Timeline - Comic vs. Game



  • And carl was turning 8. At the most Clem was one year older than carl.

    Crixus posted: »

    She was only 3 months from being nine though......... not like she was a year younger

  • No way. The comics are far ahead of the tv show.

    Crixus posted: »

    Timeline wise I'm pretty sure the tv show has surpassed the comic because they keep skipping winter so thats about 6 months forward at the sta

    • Not really as the video is about season 1. That was never up for debate. Whilst season 2 was in development several articles circulated stating that season 2 of the game series would not be cannon. I dear say this was after the reveal that the Lilly from season 1 was not going to be the Lilly from the comics and the novel.
    • unlike season 1, season 2 has no Easter eggs from the comics, no cameos, or references to what would have been going on at that point in the comics. Season 1 had cameos and revisited locations from the comic to reinforce the canonicity. Season 2 goes in its own direction because it is able to stand on its own due to the stong fanbase for characters like Clem and Kenny.
    Crixus posted: »

    Thanks man, there is the definitive proof for everyone, finally able to put this matter to rest

  • Why would you do this?

    loop hole posted: »

    And carl was turning 8. At the most Clem was one year older than carl.

  • The comics now are about the five year mark.

    Telltale season 2 took place around the same time that the Savior war was going on. Season 3 is supposed to take place much closer to where they presently are in the comics.

  • Holy fuckballs, this thread is old.

  • Nothing wrong with bumping a thread if you have something new to contribute to it.


  • yay, you just answered to a 2-year-old comment :p

    Nothing wrong with bumping a thread if you have something new to contribute to it.

  • Goodbye thread, nice catching up again after two years. Mods, do your thing.

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