The Truth about the Season 2 and Jane

If you carefully analyze the actual events of the season 2 as a whole, you'll realize that Jane was the only one who saved the group from terrible event after terrible event while others mostly talked behind his back. She was the one protecting the group and coming up with solutions all along while others were hiding or running or crying or sitting on their asses.
Quickly but wisely coming up with plans and executing them for the group, losing her nail file for Clementine, saving the "stranger" unwilling group that caused nothing but pain to her from Carver's camp and eventually killing "Troy", helping Rebecca and Clementine escape the horde and finding a place for Rebecca to have the baby, returning to the group because she got attached to Clem, protecting the group from walkers because Kenny and Sarita's dead body were fucking instead of perimeter watching, saving the group from Russian attack by killing them while others were sitting behind the cover or left the group, securing and clearing camp points for the group and taking watches for them while they comfortably sleep.
Teaching Clem new tactics to survive, stealing the supplies from Arvo to help Rebbeca, Kenny, Luke, etc, only to be proven right again when Arvo shoots Clementine and others try to leave them and the baby with all the food, water and the truck that Kenny fixed only to leave them to die.
Pursuing the long-term best interest of AJ and Clementine by ignoring the fantasies about a place they have never seen, just heard about. Telling Clementine she did the right decision and she's right no matter what she does. Eventually she's proven right again by finding Carver's place with food for the baby.
For careful players, the game was full of subtle hints to trust Jane always and help her when Kenny went crazy and tried to kill him. On the other hand, the game was also giving lots of clues about the fact that Kenny was going after Jane and provoking the group when he decided to put AJ in his dead son's place as a strong better surviver and ease his guilt about his son's death.
What Kenny did at the end was a completely psychopathic act. Given that situation, most parents wouldn't try to kill Jane, excepts the ones that let every member of his family die.
Also, we have seen Kenny was just talk about boats. He's hotheaded and he bring his fists to ensure that he could kill Jane and he was so confident about killing her that he wanted Clementine to stay out of it no matter what happens.
Kenny was a crazy, traitor, one-eyed, like always out-of-his-mind, a jerk guy and if you don't intervene Kenny kills Jane despite the fact that Kenny took Jane's knife and tried to exploit Jane's sensible heart and go for that weakness as soon as the fight starts which only confirms he calculated all of this. Still his advantages and Jane's disadvantages were not enough for Kenny to survive. In the end, he ignored the begs from Clementine to stop fighting. What happened to confident Kenny that pushed Clementine to the ground and made her bleed?
I really hope Telltale will totally disregard those endings with Kenny. Those endings couldn't be more out of place in a game like this and I believe they were pretty much made to inform the player that what they did by letting Jane die was an incredibly wrong choice. And they ofc awarded those wise souls that saw the bigger picture and the signs throughout the game and didn't give a shit about what other group members said behind Jane's back because they were afraid of her or wanted her gone in Kenny's case.
In all seriousness, some of your points are actually up for debate, but overall most of what you tried to edit doesn't really make sense. Like what I quoted, how in the world did Kenny calculated that? Jane showed up without the baby, when in the past she showed how much she was willing to leave people behind to save her own ass and how she was not really comfortable with having the baby around ("what are you going to do with it?"). There was no way the baby could've been killed in an accident if she had him on her arms and kept walking from the walkers. She's an expert at surviving, do you really think she would've "accidentally" get AJ killed and somehow survive without a scratch? Kenny lost his mind because he thought she killed AJ: one of the only purposes he had to keep going. Yes, he shoves Clem when she tries to stop him, but so does Jane, you know that right? At no point was Jane trying to survive and protect her skin from Kenny, she was actively attacking him and also trying to kill him, so at that moment, she is no better than him. She was either trying to make a scenario where she could kill Kenny and make it seem like it was in "self defense", or her plan was to get to a point where she could manipulate Clem to shoot Kenny for her. Either way, she could've stopped all of that by saying the baby was fine. She didn't, she got what she deserved. At least in my playthrough.
I'm not sure if this post is a troll or if you are actually trying to prove that Jane is better than Kenny, but, oh well, those are my two cents anyway.
How was any part of the fight calculated by Kenny? That's horse sh!t. Jane hid the baby, implied she left him or let him die, and told Clementine to stay out it whatever happened, that she was going to show her who Kenny really was. That clearly told the player that the fight was planned by Jane. And let's look at how Jane left the group in the first place. She robbed Arvo and distracted Luke from his duty, then decided to leave, letting Luke solely bear the consequences and setting up the ambush at the end of the episode. It was cool that she came back and helped, but I don't feel like she deserved a pat on the back for it since the situation was kind of her fault to begin with. Like her purposefully antagonising Kenny in the pickup and beyond. She was a rounded character and had some good sense, but she also showed a manipulative side toward Clementine.
Well, I blame Katjaa for letting Duck get bit, she was always useless and couldn't protect his little boy, did Kenny killed Katjaa because of that?
But then Kenny complains that Lilly still mourns her father?
She did good, didn't she? what if Clementine was the one who accidentally let AJ die? would he have lost his mind and kill her just like that?
After all we've seen how he treated Clem after what happened to Sarita.
Both, Kenny did good, but doing good doesn't erase your bad actions, and in your post you practically called stupid everyone who likes and sided with Jane.
Hahahahahaha, I love this.
I was joking darling, of course Kenny didn't think "Hope Jane lets the baby die, so I can kill her, evil laugh"
Clementine is the one to choose that ,if you say you shouldn't rob him then she returns him the bag.
Is that a joke? because that's so stupid, Luke is not a kid, Luke can refuse sex, he was not raped.
The group was shit at this point, and with the stupidity of Rebecca of having a baby in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, if I had the option as Clementine I would leave too, after all everything was fucked up.
Of course she doesn't, but no one died because of her, is not like Isabela from Dragon age 2. If you want to blame someone blame Arvo, or Clem and the group because they can't defend themselves.
Was not everyone antagonizing Kenny at this point?
Such as? She was always good with Clementine, hell she even helped her and Rebecca escape the horde.
I didn't call anyone stupid, calm down.
I'm not saying he doesn't overreact, he does, he's not perfect, but there's a good reason why he is broken like that. What bugs me is when people try to make it seem like Jane is a saint compared to him or even that she is slightly better than him. Kenny lost his head with Clem but I don't think, not even for a second, that he would ever kill her. If you think he would, then I have nothing more to say to you.
I think you're only supposed to use that if someone makes an unnecessary sex joke.
Jane stole his gun
She lied to Clem that she lost the baby. She could have stopped the fight by telling Kenny AJ was live but she didn't because she either is stupid or really wanted Clem to shoot him.
To be honest, Jane's plan of going back to that station made by Carver was realistically better than having some faith in finding Wellington.
"So.. you want a cookie? You want a cookie for doing the right thing?"
Video Games are NOT real life.
You won a cookie.
Fair point but would you risk finding Wellington that was spread by rumors with incomprehensible media or go back to Howe's Hardware? The latter is not far away.
Was, in my playthrough. But yeah, I guess lol.
You are a very honest man.
What I wanted is to NOT stay around with a selfish girl like Jane.
A consequence of stealing the medicine, that you didn't mention, is that the group obtained a bag full of medicine, that Rebecca and Luke can use on-screen and Kenny potentially used off-screen.
I am not dignifying that with an answer.
I already countered that on your other post.
Luke said Jane made the offer. She, like Luke, knew the immediacy of getting Rebecca to safety was paramount. They were both in the wrong.
Rebecca had been living in a community with walls and guards. If she and Alvin were having unsafe sex or trying to become pregnant, they were within their rights. I think Carver raped her and when she found she was pregnant she no longer felt she and her child were safe there.
Luke died. Bonnie left. Mike left. So no.
Such as her always reminding Clementine that the baby was a liability, Sarah was a liability, Kenny was a liability, which culminated in that stunt at the end.
Well it was not safe giving back the gun to the guy angry with you, but he doesn't care about the gun, when Arvo and the other commies raid you is because they just want to steal
Well, true enough, she lied, but I think I cared more about Jane being killed because of an accident she made than being killed because of a "prank".
It was Luke job to watch out for zombies, Jane only job was finding a safe place for Rebecca, and she did her job.
Well now because of her illusion of safety WE have to take care of a dirty baby.
Such as everyone justifying killing Larry because of his heart attack condition being a liability.
Damn, I have no words for that... You win this post.
Better to stay around a crazy guy life Kenny, besides she is not that selfish, in her ending if you let her answer she let the family in, and she returns to help Clem and the group, and tries to save Sarah, twice.
She could have not took his gun or suggested robbing him in the first place. He was young and afraid and said he didn't want to hurt a little girl. If they had let him be on his way, he might not have even told his leader about seeing them.
She doesn't help how to convince her to get up at the trailer and she only helps her because she is suggested.
What's this nonsense? I now know why people like you don't like Kenny... At least you should have had some courtesy to not steal someone's work and skew it into this glibberish nonsense.
It takes two.
Some people have a compassionate heart and WANTED to protect the baby.
When did that happen? I've only seen people justify preventing someone CPR was unsuccessful on from becoming a huge walker whom characters would be trapped with in a small space. What about Larry wanting to give a little boy to the walkers without examining him for a bite? He even says "we'll dig one hole" when Kenny defends his son.
Which is exactly why I didn't catch on until she outright told me.
Yeah, that was some of the dreadfully limited catharsis you get towards her.
Does Luke use it?
No it doesn't, the group said Luke was the one who had to look out for Zombies, Jane only job was finding the safe place, she did her job.
Ok? now who is going to protect Clem +/- Jaina +/- Kenny when the baby ran out of milk, starts crying, poop himself, get sick, etc.
He doesn't even have the vaccines and that sort of things.
A lot of people said he was a liability because of his heart condition.
He can use them in "No Going Back" if you did not give them to Rebecca in the previous episode. It takes place in the scene in which he expresses his guilt to Clementine.
It takes two to have sex is what I meant.
Babies do that. What I find myself wondering when people complain about A.J. is: what would you rather? Are you suggesting the player should be able to leave Rebecca or the baby or that they should be killed?
I must have missed that. I've only been on this forum since October.
As a Jane supporter myself, that was absolutely flawless.