The Walking Dead Twitch stream every day at 3pm PT through 12/18, plus TWD S2 free with Twitch Prime

Join us every day at 3pm PT on Telltale's Twitch account or Skybound's Twitch account through December 18 as @kenjisalk and I play The Walking Dead Seasons 1 & 2, with guests from the cast and crew of both seasons (including but not limited to Melissa Hutchison and Gavin Hammond)!
And don't forget that The Walking Dead Season 1 is free with Twitch Prime from now until 12/13! For more details, go to Twitch's community blog.
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Haha, I imagine the cast and crew would have played this game hundreds of times by now. But I do look forward to watching it soon!
Sweet, this reminds back when Troy Baker(Rhys) and Laura Bailey(Fiona) played TFTB EP2 back when it came out on Twitch.
Starting in half an hour on Skybound's Twitch account & Telltale's Twitch account!
....aaaaaaand we'll be live in about an hour and a half (3pm PT) on Skybound and Telltale's Twitch account!
This sounds great!
So far the choices are:
1.) Don't give the gun to the lady at the motel
2.) Saved Duck on the Tractor
3.) Took Kenny's side against Larry (so far we're on a pro Kenny run)
So the 2 big things are obviously Carly is dead and Kenny is positive in all respects.
So Season 1 Episode 2 will be a Doug line.
6 pm EST
I'm in the chat now and they sometimes answer questions. If ya'll want to ask anything, let me know and I'll ask in the chat.
He replied to one of my comments!:
Also, someone asked if the trailer made them cry, and they said "It depends on how easily you cry. "
I'm going to use this comment as updates for things they reveal in the stream.
Question: Is there something you wanted to implement in this season or episode but you didn't.
Answer: "There wasn't a specific character but there was moment that I liked and thought was funny. If you went to the farm with the st johns you could come back to the motor in, then there was gonna be a sequence outside when you come to the motor-in and see tons of walkers and there would be Doug in a car. You distract them and Doug goes around and saves you. You smash the zombies brains in the it's the first time Doug does this. Once you beat them Doug turns to you and barfs. They built a lot of it but ended up cutting it out."
Question: Can you tell us the fate of Lilly and Christa? (They have so many questions coming in so I'm surprised they took this question.)
Answer: "We're not in the position to be able to comment on this and we'll have to wait for you guys to watch it (it = trailer). We'll have more info for you (later). 'hint hint' trailer tomorrow. (the trailer seems to be extremely revealing)"
Question: Give a hint for season 3. Anything interesting but not a spoiler
Answer: "Interesting thing about having Javi as a playable character is you get to experience a different side of clementine. S1 was a fatherly relationship to her. S2 was direct control. Now you can see a peer level. It's a different way of exploring her character. At a different point in her life - we can see in the trailer - it's going to be a really interesting way to view clementine."
Question: (regarding the length of episodes in s3)
Answer: "most of games run in similar run time. It's not about length it's about content and pacing. It's a tough balance to strike. I would say s3 is gonna be on average with the rest of our series. Its hard to tell because when we play the game it's two and half times as long than it really is."
Question: How heavily do comic characters have a role in season 3?
Answer: : *It'll be interesting to see what happens. We cant really answer the question. Like we said, ***trailer tomorrow, you might get the answer to the question.***" OH BOY
Question: "does Clementine take the backseat to javi?"
Answer: "she does not take a backseat to javi but it's about how the stories intersect and we'll get a better idea once we see the trailer. *It's about how their characters and stories parallel. one character isnt going to take the backseat to the other**
Question: regarding clementine's last name
Answer: that's a mystery she doesn't need a last name
-season 3 starts with 2 episodes. releasing 1 and 2 episodes. It's a double dose. Two parter. Want to make sure people can see the entire first arc of the story instead of waiting. We don't want a cliffhanger.*
Question: ""usual 5 episode season?"*
Answer: "absolutely"
MY question: Does clem get to laugh in s3, some heart lighted points maybe?
Answer: "Not Clem but there is an extremely laughable moment with her. hard to laugh as a sassy tween in the apocalypse." Link to this:
Question: "Will Christa make a comeback in s3?"*
Answer: You need to wait and see when the episode comes out in a couple days. OHMAN
Question: does clem kill walkers in s3
Answer: Absolutely. You will see that illustrated in our trailer from what i remember."
-Gavin is joining the stream later.
I asked if clementine likes dogs or cats better. They said cats but later said this about it:
Answer: Anything that can be a companionship is enough. poor clem shes been through enough."
MY QUESTION: will there be banang in batman or season 3?
Answer: "Banang is in batman and there will be a banang in a new frontier somewhere"
I will fix typos later. Theyre answering so much.
3 PM PT is 6 PM EST, right? I think I'll start joining the streams tomorrow, after watching the new trailer.
The Media Manager of Telltale, @kenjisalk, said that we will have to wait until A New Frontier for information on Lilly and Christa's fate after somebody on the chat asked about it.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
They cannot bring them back.
Could you ask about Capricorn Farm?
Why not?
I'll ask repeatedly.
are these streams gonna be posted on youtube for people that missed the twich streams?
I believe they are archived somewhere in Skybound's Twitch.
Nice! Thank you!
i checked and you need to be a subscriber to watch them for some reason.
Question: "Will you see any farms in season 3." (I asked about CAPRICORN farms so many times but they would never answer.)
Answer: "you're going to see a lot of interesting places. Can't say anything else without it being too spoilery."
So tension are building between Lee and Kenny.
They didn't shoot Jolene in the camp, allowing Danny to do it.
They didn't kill either brother at the St. John's dairy.
They didn't steal food from the van either (this is going to be rough for the stranger's critique at the end)
Most importantly they didn't help kill Larry so the Kenny tension is very high, a total flip flop form the first episode, and Kenny made sure to bring it up at the end of the episode as well. We'll have to see how this plays out in the next episode and I'm sure it will.
The actress that plays Lilly will be on tomorrow! Awesome news.
Okay, so the farm is all but confirmed! Thanks!
I'll check in tomorrow and ask if we'll see any goats.
And the day later I'll ask if any of them are Capricorn.
One more thing.
It seems the Skybound side chat is the ones who are winning the posters so I'm going to recommend that side if the posters matter.
I'm going to reply to my own comment so you guys can have a rolling idea of what happened up on the first page.
So tension are building between Lee and Kenny.
They didn't shoot Jolene in the camp, allowing Danny to do it.
They didn't kill either brother at the St. John's dairy.
They didn't steal food from the van either (this is going to be rough for the stranger's critique at the end)
Most importantly they didn't help kill Larry so the Kenny tension is very high, a total flip flop form the first episode, and Kenny made sure to bring it up at the end of the episode as well. We'll have to see how this plays out in the next episode and I'm sure it will.
The actress that plays Lilly will be on tomorrow! Awesome news.
Pretty neat stream, and we are sort of getting answers about A new Frontier, plus its really cool hearing about easter eggs, and just behind the scenes of episodes and stuff.
Additional notes
@Dont_Look_Back took the time to transcribe all of the above as fast as the hosts of the playthrough were speaking, for two hours. She deserves a bit more of recognition!
Original comment
Oh? In a few more days, or in a couple of minutes?
Days. Nikki (voice of Lilly) is going to be in the stream tomorrow.
My personal favorite question/answer was my dream cast for a live-action adaptation of the game: just Dame Judi Dench as all roles. One-woman show.
Love the headcanons we got so far for Carley and Doug! And the fact that one of them was writing a fanficition with Carley and Doug both still alive. Amazing.
Ah, I loved when they streamed Season 1 a few years back, glad to see it back. :-D Still remember the unexpected twist when Ben's VA decided to kill Ben.
It's a shame the stream time is too late for me, but I'll be sure to check the clips you guys post here.
I missed the stream. Anyway I can watch it?
Unless someone who paid to follow them and can somehow upload it, no, it can be watched again. That's why I watch them live and summarize everything in them for people who missed it.
No way that I know of unless you pay $5 to subscribe. But I summarized everything in it on the first page of this thread.
Me too
Aurora helped out with the following as well
Decisions today:
1. Took Mr. Parker.
2. Gave food to Clementine, Duck, Kenny, and Lilly.
3. Axe was given to Mark.
4. Didn't shoot Jolene.
5. Didn't let Clementine eat the meat.
6. Sided with Lilly.
7. Didn't kill any of the St. Johns.
8. Didn't steal from the car.
I can't believe it took me this long to figure out Nicki Rapp is the voice of Morgan Leflay from Tales of Monkey Island.
duckapocalypse didn't happen sadly because the people playing never heard of it.
9.) Shot girl at beginning.
10.) Duck is Robin.
11.) TellTale announces Jesus is in Season 3
12.) Doug is dead... #ripdoug
13.) We kept Lilly
14.) They fought Kenny and didn't do #duckapolypse (even though everyone wanted it)
15.) Lee killed Duck
16.) They say that Christa and Omid had gone off from Clem in Season 2 to have sex.
17.) We didn't push Omid
18.) Saved Christa first
I put an update about what happened at the beginning of this thread so check it out where we are.
Absolutely failed on that. I was sad.