Will you be dissapointed if Stephanie does not end up being a part of Wellington
Many of us have gotten excited about the potential of Wellington getting into the comic. As much as some of us have latched on to the idea though as of now it is stil only a theory. We still don't have any idea the name of Stephanie's community (or if she is even telling the truth about it being in Ohio). We also don't really know if Kirkman really wants to tie the games and the comic that closely together either.
So say when we find out the name of Stephanie's community and it is an 'Ohio' community totally unrelated to Wellington will you be a little dissapointed at all. Will it make it a little harder for you to believe that the TellTale series truly is in the same universe as the comics and Telltale and Kirkman are all working together to tie everything together.
To be honest for me I won't necessarily be dissapointed but it will likely make it a little harder for me to buy into the one universe idea. There isn't anything wrong with there being multiple communities in Ohio (and Wellington may have just been the name that people have heard about) but at the same time in the comic Stephanie has mentioned that Eugene was the first person she has gotten in touch with for a couple years while trying to get in touch with people over the airways. So if there are multiple communities in Ohio Stephanie's group technically should have gotten in touch with them long before she ever got in touch with Eugene.
If Stephanie doesn't end up coming from Wellington for the two stories to still fit together there would have to be something mentioned about how there were other communities around at one time (they still would have a while to explain that away since the scene with Kenny and Clem would have taken place two or two and half years prior to Eugene's introduction to Stephanie in the comic)
You have got a good point! I'd overlooked that.
I will not be upset, but I do believe that this is a good chance to expand and intertwine the universe of the video games and the comic series! However, is it not unlikely that Clementine could just happen to be in both, Stephanie and Eugene's communities, in a rather small time-frame of two years?
It is a good chance. I could see Kirkman being hesitant about it if say Wellington had been developed at all in the game and he had to abide by the rules the game established. However all the game showed was a big wall and the entrance so Kirkman could still make Wellington and the history of it anyway he wanted to.
We don't technically know yet when season 3 is supposed to take place (I assume it is supposed to be at some point during the timeskip of the comic) but If she does get into the area of the Alexandria communities I think they would need to be careful about how much she tells people. If she finds people that are a part of that community system and tells them about Wellington it might create a bit of a plot hole for why the people in the comic don't know about Wellington yet.
For the millionth time.... Wellington is in MICHIGAN, not Ohio. The radio group is not Wellington at all.
Kenny says Wellington is somehere by Michigan. He doesn't say anything at all about it being in Michigan.
I have no idea who that is (I thought the threads referencing the person you were talking about were about 400 days Stephanie, which made me believe this community was crazy), so I really wouldn't care.
Kenny says that Wellington is in Michigan, therefore he would've gone to look for it in Michigan during those 9 days he was traveling with Clem. If he thought that it was in Michigan then how would he be stumbling around the woods and finding it in Ohio?
I also realize there is a Wellington, Ohio but people don't seem to realize there is also a Wellington, Michigan.
Sorry to burst your bubble but Wellington is going to be a small part of the game universe and only IF you had that specific ending. Stephanie's group is going to be a huge thing for the comics, and I think its becoming clear that her group is probably traveling with a radio and trying to find Eugene for whatever reasons.
Where Kenny talks about Wellington
Go to the 1 hr and 9 minute mark of this video. Kenny clearly says somewhere up near Michigan. He doesn't say in Michigan. Wellington Ohio isn't that far away from Michigan anyhow.
As far as what we know of Stephanie's group they aren't traveling. They are in a stationary location/community which Stephanie states she has been at from the beginning.
It would actually fit in with what we know of Wellington pretty well. Rather or not it does end up being Wellington remains to be seen but Wellington from the game just jive pretty well so far with what Stephanie has said about her community up to this point.
This is really for people who are up to date with the comic. Stephanie has just been introduced pretty recently in the comic.
You're arguing semantics, Russ. If he said it is up near Michigan then it is up near Michigan. If he had said it is up near Ohio then it would be up near Ohio.
Keep in mind that all we know about her and her group is what SHE is choosing to tell us. We know that Eugene is telling her the truth about everything but we can't know if she's doing the same and she only gives the smallest tidbits of info after Eugene has revealed waaay too much info.. Plus she was incredibly sketchy when she gave Eugene the ultimatum that nobody could know they were talking. Don't you think she'd be interested in talking to the leader or someone else at some point? Nah, she's using Eugene's fractured emotional state to gain his trust and get information out of him.
Not really. Wellington was an incredibly well-known community that gave out supplies to strangers and was sort of a campfire story for survivors. Stephanie, on the other hand, has been incredibly secretive about her group. If they were Wellington, don't you think they'd mention it along with the capacity problems and the fact that they hand out supplies to strangers? If Stephanie were part of Wellington she'd have nothing to hide because pretty much everyone already knew about it.
Are you familiar with the US map Vengeful Kenny? Take Toledo as a landmark because it is right on the Michigan and Ohio border and Wellington Ohio is only 90 miles from there. That would easily qualify as being up near Michigan for someone that was talking about it many states away.
If you are trying to operate under the assumption that Stephanie is lying well then you can create any story you want to so it would basically be pointless to talk to you. So if you are going to assume that she isn't telling the truth then we might as well stop talking right now.
As far as you saying it doesn't jive for Stephanie to be a part of Wellington because she isn't nearly as open as someone from Wellington would be. Well talking to another community on the radio would be an entirely different situation than being welcoming to a couple random strangers who show up at their door.
Another community could pose a real potential threat where as just random strangers showing up looking for shelter wouldn't be near as big of a threat for an already well established community. Also Stephanie mentions they have taken some people in from all over and brought them back from some dark places and that people that show up from the outside she finds to be somewhat damaged.
I understand that. However I am operating under the context that Kenny gave us about its location, ie. Michigan. If we are going to ignore that and just say it could be anywhere within a couple hours drive of Michigan, then fine. It could also potentially be in Wisconsin/Illinois/Indiana/Canada for that matter if we're just going to ignore literally the location that Kenny and Telltale gives us.
I do assume that Stephanie isn't being entirely truthful, but I don't think that warrants an end to our discussion. If you feel it does though then fine.
You do have a point about there being a difference between welcoming struggling survivors and communicating with an established community. Still though, I wouldn't make any bets on Stephanie being from Wellington. You can see why I'd think that plot point would be distinct from anything in the games, right?
Ok add this ambiguity to the list of issues I had with season 2. Ok more than likely it was Wellington Ohio. The Civil War Museum was in Tennessee...now..the game greatly screws up geography for story. To get to Ohio they would have to travel through Kentucky....avoid Cincinnati as it is the logical place to cross the Ohio river. Walking to Wellington looks like a death march. The writers could not have placed the game somewhere else? Plus Clementine's story in Season 1 ends outside Savanah Georgia....in the nearly 2 years between then and finding the cabin group... Christa and she only got to Tennessee?
The word of Wellington traveled all the way down to North Carolina where the beginning of season 2 takes place. If Stephanie is truly in Ohio, she must have some knowledge of the existence of Wellington, seeing that it could just be next door to them.
Yes I understand why you'd feel it would be distinct and as of now Stephanie being from Wellington is still only a theory but it is a very strong theory at this point. Now I don't know how great of range the type of radio Eugene is using would have but there were likely dozens of different places Kirkman could have placed Stephanie. He could have placed her pretty much anywhere within that vicinity of the U.S (pretty much anywhere in the New England area and portions of the Midwest). The fact that he chose to place a large and successful community ( if Stephanie is telling the truth) in the same state that most have accepted the large and successful community from the TellTale game is at likely isn't a coincidence.
Yeah and that is why I said if Stephanie doesn't end up being from Wellington it would make it slightly harder to believe that this is all one universe and the people creating the comic and the games are working together to fit everything together. Because even if she isn't from Wellington she still technically should have heard of Wellington. Yet in the comic she states that Eugene was the first person she encountered over the airwaves in two years of trying to contact people.
fucking yes