So, I just finished Tales from the borderlands..
First TellTale I ever played for myself, was GOT and I only completed that, a day ago. I had watched TWD on YouTube but, didn't realise how good these games actually are until you play them for yourself. Upon completing GOT knowing, it had a fairly bad reputation in this community I decided, if I enjoyed that so much why not try one of the highest regarded games in this community, and this is the one that kept popping up.
Never really having an interest in Borderlands, I thought I really wouldn't enjoy this game. Having never played them before, I did a bit of lore and backstory hunting of the first two games, just so I'd have an idea of what was going on in the world around me, and it turned out to help a good bit. Anyway, I went into this game with an open mind, my usual games being, Survival, Competitive, RPG, MMORPG's, just never really coming close to a "Point-to-point" game before, GOT. But, I love games with a good storyline and TellTale are the best for it.
So keeping my open mind, but, expectations not too high, after episode 1 I physically could not stop myself finishing it in one sitting. I can safely say, with no competition whatsoever this is the single best game I have ever played in my life, and that is saying a lot. I thought the "Comedy" Side would just be quite forced, and cringy but this is one of the only games that has had me laughing out loud for literally the majority. I think it was to do with just how likeable everyone was, even "Assquez!" I even liked Handsome Jack but, didn't dare to trust him, still such a good and funny character aside from him trying to take my body.
Not that its all over, I literally don't know what to do with myself. When you enjoy a game so much, and then its done just like that. Hard times indeed. I just pray to God they make a season 2 of this game. In fact, I'd say 2K games should just give Borderlands to TellTale, and all Borderlands games be made like this! (Sorry if you're a huge fan of the 2k franchise! :P )
Either way, I can see why this game is classed as one off, if not THE best TellTale game by the community. I have played GOT, watched both seasons of TWD and I 100% regard it as that, in my TellTale journey so far. And I thank you, the community for recommending me this game. Here's to hoping for a season 2, in which is just as good if not better than the last!
Thank you!
Yeah the game was very good but it's far from my favorite Telltale Game. For me my list goes like this,
Still haven't played GOT, but the more I hear about it, the more I'm eager to check it out.
No, I haven't played or even saw The Wolf Among Us, and was going to mention that in this thread but, felt I was already going off topic a bit haha. Never really appealed to me to be honest but, then again I would NEVER have even considered TFTB without being told to play it and, its now my favourite game. So I will more than likely give it ago within the next few days.
And I loved GOT, although could have been done better, not going to say anything for the purpose of not spoiling it but, should definitely give it a go, especially if you like the show. And, Minecraft Story Mode? Is that actually good, like worth playing? Was considering it but, wanted to know if it is actually any good?
Well those 7 games are the only TT games I've played so I just ranked them from my favorite. I'm a Minecraft fan and I love the way a TT game plays so that's why I bought it, but if there was a series that got an additional 3 episodes, MCSM would be the last pick on my list. I didn't like how it got more episodes when other series deserved it more. If you're a fan of Telltale in general, sure check it out. But be warned, the game has really corny dialogue and is pretty much tailored to 10 year olds and under.
Yea, haha that last part was the bit I was slightly afraid off, still might give it a go. Once I'm over the fact I've finished TFTB I will probably progress too The Wolf Among Us, appreciate the advice!
Anytime, brother!
Tales from the Borderlands exceeded all of my expectations. I was not that excited about it when it came out (I had only ever played 15 minutes of my then-boyfriends copy of Borderlands 2) so I had very limited knowledge of the universe going into it as a gift from a friend.
After playing, I have to say it rivals The Walking Dead season 1 as my favorite telltale game. I really couldn't tell you which one I would rank higher, but Tales did better than TWD at giving me such a wide range of emotions.
One-hundred percent agree with you there!
You need to play The Wolf Among Us...great game...and Batman.
The Wolf Among Us is definitely my next stop! Can't wait to get into it, and out of curiosity can I ask what your favourite TellTales game is?
It's more than 6 months since I finished it, and I still feel like this, although I have calmed down a bit. I'm still pretty much in love with this game and the characters.
Welcome to the TFTBL famiglia!
As someone who played the BL1, BL2, TPS and all the DLC, I think TFTBL might just be my 2nd favorite iteration of the IP. Nothing yet beats Assault on Dragon Keep
I honestly got distracted away after the 1st episode circa its release, but I'm really glad I went back to finish it. Glad you gave it a (moon)shot!
I like the (moon)shot thing haha! Very creative
Is a season two out of the question?
"I think second seasons are always a possibillity"

Ah, ok thank you very much!
Highly doubt you do but, any idea on when about that was posted?
I took the screenshot from the "We Want Season 2!" thread, but it's originally from on this thread.
The Walking Dead series....but they are all well worth the time...also the new Batman game....AMAZING.
The old forum style brings back memories
Nice! I myself was never a huge borderlands fan, and wasn't too interested in playing the telltale version. But I ended up giving the first episode a shot, and it turned into one of my favourite telltale games of all time! They really did a fantastic job with it
Exact same here haha, I hope TellTale and Gearbox work on a Season 2, rather than Gearbox just turning the TellTale version into Borderlands 3. I feel like, if the story from TellTale's Borderlands carries over to Borderlands 3, we would just lose touch with the characters, because, even if you love Borderlands you have to admit there is not much story there. Who knows, either way 100% agree with you!
Three days later and, still can't stop thinking about it! I need a season two, or at least some information on, "Bord3rlands" If thats what its going to be called, that way I'll have some sense of what's going on with the game
Such a good game!
Yeah. I've never been sadder in my life.
I don't know if you've heard about the teaser in the latest Battleborn DLC (also developed by Gearbox you know), the word "Promethea" was painted on a wall, and Promethea is another planet in the Borderlands universe, suggesting that Borderlands 3 might take place on that planet.
That planet is also really important to Atlas, which Rhys now owns
Stop reminding me, I'm getting too hyped!! Btw, what do we think about Gearbox themselves continuing the Rhys (and Fiona?) story? (have we discussed that topic specifically before? I can't remember. Like, do we want them to be in Borderlands 3, or a season 2, or a book adaptation, or a movie, or nothing etc.) I think it would be better if manly Telltale handle them, because the other Borderlands games aren't that character focused, and Borderlands 3 could for example be about four new vault hunters looking for the new president of Atlas, because they think he holds important information about more Vaults. That way, they still tie into the game, without being an active part in it. First half of the game could take place on Pandora, with The Children of Helios's base as your "home", with Vaughn, Sasha, Loader Bot and Gortys as quest givers, they of course also want to find Rhys and Fiona, and later realize they have been teleported to Promethea and tries to get there (I don't know if the lore says anything about it being hard to get there, maybe strong border patrols.) Then the rest of the game takes place there, ending with Rhys opening a new Vault, and it also sets up TFTB season 2.
Personally I dont want Gearbox getting anywhere close to Telltale's characters, and to not even look at Rhys and Fiona. Borderlands The Pre Sequel was some of the worst writing in a video game, and many of the writers also worked on Battleborn which's writing was even worst. One thing Im worried about Borderlands 3 will be if the writing is also bad. The last thing I want is them to hop in and just ruin Telltale's characters that are much more established. For me, the only characters who should appear at all are Vaughn, Sasha, Loaderbot, Gortys, and August. They can all be at Helios and give quest, and August can do the same but at Hollowpoint in the Purple Skag. One of the quest can easily be trying to find Rhys and Fiona, maybe even find an audio log or two of them talking, but we should never see them. I feel like what happened to Rhys and Fiona can never truly be told unless its in a season 2. Not to mention Rhys and Fiona have alot of things that are based on choices, meaning they would have to choose cannon choices, which would be really disappointing, such as if you chose to Rule Hyperion with Jack, and crushed him, but in Borderlands 3, Rhys says he refused Hyperion but didnt crush Jack.
Yeah, maybe that is better, just to stay completely safe, unless, and unlikely, Gearbox takes in the writers from Telltale. At least when it comes to the characters that originated in this game. I mean they gave them a lot of freedom when they did Tales, crashing Helios, killing Scooter, so maybe they would like to consult Telltale anyway. But it could very well be that they still wouldn't fit with that format, especially when you consider all the different choices in Tales.
I feel like it would be a pretty big mistake if Gearbox didnt collab with some of the writers who wrote Tales, they did Borderlands better than them to be honest.
Also like I said though, the choices. The only choices that matter that are cannon no matter what is, A vault opens, Scooter dies, Helios crashes. Tales was always advertised as cannon, and having your choices suddenly be decided which is the cannon one is annoying. Like who "canonically" was on our vault team? Everyone had something different, it would be disappointing if Borderlands 3 just decides who it was, what your relationship with characters are, and just every choice you made.
Also, like I said, I feel like discovering where Rhys and Fiona went and what happened to them being discovered in Borderlands 3 wouldn't do the characters or story justice like a season 2 would.
Do you use Steam for your Telltale games?
That could lead to some funny meta moments though if handled right, like August doesn't remember if he helped fight The Traveler because he blacked out drunk later that night after the fight. As long as they don't break the fourth wall completely, I don't like that, it kinda ruins everything, unless it's like in Deadpool where you know you should expect it from the beginning and it also not tying into anything else. That moment when AI Jack points towards the "Handsome Jack will remember that" line in the beginning of episode 3 I try to think of as him pointing to something off screen, or just a glitch in his system that happened to coincide with that line.
A friend's