Who the FUCK has been keeping this thread away from me? I photoshop the weirdest shit this side of Tamriel, I deserve to be in this thread. I'm taking horrifying TWDG photoshop requests now!
Thread: The Unofficial Walking Dead Photoshop Thread
The title says it all, drop in memes, edits, anything related to TWD, and request anything to be made. I'm gonna drop in a photo for the first request Enjoy (Warning: Not mobile friendly)
EDIT: I need training, so if you have some suggestions, I'll see what I can do (it will be shitty, but ask anyway)
Dankest mofos in town … more(sorry for the garbage in the corner, I'm a noob at paint.net )
Deal with it
Into Civil War history and weed
And a part of Nick's hat.
Kenny with manchester united kit please
Who the FUCK has been keeping this thread away from me? I photoshop the weirdest shit this side of Tamriel, I deserve to be in this thread. I'm taking horrifying TWDG photoshop requests now!
best ever
I am reviving this thread.
Thread: The Unofficial Walking Dead Photoshop Thread
The title says it all, drop in memes, edits, anything related to TWD, and request anything to be made. I'm gonna drop in a photo for the first request
Enjoy (Warning: Not mobile friendly)
Sarah, the Master of Smooth Segueways.
Clever! Thanks for participating.
Cruel but funny xD
Get ready for 2 huge images
EDIT: I need training, so if you have some suggestions, I'll see what I can do (it will be shitty, but ask anyway)
Dankest mofos in town (sorry for the garbage in the corner, I'm a noob at paint.net
Deal with it
Into Civil War history and weed
No problem. Had that online for a while now.
Does that really count as a photoshop, though? Cause otherwise it can go in the meme thread. Then again, considering my other picture...
Didn't really nail dis but I tried, THE WALKING BOAT :P
I can't believe my thread is somehow still alive lol
That's what you call irony!
Actually it's mine our threads got merged lol
Get photoshop ya idiotic bloke xD
And if you can't pay for it...
YARRRRRR I have a parrot right here