hey guys the reason Ive made this thread is because there have been alot of rumors that kenny and jane will die in season 3 now these are just rumors and nothing has been confirmed so I din't pay much attention to them. But in the extended preview clementine tells javier about people who looked after her and javier asking what happend to them and clementine says the same thing she said to luke in season 2 about her parents, saying the same thing that happens to everyone. now this got me thinking she could be talking about the cabin group itself, but I dont know so i wanna ask you guys do you think telltale would kill of kenny and jane in season 3? And if so how would you feel about it, me I would be pretty upset considering all the time we've spent with them just for them to kill them I mean if thats the way there going to then why even go with either of them you should just pick the alone ending if there going to kill both of them anyway.
If they were just killed I would be disappointed.
If they pull out something like Doug/Carley, making them live until Ep 3, well, I would like it more, but just getting rid of them after how emotional were the Season 2 endings and strong characters they are?, specially Jane.
I understand Kenny dying, the only reason he has to keep going are AJ and Clementine, he is a broken man at this point, but Jane?, Jane no way she can die, she is an excellent survivor, the problem is that Kenny/Jane are very different characters, and they would never be in the same situations, if for example they were attacked by bandits, Kenny would probably sacrifice himself to let Clem escape, while Jane would probably think of a way for her and Clem to escape.
I'd also hate if they make the situation a Christa 2.0, I don't want "Unknown" characters, I fucking want them alive or dead.
Wouldn't be much of a shock considering the possible endings in S2, or them ditching the seasons for a New Frontier and main character. I'm pretty much anticipating everything about the old games to be written out by the end of the last episode tbh.
Id much rather they make them unknown than dead, if it were possible for either kenny or jane to survive season 2 then their might have been hope for them but right now I doubt it given both can die in season 2 together. The game has to give the player an option of both are dead
Not possible because they're both dead in my save.
I don't know, IMO the endings have more meaning than Kenny or Jane is alive. Look at the Jane ending, you can effectively choose what kind of survivor Clementine has become. Is she distrusting of strangers or does she do everything she can to help her fellow survivors.
I would be disappointed if Kenny/Jane just died though. But again the endings are bigger than just them.
Since I left Wllington and stayed with Kenny I would cry.
(sad face)
They already are dead. So Meh. We play as Javier and meet Clementine after the TIME SKIP. A great way for TTG to get around our choices.
Yeah but Wellington seemed to be like a perfect community, Clementine, a little teenager, leaving just because she wants to is stupid.
Okay, seriously, can you stop with this already
Every thread, it's the same thing, and it's starting to get annoying
We get it, alright? The message was received, loud and clear
You don't have to say it every oppor-freakin-tunity you get. It's starting to borderline on spam at this point
That's like if they killed Omid in the first five minutes of Season Tw- waitaminute!
Considering that's what I expect?
I mean, if they let them live that makes no sense, cause in some people's stories they died.
I think that's a likely possibility. Honestly, Kenny dying wouldn't bother me much given that he's more than met his quota, hijacked much of the plot, and kinda needs to get lost now. Jane isn't much better, though I can see them trying to do something more with her, given how superficial she kinda was.
I'd feel sad or dissapointed just like every other death in TWD. As long as TT can be creative with their deaths and make us feel something then they have succeded. It would suck, but it's totally possible for these two characters to die. I won't hate as long as it flows well with the story and they continue to write a good story like their previous games.
I think it's been confirmed in a way by what Clementine said, but I'm hoping it goes in a better direction. Gotta say though, as much as I want to stick with Clementine - I am also excited to play as someone new since I saw the trailer.
To be honest, I'm not sure if I would really care, as I'm not a big fan of either character.
I wouldn't mind if they make an appearance in Season 3, so as long as they don't take the spotlight over other characters that needs development, but I wouldn't really miss them if they were given the Omid treatment.
I'd miss Kenny. Wouldn't miss Jane.
I think that's all I should say.
Sad that choices didn't really matter, glad that the community can find someone other than Kenny to obsess over
Because of the way the story is done and you're more on the other side of Clementine they'll get some lip service, choice options that will get you the opportunity to close up the plot but other than that it'll be ambiguous. That's the way I would do it so the possibility could be both open and would open up discussion here.
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised.
dude chill. People can discuss what they want. Quit being a prick. I was enjoying this thread until I seen your crybaby response.
Saying I'd feel disappointed would be an understatement, though only if they're killed off just so Telltale would be rid of the extra work.
If their deaths serve a purpose, I'd be fine with it.
Kenny and Jane are both very important characters, and to kill them off in a meaningless/careless way would be immensely unjust not just to them, but to the fans who chose to keep them alive, in order to see them again.
I hope that Telltale handles both of them with great care. I'd hate to have another Nick situation.
I'd be upset that TT has all of this money now and they would be lazy at this stage of the game. If someone chose Jane, have her in the game with lines. If someone chose Kenny, have the same thing. If someone chose both as dead don't have them in their game. It's two people, they don't have to rewrite everything.
I mean, if they let them die that makes no sense, cause in some people's stories they lived.
That's terrible logic.
Someone can die later, but they can't be magically resurrected.
That's why determinant deaths always die.
An unarmed, injured, one-eyed old and crazy Kenny kills an armed Jane in a fight to death if the player never intervenes. I will post this whenever I see survivor Jane phrase.
I've seen that thought in a post for the first time.
Why so touchy?
Well, by that same logic, I should be allowed to discuss how I don't really like that post, right?
That was too rude of you, I believe.
Deltino has a point. Almost everyone of Anthorn's comments say the exact thing but to a different person.
Uh, yeah, let's not call people pricks. You need a break for a short while.
I'd be disappointed. People chose to stay with either Kenny or Jane because they wanted to see them again, and for Telltale to just shamelessly kill them off in a half-arsed way because they don't want to make any actual effort in having our choices matter, is just plain lazy and a complete "fuck you" to the fans of the characters. But at this stage, I don't expect anything else. My faith in Telltale's "choices" has rapidly decreased.
The difference is Kenny and Clementine are the only characters that appeared in almost all episodes. There were 3 major characters in the game series in this order:
Lee had a perfect death. A perfect story.
Clementine is still the major character.
When it comes to Kenny, he deserves a non-determinant death in a season finale at least. Not one like Omid or Carley because I didn't choose to shoot him. I would definetely like him to be playable in the upcoming season but since that's off, at least give the character a permanent death in the finale, one that would rival Lee's.
[Blind Sniper Edit: Post Redacted]
I reported you. Now that's what I call CLASS A+ all-out insult. I have never even seen any post that's half as offensive as this in this forum although I have seen a poster that was just recently banned for a lot less.
Never said that anyone should be resurrected. What I am saying is that your logic is just as horrible then. And maybe Telltale is shaping up, and will actually have determinant characters play a significant role in the future story.