Also you saying 'no' doesn't deny the actual comparison I made. The theme and story similarities to Ozimandias are so comparable I could honestly write an essay on it. And despite your opinion you know very well this was the 'big, shocking moment that changes the show forever', so in a sense it has a bigger effect than the red wedding ever did on the story.
Then again, if I remember correctly you said you didn't like this part of the comics so to be honest I feel like you just wont enjoy the next 2 seasons.
Normally I get, and predictibility isn't that big a thing, but when they purposely keep it is a mystery for 6 months and purposely make the key point of, not just the episode, but almost the entire season since it was the premiere they've gotta deliver something satisfying for that mystery and going with the most obvious is so unsatisfying there's almost no return.
Well personally I don't think its fair to judge the deaths on unpredictability. Why can't they just be done because its good for the story?
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Would you rather have something unpredictable or something good? And before you answer both I only gave you 2 options.
(All you complained about the cliffhanger saying they could never live up to what they set up, well guess what? They did. They went so balls to the wall with that that some of you are still moaning because you don't know how to react, haa.)
Not really, season 6 was more or less a load of teasing, dragging out plots and then a terrible cliffhanger with no payoff. Now season 7 starts things off with where it should have ended last time, however people were given nearly a year to prepare for it. Of course the scene was decent enough but that payoff still feels muted and less impactful than it would have. In the end they've just jumped back to comic similarity with the characters they killed and we're left with a weird over the top negan to make up for the swearing.
Plus it is reaching the same point in the comics where I start to really not care anymore, so a group of people die then we go somewhere and more people die and so on. I dont feel any need to care about any of the new characters, the main difference is the show characters act so stupid to allow for the plot that most of them also begin to feel unlikable.
Yeah I loved it too as did most people. 10/10. It might end up being my favorite episode so far, definitely top 3 or 5.
(All you complain… moreed about the cliffhanger saying they could never live up to what they set up, well guess what? They did. They went so balls to the wall with that that some of you are still moaning because you don't know how to react, haa.)
Well I would be careful saying this though. Look at the comments and you can see several people here are still salty about the cliffhanger and I don't think they'll take kindly to that.
Normally I get, and predictibility isn't that big a thing, but when they purposely keep it is a mystery for 6 months and purposely make the … morekey point of, not just the episode, but almost the entire season since it was the premiere they've gotta deliver something satisfying for that mystery and going with the most obvious is so unsatisfying there's almost no return.
Why are you replying to me? That quote was taken from the comment above. I just didn't know how to highlight it. Did you not read the rest of my comment?
(All you complained about the cliffhanger saying they could never live up to what they set up, well guess what? They did. They went so balls… more to the wall with that that some of you are still moaning because you don't know how to react, haa.)
Not really, season 6 was more or less a load of teasing, dragging out plots and then a terrible cliffhanger with no payoff. Now season 7 starts things off with where it should have ended last time, however people were given nearly a year to prepare for it. Of course the scene was decent enough but that payoff still feels muted and less impactful than it would have. In the end they've just jumped back to comic similarity with the characters they killed and we're left with a weird over the top negan to make up for the swearing.
Plus it is reaching the same point in the comics where I start to really not care anymore, so a group of people die then we go somewhere and more people die and so on. I do… [view original content]
Watched it, good episode. It was basically a mental torture episode. I did get rather annoyed at first how they skipped the scene at the beginning and then dragged it along for a bit but I can see what they were trying to do. When I saw Negan bat Abraham I was like "oh." I didn't have a lot attachment to him but he was interesting. But then when I thought it was done WHABAM! he goes after Glenn's skull and I was like "OH!" (I remember what Negan said of taking out Carl's eye if anyone does shit, then Daryl punched him and I was like whelp. But I didn't expect him to bat another but more of remove a person's eye). That scene was just so disturbing and brain scarring, brutal in all ways possible.
I loved how the episode focused on Negan breaking Rick's spirit. Everything was about breaking him. The two getting batted, Daryl's capture, forcing him to grab the hatchet outside the RV or else, and forcing him to nearly chop Carl's arm off (I know people are annoyed of the hatchet teasing but remember this was basically a mental torture episode which is meant to tease you and scar you as it does to the cast. So technically the hatchet paid off, since the last scene made Rick break down to Negan's delight. Also it's more of an easter egg it would seem.). What was implied and what had happened, very much suited the unpredictable nature of Negan. Shit the guy caused more damage than his comic counterpart imo. JDM made him terrifying and very interesting.
POSSIBLE COMIC SPOILERS Finally I like to add I'm glad the interaction between Maggie and Carl in the aftermath was different, it shows that Carl is not sociopathic as his comic self to the point where he points a gun on his own group members. Still I hope the storyline between Carl and Negan does occur.
Well guys it seems that despite the threats to veto the episode, the spoiler leak and just the number of fans that were pissed and 'quitting the show', this was the second most viewed episode of the Walking Dead with No Sanctuary being the first. So in the end despite everything AMC got exactly what it wanted.
(All you complained about the cliffhanger saying they could never live up to what they set up, well guess what? They did. They went so balls… more to the wall with that that some of you are still moaning because you don't know how to react, haa.)
Not really, season 6 was more or less a load of teasing, dragging out plots and then a terrible cliffhanger with no payoff. Now season 7 starts things off with where it should have ended last time, however people were given nearly a year to prepare for it. Of course the scene was decent enough but that payoff still feels muted and less impactful than it would have. In the end they've just jumped back to comic similarity with the characters they killed and we're left with a weird over the top negan to make up for the swearing.
Plus it is reaching the same point in the comics where I start to really not care anymore, so a group of people die then we go somewhere and more people die and so on. I do… [view original content]
Also you saying 'no' doesn't deny the actual comparison I made. The theme and story similarities to Ozimandias are so comparable I could honestly write an essay on it. And despite your opinion you know very well this was the 'big, shocking moment that changes the show forever', so in a sense it has a bigger effect than the red wedding ever did on the story.
Then again, if I remember correctly you said you didn't like this part of the comics so to be honest I feel like you just wont enjoy the next 2 seasons.
Normally I get, and predictibility isn't that big a thing, but when they purposely keep it is a mystery for 6 months and purposely make the key point of, not just the episode, but almost the entire season since it was the premiere they've gotta deliver something satisfying for that mystery and going with the most obvious is so unsatisfying there's almost no return.
Not really, season 6 was more or less a load of teasing, dragging out plots and then a terrible cliffhanger with no payoff. Now season 7 starts things off with where it should have ended last time, however people were given nearly a year to prepare for it. Of course the scene was decent enough but that payoff still feels muted and less impactful than it would have. In the end they've just jumped back to comic similarity with the characters they killed and we're left with a weird over the top negan to make up for the swearing.
Plus it is reaching the same point in the comics where I start to really not care anymore, so a group of people die then we go somewhere and more people die and so on. I dont feel any need to care about any of the new characters, the main difference is the show characters act so stupid to allow for the plot that most of them also begin to feel unlikable.
Ok I get that. I do still feel like it was the right choice.
Why are you replying to me? That quote was taken from the comment above. I just didn't know how to highlight it. Did you not read the rest of my comment?
Watched it, good episode. It was basically a mental torture episode. I did get rather annoyed at first how they skipped the scene at the beginning and then dragged it along for a bit but I can see what they were trying to do. When I saw Negan bat Abraham I was like "oh." I didn't have a lot attachment to him but he was interesting. But then when I thought it was done WHABAM! he goes after Glenn's skull and I was like "OH!" (I remember what Negan said of taking out Carl's eye if anyone does shit, then Daryl punched him and I was like whelp. But I didn't expect him to bat another but more of remove a person's eye). That scene was just so disturbing and brain scarring, brutal in all ways possible.
I loved how the episode focused on Negan breaking Rick's spirit. Everything was about breaking him. The two getting batted, Daryl's capture, forcing him to grab the hatchet outside the RV or else, and forcing him to nearly chop Carl's arm off (I know people are annoyed of the hatchet teasing but remember this was basically a mental torture episode which is meant to tease you and scar you as it does to the cast. So technically the hatchet paid off, since the last scene made Rick break down to Negan's delight. Also it's more of an easter egg it would seem.). What was implied and what had happened, very much suited the unpredictable nature of Negan. Shit the guy caused more damage than his comic counterpart imo. JDM made him terrifying and very interesting.
POSSIBLE COMIC SPOILERS Finally I like to add I'm glad the interaction between Maggie and Carl in the aftermath was different, it shows that Carl is not sociopathic as his comic self to the point where he points a gun on his own group members. Still I hope the storyline between Carl and Negan does occur.
Well guys it seems that despite the threats to veto the episode, the spoiler leak and just the number of fans that were pissed and 'quitting the show', this was the second most viewed episode of the Walking Dead with No Sanctuary being the first. So in the end despite everything AMC got exactly what it wanted.
Hello? Have you read my earlier comment? These are not my words they are SemiSweet's. Please acknowladge this.
Really? Well not as much as that episode.