Do you think telltale will do the telltale thing?

I really hope they dont do the telltale thing and actually have more than one ending dependng on choices rather than pull a game of thrones and pretend the choices can matter but then end up getting the same ending because they wanna make a new season.

I was very disappointed in GoT and the bull that went on in that game.

Same with how in s2 episode 1 they gave you a choice tovsave nick or pete and if you save nick he just barely speaks and winds up dead for some stupid reason in episode 4 or 3.

Or how if you saved sarah she just dies anyways later, cause its too much effort to actually give the game a story tailored to how you play.

Basically after buying and replaying the games i lost all hype i had for season 3 just cause of how bad season 2 was with the story. Season 1 i still like cause you can still have choices that matter in the end, same with tales from the borderlands, at least choices meant something in those gsmes, in season 2 you can be a complete dick and everyone will treat you the same


  • I played Game of Thrones. I didn't like it as much as TWD, but I disagree that the ending was the same no matter what you did. Rodrik or Asher can survive the Whitehalls' attack. Mira can accept her punishment or send Tom in her place. Garrett can stay in the secret grove or lead the wildlings back to the hall. Asher can gain Daenerys' favour or not. There are definitively more variations than in TWD.

  • edited November 2016

    I find it really funny when people use Game of Thrones as an example for choices not mattering when it's the first, and so far only, Telltale game to ever have an entire plotline that is completely different depending on your choices, has three determinant POVs depending on your choices and has more determinant characters than one can count on one hand at the end of the Season.

    No, the ending is not the same. It's completely different depending on your playthrough. Is Rodrik or Asher alive? Are they with traitor Royland, loyal Royland, traitor Duncan, loyal Duncan or Gwyn Whitehill? Is Gryff or Ludd still alive? Is Mira still alive? Is Gared marching south or remained at the North Grove?

    I really don't understand where this notion is coming from that Game of Thrones of all games has choices that don't matter. Choices mattered more in this Season than in both TWD Seasons combined. No, The Walking Dead Season 1 is not a good example for choices mattering: the ending is the same for everyone, all the characters that were determinant are dead, Christa and Omid find Clementine no matter what you tell her...literally nothing you did mattered, not even the last choice, really. Kenny and Clem have some different dialogue in Season 2, that's it. If anything, Season 2 is actually better in that regard, we'll see when Season 3 comes out.

    And while Tales had one of the best Telltale finales ever, and actually had some meaningful choices (e.g. destroy or keep Jack), all that changed is what characters were with you in the final fight. But this doesn't have any lasting impact, the game will most likely not get a second Season , whereas GoT already has confirmation on that front and has dozens of different endings with different characters.

  • I just didnt like got cause the things you mentioned, tbey all relied on one choice to change the story, if it wasnt just all in prep for a second season i wouldve liked it way more cause pf a closure to it all, but no matter what you choose they get put in those different situations, you could be a dick and still get to kill the jerk, the only real way the choice matters i can think of is actually being able to kill the dad, thats what i mean by choices mattering. Not just "die or be a slave" "let asher or rodrik live" i didnt like that at all.

    I find it really funny when people use Game of Thrones as an example for choices not mattering when it's the first, and so far only, Telltal

  • Actually, having the traitor or sentinel on your side at the end of the game is determinant on 2 choices--who you chose as sentinel, and whether or not you spared the traitor. I don't know if it's true that Gwyn replaces them, but I do know that she can be with you at the finale, also determinant on 2 choices--whether or not you chose to save Asher instead of Rodrick, and whether you decided to marry Gwyn peacefully or go through with murdering a Whitehill.

  • It's hard to say. Telltale has had a decent track record lately with determinant choices if you don't count Batman (although Michonne was made by a different team). While I think that they might have learned how to deal with determinant characters and choices by now, it's still "Telltale's The Walking Dead" and only time will tell if that will apply to New Frontier.

  • O i was right, telltale is a sack of bullshit

    It's hard to say. Telltale has had a decent track record lately with determinant choices if you don't count Batman (although Michonne was ma

  • I don't know what it is but Telltale for the life of them cannot make determinant characters have meaning in TWD games or make the choices actually matter

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