The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Jeremy is great.

    Every single one of these insults is amazing.

  • Yes, indeed. The placement system is horrendously clunky and fiddly. Something as simple as a perimeter wall is a nightmare to erect.

    It's not as much as it looks. The problem is that the Workshop placement sucks. For the undercover section between the cabins, the power con

  • I started downloading something on Steam.

    And the estimated download time was... Over one year... :|

  • edited October 2016

    Great, my throat is sorer than yesterday. In fact, it's so sore that it hurts when I talk.

    When the fuck is this shit gonna end?

  • You say it like the game's art style isn't just generic hentai. Besides that i do like the jiggle physics.

    Weebs and people who appreciate japanese art styles.

  • Same shit. I usually don't play any games on my phone but this one is like a drug.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    I think im addicted...

  • Fuck, why did Greninja have to leave Ash. Damn plot

  • I know dat feel man :/

    Fuck, why did Greninja have to leave Ash. Damn plot

  • Best pokemon he's had, up there with Charizard and Sceptile. If stronger, due to the bond evolution thing

    I know dat feel man

  • You say it like the game's art style isn't just generic hentai.

    It's still an art style.

    Besides that i do like the jiggle physics.

    I mean, they exist.

    papai46 posted: »

    You say it like the game's art style isn't just generic hentai. Besides that i do like the jiggle physics.

  • What game?

    Same shit. I usually don't play any games on my phone but this one is like a drug.

  • Currently sitting in the doctor's office, waiting for my seventh blood test in three hours to prove that I indeed suffer from a condition that's I've had since birth and recieved treatment for 20 years now. Just so I can get the medication they've been denying me for 9 months now while I jump through their hoops.

    Fuck Aetna.

  • Pewdiepie's Tuber Simulator.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    What game?

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff


  • I swear, everytime I shave my beard, I stare in the mirror for a good 10 minutes in awe of how young I look.

  • I finished Beyond Good and Evil I will be making a review and post it herre

  • Word of advice for my friends who love peanut butter, but want to cut down on calories:

    PB2 peanut butter powder. 2 tablespoons of it, plus a tablespoon of water, mix well, and you've got yourself 2 tablespoons of 45 calorie peanut butter. My only warning is that it's not sweet - I haven't had non-natural Jif in years, so I'm used to it, but most are not.

    It's amazing with apples.

  • Same.

    I'm bored.

  • Did my jack o' lantern turn out spoopy enough?
    enter image description here

  • Wow. Scott Cawthon (creator of Five Nights at Freddy's) gave one of the moderators on the FNAF subreddit $2500 to essentially pay for her mortgage (including late fees) after she had been experiencing medical problems for the past 4 months causing her to be unable to continue working. She was going to lose her home so she made up a GoFundMe page to ask the community for help and Scott jumped in and completely covered the costs.

    You may not like his games but come on. This is a pretty cool thing to do.

  • That is really nice of him.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Wow. Scott Cawthon (creator of Five Nights at Freddy's) gave one of the moderators on the FNAF subreddit $2500 to essentially pay for her mo

  • ...Spoopy...?

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Did my jack o' lantern turn out spoopy enough?

  • I think everyone on this thread is...

    I'm bored.

  • I'm so sorry, that must be horrible. (Just so you know, I'm not being sarcastic)

    I hate blood tests, I had some pretty horrible experiences when I was younger. I don't ever want to go near another needle ever again.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Currently sitting in the doctor's office, waiting for my seventh blood test in three hours to prove that I indeed suffer from a condition th

  • Realized today that with about 5-7 weeks left in the semester that I have over 700 meal points left and bought two bags worth of unhealthy shit from one of the student markets here. After my final midterm tomorrow I'll probably celebrate by buying a shit ton of sandwiches and giving them to some homeless people. Cheers!

  • Yeah, I was pretty bad. My arms are a mess and will probably be bruised to hell tomorrow.

    I'm just glad it's over, though I doubt this insurance company will ever give me my meds.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I'm so sorry, that must be horrible. (Just so you know, I'm not being sarcastic) I hate blood tests, I had some pretty horrible experiences when I was younger. I don't ever want to go near another needle ever again.

  • I played a little bit of the Pokemon Sun & Moon demo. It renewed my hype for the game.

  • edited October 2016

    Thats pretty bad, sorry.

    I don't think I could've done that, I'd be out the door the second they asked for a third.

    I hope all goes well.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yeah, I was pretty bad. My arms are a mess and will probably be bruised to hell tomorrow. I'm just glad it's over, though I doubt this insurance company will ever give me my meds.

  • edited October 2016

    enter image description here

    I find Shia Labeouf gets a bad rep. He may be a clown and act like an idiot, but he's certainly a damn solid actor and him doing shit like screening every one of his previous films and allowing people in is a pretty self-aware act and makes me like that he also is able to let himself be unrestricted and just goof off.

    ...Plus his performance in Charlie Countryman and Nymphomaniac were fucking amazing, fuck what people said about it.

  • This year has been very up and down for me, and recently I feel like things are becoming too much for me. I just want to thank everyone on here who's made me feel welcome over the two years that I've been here. I joined in 2014, when I was about to start Year 8 (my second year of high school), and high school's always been stressful for me. One of the few things I'm glad I did in the past few years was join this forum. I've said and done some really dumb shit, but you guys forgave me in the end. Thanks for making me feel welcome here even though I can sometimes be a dick.

  • I remember reading somewhere that Telltale was making a Back to the Future Season 2, is this true?

  • That's a pretty cool thing to do actually, reading that made me smile a bit. Finally he's using his money for important stuff instead of letting it sit on a shelf and not using it to improvehisgames, eh?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Wow. Scott Cawthon (creator of Five Nights at Freddy's) gave one of the moderators on the FNAF subreddit $2500 to essentially pay for her mo

  • I mean, there was also that time he donated 250k to St. Judes Childrens Hospital during a charity stream. The 30k he donated to the annual Zeldathons. Along with a few other streams and whatnot where he'll randomly come in to donate.

    That's a pretty cool thing to do actually, reading that made me smile a bit. Finally he's using his money for important stuff instead of letting it sit on a shelf and not using it to improvehisgames, eh?

  • I... Actually thought that was a picture of Carver when I first saw it...

    I find Shia Labeouf gets a bad rep. He may be a clown and act like an idiot, but he's certainly a damn solid actor and him doing shit like s

  • Jesus, my roommates are such slobs. There's tiny bits of rubbish scattered around the carper floor, how the fuck do you get hair on the ceiling, the showers are dirty as fuck, they don't clean the dishes, pretty sure there's a single lasagna rotting in the freezer, they mix the recyclables and the non-recyclables, and they literally burn something damn near everytime one of them cooks. Not to mention they can be noisy as hell.

    Somebody send help.

  • Somebody send help.

    Ambulance, Firefighters or Assassins?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Jesus, my roommates are such slobs. There's tiny bits of rubbish scattered around the carper floor, how the fuck do you get hair on the ceil

  • edited October 2016

    That's what were here for! (I know your probably not talking about me since we've barely talked)

    I'm glad I joined too, it really helps to talk nonsense with people when your going through a hard time. (... For me, at least)

    This year has been very up and down for me, and recently I feel like things are becoming too much for me. I just want to thank everyone on h

  • I was joking around you know.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I mean, there was also that time he donated 250k to St. Judes Childrens Hospital during a charity stream. The 30k he donated to the annual Zeldathons. Along with a few other streams and whatnot where he'll randomly come in to donate.

  • enter image description here

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Somebody send help. Ambulance, Firefighters or Assassins?

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