Kenny Season 1&2

Imm new here, jus finished playin throo season 1 and 2s walkn dead and ima guna share my thoughts here about one particularr character. Kenny (shudders).
He iz such an asshole in season 1 and 2, he waz always horrible to me, he cares about NO ONE but himselff and has NEVER done anythng for anyone EVER! Kenny fans are idiots and shud stop liking him. Thers nothin good about this man.
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He was willing to leave Clem and AJ safe at Wellington rather then have them dangered outside. that's pretty damn caring to me
Ohh yeah he's nevvveerrr cared or done anything for anyone ever, oh yes. Let's call this list below the "It's not as if he didn't" list of sarcasm:
Oh for sure, your original post was very true (big sarcasm). Sorry for this extreme post somewhat but i just had to reply to this. I am not sure if you just have bad English or you were deliberately writing your post in that way as slang or something but either way, i wanted to reply to not only inform you that although your opinion is neither right or wrong, you really shouldn't be saying others that like Kenny are idiots and that we should change our views. It's disrespectful and is not going to happen.
Kenny is by no means a saint and has made a lot of mistakes and obviously gets under people's skin more than others but I needed to show you in my post that even though you don't like Kenny, he's not the complete asshole that you think he is and maybe you should take that into consideration as well as the reasons behind his "offensive" actions he upset you with before calling people idiots. Also you might want to play the game again with different choices and see the differences in relationships between the different characters including Lilly and Vernon/Brie for instance.
Don't take the bait, my fellow Kennyists.
This post is pure gold.
Wow, Kenny is such an asshole. He never helped anyone /s
You of course cherry pick your screens well....what do you have a file with labeled KennyLuvin. You missed the Kensplainer Prayer though.
I loved Kenny... and its true that Kenny did a lot of good.. But he also did a lot of bad....
Like when he didn't even try to help Shawn.... Now I understand he had duck first and that could be the reason why (In my play through I went to save to save duck) Even himself say he didn't even try but then again.... He had his son in his hand and couldn't risk putting him at risk.. and that he felt bad about it showed he cared
But what he did to Larry just wasn't right... I understood where he came from.. They were locked in a room with him... But what he did to Larry is horrid... he could of gave him a chance .... (which is somewhat hypocritical because when his son was the one who thought was bitten he was ready to kill anyone who got near him and when he got bitten kept insisting that his going to be fine. Like just imagined if lee just shot duck after he was bitten .. Do you think that he would see it the same (Obviously not because in the end of the day its his son) Well with lily ... It her father.... Again I'm not blind.... I understand that he Larry turned it would of been a problem because not only is she huge but also strong... but he shouldn't of have done that... He should of waited... if he turned that kill him.... but he wasn't given a chance....
(I also wish to squeeze in the fact that he is totally willing to let a girl die a painful gruesome death just for time... I understand that he need to think about his group but have a fucking heart ... Something else that also annoyed me was the fact he the door falls on you he just stood there..... he didn't try to help me and the comment he meant at the saint john farm about his ready to take it if he had too was also just wrong)
and don't forget the shit he gives you for simply sided once against him... Suddenly i'm Hitler to him... like wtf ? what about when I saved your son from walkers ? or when I defended his son from Larry who was pushing he was a walker and Saving Katya and Duck again the farm..... but NOOOOOOOO, he forgot all of that what I did to him... and only remembered that I didn't agree with him on murdering someone ...
but even beside that I loved Kenny and not only that but even kept helping him... like when he couldn't kill his son after being beaten and I am glad that I did... and I would help him all over again.. but I can't forget the bad things he did...
Like in the end I was truly amazed ... Mostly at when clementine is taken and when you ask him.... he said to me if I would do the same to him..... LIKE WTF ? I SAVED YOUR SON TWICE....... I killed duck when he was bit for him, I didn't hit him when he went all crazy and beat up lee for simply saying he should stop the train for his son.... but no... I didn't do anything for him obviously ...... (Sarcasm :P ) but in my second play through the moment that you tell him clem is family to you.. he does remember that you mercy killed his son for him and remember some of the things I did for him....
Don't get me wrong..... I loved Kenny .... I LOVED KENNY and in both seasons I stood up for him.... but about when he wanted to kill ben... again ... he fucked up but just a kid.... and the shit he kept giving him.... the comment he made that he wished I let him fall for his death.... But I also know in the end he did the right thing.. and I loved that.... when he selflessly jumped down... to try to help him... pushing lee and closing the door for him to go and get clem.. and he shot ben.... but then again when he was talking about killing lee after the bite when you were trapped in a room with him ... although he did apologized
and when season 2 came by... I was so happy to see Kenny back.. I ate by him and I told him I wanted to stay with him... Stood up for him... Many times even when I knew he did horrible thing(I am also fully aware that Kenny did Amazing things for clem ... like how he took the beating for her and the amazing things he said when they met) but don't come and tell me he didn't do terrible things... Like how he killed carver..... He was an asshole.... A piece of shit.. but literary beating his face in with the crow bar was a bit hard(Even sarita said herself how.. different Kenny is from what she knows... and when he beat up that kid(Although he was a fucking asshole for shooting me! even after I protected him -.-") after Luke's death(which I am still not over it
like it was such a fucking bullshit death... really... drowning!) and how he blamed clem after sarita got bitten ( but he did apologize about that) but the worse thing that Kenny did was when he was going to kill jane..... Jesus... I know that losing the baby was fucking nightmare but he wanted to murder her for it....
And That Why I shot Kenny..... ( I cried so much after it
) but even himself he realizes that clem did the right thing... and when he said his actually afraid of dying.... it just made my heart break but I kept with that choice and I gave jane shit.... but I forgave her because what she did was for clem.. she though Kenny was out of it .... What she did was wrong but I forgave her... I couldn't forgive myself if I let Kenny just kill her 
Anyway I'm not blind.. Kenny did amazing things but I'm not blind follower either.. when someone does something wrong... that wrong..... even if it Kenny.
I do apologize for this extremely long reply but I couldn't resist after reading your comment(which I do agree with)
I do hope you understood where I came from. My intentions are not to start an argument ... and I do hope it wont be like that
I also wish to apologize for any spelling mistakes .. My Native tongue is not English but I tried my best to avoid any... but it is possible for them to be some grammar issues and even spelling mistakes...
Anyway Kenny love forever < 3
Don't click the troll bait
I don't really see how he cherry-picked anything. Most of what Dan showed weren't determinant and are all things Kenny has said and done, and was a perfect response to disprove that, as the OP stated, "he cares about NO ONE but himselff and has NEVER done anythng for anyone EVER".
Okay I respect other's opinions, I respect that you don't like him, or even if you hate him, but this:
This is unacceptable. Sorry but this makes you look like a troll. No need to insult others for having different opinions.
Let me quote the comment you replied to at you:
Also, regarding Kenny's decision to go with you or not:
Breakdown of Choices that make Kenny go with you
It seems to be a common misconception that no Larry kill = Kenny hates your guts and won't help you save Clem. Let's break it down from a good guy Lee perspective, though.
Save Duck: Knowing that Shawn dies anyway, and the fact that Duck is a little boy, make it hard for me to see this as a "bad" choice. 2 points
Side with Kenny over Larry: Again, the good thing to do. Larry did have some points, but he advocated throwing a little boy on the street with no proof that he was actually bitten. 3.5 points
Pick Lilly's side: For arguments sake, let's have Lee disagree with Kenny about Lilly. 3.5 points
Don't kill Larry: This was a rushed decision by Kenny. We'll never know wether he was right to kill Larry or not, but we know that he was too fast to act here. Personally, I chose to kill Larry on my good guy playthrough, but mainly because Lilly is gone the next episode anyway, and it doesn't change anything, Larry dies anyway. It was my one "out of character" moment. 3.5 points
Shoot the girl on the street: Leaving her would be too cruel, even if it made sense in a fucked up way. 3.5 points
Pick Lilly's side: Again, for argument's sake. Personally I agreed with Kenny more often than not. 3.5 points
Shoot Duck: Just the right thing to do. 5.5 points From this point onwards, you can convince Kenny to come with you.
Kill the zombie boy: Again, the right thing to do. 6.25 points
Don't drop Ben: He didn't deserve it. 6.25 points.
If you make a good guy playthrough and side with Lilly every time, you still get 6.25 points = enough to convince Kenny to come with you. He might be an ass about it, but he will still come with you despite you siding against him multiple times (always agreeing with Lilly, trying to save Larry, shooting the girl on the street, not dropping Ben). If you disagree with Lilly once or both times and either drop Ben (which way too many people seem to think is the right choice, despite it being more fucked up than killing Larry) or help kill Larry, he will actually come with you regardless. There goes the myth that Kenny only comes with you if you side with him about Larry. He will dislike Lee and act like an asshole, yes, but he will still help you save Clem if you ask.
The sheer amount of idiocracy regarding the thread's creator is unbearable. Kenny is our amazing Lord and Savior and is willing to accept a sinner like you with open arms.
Now if we're actually berating people for liking a video game character, then I would go suggest some professional help because you obviously don't know the line between fiction and reality.
And for the record, the amount of spelling and grammar mistakes in your post is a dead giveaway on how immature you are, I'm going to guess no more than 7 years old? You shouldn't even be playing TWD with the amount of gore and language. The fact Kenny doesn't like you is your fault for not siding with him, and frankly I don't blame him for not liking you, because you give the impression of a little kid who doesn't know how to spell and thinks that Kenny is a terrible person when it is in fact your fault he wasn't nice to you, but yet I could point out countless times he IS regardless of how you treat him, but you can refer to the screenshots above.
In my playthrough, I always make Kenny kill the boy. I always see it as a test Kenny has to pass to overcome his trauma over Duck's loss so he could defend himself should he ever come across child walkers. Wouldn't making Kenny kill the boy add points to the "bromance"?
I didn't cherry pick anything Mr Bitterman! Like @OneWayNoWay stated, most of what i showed was not even determinant and shown in the game no matter what. My point of reply to the OP was to show him that what he said was just complete and utter bullshit and I backed it up with evidence
To dan290786
I nevver realised this. Thank you forr posting those images. Maybee i should try new game and choices. An sorry for calling u idiots. I have seen him in anew light
This post is click bait. Kenny can be a pain in the butt if you don't agree with him a lot of the time, but to say there is nothing good about him is completely untrue. He stayed with and helped both groups in spite of not liking some of the people when he could have left.
Why do you impose your opinion on mine? I like Kenny and you really should care as much as I care that you don't like him.
The original post is just offensive to my intelligence and in general. My Clem loves Uncle Kenny and would eat peaches and beans with him any time.
Not gonna waste much time here since I've had my fill of Kenny debates for a good while now and there's 20 comments and replies here already(Goddamn, dan!
), but I just wanna point out that you're being too absolute about your personal feelings. Calling Kenny an asshole is perfectly justified and claiming that he only cares about himself is a little understandable, but don't put down those who happen to like him just because you don't.
Just because we're all entitled to our opinions doesn't mean we should be entitled with our opinions.
Guys, c'mon. You're feeding the troll. It's not even a very good troll.
Although, we don't know if Wellington is as safe as the lack of evidence of it's safety presumes it to be...
Okay dude, I know you might not like Kenny but that doesn't mean it's okay to attack fans of his character or spread false information.
Nice shitpost.
His going hunting proves assumes he likes to eat.
Pretends to show concern and then defends his guilty self
Kenny was not initially going to take anyone but his saying he was fixing it up for the group is wrong.
An emotionally wrecked woman caused by his actions
Aline he utters before rejecting you if you have sided against him a couple of times...way to set aside differences to help a little girl.
Not as if the Walkie being down there was not his fault....and then he was afraid to go down so a pregnant woman did.
Funny because He shit on the group's ideas.
Kenny is a complicated season 1....I could respect the character of Kenny...Season was just an over the top force of bitter hate that thought it was ok to bully the group...beat an unarmed people killed...took has pain out on an 11 year old. Of course he manned up in places...The Wellington ending gets me every time. But he is sort of a creep and no amount of fanboism will change that.
Dan, you're a legend. You know that?
HAHAHAHA oh my! Even now you just cannot resist in spreading your pathetic utter hate can you Kennyshouladiedins1 (who couldn't get the username right lol).
Right first of all kiddo let's start off again shall we?:
Oh really? And if you actually believe he was hunting for only himself then you obviously oblivious that the man has a family that he was hunting food for. Also whatever food was brought back was always sorted out by Lilly i.e. for the whole group, so again what you said is invalid.
LMAO! Pretends?? Jesus how pathetic can one get at this comment? You are so blinded by hate that you actually think he lies about his concern. Why would he lie? When has Kenny ever lied about something? Answer me that? If you had just done something rash, you'd be feeling concerned for the person you unintentionally hurt and before you say it, yeah it was unintentional because he didn't do it to hurt her feelings deliberately and he didn't like doing what he did but did it to keep everyone safe on the highly likely chance that they would all die in the meat locker.
Oh really? So i guess when he said "we've all talked about it Lee, where do you stand on staying or leaving?", and then talking to Lilly later on how they'd all freeze their asses off through the winter if they stayed and his words were "we have to go". Even then he was trying to reason with her to get her to leave. Then there is the determinant line he says that he wants Lee and Clem to come with him.
The whole fucking point of this pic was to show that he CARED about everyone's safety and not wanting them to be in the vehicle with her after what she had just done but as usual you have to push the blame on Kenny like the hater you are because it makes you feel better.
Except he also doesn't reject you either depending on the choice you choose. Another pathetic attempt from you to point out the negative when the initial pic was highlighting that he cares about Clem. The issue of that scene was that he determinantely had beef with Lee over past actions. He even says "i hope you find her" which further proves he cares regardless of what you fucking think.
Wow you even have the ignorance to criticise him for saving her life. He accidentally caused the radio to fall and then makes up for it by saving her and you still fucking say something negative! What is wrong with you? And if he was afraid why the fucking hell did he go down and save her in the end?
Funny too as they didn't even thank him for getting the truck to work for everyone as without him, they'd still be carrying on, on foot going nowhere most likely but of course you don't think about that do you? You focus on his "shitty comments" that hurts your widdle feewings instead of looking at it from another view point.
I really feel that was totally unfair of you to shit on my post of the pics i posted. The OP said things that weren't true and i proved otherwise and because you obviously hated the likes or attention my post got, you had to spread the usual negative side of his character or rather your opinions and you started this by saying i was "cherry picking" pics when i certainly wasn't.
Please, just don't rile me up further because i never posted that to cause an argument.
And sorry if i offend you in that post but it did tick me off
Not everyone thinks so but thanks
That's because he saw Alvin Jr as a replacement of Duck, and of course he would do anything NOW to have "Duck" safe.
Now, if he cares about Clem, I remember needing to persuade him to help me rescue Clementine in Season 1, also remember him yelling at Clem pretty bad because of what happened to Sarita.
You forgot to say how he let's you die the whole rest of the game if you side with Lily in Season 1 Ep 2 about Larry.
And how he needs persuading to rescue Clementine.
The OP said Kenny never cared or did anything for anyone and i pointed out (with evidence) that what was said was bullshit. My post was not to post all the bad things he has done, i even said in my post that he was no saint so why are you trying to cause an argument?
Lol not in the least...glad to see I got your goat.
How the holy hell do you justify Kenny as a creep?
Bro, calm down. We all have opinions, I like Kenny because this is my opinion, you don't need to force other people to have the same opinion as yours.
I think you should replay both seasons, or at least watch/choose his endings because what you said is 100% not true.
Oh ok right so you went out of your way to basically persecute me for your own amusement? Great, very mature kid
Nice to see you back @AronDracula
Thanks a lot, friend.
No problem
She just had to find something negative to say about him as usual that's all. Now Danny St John, that is what you would call a major creep