'The Day Will Come When You Won't Be' Episode Season 7 Premiere Discussion
Season 7 Premiere
So finally, it's here. After 6 months of groaning at not knowing who Negan killed, we can finally stop, the Season 7 Premiere is here! Some people are excited, some are not (for obvious reasons), but it's the Walking Dead. I'll admit that I was not thrilled with the Season 6 finale, as many (but not all) were. Personally, you know, I am sort of excited. I've been waiting long enough, and while my faith in the show has been tested, I certainly hope that this episode has some surprises in store.
The episode has a real long title, kind of wish it was 'Something to Fear'.
Anyway, comment before (I put a lot of extra time for this), while, and after you watch. I suspect this will be a fairly popular thread...
Also, no "leaks", real or fake. Also, if you make another thread on this episode for some reason, spoilers in the title (asterisks, not necessarily equaling the number of letters in the name or action or whatever). Spoiling the episode for people unless there is extraordinary circumstances will result in a ban. Let's not have that happen!
Thank you, InGen!
If you tell other users what happened in the premiere and you tag the post as spoiler, the recipient will still receive the comment in their feed and they will not be warned.
Please be mindful and only talk about the episode in threads that are dedicated to doing so! Keep in mind that viewers in other parts of the world will only be able to watch tomorrow night.
I actually really like the title. It's a nice callback to what the doctor at the CDC building says to Rick in the first season.
Oh? What was Jenner talking about?
Read some potential spoilers and let's just say if they're true then tonight is gonna be freaking epic and will more than make up for last year's crap show.
I have to confess that I read spoilers as well.
I'm pumped. Season 6 as a whole was kinda meh in my opinion, but here's to hoping Season 7 is a step up.
If the leak I read is true I will be dissapointed.
Season 6 was actually one of my favorite seasons. It's hard to order them but for me it would probably go 4, 5, 6, 2, 1, 3. (I really didn't like the whole only Governor episodes)
I'm so excited for tonight! JDM should be a great addition to the cast.
Decided to make this while it is still fresh in my mind.
It's after he decides to open the door to let Rick and the rest out. Rick tells him he's grateful, and Jenner replies with "The day will come when you won't be."
If you ask me, it's one of the best episode titles.
Did someone watch it?Can someone please spoil it?I don't really know when it airs so forgive me.
Ah fuck, I saw this to late.
Imma bout to hyperventilate
[cries] ;-;
It hasn't aired yet.
I'd really strongly prefer if nobody replied to this comment until after the show ends.
I'm going throw my predictions in below. It's just speculation, but I figure maybe spoiler-tagging isn't the worst idea.
Glenn dies, Rick gets his hand cut off.
Bear in mind I haven't seen any leaks, so uh, don't reply to this.
Ricks hand being cut off just seems to obvious to me to be true. Plus Kirkman regrets the hand cut off
Less than 3 minutes away.
I didn't see this yet, but did they reveal who died at the finale? If so, who was it?
1 minute left!
10 second left!
We're just getting started...
Well, this is going to be awesome. Emotional, I might cry, but I'm sure it's going to be awesome.
Gimple I'm counting on you.
So Steven Yeun's name was still in the credits, so I doubt he died.
For the love of God, just show us.....
It's daryl, the actor's name didn't appear.
Or maybe they're trying to pull a fast one on us.
Actually, if Steven Yeun died and they removed his name from the credits, that would be messed up
Jokes aside, I doubt that, to be honest. They did that fake name removal for Glenn's fakeout death. Plus, you know, if they didn't that would be obvious. I think they'll keep the name there for maybe this episode - if it is in fact a starring cast member (it better be).
They'll never have the balls to kill Daryl....
They're really going to drag this out as long as possible.
Whatever gets them their money I suppose
I don't think I'll finish my dinner before I lose my appetite.
The smoke is pretty eerie.
Whatever pisses off fans the most.
Its called building tension. Without it the death is meaningless.
What? that makes no sense. People are already watching.
And there's our answer.