The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • The PS2 emulator is shit and it doesn't function just like the Gamecube one. Not to mention you need actual PS2 games to play it anyway.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Use an emulator on PC.

  • I know editing it wouldn't keep it at the top of the forum, but I didn't want to bump it for every time something new came along, and find nothing changed in its activity. I didn't want to annoy people with this constantly getting bumped every few weeks, though I'll try again with this, and if it doesn't work, then so be it.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It looks like all you did was edit the top post. That doesn't bump the thread, so it's unlikely to be noticed. When you have new news on a

  • Well, at least we hope The Walking Dead will be out this month... Either way, it's definitely something to look forward to.

    Well Halloween was completely traumatizing and drove me back into a depressive state, but at least The Walking Dead will be out this month!

  • Gosh... That's bad.

    Pipas posted: »

    Hahahahahahaa... ...hahahha... haha...

  • Yeah, but he said he didn't have one anymore.

    So? PS2 is still one of the greatest consoles of all time and some people prefer the OG.

  • Really? I know it takes time to figure out the right configuration for certain games on PCSX2, but once you do, it was mostly smooth sailing for me at 1080p+ resolutions. It was actually how I played through Drakengard 1. I also didn't need to rip any of my discs. Just found the ISOs online and they worked. Gtranted it probably would've been better if I ripped them myself, but oh well. It's not flawless though, and the progress on the emulator has slowed down.

    Dolphin and Dolphin Ishiiruka are far better, while it's not flawless as well, the benefits outweigh the smalk issues. Hell look DF Retro's Metroid Prime retospective, with John showing off Metroid Prime 1 on the Dolhphin Ishiiruka, at 1440p with 2xSSAA, and modded effects @ 60fps. I've played through Xenoblade 1 on it with the HD texture packs, and it was obvious how the low resolution the Wii ws holding the art style back.

    The PS2 emulator is shit and it doesn't function just like the Gamecube one. Not to mention you need actual PS2 games to play it anyway.

  • I know that?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Yeah, but he said he didn't have one anymore.

  • Really? I know it takes time to figure out the right configuration for certain games on PCSX2, but once you do, it was mostly smooth sailing for me at 1080p+ resolutions. It was actually how I played through Drakengard 1. I also didn't need to rip any of my discs. Just found the ISOs online and they worked. Gtranted it probably would've been better if I ripped them myself, but oh well. It's not flawless though, and the progress on the emulator has slowed down.

    Jesus fucking christ, you need to help me figure out how to set up the emulator because I spent hours on that shit to no avail but you seem to have it working.

    Dolphin and Dolphin Ishiiruka are far better,

    Yeah but they're a bitch to set up.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Really? I know it takes time to figure out the right configuration for certain games on PCSX2, but once you do, it was mostly smooth sailing

  • Something new every few weeks isn't annoying. Every couple of days or just the word "BUMP!" is.

    AChicken posted: »

    I know editing it wouldn't keep it at the top of the forum, but I didn't want to bump it for every time something new came along, and find n

  • Welcome to the forums! There is a special forum where lots of people are talking about The Walking Dead. If you go out to the main Community page and scroll down, it is currently located below "Telltale Talk" and "Batman", though they tend to switch positions every now and then. You can talk about other random things here in the Telltale Talk forum.

    Hiyaaa!! I'm new to this stuff so pleaseee be friendly. I loveee the walking dead and stuff so I like talkin bout that

  • edited November 2016

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing:

    enter image description here

    I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • I love the textures and shadowing! Amazing job!

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • edited November 2016

    Self-promoting my latest elaborate post about a hypothetical choice scenario for A New Frontier, the third season of The Walking Dead!

    Away from the junk yard that he calls home, Javier is scavenging abandoned buildings to find anything of use; sister mentioned that she could use a notepad and color pencils, and mom asked for boxes of cigarettes if he could get his hands on them.

    The branches of the thicket scrape his face as he kneels.

    She must be in her thirties, the woman with the revolver; her greaseless blonde hair and clothes that are not ragged indicate that she lives in a community. The tip of the gun must feel cold pressed on the forehead of that man, just as his own had felt months ago. The woman demands answers of where the bag that her group was stolen is, but the man avoids confirming anything to her by saying that she's got the wrong guy. Just then a hidden muddy backpack appears into sight, with a cow brander poking out.

    She threatens to pull the trigger. Javier loads his own pistol after pulling it out of his messenger bag. The man slides his fingers under the waistband on his side while pleading for mercy.


    Read the outcomes and the thread where the original post is here!

  • Holy foly I thought this was a living man! Astounding! :scream:

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • ...that's a drawing!?! Holy crap, that's impressive work with the shading. I'm on my phone right now so I off handedly thought that was a legit black and white photo.

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • My mouth gets me into trouble far too often around SJWs, Tumblr Stereotypes and Feminazis. Look it's not my fault everything they say is bullshit and incredibly cringey and painful to listen to.

  • You drew this?! God damn that's fucking amazing! Nice job!

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • This is a drawing?! Holy fuck, this is awesome!

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • edited November 2016

    This is why I avoid these people, and well, people in general. I advise you to do the same if you are strongly against their rhetoric. They're really not worth interacting with if every time you open your mouth they call you sexist, racist, homophobe, etc. You know the drill.

    My mouth gets me into trouble far too often around SJWs, Tumblr Stereotypes and Feminazis. Look it's not my fault everything they say is bullshit and incredibly cringey and painful to listen to.

  • Honestly in our current society it's impossible to avoid them for long.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    This is why I avoid these people, and well, people in general. I advise you to do the same if you are strongly against their rhetoric. They'

  • What about opening their audience's eyes?

    Brodester08 posted: »

    This is why I avoid these people, and well, people in general. I advise you to do the same if you are strongly against their rhetoric. They'

  • enter image description here

    This is way too good to be true. But it is, so.... I don't know what to believe anymore. =)

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • edited November 2016

    Well if they're willing to hear you out then of course. But usually they aren't, which was my main point.

    if every time you open your mouth they call you sexist, racist, homophobe, etc.

    What about opening their audience's eyes?

  • edited November 2016

    Just don't go outside, that's my golden method.

    Honestly in our current society it's impossible to avoid them for long.

  • FUCK!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    there attention

  • I thought it was real for a second 0_0
    good work!

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • Wow, this is amazing! 0_0

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • That's amazing, especially the hair looks so realistic!

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • Ayy, I can login on vita again. Hopefully for now on. lol

    Anyway, I decided to look into the rules on Patreon today(I completely forgot to look into before.... oops.) and uh, I dunno. It seems to be strict on the presentation of content. So having second thoughts on that site.

    SO I decided to seek an alternative just in case, and viola. Tapastic. It's a place home to many comic creators who support each other and it has monetization. Tolerant of the extent of one's work and such. Fellow creators support each other through recognition and payment. And it's population is not so massive as it's still somewhat a newborn site. The community is actually well connected to each other.It's almost too good to be true.

    I spent three hours nothing but thinking of this, I think I'm gonna personally get to know the site and it's community. Get a feel and see if it's the place for me.

  • Should I make a walking dead fan fiction. I've tried before but I never had the time.

  • If you feel you have the time, fire away.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Should I make a walking dead fan fiction. I've tried before but I never had the time.

  • You can know if somebody is a virgin because they use words like SJW and feminazi.

    My mouth gets me into trouble far too often around SJWs, Tumblr Stereotypes and Feminazis. Look it's not my fault everything they say is bullshit and incredibly cringey and painful to listen to.

  • I'm not sure how there's any problem with being a virgin, especially since I'm only 17, but okay pal.

    What would you rather me use then? Please good sir if you have any better suggestions I'll take them.

    papai46 posted: »

    You can know if somebody is a virgin because they use words like SJW and feminazi.

  • Social justice warriors and extremist feminists.

    There, my lord! Is that better?

    papai46 posted: »

    You can know if somebody is a virgin because they use words like SJW and feminazi.

  • You did a really good job on his hair! I bet that was tough! How long did this take?

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • edited November 2016

    Wow! That is amazing! I thought it was a real person for a second.

    Fantastic job!

    P.S. The hair looks amazing.

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

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