The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread




    @clemyclooandbabyboo rip off D.Va

  • enter image description here


  • Thank you so much!

    I wish there'd been a way to explain how I felt without giving the impression that I'm desperate for attention and likes; but, at the same time, I'm aware that lots of people on the forum can feel like this from time to time.

    Yo I'll read it. I'd honestly hate to see all that effort go to waste.

  • Yes, it is! Thank you for taking the time to read it.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Is that the Randall one?

  • edited November 2016

    This is by Laura Kate Dale. She has been one of the most credible sources of Switch information until now, and it also lines up with Eurogamer's sources. Sad about Zelda not making it to launch, but if Emily Rogers (another Switch insider who has been right multiple times) is right, then it come out between April and July, I think.

    Still, a new 3D Mario, Splatoon and Skyrim Remastered are a triforce of awesome launch games.

  • edited November 2016

    The gameplay itself is excellent and it's open world stealth done right. The presentation is great too and it looks gorgeous for a 60fps open world game, and it has great cutscene direction. But the story and repetitive nature of the side ops really disappointed me. The side ops is probably where the mission creator which would've allowed us to create our own missions and share them online would've really helped.

    I dunno, I just expected more from Kojima and after waiting 3 years since its announcement in 2012. And I can't believe I'm defending those shitbags, but Konami isn't entirely to blame, Kojima deserves some of it too, imo. He had 5 years to make it plus a large budget.

    Meh. So far I adore the game, even with the shit Konami wouldn't let Hideo put in.

  • And I just finally got a Wii U...

    MichaelBP posted: » This is by Laura Kate D

  • enter image description here

    Acheive250 posted: »

    And I just finally got a Wii U...

  • edited November 2016

    At least I'll still be able to play Breath of the Wild.

    Which is the only Switch game that interests me at the moment. Except for maybe the 3D Mario one...

  • edited November 2016

    O_O Be more careful mate! Hope you're alright.

    (PS I'll be playing today so we can hang out if you're well enough)

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I fell down the stairs today.

  • edited November 2016

    enter image description here

    Hey there, long time no see!

    EDIT: Screw it an image will do. lol

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Whoa, this place has changed a lot. Anyone remember me??

  • Am I late? Screw it. Happy Birthday!

    (Also holy crap, another user I know. Heya!)

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I'm legally an adult now.

  • Walls.... do hit back.

    I just tried bashing my head really hard against a wall in an attempt to knock me out so I can go to bed. And it fucking failed, and now I'm less tired than before because of the pain.

  • You can't be. Your avatar is still The Boy Wonder.

    OK, Happy Birthday and Congrats!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I'm legally an adult now.

  • Yes. The accounts just lets your have a more accessible experience. You can read and observe the forum without an account. I was formerly a lurker.

  • Thank you!

    Happy birthday and cheers on adulthood!

  • I'm dreading the next situation where I think "Oh god, we need an adult!" and realize that I'm an adult.

    That sounds fucking scary as shit. Congrats tho.

  • Not late at all! It's actually today! I made the post at midnight, central standard time. Thanks!

    (Hey, Tobi! It's nice to speak to you again!)

    Am I late? Screw it. Happy Birthday! (Also holy crap, another user I know. Heya!)

  • edited November 2016

    Hmm, you're right. My avatar should reflect my newly obtained age... There, a middle-aged Boy Wonder.

    Hehe, thanks!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    You can't be. Your avatar is still The Boy Wonder. OK, Happy Birthday and Congrats!

  • Walls.... do hit back.

  • Ah! I see. And good to see you too ! Been a long time. How've you been?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Not late at all! It's actually today! I made the post at midnight, central standard time. Thanks! (Hey, Tobi! It's nice to speak to you again!)

  • "I'm watching you, wazowski... Always watching"

    Yes. The accounts just lets your have a more accessible experience. You can read and observe the forum without an account. I was formerly a lurker.

  • I've been great! What about you? Living up to your namesake? ;)

    Ah! I see. And good to see you too ! Been a long time. How've you been?

  • Good to hear! And I'm doing good. Being a good boy. Lol Keeping busy. A lot going on. And uhh, I should tell you something important btw. I'm working on an original manga (still in planning stages) which I'll be making a living off of. It's at that point where I need to actually work. The TWD Forum Comic is being cancelled for numerous reasons but in the future I'll post everything I had planned. I figure I should tell you since you participated and probably missed out on my post last month. In my deviantart profile (UzumakiIchigoY2K) I explain the reasons (Can't copy/paste on PS4). It was a difficult decision for me but I hope you understand. Sorry for the inconvenience, I figured I should tell you.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I've been great! What about you? Living up to your namesake?

  • I've actually seen your posts here about that! While the TWD Forum Comic's cancellation is unfortunate, it's great to know you're pursuing a career, even if that does mean it's canceled. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find success! :^D

    Good to hear! And I'm doing good. Being a good boy. Lol Keeping busy. A lot going on.

  • Thank you very much! Well i'm off to kick some virtual butt! See you again, some time. Ciao. !

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I've actually seen your posts here about that! While the TWD Forum Comic's cancellation is unfortunate, it's great to know you're pursuing a career, even if that does mean it's canceled. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find success! :^D

  • So happy that one of my favorite music artists released another music video :D

  • edited November 2016

    This just appeared on my recommended videos on youtube.

  • The existential terror passes in time.

    That sounds fucking scary as shit. Congrats tho.

  • Is this real?

    Who else is excited?

  • Yep, it's real. :)

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Is this real? Who else is excited?

  • Being a hyper-wired metal enthusiast, whenever people say stuff like BVB is "hard-metal" always make me wince.

    enter image description here

    This is the real stuff in terms of it's ferocity and impactful hardness.

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  • Even though we barely see anything, it actually looks like it's going to be really good.

    I hope they go for a more serious tone again.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep, it's real.

  • Following recent reports that Zelda: Breath of the Wild would miss the Switch’s March launch, we have not only heard the same information independently, but also that the Wii U version is not going to hit the previously expected launch date either. We have heard that, even though the game will not launch until several months into the Switch’s lifespan, Nintendo still plans to release a Wii U version of the game.

    AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! God. Fucking. Dammit. Nintendo.

    MichaelBP posted: » This is by Laura Kate D

  • edited November 2016

    That might shock some people but... I'm not really a big fan of Harry Potter and the deathly hallows movies and the book is probably my favorite book of all time because it was the first book I enjoyed reading and I read it 11 times in a year.

    I love Harry Potter it is my favorite movie franchise and favorite book franchise, I crew up with Harry Potter and watched the movies all day if I could. A few weeks ago I watched all the movies except the fourth one I can't stand that one.
    I still like the latest two movies but... I swear that it was rushed for release. Part 1 follows the book pretty well actually but here is something that bucks me... Alot

    Harry has in Part 1 a mirror he uses to contact Desiderius Dumbledore so he sends Dobby, in the earlier books it was explained where he got it but was never mentioned in the movies I wonder even JK Rowling bothered to tell the movie directors and script writers. The mirror is a big deus ex in the movies.

    There is also this subplot about not trusting Dumbledore in the books and movies but... In the movie it kinda felt dropped when they met Desiderius.

    Now let's go to PART 2
    The Battle of Hogwarts
    enter image description here
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    I think this scene is better here than in the books because in the book Snape just left but here.

    enter image description here
    Snape is hesitated to fight a old college
    enter image description here
    He takes down the other two death eathers so they don't have to worry about it and leaves hogwarts... And than the script writers got drunk.

    Everybody in Hogwarts is supposed to fight against Voldemorths army there is no NO! Everybody is forced to fight in the book everybody under the age of 17 was send away here they let little kids fight thank you proffesor you are a dick against students.

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    We need a few hundred men to take down a shield build by a few men... Probably 6 of them and Voldemorth could just blow it away.
    What is the point of the shield if Draco can just teleport into Hogwarts?
    Everybody agrees to fight.
    Why is there a new bridge?
    enter image description here
    The battle of the courtyard
    All Death eaters attack the courtyard, the courtyard is the most populated place in the movie BECAUSE EVERYBODY FIGHTS THERE! we see no scene from other students so why does Voldemorths army burn down the hole castle for fun? they want Harry alive not blow him into pieces.

    Let's fast forward.
    enter image description here
    Neville is a fucking pussy in this scene and after
    This only counts if you read the book NO it is just stupid in my eyes I could just make this scene better with a bit of the book:)
    Movie: I would like to say something dear sir Voldemorth
    Book version: Fuck you I am not gonna bow down before you!

    Movie he gets the sword and just stands there and does nothing, if Harry was dead he would just die and nobody cares that all there friends are fucking dead and will give up.
    Book: He runs at Voldemorth, gets his ass kicked, doesn't give up, Voldemorth places the burning sorting hat on his head, Voldemorth gets attacked by half human horses and Neville kills the snake with the sword.
    Everybody is like ''Harry is dead so you killed my family mt friends I AM NOT GONNA GIVE UP!'' Everybody still thinks he is death and fights.

    In the movie Neville just lies there on the ground missing everything and saves Hermione and Ron at the last minute.

    Voldemorth VS Harry Potter

    Voldemorth teleports into Hogwarts because... He is lazy? his wands turns into a gun and fails to defeat Potter THERE IS NO WAY I BELIEVE HE COULDN'T KILL HIM! Blow up the wall next to him to kill him or the ground jesus dude.
    I also noticed the budget for special effects was getting lower to.
    enter image description here
    Bellatrix is weak and this fight is stupid
    Bellatrix was so strong in the books and took on multiple people and Molly was a rival in the books... Here she just dies after fighting one girl and here mom (rolls eyes)

    Harry wins from Voldemorth and... Well everything after that I like really well that was my little rant

  • She and Halsey should make a duet.

    So happy that one of my favorite music artists released another music video

  • 2014: "Zelda will come out in 2015, before Star Fox"

    2015: "It has been delayed, but expect to play it in 2016, only on Wii U"

    Pre-E3 2016: "It's not coming out this year, but please be excited to play it next year in March, on Wii U and NX"

    Today: "It's coming out at some point after the launch of the Switch"

    I hope all these delays are worth it. It looked amazing at E3 and everybody who got to play it seemed to love it and consider it the best game on the show floor.

    Following recent reports that Zelda: Breath of the Wild would miss the Switch’s March launch, we have not only heard the same information in

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