The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Actually once FF XV comes out, that team, Business Divisioon 2, won't be helping out the KH3 team. They're going to be working on the singleplayer and multiplayer expansions for FFXV

    enter image description here

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep, the KH series is overall really harsh for newcomers, considering how convoluted the story has become after 2. There's no way they can u

  • According to the profile webpage feature that nobody knows how it works, tomorrow will be a month since @zombiebonnie logged in for the last time.

    And now I'm sad.

  • edited October 2016

    Hey someone has to use the Luminous Engine for something. They didn't waste 4 years plus hundreds of hours programming an engine that would be used for jack shit as soon as XV was released. KH3 was supposed to it, but they switched to Unreal Engine 4 like 2 or 3 years ago.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Actually once FF XV comes out, that team, Business Divisioon 2, won't be helping out the KH3 team. They're going to be working on the singleplayer and multiplayer expansions for FFXV

  • I just walked 3 times up and down a whole staircase with 36 steps, and now I'm exhausted.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2016

    For new Telltale Series starting with The Walking Dead: A New Frontier onward, we are allowing for people to go back to making their own threads for Let's Plays/Live Stream sharing, but with some new/revised rules to prevent thread spam as was sometimes the case during Season 2.

    This is not super relevant now so we will repost this later, but I am also posting it early to give a heads up for more exposure.

    Rules for sharing Live Streams/Let's Play videos on the Forums

    • Have prior participation in the community before posting. Users who only sign up to advertise will have their thread locked and YouTube links removed.
    • For each Telltale Season or Miniseries, each user is allowed to make one collective thread here for their entire YouTube/Twitch channel. For each new Telltale episode release, you are allowed to bump your thread one time to promote your new videos. (Regular community discussion is okay and does not count as bumping unless the thread has not been active recently.) You get one dedicated post to show all of your new Live Streams and/or Let's Play videos for that Telltale episode.
    • Outside of new episode releases, bumping your thread for notable new videos (like alternate choice consequences or reviews) is also okay. If you already linked to a Live Stream of a playthrough, do not later post videos from that same playthrough in a new post as an excuse to bump your thread.
    • All users must keep posts on topic and make genuine contributions to the conversation - posts that just "bump" the topic so a streamer or Let's Player gets more exposure will be deleted.
    • Please be sensitive to spoilers and use spoiler tags when appropriate. If video thumbnails have spoilers, use the Flag option (upper right corner of each post) to mark your own posts as Spoilers.

    If you have strong amounts of forum participation (minimum of 1,000 posts) and you are creating a series of videos/Live Streams to do something fun in particular for the Telltale Forums to enjoy (meaning you are not already a YouTube/Twitch personality), some of the above rules are an exception and you are allowed to bump your thread for individual new video releases or Live Streams.

    NOTE for YouTube/Twitch Personalities:

    For self promotion, a blurb describing and linking to your channel in the main post of your thread is allowed. However, when you bump your thread to revive it around the time of a new episode release, you should keep new posts focused only on videos directly related to the Telltale series of the Forum you are posting on. Forum Members are here for discussion of the Telltale series they are playing; most of them are not interested in external channel events, promotions, or other Let's Plays for different games. Making your thread (or your posts) encourage genuinely interesting discussion among users is a good way to keep your thread active in a way that follows the rules and benefits the forum community both ways.

    If you are a YouTube/Twitch personality, you are allowed one individual post in your thread for each new Telltale episode to promote all Live Streams and/or Let's Play chapters for that particular Telltale episode. Do not make individual posts for different Let's Play chapters from the same Telltale episode.

  • I have PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale.

    Do any of you peeps have a PS3 and the games I'm gonna mention below? Because I'm bored as shit and trying to procrastinate. Games I Have: * Dark Souls II * Modern Warfare 2 * PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale * Resistance 2

  • If she lived in the modern world...

  • You all know that Clementine is smiling on my avatar, right?

  • Tomorrow morning... SKYRIM!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited October 2016,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/yxyxebtrti37ckhalax7.png


    just take my money now nintendo. I'll die from the hype if i wait any longer.

  • I pity you.

    Tomorrow morning... SKYRIM!!!!!!!!!!!

  • My buddy Jonny and I were in a call, and he decided to be a dingus out of curiosity and look up if the internet had any... eh hem... lewd drawings of his childhood hero, Heather Mason.

    Needless to say he found what he was looking for, and dropped the call after a loud screech and a bunch of gagging noises. RIP.

  • For what? Being excited for a game? That's kind of rude.

    crutchwork posted: »

    I pity you.

  • I pity you, for pitying them.

    crutchwork posted: »

    I pity you.

  • I pity him for having to play skyrim. No sentient being should have to endure such cruelty.

    For what? Being excited for a game? That's kind of rude.

  • You gettin it day 1? I know I am, too good to pass up

    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • edited October 2016

    There's a man in my list on facebook in his late 30's whom after YEARS, still doesn't understand that passion and skill are not necessarily linked. He thinks full-heartedly that he should be popular and be able to make a living doing what he loves because he loves it. Dude blames his family and all his friends for not supporting him(with either connections or monetarily, not counting encouragement) and being unsuccessful. He doesn't understand that he's just not talented that way.

    Whenever someone tries to point that out, his casual facebook friends whom never actually met him, jump on their backs, encourage him to keep going and blame them for being negative.

    I had to share this because I'm just floored. The man is late 30's, with a wife and two kids. He still doesn't understand how life works. He sees someone else successful at something, tries to do it because he wants to, and blames everyone else when he fails.

    Lesson for you kiddies: Very very few people get the luxury of following their dreams. Get a job you find some joy in and relish that you're not a hot-tar roofer(sorry if you're a hot-tar roofer).

  • Such is the words of the sheep.

    Johro posted: »

    There's a man in my list on facebook in his late 30's whom after YEARS, still doesn't understand that passion and skill are not necessarily

  • What is your job?

    crutchwork posted: »

    Such is the words of the sheep.

  • He doesn't have a gun to his head.

    crutchwork posted: »

    I pity him for having to play skyrim. No sentient being should have to endure such cruelty.

  • What's on my mind? Papa John's.

  • No, he has "gulp" a Bethesda rpg.

    He doesn't have a gun to his head.

  • What?

  • Last April, Telltale announced they were doing a Marvel series, but they did not (and still have not) revealed what Marvel franchise they are working with yet. It is due to release in 2017. I would personally expect news later this year at the Game Awards 2016, which airs on December 1st.

    crutchwork posted: »


  • "Sigh"
    And so yet another great pioneer of the games industry buries its head into the bosom of mediocrity.
    Well, at least we got a good run out of it.

    And Spiderman, by the way; they don't have to be so coy.

    Last April, Telltale announced they were doing a Marvel series, but they did not (and still have not) revealed what Marvel franchise they ar

  • Thanks for clarifying, by the way.

    crutchwork posted: »

    "Sigh" And so yet another great pioneer of the games industry buries its head into the bosom of mediocrity. Well, at least we got a good run out of it. And Spiderman, by the way; they don't have to be so coy.

  • Can't wait to play as Howard The Duck!

    Last April, Telltale announced they were doing a Marvel series, but they did not (and still have not) revealed what Marvel franchise they ar

  • I'm technically unemployed.
    I'm doing a uni degree.

    Johro posted: »

    What is your job?

  • If it's your dream, good luck.

    My point was that you have to have talent in the field before reaching a dream.

    crutchwork posted: »

    I'm technically unemployed. I'm doing a uni degree.

  • Fair enough.
    Talent is merely an excuse. Everything can be achieved through work. What differs in the individual is simply the amount of time it takes to achieve said work.

    Johro posted: »

    If it's your dream, good luck. My point was that you have to have talent in the field before reaching a dream.

  • Dude, they're allowed to like a game that you don't.

    crutchwork posted: »

    No, he has "gulp" a Bethesda rpg.

  • It would be interesting if it is Spider-man. Telltale would be likely looking at their first failure since TWD. They won't beat the competition when it comes to Spider-man.

    crutchwork posted: »

    "Sigh" And so yet another great pioneer of the games industry buries its head into the bosom of mediocrity. Well, at least we got a good run out of it. And Spiderman, by the way; they don't have to be so coy.

  • Why is Telltale so good at getting me hyped over something I don't know anything about?

  • Well, you should give them a chance at least. It might turn out to be a ground breaking masterpiece in the human cannon like the movies.

    Johro posted: »

    Can't wait to play as Howard The Duck!

  • Ah, but that is where you are wrong. It's not that I do not like it. Its that its a bad game. Everything it has done has been done better by better games and it is merely sad to watch yet another mortal soul gargling on the drivel that Bethesda oh so lazily slapped together.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Dude, they're allowed to like a game that you don't.

  • I am. I just really hope it's not Spider-man or any Avengers. I'm done with both.
    I do find Telltale doing Marvel interesting. Marvel is historically known for their "meh" stance on continuity. Not one's known for their deep stories and more so for dropping ones that aren't working on a dime. I have interest though. At least interest on which of 37 backstories they choose on any given character.

    As someone whom grew up with the comics, this really doesn't seem like a match made in heaven. Fans whom only know the movies are lucky. For the most part, they follow a storyline straight through and not like the next X-Men movie will ignore the last one because fans disliked it.

    crutchwork posted: »

    Well, you should give them a chance at least. It might turn out to be a ground breaking masterpiece in the human cannon like the movies.

  • Again, that is just your opinion. Let them play a game they enjoy.

    crutchwork posted: »

    Ah, but that is where you are wrong. It's not that I do not like it. Its that its a bad game. Everything it has done has been done better by

  • An opinion which is supported by an argument. Of course I am happy to let anyone do or think what they like just as long as they do not affect me. I also am happy to pity them for illogical reasoning.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Again, that is just your opinion. Let them play a game they enjoy.

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