What Remains: A TTGoT Continuation Fic

Hello all! My name is Cassie and I'm a very big fan of this game. Very big. So big I wanted to try and write a fanfiction for it. Poking around on the forums I noticed people were sharing their own stories, so I figured it'd be okay if I did the same. Forgive me if I do something wrong, I'm still a bit new to this whole thing. Forums and all that.
Anyway! I started writing WR earlier this summer, but took a hiatus to focus on other things. I'm trying to get back into it currently, and I wanted to share it with all of you. The story features three POV characters in Mira, Talia, and Elaena post-episode six. A continuation fic, really. Yet another way to help me get through this in between seasons state we're all suffering through. While it is a continuation story, I'm also interested in exploring past events through these characters' eyes. There will be original characters involved in this story, so if that doesn't sit well with you that's perfectly understandable! This story will also not have any choices to make meaning it's not interactive like the other stories in this forum seem to be.
The story is currently being hosted on ao3 with chapters being uploaded there for convenience. Chapter six is currently being worked on! I hope to have it posted sometime this week.
Thanks for stopping by!
Prologue I
Prologue II
Prologue III
Mira I
Talia I

I've actually already read this and I love it!
Badgershite recommended it on Tumblr a while ago.
Ahh that's great!! Thank you for reading
It means so much to me!
I have just finished reading the chapters and well, I am hooked! This is really a great story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. You're a really good writer and you can count me in as a reader from here on
The three PoV's all have a unique feeling to them and all of them were great in their own way. Mira had been my favourite in the game and I greatly liked her parts, although I really pity her. This situation she is finding herself in is horrible and you really portrayed her struggle well. Talia's two parts meanwhile felt completely different in terms of pacing and atmosphere and it was a welcome change. I am intrigued by the situation she's in during her first real chapter after the prologue and I wonder where Rodrik and Royland have ended up at. I hope they are not dead
I wonder, was there also a ten-month timeskip between Talia's first part and her prologue, similar to Mira's? And well, even if she had only the prologue so far, I think my favourite here was Elaena. I mean, in terms of writing all three were equally great, but I enjoyed Elaena the most, simply because she's such a fresh PoV. Mira already had the entire game to shine and I feel like Talia is a common and logical choice as a PoV for a fanfiction set after the events of the game (which does not mean that they were bad choices, quite the contrary), but Elaena feels like a fresh change. I suppose she's the PoV for the next chapter, yes?
Anyways, I am looking forward for the next chapter!
Thank you so much for the comment and read! It's so nice to know people are enjoying what I've written so far. I was nervous about posting this story on here, but so far it's received such a good response.
Yep! The story is supposed to take place ten months after the final scene of season one. Sorry if that was confusing ;-;
I'm also really happy to see Elaena being enjoyed as a POV. I was concerned about whether or not people would like her perspective on things. I have a lot of great stuff planned for her though. Hopefully it continues to go over well!
read it here!
Oh my, that was dark. But still a great part!
Wow, this was my favourite chapter so far! I'll repeat myself from earlier, Elaena is my favourite PoV and I found this one to be the most dramatic, most action-packed and most exciting chapter. Her situation was the one I was curious about the most, since from your earlier response to my comment, I figured out she must have given birth by now and probably escaped from the dungeons of Highpoint. I really liked this twist in her story, with her already being a mother now, though it really breaks my heart that she hasn't reunited with Rodrik by now, if Rodrik is still alive even. But yeah, the dramatic tension in this part was brilliant! Well done, I'm excited for the next chapter
Though I beta-read this chapter, I still want to write a proper review about it.
I think this is my favourite chapter so far. Despite the location being a brief stop-off for the POV (at least in the sense of the arc, as she was there for quite a while in-universe), it feels heavily built up. The routines and interactions between the characters living at the Inn make it feel lived-in and not as if it was created specifically for Elaena's arrival. She seems like an odd one out who doesn't belong, and these people have their own lives that predate her arrival. Though they are only in the story for a short while, I became attached to a few of them to the point where I was shocked or felt sorry for them.
I also really liked the camaraderie between the women at the inn. They had clear-cut personalities so they could be told apart, and their protection of one another despite squabbles gave me a vibe of Mira's 'if handmaidens don't help each other, no one will' - which shows that for all of their differences some things do translate between the classes of Westeros's society.
I'm interested to see where this pushes Elaena, and what the repercussions will be for Elaena and Sprout. I feel like the death of the Mutt and his pack won't go unpunished, and Elaena's now killed. Whether she'll feel remorse over it and never want to do it again or find it easier to cope with if she murders again is yet to be seen.
Also looking forward to the next chapter based on the summary I've heard : )
LOL WOW. Haven't updated in a while. Mostly because I have terrible writer's block. Anyway, I pushed through it and bring you a Talia chapter.
Chapter Seven: Talia II
read it here!
Thanks for all the comments, as well. It's really nice to know people have read and enjoyed my writing.
I love it! Beskha's the best!
Another great chapter, glad this is back
The beginning with Talia and Ryon gave me the feels. You really wrote them so well, especially Ryon is growing on me a lot after the relatively minor role he had in the games. And Beskha is just always great, I loved her in this part. I'm just a bit worried that I don't really know what happened to Rodrik. He was with Talia in the prologue if I remember correctly, but has it been mentioned what happened to him during the timeskip? In this part, only Royland was mentioned, which still leaves Rodrik unknown and considering the state he has been in the last time we saw him, that is worrying. Argh, I hope there will eventually be an update on him as well XD
Thank you for reading!! Hopefully the next Talia chapter will explain what happened to Rodrik. I figured I shouldn't leave people in the lurch TOO long. There have been little clues here and there about what happened, but I'll be having a concrete flashback that should explain it all next time we see Talia.
I'm happy that I could expand on Ryon! I expect he'll have a larger part during the real season 2 of the game, and I'm using this as a way to theorize about how he'll have changed after his experiences. We really didn't see him for a huge chunk of time during s1, but I always loved that scene in ep4 when he shouts "iron from ice" while being led away. His relationship with Beskha is also something I'm excited to explore.
Thank you! I was worried about writing her since she's such a distinct character and I knew if I got it wrong it'd be noticeable. I'm super excited to write Beskha and her relationship with Talia and Ryon, as well as exploring more of her emotional state after the season one finale.