The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I've been thinking of doing one too.

    I'm just having some trouble coming up with legitimately interesting ideas...

    And yeah, if you have the time, I don't see why not.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Should I make a walking dead fan fiction. I've tried before but I never had the time.

  • You can be like me and write a fic then completely abandon it because you have lost your mojo and free time... hahaha.... :( </3

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Should I make a walking dead fan fiction. I've tried before but I never had the time.

  • What else would you use?...

    papai46 posted: »

    You can know if somebody is a virgin because they use words like SJW and feminazi.


    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • Dear people,
    I love you.

    • Me
  • I just bought the artist proof of issue 100 of TWD. Worth it.

  • I love the textures and shadowing! Amazing job! - @BetterToSleep

    Wow, this is amazing! 0_0 @Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy

    Thank you! I'll be sitting at my desk for hours making sure everything in the drawing is intentional and everything is there. Quite time consuming.

    ...that's a drawing!?! Holy crap, that's impressive work with the shading. I'm on my phone right now so I off handedly thought that was a legit black and white photo. @BlindSniper @579801

    Holy foly I thought this was a living man! Astounding! :scream: @MarijaaNo7

    This is a drawing?! Holy fuck, this is awesome! @TheAutisticGamer

    I thought it was real for a second 0_0 good work! @joshua007

    THIS CAN'T BE A DRAWING @CrazedRabbit

    That's amazing, especially the hair looks so realistic! @Ekelund21

    This is way too good to be true. But it is, so.... I don't know what to believe anymore. =) @AChicken

    Wow! That is amazing! I thought it was a real person for a second. Fantastic job! P.S. The hair looks amazing. @Acheive250

    Thank you! This is exactly what I strive for, actually. To make it so realistic that it doesn't look like a drawing.

    You did a really good job on his hair! I bet that was tough! How long did this take? @Ekelund21

    It wasn't too tough, actually. For me drawing is just time consuming and boring which takes a lot of patients, but it comes naturally. And the hair is the easiest but most boring part! I hustled with this one as it was for the model and I wanted to release it on Halloween, but it took me little over 3 weeks.

    THIS CAN'T BE A DRAWING. @CrazedRabbit

    Yup, it is haha. Here is me drawing it. You can sort of see his head on my paper. I also made a time lapse video of the drawing. ;) It'll be unloaded shortly.

    So I finished working with that professional model. This is the outcome of my drawing: I'm quite satisfied with it.

  • He's a virgin too.

    What else would you use?...

  • The election is in a week. Can't wait to see him win.

  • enter image description here

    I need it so badly. 0_0

    enter image description here

    I'd trade every game release this month, except FFXV, for Automata.

  • Got any pics to share?

    I just bought the artist proof of issue 100 of TWD. Worth it.

  • Soon. It is at the comic shop waiting for me to pick it up. Unfortunately I work till 5 so can't pick it up till Saturday cries

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Got any pics to share?

  • Nothing, you would go out get some pussy and stop bothering with petty shit.

    What else would you use?...

  • Viola


    Ayy, I can login on vita again. Hopefully for now on. lol Anyway, I decided to look into the rules on Patreon today(I completely forgot t

  • That game looks pretty sweet.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I need it so badly. 0_0 I'd trade every game release this month, except FFXV, for Automata.

  • Seeing you guys return to the stone age will be fun.

    The election is in a week. Can't wait to see him win.

  • It won't happen. The odds are sadly stacked against him. God I wish we had a 3rd party candidate that didn't suck. Maybe they'd steal the show because Trump, god help him, has buried himself too deep now.

    The election is in a week. Can't wait to see him win.

  • Brilliant work! Impeccable shading and detail. I mean zooming in on the eyelashes even, They're insane!

    I love the textures and shadowing! Amazing job! - @BetterToSleep Wow, this is amazing! 0_0 @Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy Thank you! I'

  • Have fun building a wall to keep the titans out.



    The election is in a week. Can't wait to see him win.

  • edited November 2016

    Yep. It's an open world ARPG that runs @60fps + Yoko Taro's crazy, emtoional, dark storytelling + an upgraded and much smoother (based on how it looks on videos) version of MGR Revengeance's combat mixed with Bayonetta's combat (seriously, if Bayonetta and Raiden banged and had a baby, it'd be 2B... and A2... and 9S, since the three of them are all playable, with 2B being the main heroine and protagonist) + Keiichi Okabe and Emi Evans doing a likely God-like OST. I need it in my veins.

    That game looks pretty sweet.

  • Okay I'm loving the Skyrim Remaster, but I'm getting a little annoyed that npc's are randomly disappearing in WhiteRun

  • Not had problems like that yet but I do get hilarious glitches like characters sitting down on the same seat. Love those ones

    Okay I'm loving the Skyrim Remaster, but I'm getting a little annoyed that npc's are randomly disappearing in WhiteRun

  • edited November 2016

    I hustled with this one

    That's amazing. If you "hustled" with this, how long did it all take and how long does a "normal" drawing for you take?
    EDIT: never mind the first question, you mentioned three weeks. But how long does a normal one like this take?

    I love the textures and shadowing! Amazing job! - @BetterToSleep Wow, this is amazing! 0_0 @Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy Thank you! I'

  • Relive this masterpiece

    Find this so funny, especially when Lydia blocks him

  • Have fun building a wall to keep the titans out. .... Wait...

  • edited November 2016

    Okay, so... I wasn't sure where else to post this so, here it is.

    I just finished TWD. S2 for the first time and... I don't think I've ever cried so much at a videogame before. I'm being serious.

    And yes, I cried at Lee's death, it was very sad. And at many other parts in both games. But something about the ending of S2 (that I got) hit me... Really hard. More the Lee's death.

    It was strange, during Kenny and Jane's fight scene, I was literally shaking, breathing heavily and my hands were starting to get numb. And then at the ending (I didn't shoot Kenny, and stayed at Wellington) I was full-on crying. It was just so sad. And I still don't know if I made the right choice or not... (About staying at Wellington)

    Okay... I just wanted to get that off my chest. Applause to Telltale for making such an emotional game.

    ... I probably seem a bit weird now. Oh well.

    EDIT: I'm so sorry, I forgot to spoiler tag this.

  • This is everything I could have wanted and more.

  • ... because life is all about getting dat pussy amiright boyz UP TOP HAHA

    papai46 posted: »

    Nothing, you would go out get some pussy and stop bothering with petty shit.

  • voilà* ?

    papai46 posted: »

    Viola *voilá

  • I was shaking at the end of season 2 too... but for entirely different reasons.


  • oui.

    Euron posted: »

    voilà* ?

  • Would hit the blind one.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I need it so badly. 0_0 I'd trade every game release this month, except FFXV, for Automata.

  • 2B? Good choice. Though.. I'm sorry to say this, but you wouldn't have much luck (and I ain't even talking about the fact she's a fictional character)

    papai46 posted: »

    Would hit the blind one.

  • Why?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    2B? Good choice. Though.. I'm sorry to say this, but you wouldn't have much luck (and I ain't even talking about the fact she's a fictional character)

  • Considering that the only reason we are here in this planet is to keep the species going then yes, i guess you could say that life is all about "dat pussy".

    ... because life is all about getting dat pussy amiright boyz UP TOP HAHA

  • Your mom disagrees.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    He's a virgin too.

  •  >Only 17

    I'm not sure how there's any problem.

    HAHA, you're right gotta stay faithful to the waifu. (just kidding btw)

    I'm not sure how there's any problem with being a virgin, especially since I'm only 17, but okay pal. What would you rather me use then? Please good sir if you have any better suggestions I'll take them.

  • Well.. she's a robot. Ain't got no... you know.

    papai46 posted: »


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