended up happening to Walter and Alvin if not saved.
Not personal, because i have the same feeling towards Clementine except take fangirls out and replace it with people thinking a little girl can cause deaths is forgiven because she's a little girl.
Look, if people think Luke is cute, fine, but disregarding something serious because you find someone attractive is pretty pathetic. Clementines i can understand because people feel sympathy for a little girl (when they shouldn't) but to let someone just do something so bad and get away with it because to them the person is cute is fucked up.
Shows up suddenly at Carvers base and comes up with a plan with Clementine with the walkies without explaining why he took off and left the … moregroup.
If you sneak out to find Kenny and ask him about Luke, he says Luke was "wining about something or other, so I told him to take a hike."
Another reason why was because stupid fangirls drooled over him for being cute, yet couldn't see through their raging hormones that the guy was shifty and seedy, probably a turn on for them because they like mysterious seedy guys.
No offense dude, but that sounds like a personal problem. People like certain characters for various reasons just like people dislike certain characters for various reasons. If you don't like Luke for being a bit unreliable, that's fine but try not to let other people's opinions bother you too much.
It's funny how he claims Kenny told him to rack off, so he leaves and deserts the group, he could've found a different spot to hide but he takes off and look what ended up happening to Walter and Alvin if not saved.
Not personal, because i have the same feeling towards Clementine except take fangirls out and replace it with people thinking a little girl can cause deaths is forgiven because she's a little girl.
Look, if people think Luke is cute, fine, but disregarding something serious because you find someone attractive is pretty pathetic. Clementines i can understand because people feel sympathy for a little girl (when they shouldn't) but to let someone just do something so bad and get away with it because to them the person is cute is fucked up.
Shows up suddenly at Carvers base and comes up with a plan with Clementine with the walkies without explaining why he took off and left the … moregroup.
If you sneak out to find Kenny and ask him about Luke, he says Luke was "wining about something or other, so I told him to take a hike."
Another reason why was because stupid fangirls drooled over him for being cute, yet couldn't see through their raging hormones that the guy was shifty and seedy, probably a turn on for them because they like mysterious seedy guys.
No offense dude, but that sounds like a personal problem. People like certain characters for various reasons just like people dislike certain characters for various reasons. If you don't like Luke for being a bit unreliable, that's fine but try not to let other people's opinions bother you too much.
I always thought Luke was untrustworthy from the beginning and a weak mind. He would do stuff that would irritate me and make me resent him … morei.e
* Taking off when Carvers team too siege of the ski lodge and left people he called friends die.
* Shows up suddenly at Carvers base and comes up with a plan with Clementine with the walkies without explaining why he took off and left the group.
* Then gets himself caught and fucks the whole plan up because of his negligence.
Another reason why was because stupid fangirls drooled over him for being cute, yet couldn't see through their raging hormones that the guy was shifty and seedy, probably a turn on for them because they like mysterious seedy guys.
It's sick to think that after he said he would be on the lookout for walkers to help Rebecca who was almost about to give birth to her son, that he decided to go have sex with Jane, and fangirls actually thought it wasn't bad that he did that … [view original content]
I never disliked his character, no. The man just lost his best friend of 20 years, and half his group basically. People handle grief in different ways, and it's not always crying and being sad. He said "Jane made an offer, and Jesus Christ I needed it," meaning he was vulnerable in the moment, and Jane took advantage of that.
I mean, yeah he fucked up, but at least he admits to it.
And as for the other things people seem to get hung up on, like suggesting they "leave a few people behind", and yelling at Sarah to get up, I doubt anyone would know the correct way to act if placed in those situations themselves.
I appreciate the complexity of different characters that telltale gives us. They're human, and they make mistakes. (Pretty much every character in the game). I enjoyed most of them with a couple exceptions, but Luke has and will be one of my favorites.
Jokes aside it's easy to dismiss fans of characters you don't like by calling them fanboys or fangirls. It's simply an excuse people use when they don't want a character they hate to be liked.
Not much actually XD
Jokes aside it's easy to dismiss fans of characters you don't like by calling them fanboys or fangirls. It's simply an excuse people use when they don't want a character they hate to be liked.
It's funny how he claims Kenny told him to rack off, so he leaves and deserts the group, he could've found a different spot to hide but he takes off and look what ended up happening to Walter and Alvin if not saved.
You misunderstood: Kenny said that he took Luke to leave. When Luke shows up in the next episode, it's implied that he was indeed still in the area but he was too late to do anything about the gunshots and Carver capturing everyone, so he simply decided followed the truck on foot and stuck into the settlement to form a plan to save everyone until Clementine happened to walk by.
Not personal, because i have the same feeling towards Clementine except take fangirls out and replace it with people thinking a little girl can cause deaths is forgiven because she's a little girl.
Agreed. In fact, I actually liked Kenny and determinately Bonnie's respective anger towards her actions because it addresses that Clementine is indeed more than just a child in that she is perfectly capable of making decisions that can determine whether someone lives or dies.
The distinction I draw between that notion is that, whether it was intentional or not, the person who caused a problem should own up to it and/or try to make up for it by changing their ways and helping out more. Clementine, Luke, Sarah, and even the more jerky Nick, Rebecca, and technically Arvo are examples of characters who do this in Season 2 and are all the more likable/sympathetic to me because of it.
Which is incidentally part of the reason situations like the treatment of Sarah, Arvo, and (to a lesser degree) the Russian Group as a whole by Jane and Kenny really bothers me.
Look, if people think Luke is cute, fine, but disregarding something serious because you find someone attractive is pretty pathetic. Clementines i can understand because people feel sympathy for a little girl (when they shouldn't) but to let someone just do something so bad and get away with it because to them the person is cute is fucked up.
Well, that's a whole other can of worms, honestly. There's a trope called Draco in Leather Pants that basically covers that, but Luke doesn't really fit that in my opinion since not only is he one of the nicer good guys but the things he did wrong are more due to negligence and clumsiness rather than any actual malice. People completely sweeping what he did under the rug simply because he looks good to them is definitely wrong, though. Mostly because it kinda cheapens the actual choices and traits of his character.
It's funny how he claims Kenny told him to rack off, so he leaves and deserts the group, he could've found a different spot to hide but he t… moreakes off and look what ended up happening to Walter and Alvin if not saved.
Not personal, because i have the same feeling towards Clementine except take fangirls out and replace it with people thinking a little girl can cause deaths is forgiven because she's a little girl.
Look, if people think Luke is cute, fine, but disregarding something serious because you find someone attractive is pretty pathetic. Clementines i can understand because people feel sympathy for a little girl (when they shouldn't) but to let someone just do something so bad and get away with it because to them the person is cute is fucked up.
In fairness to him on taking off, it would have been kind of stupid to just let himself get caught out of loyalty to the group. And he did come back to try and form a plan to get them out of there. His lack of puprose and character are more of a problem than his actions but yeah there were things he done that irritated me a little too.
Wanting to not kill Carver after he had just bashed Kenny's face in.
Showing very little understanding of the situation with the Russian's (you can hear him telling Kenny not to shoot them at the start) and charging out, getting himself shot.
Having sex with Jane, which makes him and Jane responsible for Sarah death imo. If Sarah dies earlier then Clementine is responsible for not trying hard enough to save her.
Starting an argument with Kenny about looking after the baby. Kenny trying to reduce the burdern of carrying the baby for a sick woman and this jackass accuses him of "being weird about it".
A really important point to remember is that he was too far gone towards the end though. Just in a different way to Kenny and Jane, which is why a lot of people don't notice this.
I always thought Luke was untrustworthy from the beginning and a weak mind. He would do stuff that would irritate me and make me resent him … morei.e
* Taking off when Carvers team too siege of the ski lodge and left people he called friends die.
* Shows up suddenly at Carvers base and comes up with a plan with Clementine with the walkies without explaining why he took off and left the group.
* Then gets himself caught and fucks the whole plan up because of his negligence.
Another reason why was because stupid fangirls drooled over him for being cute, yet couldn't see through their raging hormones that the guy was shifty and seedy, probably a turn on for them because they like mysterious seedy guys.
It's sick to think that after he said he would be on the lookout for walkers to help Rebecca who was almost about to give birth to her son, that he decided to go have sex with Jane, and fangirls actually thought it wasn't bad that he did that … [view original content]
Dude, don'cha know? There are no females on the Internet!
Yeah, that's a case of me taking advantage of a character most would overlook/avoid to make myself distinct.
Eh, not really. I was never a huge fan of Luke, but he was a likable enough fella and I really can't fault him for what he did. I mean, Jane put it on a plate and I'd doubt anyone, in such a shitty and stressful environment, would turn an offer like it down.
Dude, don'cha know? There are no females on the Internet!
Yeah, that's a case of me taking advantage of a character most would overlook/avoid to make myself distinct.
In fairness to him on taking off, it would have been kind of stupid to just let himself get caught out of loyalty to the group. And he did c… moreome back to try and form a plan to get them out of there. His lack of puprose and character are more of a problem than his actions but yeah there were things he done that irritated me a little too.
* Wanting to not kill Carver after he had just bashed Kenny's face in.
* Showing very little understanding of the situation with the Russian's (you can hear him telling Kenny not to shoot them at the start) and charging out, getting himself shot.
* Having sex with Jane, which makes him and Jane responsible for Sarah death imo. If Sarah dies earlier then Clementine is responsible for not trying hard enough to save her.
* Starting an argument with Kenny about looking after the baby. Kenny trying to reduce the burdern of carrying the baby for a sick woman and this jackass accuses him of "being weird about … [view original content]
Thank you!
Because honestly Clementine and especially Kenny have had enough to do by that point. Give another character a chance to shine.
No excuse for Bonnie, though. She could've done it as well and one of the others could escort Rebecca.
Thanks @Deltino. You explained that better than I could. Completely agree
I'd say it was a symbol of his (admittedly late) character development and/or arc, but yes, it didn't define his character.
Well, something about Luke that most people don't look at, is what he was trying to do in episode 2. This 'nice guy' was willing to lie to both Walter and Nick and manipulate them in order for their group to stay on good terms with Kenny and the others. Then in episode 3, he sugests leaving people behind at Howe's. In episode 4 he gets reckless and doesn't do his job and when confronted with it he just starts screaming waking up everyone. Let's not forget the way he treated Nick sometimes and his not explored rivalry with Carlos ('Well, when's the last time you've liked anything, Carlos?'; 'Your father is a good man, one of the best and that's why he isn't going to do anything not nice, right?').
Please, he does have some backstory. His parents died, he had some sort of romantic relationship with Bonnie, he didn't like the way Carver ran things at Howe's and led the group that excaped. Post-outbreak Nick confirms that he was already reckless. They were entrepreneurs. Pretty shitty ones that were so bad and careless that got bankrupt. They didn't care, though, since they were having fun.
He has plenty of motivation as well. He seemed to want to protect the people he was leading and cared about. That included the whole cabin group, Clem, AJ, Jane and Bonnie. Mike as well, perhaps and Kenny too, just less.
He isn't as bland as people make him out to be...
1.That was him trying to keep the peace and keep his best friend from being killed.
2.Reluctantly and only after it becomes clear that his suggestion that they wait for another opportunity isn't gaining ground. His point was that he, Kenny, and Sarita were in no shape to be going anywhere, so the others would have to leave some people behind if they really wanted to escape that night.
3.Self-explanatory and the point where his character showed development and really started to have a point.
4.Okay, this is honestly one of the things about Luke's reception that bothers me. He treated Nick the way he did at times because he was endangering their lives with his instability and paranoia. Could he have been a little more sensitive about it? Yes. But that doesn't mean he's a bad friend or that his "nice guy"-ness is just an act.
5.There's a recent topic that fits with that statement. Check it out.
Pretty sure I alluded to this in my post. I may have been muddled by my claim that he had no motivation, but that was the intent.
Agreed. Sorry, Luke is considered my second favorite main Season 2 character after Sarah but I was just trying be understanding to other people's perspective and help explain it. It doesn't mean that his character doesn't have problems but it is worth being open to.
Were you talking to me?
I liked him in Episodes 1-3. hated him in Episode 4, and I didn't really care for him anymore in Episode 5.
He's my 2nd least favorite member of the cabin group.
OH GOD NO. Not another Cluke shipper.
After Rebecca, I assume?
After Carlos. I like everyone in the Cabin group except Luke and him.
Oh, okay. So, you basically dislike the leaders.
Wasn't Pete a leader?
Technically, maybe, as he definitely tried to keep things under control and everyone besides Carlos seemed to defer to him regardless of their opinions of Clementine's bite.
Who exactly was the leader was never really explicit, but Pete, Carlos, and Luke seemed to have the most pull in the group's decisions, with Carlos being something of an advisor.
Well, I don't hate all the leaders, then.
I always thought Luke was untrustworthy from the beginning and a weak mind. He would do stuff that would irritate me and make me resent him i.e
Another reason why was because stupid fangirls drooled over him for being cute, yet couldn't see through their raging hormones that the guy was shifty and seedy, probably a turn on for them because they like mysterious seedy guys.
It's sick to think that after he said he would be on the lookout for walkers to help Rebecca who was almost about to give birth to her son, that he decided to go have sex with Jane, and fangirls actually thought it wasn't bad that he did that despite leaving the whole group and a almost in labour woman in danger.
They probably got turned on by the fact that Luke got his little man excited for a minute or two. (two if he was lucky).
I always thought Luke was untrustworthy from the beginning and a weak mind. He would do stuff that would irritate me and make me resent him i.e
Another reason why was because stupid fangirls drooled over him for being cute, yet couldn't see through their raging hormones that the guy was shifty and seedy, probably a turn on for them because they like mysterious seedy guys.
It's sick to think that after he said he would be on the lookout for walkers to help Rebecca who was almost about to give birth to her son, that he decided to go have sex with Jane, and fangirls actually thought it wasn't bad that he did that despite leaving the whole group and a almost in labour woman in danger.
They probably got turned on by the fact that Luke got his little man excited for a minute or two. (two if he was lucky).
If you sneak out to find Kenny and ask him about Luke, he says Luke was "wining about something or other, so I told him to take a hike."
No offense dude, but that sounds like a personal problem. People like certain characters for various reasons just like people dislike certain characters for various reasons. If you don't like Luke for being a bit unreliable, that's fine but try not to let other people's opinions bother you too much.
It's funny how he claims Kenny told him to rack off, so he leaves and deserts the group, he could've found a different spot to hide but he takes off and look what ended up happening to Walter and Alvin if not saved.
Not personal, because i have the same feeling towards Clementine except take fangirls out and replace it with people thinking a little girl can cause deaths is forgiven because she's a little girl.
Look, if people think Luke is cute, fine, but disregarding something serious because you find someone attractive is pretty pathetic. Clementines i can understand because people feel sympathy for a little girl (when they shouldn't) but to let someone just do something so bad and get away with it because to them the person is cute is fucked up.
It's funny how he claims Kenny told him to rack off, so he leaves and deserts the group, he could've found a different spot to hide but he takes off and look what ended up happening to Walter and Alvin if not saved.
Not personal, because i have the same feeling towards Clementine except take fangirls out and replace it with people thinking a little girl can cause deaths is forgiven because she's a little girl.
Look, if people think Luke is cute, fine, but disregarding something serious because you find someone attractive is pretty pathetic. Clementines i can understand because people feel sympathy for a little girl (when they shouldn't) but to let someone just do something so bad and get away with it because to them the person is cute is fucked up.
You think anyone who likes Luke is a fangirl? If so then you'd be wrong.
I never disliked his character, no. The man just lost his best friend of 20 years, and half his group basically. People handle grief in different ways, and it's not always crying and being sad. He said "Jane made an offer, and Jesus Christ I needed it," meaning he was vulnerable in the moment, and Jane took advantage of that.
I mean, yeah he fucked up, but at least he admits to it.
And as for the other things people seem to get hung up on, like suggesting they "leave a few people behind", and yelling at Sarah to get up, I doubt anyone would know the correct way to act if placed in those situations themselves.
I appreciate the complexity of different characters that telltale gives us. They're human, and they make mistakes. (Pretty much every character in the game). I enjoyed most of them with a couple exceptions, but Luke has and will be one of my favorites.
Yeah. There's a difference between being a fangirl and a fanboy.
Not much actually XD
Jokes aside it's easy to dismiss fans of characters you don't like by calling them fanboys or fangirls. It's simply an excuse people use when they don't want a character they hate to be liked.
Yeah. The only difference is their gender.
As for the rest you said, you're right. People can "like" characters and not geek out over them or riot over their deaths.
You misunderstood: Kenny said that he took Luke to leave. When Luke shows up in the next episode, it's implied that he was indeed still in the area but he was too late to do anything about the gunshots and Carver capturing everyone, so he simply decided followed the truck on foot and stuck into the settlement to form a plan to save everyone until Clementine happened to walk by.
Agreed. In fact, I actually liked Kenny and determinately Bonnie's respective anger towards her actions because it addresses that Clementine is indeed more than just a child in that she is perfectly capable of making decisions that can determine whether someone lives or dies.
The distinction I draw between that notion is that, whether it was intentional or not, the person who caused a problem should own up to it and/or try to make up for it by changing their ways and helping out more. Clementine, Luke, Sarah, and even the more jerky Nick, Rebecca, and technically Arvo are examples of characters who do this in Season 2 and are all the more likable/sympathetic to me because of it.
Which is incidentally part of the reason situations like the treatment of Sarah, Arvo, and (to a lesser degree) the Russian Group as a whole by Jane and Kenny really bothers me.
Well, that's a whole other can of worms, honestly. There's a trope called Draco in Leather Pants that basically covers that, but Luke doesn't really fit that in my opinion since not only is he one of the nicer good guys but the things he did wrong are more due to negligence and clumsiness rather than any actual malice. People completely sweeping what he did under the rug simply because he looks good to them is definitely wrong, though. Mostly because it kinda cheapens the actual choices and traits of his character.
Agreed, especially since I'm a guy.
In fairness to him on taking off, it would have been kind of stupid to just let himself get caught out of loyalty to the group. And he did come back to try and form a plan to get them out of there. His lack of puprose and character are more of a problem than his actions but yeah there were things he done that irritated me a little too.
A really important point to remember is that he was too far gone towards the end though. Just in a different way to Kenny and Jane, which is why a lot of people don't notice this.
After episode 5 I was done with him...kept drowning in his sorrows.
Wait, you're a guy?
For the longest time, I've always assumed you were female because of your avatar.
Huh, the more you know.
Dude, don'cha know? There are no females on the Internet!

Yeah, that's a case of me taking advantage of a character most would overlook/avoid to make myself distinct.
Eh, not really. I was never a huge fan of Luke, but he was a likable enough fella and I really can't fault him for what he did. I mean, Jane put it on a plate and I'd doubt anyone, in such a shitty and stressful environment, would turn an offer like it down.
And you also talked about your "dickishness showing" once in response to yourself considering that Bonnie looked kissable.
So, uh, yeah. I'll walk myself to the door.
I wouldn't blame anybody for not considering that slapping an already traumatized and spaced-out teenager would lead them to react.