The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • enter image description here

    Yes and no. It's complicated.

  • edited October 2016

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    POW! Right in the feels!

  • I'm just gonna assume that's a reference to gore and move on.

  • edited November 2016

    Made by FeWoodLover©

    Javier: Do you know these people Clem?
    Mike: Clementine?! :O
    Bonnie: Clem? :O
    Arvo: [Gasp!!] :OOO
    (Dark/Immoral) Clem: [Shoots Arvo] u.u
    Arvo: Grrruhhhhh. Arrrgh. [Dies] x.x
    Javier: What the fuck?? o.o'
    (Dark/Immoral) Clem: Shut the fuck up. :v

    enter image description here

    Apparently, Arvo is part walrus. Also, Javier has a I deficiency.

  • [wink wink]

    DabigRG posted: »

    I'm just gonna assume that's a reference to gore and move on.

  • Clem: Tea, Mrs. Explosion?
    Nathan: With "eggs," please.

  • Bruh why Clementine's head built like Roger from American Dad?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Made by FeWoodLover© Javier: Do you know these people Clem? Mike: Clementine?! :O Bonnie: Clem? :O Arvo: [Gasp!!] :OOO (Da

  • It's scary me.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Made by FeWoodLover© Javier: Do you know these people Clem? Mike: Clementine?! :O Bonnie: Clem? :O Arvo: [Gasp!!] :OOO (Da

  • Idk, but I can't unseen that now.

    pr0dz posted: »

    Bruh why Clementine's head built like Roger from American Dad?

  • This shit killing me.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Literally the most random place to see a picture of Jackie Chan and Sheamus.

    pr0dz posted: »

    This shit killing me.

  • edited October 2016

    enter image description here I think Lee and Clem took Joel and Ellie's spot.

  • And soon, Javier will take Lee's.

    I think Lee and Clem took Joel and Ellie's spot.

  • I hope someone will do a new version with him.

    DabigRG posted: »

    And soon, Javier will take Lee's.

  • enter image description here
    Nice handy work there, junior. :lol:

  • “I don't understand!”

    “I don't understand!”

  • Yeeeah, that does really suck. I feel bad for both Doug and Carley, to be honest.

  • The Wait for A New Frontier Trailer

    The Wait for A New Frontier Trailer

  • Errm... I made this picture btw.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Made by FeWoodLover© Javier: Do you know these people Clem? Mike: Clementine?! :O Bonnie: Clem? :O Arvo: [Gasp!!] :OOO (Da

  • Oh shit, I forgot to give credit! My bad!

    Errm... I made this picture btw.

  • What a ´´Remarkable ´´ joke you re a ´´Leegend´´!

  • FeWoodLover©

    I lol-ed so hard xD

    And no problem!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh shit, I forgot to give credit! My bad!

  • enter image description here

    Watch TellTale not even tell everyone when it's released. Just out of nowhere; "Oh by the way, we released episode 1 a week ago. Have fun."

  • I know right? I was just about to ask about that.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Watch TellTale not even tell everyone when it's released. Just out of nowhere; "Oh by the way, we released episode 1 a week ago. Have fun."

  • enter image description here
    1Join us, be our friend
    Or just be stuck and defend
    2Your sweet little eyes, your little smile,
    Is all I remember
    Those fuzzy memories mess with my temper
    3Once I get my second chance,
    I won't leave you alone
    4And I'm regretting having memories
    Of my friends who they used to be
    Beside me before they left me to die

  • I can poke fun at him guilt free because he deserves it!

    enter image description here

    ... I'm so going to hell.

  • What, did he get it from Brie's post?

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    I can poke fun at him guilt free because he deserves it! ... I'm so going to hell.

  • enter image description here

    Think they can treat salt licks?

  • enter image description here

    ♪And I want to inspire you...♫

  • edited November 2016

    Jane fucked up more than Sarah ever did. While everyone was so busy complaining about Luke they seemed to have forgotten who also had sex at the worst possible time and took a gun and possibly medicine from someone making that person’s group want to attack them. But Jane doesn’t have to suffer from that because she up and leaves.

    enter image description here

    Okay, no joke, I actually laughed when I saw this because of the wording until I read what the description actually said. Then I just nodded in stern agreement.

    To put it bluntly: Jane is terrible, Sarah is amazing and I love her.

  • edited November 2016

    I disagree deeply.

    The statement above suffers of reductionism. It uses Jane's one immoral yet well-intentioned action, and Jane's one reckless action done without malice, to support the premise aforementioned, completely ignoring all of her other numerous actions of varying moral degrees. It does not address Sarah's actions, either, and that by itself shows that it is a flawed comparison.

    I'm going to take this as the confession of a biased person who is currently incapable of considering the great scheme of both Sarah and Jane's behavior.

    Edited section
    I'd also like to say that I believe you have the potential to analyze and criticize this more profoundly than the author of that confession, and I would find it a shame if you adhered to that post's shallow comparison.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Jane fucked up more than Sarah ever did. While everyone was so busy complaining about Luke they seemed to have forgotten who also had sex at

  • It uses Jane's one immoral yet well-intentioned action, and Jane's one reckless action done without malice, to support the premise aforementioned
    It does not address Sarah's actions,

    True. I would like to think the point they were trying to get across was the conscious intent and affecting scale of Jane's actions compared to Sarah's, but then again this did come from a random google search, so who knows what the person's context was without following up on it's origin.

    I'd also like to say that I believe you have the potential to analyze and criticize this more profoundly than the author of that confession, and I would find it a shame if you adhered to that post's shallow comparison.

    Yeah, I likely could. It's more that from a broad perspective of what the person was probably suggesting, the statement was something I definitely agree with, as mutually biased as that may be.

    I disagree deeply. The statement above suffers of reductionism. It uses Jane's one immoral yet well-intentioned action, and Jane's one re

  • I wouldn't say that Jane is terrible as both a person or a character, but I do agree that Jane caused more trouble and dilemmas to the group than Sarah had.

    I get that Sarah had made mistakes and is not a shining example of a good team member, but most of these mistakes she makes comes down to how the environment affects her and how she's prevented from adapting and learning to be a capable individual by her father rather than her own choices causing problems for everyone.

    The only stupid mistake Sarah made was accidentally leaving behind evidence of her existence to tip off her group's whereabouts to Carver when she played around with a Polaroid camera, and even then I can't really fault her considering that she was basically left to her own devices with Clementine by her father without being fully informed of what was happening around the cabin and that Carver was coming after them.

    Meanwhile, Jane does offer some good survival tips and have saved as many people as she could during the walker disguise plan, but I feel that Jane is not as competent as she thinks she is and have actively caused danger to the group and herself as well due to her own poorly thought out choices. Besides the 'faking the baby's death' plan in the finale, she also indirectly caused the shootout by choosing to let Arvo walk free to inform them of having been threatened and robbed by Clementine's group, who she was a part of at the time.

    It saddens me that Sarah is portrayed as a liability while Jane isn't, when it's the other way around from where I'm standing.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Jane fucked up more than Sarah ever did. While everyone was so busy complaining about Luke they seemed to have forgotten who also had sex at

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