Lee taught Clem the importance of: [community] [justice] [survival] [self reliance]
As this was revealed to be one of the Questions in the story generator, I'm curious at to which of these you all would choose.
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Self reliance
Community. Forgiveness and cooperation to survive.
Which one means she is not going to trust ANYONE in S3? Not even AJ.

Community seems to be more in line with my playthrough.
Where was this revealed?
This is tough...I'm split between "Community" and "Self-reliance." Since we're going by strictly what Lee taught Clem though, I'd say "Community."
What she said.(In canon, anyway)
Would justice mean doing the right thing or punishing the guilty? Like all vengeful and stuff.
I don't know, as Lee I tried to teach her the importance of all of those, I feel.
So you are "group oriented" by hitting all these choices in a playthrough? Looks like my playthrough.
Curious that not entering Wellington is worded as "staying Loyal to Kenny" I would have assumed Telltale would avoid showing such favor to a choice. There is a argument to be made that you are loyal even if you enter Wellington, it is after all his wish.
yeah you'd think staying in wellington would be that as it's his last request to clem.
Well in reality, no I wouldn't say that either. It just surprises me that Telltale would describe either choice that way, though the argument could certainly be made for either choice to be the loyal one.
I imagine it's something like
Community: Keeping people alive or with your group (keep Lilly, save Ben, try to save Larry, etc), valuing the life of the people around you more than anything. Every life is precious in its own way, and worth saving.
Justice: Doing the right thing as best you can, including taking out your enemies/punishing the bad; killing the St Johns, killing the Stranger, abandoning Lilly. However, you don't steal, hurt, or punish the innocent, or people that otherwise aren't purposely malicious, like Ben. You'd let Irene take the gun, you'd shoot the girl in the street, and things like that.
Survival: Pretty much all the bad options; killing Larry, dropping Ben, leaving Lilly, stealing food, etc. Everything in the name of survival. The 'Me first, no exceptions' kind of mindset.
Self reliance: Having Clementine shoot the Stranger, having her shoot Lee, praising her and trying to push her to do things on her own, leaving Clementine at the house, and so forth. Basically, any option that involves trying to make her self-sufficient; demonstrating that she can't always rely on other people to solve problems, and that sometimes she has to look out for herself more than the people around her. Some of the somewhat selfish options as Lee fall under this; keeping a piece of food for himself, or not taking sides during arguments, for example.
Survival. You can't have the other three or anything else without survival.
Justice. BECAUSE SHE IS BATGIRL. Oh wait..
The moment when you start questioning and worrying what you have taught to Clementine in your saves.
Looks pretty damn interesting, this story generator. I am not entirely sure what these options entails as my choices seems to be a mixture of all of them, but leaning slightly more on Survival.
My choices always seem to have been a mixture of Survival and Community. Survival because I am willing to be ruthless (Not trusting Arvo, letting Sarah die, watching Carver get killed etc). Community because if I want the group to be together and strong in order to face the danger together (Saving Nick, Give food to everyone, be diplomatic etc.)
But what about Squidward's house?
Mine feels like it would be a mix of community and survival.
I think you are wrong in your view of survival. Lee showed Clementine that survival is about things like getting along and helping those in your group...that you do not have to lower yourself to Kenny's level when he killed Larry. Not to steal. Being aware and spotting dangers. I see Survival as a neutral option. None of these options are wrong.
"Community and Survival" (probably the 1st one since you can only choose one).
It's funny btw because on the actual page where you see a result from the cluster of paths/info, literally ALL of the decisions are the ones I went with on my main playthrough XD so I think I just saw my results :P
I would choose community. Although it IS a dog-eat-dog world in The Walking Dead and a group ALWAYS dies, you got to learn to stick together to survive (just like Mark said in Season 1). There are humane people out there and if you do nothing but abandon and slaughter them, you'll never make it and there would be no hope for humanity AT ALL. Teaching people to cooperate in a group can easily lead to a great community and they'll have to learn to deal with situations BEFORE they come or there'll be chaos within said community, as we also saw in Season 1.
However, if a community fails and crumbles, then survival is key as well as self-reliance. You have the right not to trust people, but let them earn their stripes.
It was a dick move to kill him like that...he was on the ground....it is only common decency to wait til he is dead then go all salt lick on his body.
Well in the heat of that moment, some people can't think straight, and Kenny is a very impulsive man, moreso if he was afraid for his family's lives, knowing they could die any minute he lost in there. I don't defend him for what he did but I can't blame him either, it's a difficult situation. If he turned and he got up, nobody would've been able to strike Larry down. Those salt licks were heavy, and Larry would've chomped on Lee and the others before they could do anything. I wouldn't judge him because of that, I can't consider it "low", but I don't consider it "heroic" either. You know what I mean?
Oh yeah I do..like I have said..I love Kenny in season 1...but boy the meat locker had me wishing Lee woulda done something to him..punched his lights out or something. My main issue is then people hate Lilly because of what she did to Carley or Doug...but ultimately it is Kenny's action in that locker that lit the fuse...of course Karma was going to pay Kenny back later that episode when he loses Duck and Kat...so I dunno.
Preach it sister!
Thing is... he was dead. Lilly said "he's not breathing", so his heart stopped. At that moment he was dead. The question here was if you think Lilly and Lee would be able to revive him in time or if he would turn and eat them all. Remember, they turn really quickly, within minutes, even seconds sometimes. So they couldn't just sit there and do CPR for 15 minutes or more. Kenny was definitely on survival mode when he made that decision. He didn't want to take any risks. He wanted to survive to get to his family and save them too. It's one thing if you don't agree with him, but what he did was definitely to survive and nothing more.
Survival and Self reliance for my Clem. I know its harsh, but I want my Clem to live. While people are right about how this mentality would not help make the world a better place, in the end I don't care. I want my Clem to live, I'm selfish that way, and her joining up with another group that is even half as stupid as the Cabin group is not what I want for her. Its fun to call her my badass little sweet pea, but I don't care about her being a badass. I just want her to live and not have to take care of people who will do nothing but drag her down. If that means I turned her into a bad person so be it, because at least she is alive and at the end of the day thats all that matters to me.
I'd say Community above all else, with just a dash of Justice. As a convict who couldn't save his marriage that's now taking care of a little girl, it made more sense to pursue a habit of keeping peace within the group and doing everything possible to keep everyone alive, within or without being in the group. However, those who go the extra mile to impede on this community by planting seeds of discord or killing it's members will be punished, if absolutely necessary.
First off..I am a nurse...the stopping of breathing is what cpr is made for. Also turn times very...they can be minutes to hours...and the reanimation is noticeable...case in point Rebecca reanimating...the walker is disoriented for a while. Now I will say...sure...probably he was going to die...but it was not Kenny's call. And if your Lee was helping Lilly then Kenny went against the group's wishes. Something that becomes one of his most damning features in S2. Plus he killed Larry in front of Clementine like that. So in that moment..fuck Kenny...there should have been an option to beat his ass.
I actually didnt like Kenny in s1 but loved him in s2.
You are all wrong and so is that damn generator...the best thing Lee taut Clem was this.
A shovel is never not useful. Those are words to live by.
When your heart stops, you are dead. CPR is to try and revive you, but there aren't any guarantees. Specially manual CPR. Did you see how fast the guy at the motor inn turned or...? It can be just a couple of minutes. Which is why Kenny made that decision on the spot. He didn't want to risk it. He did it on pure survival instinct. Like I said, you can disagree with him all you want, but you can't deny what he did was to survive. Besides, there isn't a rule of how walkers turn and how they behave. How do you know walker-Larry wouldn't just wake up and lunge at the first person he would see? I mean Larry himself was willing to kill a little kid (who was ALIVE) just because he was covered in walker's blood, so.... But I'm not going into a debate with you about Kenny anyway because I know full well how you feel about him.