Andrew Lincoln's acting there was amazing! How'd he the snot thing? My interest in the show had been waning these past few seasons, but I feel like I'm starting to get into it again. Everything was just so fucked on so many levels. I feel like I just watched a one hour torture porn. It took loss to renew my love, sadly.
It reminds me of one the original ideas for Issue 100 - instead of Negan killing Carl, the Saviors (Negan wasn't a thing then I guess) would have Rick kill Glenn to save his song.
That episode was simply amazing. I still don't think it excuses the lousy cliffhanger, but as an episode, it was just fantastic. Numerous times throughout the episode I was on the edge of my seat, there was some great, genuine tension in this episode, at that comes from the unexpected nature of Negan, boy he is going to be a great character. Andrew Lincoln's acting was stupendous, especially during the scene when he was being told to cut off Carl's arm. Well done Walking Dead, well done.
The tension always ran high with the unpredictable nature of Negan, the deaths of not one but two major characters, and the death row-like atmosphere, but I couldn't help but feel like this episode was bogged down a bit by a needlessly slow pace and minimal plot progression. I am looking forward to see what the rest of the season has in store for us.
I haven't read any spoilers if that's what you're asking. Been too pissed off about the finale to pay any attention to Walking Dead flagship
Rick lose his hand?
Don't cut off Carl's arm dammit.
lmao Carol and Morgan just chillin
Is Daryl about to die too????!!! WHEN WILL IT END????
So what, was that the 4th or 5th time they teased cutting off someone's hand and didn't end up doing it.
THIS WILL BE THE GREATEST SEASON OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's being taken hostage like that one guy from the Hilltop, Craig or Ethan, was.
Andrew Lincoln's acting there was amazing! How'd he the snot thing? My interest in the show had been waning these past few seasons, but I feel like I'm starting to get into it again. Everything was just so fucked on so many levels. I feel like I just watched a one hour torture porn. It took loss to renew my love, sadly.
So who died? I'm at work now so couldn't watch
I have to admit that had me on the edge. "Take mine." is a really clever idea because that's something to comic and show readers.
This episode is fantastic.
sounds like you think it was worth it?
It reminds me of one the original ideas for Issue 100 - instead of Negan killing Carl, the Saviors (Negan wasn't a thing then I guess) would have Rick kill Glenn to save his song.
Glenn and Abraham
Thanks for the reply. I had to make sure Daryl was still safe.
Glenn has a splitting headache.
Must have caught it from Abraham.
I'm going to be depressed for days now...
You know...It is amazing...did not know that Abraham and Glenn were sluts...everyone got a piece of them.
I would dare call it crushing.
Abraham must have been mad at Rick...he gave him a piece of his mind.....I can do these all night.
Was there a voice calling out...Fatality!
That episode was simply amazing. I still don't think it excuses the lousy cliffhanger, but as an episode, it was just fantastic. Numerous times throughout the episode I was on the edge of my seat, there was some great, genuine tension in this episode, at that comes from the unexpected nature of Negan, boy he is going to be a great character. Andrew Lincoln's acting was stupendous, especially during the scene when he was being told to cut off Carl's arm. Well done Walking Dead, well done.
Negan knocked them up.
Well that sure done fucked me up
Also, kinda annoying no hands were cut off after all that teasing. Maybe its just extreme foreshadowing and we'll see it in the mid season.
Also I have to say this.
That Dishonored 2 trailer was pretty bad. Its like they just had a bunch of people in cosplay do a tv commercial.
Daryl caused Glenn's death. I wish he wasn't safe.
I am an empty shell of a person....

My heart...
TWD, both show and game, has fucked me so hard these past years, I don't even need a bf.
RIP Glenn
well that was surely a good episode!
now excuse me i've got some business to attend to
yeah I think it will be a different view into the Saviors!
6.5/10 for me.
The tension always ran high with the unpredictable nature of Negan, the deaths of not one but two major characters, and the death row-like atmosphere, but I couldn't help but feel like this episode was bogged down a bit by a needlessly slow pace and minimal plot progression. I am looking forward to see what the rest of the season has in store for us.
There's already a thread for this, bro.
That fucking Talking Dead memoriam for Glenn man, I'm crying.
Baby Glenn tho
Share that bottle with me please...
Yeah I found out after I posted this, but thanks.