Who is Javier?
What does he look like? What is his backstory? What is his real name? Why does he have that name? Is Javier secretly Lee or Kenny? Why would Lee or Kenny pretend to be someone called Javier? When will Javier die? Where will Javoer die? Why will Javier die? What would happen if Javier is immortal and would explain why Kenny or Lee is still alive pretending to be a person called Javier.
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Uhhh.... What?
what indeed, if Javier cannot die then he is certainly is immortal. But if Javier is Lee or Kenny then they were immortal the whole time and should have a cure in there bloodstream, so my conclusion is that Javier is secretly Lee or Kenny under a false identity because they discovered they were immortal and the season will end with creating a vaccine that turns humans immortal and if the cure would be injected into the walkers then the walkers would turn into grim reapers due to them being an undead being not being able to die and there only purpose is to create more undead beings not able to die and soon the entire world will be over flown with immortal beings then soon after immortal beings will clog up the entire universe to to just input of life and no output then and reality itself collapses in on itself due to so many immoral beings that there is no space left for reality to exist so that is when reality itself will end and how the walking dead season 3 will end which is the conclusion i came to.
I want 5 truckloads of whatever the fuck you're on.
Javier is Rashid and Vanessa.
No, he's Rashid and Vanessa Jr.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Does Javier eat green eggs and ham?