"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • Which of the 5?

    Tohabath posted: »

    Five of those sound amazing to me.

  • Jak and Daxter: A Telltale Game Series (Set after Jak 3 and before Jak X, play as Jak)

    Sonic the Hedgehog: A Telltale Game Series (Possibly Archie Comics, play as Sonic or a new character)

    The Hunger Games: A Telltale Game Series (Set in between The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, play as Katniss)

    Mighty Magiswords: A Telltale Game Series (Play as Prohyas and Vambre)

    Shadow Pokemon Saga: A Telltale Game Series (Set after Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, play as a new character)

    Really, they all sound like good candidates, but those stuck out to me the most. :3

    Which of the 5?

  • they should make a mass effect one that'd be amazing

  • I think something based off of an anime would be pretty awesome.

    RE: Zero anyone?

  • They should do a game with pokemon or something similar to it maybe..

  • Telltale Teen Titans.
    Telltale Bioshock (honestly dont know how it'll turn out, because Bioshock : Infinite has a really confusing storyline)

    and here's my worst idea:
    Telltale Overwatch

    but of course what i want is the second season of tftb and third season of twd

  • and here's my worst idea:
    Telltale Overwatch

    Overwatch: Story Mode, the game that hit the world by... Storm...

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    Telltale Teen Titans. Telltale Bioshock (honestly dont know how it'll turn out, because Bioshock : Infinite has a really confusing storylin

  • Now I know Telltale games are making a marvel series in 2017 but instead I would actually like a avengers game. The chances are very low because of the Marvel game they are doing which
    will most likely include everyone from the marvel franchise but in my opinion I would love to play a Telltale avengers game!

  • Telltale should make a game where you're the president of the United States.

  • Portal and Death Note

  • I would really like to see a Zoo series.

  • They should do star wars

  • gravity falls game

  • Do you guys think telltale will ever make a Friday the 13th game. I know there is a F13th game coming in 2017. But it would be great to see Telltale make one.

  • Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I definitely think we need a Harry Potter storymode. The videogame section of this huge franchise is so neglected. I'm sure I speak for many people when I say that Harry Potter pretty much dominated my life when I was younger. I read all the books and watched all the movies, but I only played one videogame adaptation. The games need a lot more work to be put on my mental "I freaking love this game and I'm totally willing to spend my entire life fortune to buy the next one" list. The reasons why:

    The controls were difficult. I'd move my mouse and the responsiveness was awful. There wasn't any way to adjust the sensitivity, and it even made me a little dizzy after watching for too long because you were always playing; there was hardly any real gameplay interaction save for running around and collecting jellybeans. There wasn't really any dialogue between characters like there should have been, either, making the game that much more unrealistic and unappealing.

    Everything was super plain. The spell effects and colors were pretty muted, and that was kind of disappointing. Shadows and surroundings as a whole were cold with little detail and warmth. This is a huge, magical castle with hundreds (or thousands) of students who practice it and yet there was no source of liveliness (or even people) to make you feel like you weren't in a horror game. Everything was dark and tinged with blue to give you a cold feeling no matter where you were - not to mention you were almost always playing in a dungeon and not often beyond that.

    Hogwarts was empty. One of the things I look forward to in games is the interaction with my favorite characters. The only problem with that in this game was that there wasn't anybody to interact with. In the books and movies, the castle halls are almost always filled with students, but in the game you're lucky if you see anyone at all, even Hermione and Ron. It made me feel a little alone during the entire thing and I didn't like very much.

    No dialogue or character exploration. As I mentioned in the first part of my novel, there's hardly any dialogue to identify who you are. Yes, you're playing as Harry. Yes, you're special. Yes, you're supposed to vanquish Voldemort, your super dangerous enemy out to get you. I get this. But there's nothing beyond this to delve into the character you're playing as. I already know everything about Harry Potter from the books and movies, but I want to know his thoughts and opinions while I'm playing instead of just silently going along with events. A lot of important bits of the main storyline are completely ignored as well.

    No action sequences. Again, I elaborated a bit on this in the first paragraph but I want to go into it more. There are hardly any action sequences that correspond to the main storyline. Only the boss battles at the end of the games are remotely accurate, which is a shame because there's a bunch of humor and action all throughout books/movies that deserves to be kept in the game for both fun and character development purposes.

    I looked at a few websites about the game and, oh my god, even the Lego version of the game ranks higher than the original ones. As one of the biggest franchises in the world, Harry Potter deserves way more. I honestly think Telltale could do an amazing job at bringing us properly into the world of Harry Potter (or at least do it better than the originals). I'd be interested to see what they'd do with the idea, and if it was announced I'd definitely be the first to buy it.

  • Well, Telltale is not afraid to tackle big franchises. In fact, almost all their post TWD games (as well as Jurassic Park and Back to the Future) were based on big franchises: The Walking Dead, Fables, Game of Thrones, Borderlands, Minecraft and now Batman and (probably) Guardians of the Galaxy.
    If they continue this trend, I could see them doing series (not exclusively) for these movie franchises:

    • Star Wars
    • Harry Potter
    • The Lord of the Rings
    • Hunger Games

    Of these, I definitely want a Harry Potter game and maybe a LOTR game. I don't care much about the other two, but they are very successful, and I think Star Wars especially is almost inevitable.

  • its a good idea

    AlphaWOLF10 posted: »

    Do you guys think telltale will ever make a Friday the 13th game. I know there is a F13th game coming in 2017. But it would be great to see Telltale make one.

  • there should be a telltale superman series so cool flying around LASER EYES!!!

    star wars

    baseball series ehh why not

  • The Purge (from several views of different segments of society).

    Enemy mine (its a movie) might be interesting

    Twilight zone

    Sunshine (a 2007 movie) but might just be too dark...no pun intended

    Journey to the center of the earth

    Moby Dick

    The black death (Europe from 1346 to 1353) please do something different from any movies out there on it if you choose this topic

    The name of the rose (another movie. I keep wanting to see it again but haven't got around to looking for a copy.)

    Total recall, but from another point of view from any of the movies

    "The Rift" (a novel I recently read about a massive earthquake along the Mississippi basin). Preppers would like this one.

    I think any of these might be very interesting to research, develop and produce and to watch as I do like to watch no- comment gameplay. I don't really play any more, but I do enjoy telltales stories, but as a former video game junkie, I bet they could be really interesting to play, as well, and are more unique then many other suggestions here as well as some of these are at this point past copywrite or old enough to not cost an incredible amount to get a license on them and could be quite profitable. Obviously, if you chose the black death, that is history (with poetic license) and who has a copywrite on history? As for Twilight zone (in my uneducated opinion) all you would need to obtain a license for on that would likely be the use of the name only. Also, the nice thing about twilight zone is that you could have "episodes" rather then a series, or just one to three parts per episode. This could be a game that could be a nice filler between your bigger releases by having shorter games, taking less time to create but being entertaining in weirdness and creativity factor.


    Like, you play as this old and legendary Assasin who is already retired but there's also this teenager who is all conspiracy theories and he/ she found out about the Brotherhood and now they can't kill him/her for reasons and this other old Assasin has to teach him how to be an Assasin and stuff. But instead of talking place like Long Long Ago this one takes place in the middle of WWII and the objective of the protagonist is to kill Hitler (who is a templar), and the old Assasin dies at the end to kill Hitler and the young one is left alive for the sequel or something like that.


  • Yes, recommended earlier. Thought it'd suit TTG as soon as I got to like episode 5

    KeemaMia posted: »

    I think something based off of an anime would be pretty awesome. RE: Zero anyone?

  • Dexter: The Telltale Series. I can see them making a Dexter game set in between certain Seasons. Maybe in between Seasons 3 and 4 where Dexter is getting used to married life, Rita's pregnancy and of course his Serial Killer life.
    And maybe how Debra is getting used to being a Detective.

    I do know that some people at Telltale really want to a Star Wars Game. And I believe we all know the fans really, really want The Wolf Among Us Season 2 and a Back to the Future Season 2

  • Create a game about immortal beings who are siblings that existed at the beginning of time.

  • As someone else has said a Breaking Bad game. That is the best TV series I've ever seen. Not one plot hole or bad episode.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Personally, I would like to see Telltale make an Indiana Jones game. Perhaps have it set right after The Last Crusade. Another game I'd l

  • As someone else has said a Breaking Bad game. That is the best TV series I've ever seen. Not one plot hole or bad episode.

  • edited November 2016

    Thread: Telltale Games and Ubisoft??

    Hi Guys.Will Telltale Make A game With Ubisoft??Like Assassin's creed:Telltale series??
    Telltale Made Borderlands-Batman-walking dead-wolf among us And It will be good that Telltale make An Assassins creed.But I am sure It will have Technical issues and frame Rate drops.

  • Shift this to telltaleTalk section

    Btw i'd cry tears of joy if i heard of a possibility but such gaming giants dont usually do a co-op

  • edited November 2016

    I only expressed my desire for a Telltale's Assasins' Creed for like months but I'll say it again:


  • edited November 2016

    Thread: Do you think that Telltale Games should do a Simpsons game?

    It would be neat if they could afford to have the actors that play in the tv show play in the game.

  • edited November 2016


    or maybe yes

  • Dark Matter
    Dark Matter The Telltale Series with cast from the Syfy Show (like it was with TellTale Games Game Of Thrones)
    Here is imdb page

  • how about Sherlock?

  • Something about Harry Potter's universe

  • I'm not much into the Harry Potter universe but that is a good idea

    t0nks posted: »

    Something about Harry Potter's universe

  • Listen, I've been thinking
    many people want to be that mom Ro released anything about the "Marauders" know what I mean?
    and imagine how it would be cool if it did Telltale Games
    in fact in the universe of Harry Potter
    no normal game, and Telltale Games have always played up a lot of details. It could be made steep magical duel, flying on a broomstick and kvidich. transformation into Animagi and many many others. FANS understand

  • Would love to see a game based on the TV series Supernatural. Also would love to see star trek and doctor who.

  • Kick Ass(the comics, not the movie)

  • Redwall

    enter image description here

  • Tales From The... Crypt.

    That's something I could actually get behind. Each episode bookends with the Cryptkeeper shtick, John Kassir is still around and seasoned in video game voice acting, Telltale is gearing certain franchises to the adult market already, choices mattering across episodes would be meaningless... it's perfect.

  • An adventure game based on a horror franchise would be nice, like say friday the 13tn it could be set in tne 80s and you take on the role of different people at camp crystal lake when Jason Voorhees comes back. Also the slasher franchise Halloween has a lot of history to mine, you could take on the role of dr. Loomis as he tries to end Michael Myers murder spree once and for all. How about a game based on a nightmare on elm street taking on the multiple roles of teenagers being haunted by freddy. Some great drama to be had tnere as well

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