Who did you feed?
For me it was Clem, Duck, Kenny, and Mark. Carley would replace Mark if only she would take the damn food lol.
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For me it was Clem, Duck, Kenny, and Mark. Carley would replace Mark if only she would take the damn food lol.
I fattened Mark up.
Don't remember. Would have to reload file to check.
Off the top of my head, probably Clementine, Duck, Carley(who doesn't take it as far as I know), Larry, and Lilly.
Clementine, Duck, Kenny, and Mark
I first fed Clementine because she was in my responsibility and being a child, I felt it was important that she be fed. I then fed Duck, mainly because he's a growing kid. I then went to feed Lily. She typically hands out rations, and I figured she had been neglecting her own needs to look after the group. She deserved a little bit of appreciation for taking her leadership role, and feeding her seemed like an okay place to start. I then tried to give Katjaa something to eat because of the job she was handling at the moment, but because she declined, I offered my last piece of food to Kenny. I had trouble deciding who to feed last, and I can't recall all of the variables of my reasoning, but all I know is that Kenny ended up with some rations.
I think I fed Duck, Larry, Mark, and Doug. I offered food to Katjaa, but she did not accept it.
Clem, Duck, Mark, and Larry. The two kids and the two adults who were working. I also tried to feed Carley, Katjaa, and Kenny but they're all good people and told me to give it to the kids.
Clem, Duck, Lilly Larry.
Carley refused to I gave it to Lilly instead.
Clementine, Duck, Larry and Lilly.
Carley and Katjaa refused.
Would've been cool if Lee could've saved the three Candy Bars from Episode 1 for this decision xD could've ended up pleasing everyone for one day at least
but the story probably goes that he put them with the rations rather than keeping them for himself/for the future.
Carley takes it if you offer the apple.
I gave the food to the women and children.
Cheese & Crackers to Clementine & Duck
Jerky to Ben
Apple to Carley
Carley doesn't refuse if you give her the apple.
Oh, cool to know. Guess she's a vegan.
She does mention liking apples with granola and almonds when you offer it to her.
Only thing bad is that the apple is the only food Clem reacts positively too.
Gave Clementine the apple,
Gave Duck cheese and crackers,
Gave Kenny the jerky and
Gave Lilly cheese and crackers.
Yeah, it'd be weird if he kept them for 3 months...
Maybe, but if you go with the option i do Clem still gets fed regardless. That's my main concern.
Gave Clem the apple, gave Duck and Larry crackers and cheese, and I gave Kenny the jerky.
We made the same choices, except I gave the crackers to Larry instead of Lilly.
It's varied on multiple playthroughs. I've always fed Clementine and Duck but the last two are usually different. Most recently, I remember Kenny and Lily.
Tried to feed: Carley and Katjaa. because they are women.
Actually feed: Clem, Duck, Larry and Lilly. Because they are children; Elder; Woman.
Duck, Clementine, Kenny and Lilly. Tough decision not to feed Carley for me.
Clem, Duck, Carly, Mark.
I thought Larry would like me more of I fed his daughter, but nope.
Mark..Lilly..Larry and Me...I was so annoyed by the way Duck and Clementine watched me eat with their judgmental sunken eyes.
Really? I have never seen that.
It felt horrible, I chose to feed myself once by accident. Ohhh..
You didn't feed the kids? You didn't even feed Clementine!?
Clem and duck, they're kids. Mark to get him to shuttit and Larry to see if it would soften him a tad.
I felt like a shitbird (Ben) when in one of my many playthroughs I decided not to feed Clementine. That was absolutely the worst
. She also says something that makes you feel like an asshole (something like "I hope I get to eat next time...) damn I regretted it even more than fattening up Mark fire the St. John's (in my first gameplay). It makes me so unhappy to see Clem unhappy... 
Ohhhh sure like I am the only one...
Hey...it was for their own good...the way Kenny is he may have decided eating the young would be a option...so keeping them skinny was for their own good. If it makes you feel any better...I ate the jerky.
Mark (tried to give it to Katjaa but said no, so gave it to him instead) , Clem, Duck, and Kenny. I gave Carly the food bar at the gas station and Clem one.
His number one priority was to keep the kids safe, more than anything. If anything he would have eaten Larry and you know it.
In my original playthrough I fed Clem & Duck the cheese and crackers, Carley the apple, and Kenny the piece of jerky.
I gave food Clem,Duck,Kenny and Ben ☺
It's the same thing with Doug, He'll only eat if you Give'em the Apple, says he's trying to eat healthier. Which is cool.
I Fed Clementine a pack of Crackers, Gave Duck some Crackers, Gave Larry some Jerky, and Gave my old pal Ben the Apple.
Hmmm well if you stewed Larry long enough, I am sure he would be quite tender....of course Lilly might be angry...but it could work lol.