I have never been so disappointed in a game, a movie, a TV Show, ANYTHING, In. My. LIFE. And maybe it's also because I have never cared for something this much in my life, Entertainment/Media wise, Now before people get on me about this, hear me out,The game is not finished yet in it's entirety and I only have seen the first two episodes (Which pretty much equate to one in the long run) I would have waited until tomorrow but I had to find out what happened to my favorite characters and how the game was/played, BOY WAS THAT A MISTAKE, Or, Maybe, it wasn't? I have been dissapointed this year on games, no Mans Sky is in mind, As well as SOME aspects of Mafia III, But in the end i end up LOVING Mafia when it was down to a base level of the story, And considered NMS to be my worst game of the year, But the number 1 thing I love about my games, IS STORY, And it aches me to say this, But, So far in my opinion NMS may be the worst game of the year, But TWD ANF BY FAR, Made me the most sad/mad/about to fucking wretch, game of the FUCKIN year, I am only posting this here to vent/WARN of it's problems and also not get to far ahead of myself... The base story is good, Not great, Not bad, but good, If some more love is put in later episodes it CAN be great, But, Here's the thing, When I look at it as a whole, A lot of things are better in ANF, The graphics (Partly) some of the gameplay (Of what little of it there is) The animations, And finally, The sense of disbelief in the protagonist, Like Lee, Javier seems much more capable in a realistic sense then Clementine from Season 2, Season 3 is a different story. Since the little amount for me you DO get to play as her she seems to be a bit more experienced/capable, But still...
Either way, Javier seems to be more along the lines of Lee in terms of how others rely on him realistically... Season 3 so far on it's own (AS IN PRETENDING S1 AND S2 DON'T EVEN EXIST) can hold up to games like Telltales Batman (Which I LOVED) and even Life Is Strange in some ways, But then put your choices in the mix, And not only do you have a spit in the face for the removal of simple things such as "Next time on The Walking Dead" And pretty much any mention of past events that need some explaining (Such as what happened to Mike/Arvo/possibly Bonnie) Which is possibly HINTED at but nothing more unless I missed something. But by FAR the most offensive thing in this whole game is the flashback sequences / The fate of Kenny/Jane...
Not only did they make most of your choices NULL N VOID (Which I half expected, I love this series though, Maybe tough love, But I still have high expectations especially after the masterpiece that was TWDG Season One) But the most offensive thing wasn't that Kenny and Jane were killed off, Which I also expected liek everyone else, Although I was starting to get a bit of holiday hope and though they would hang around for the whole FRIST DEW EPISODES, But WHOAAHH was I an asshole to think such thoughts, I would have been FINE if Kenny died a heroic death/ even a REALISTIC ONE, Like gettingkilled by bandits (Not the best option honestly) Or even somehow getting seperated from Clementine as to make him unknown like Christa and Lily, That woud have been the overall best way, As long as they made him do it in a heroic way, like maybe a mirror to season one, Depending on choices, in an alley somewhere he has to run off, or in some building, That would have been poetic and would have made you think. But THIS!?
He's teaching Clementine how to drive and then she loses control, And he fuckin flys through the windshield due to not wearing a seatbelt BREAKS HIS FUCKING LEG (Sorry for swearing so much but ARRRGGHHH FUUUUUUCK) and then gets eaten by walkers because Clemetine has to go get A.J.
A character who has survived HELL for 2 FUCKING seasons dies like this, And it's not evn realistic going off of the other SHIT he has survived. This seems like FAN-FICTION IT IS SO BAD. SIGH
And lets not even get started on Jane, I HATED her and I feel fucking awful for her character, I'm convinced it is more believable that this si a clone of Jane and the real one ran away after discovering Carvers secret cloning facility underneath Howe's, that's more beleivable than this shit, She hangs herself because she is pregnant, With Lukes baby, From season 2 , Episode 4, JESUS
WHATS!? DID THESE WRITERS EVEN PLAY SEASON 2, Kenny's fuckin death seems like an oscar nominee copared to this shit, He at least SEEMED like he COULD be something resembling Kenny.
The alone and Wellington endings are meh, Even though the Wellington one doesn't make a lick of sense.
It's probably the best one.
Asfor Javier he's alright and cool. Blah BLAH BLAH.
But Kenny, MY ALL TIME FAVORITE CHARACTER IN THE TWD UNIVERSE. ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE CHRACTERS IN ENTERTAINMENT, Dies like this, I would want my money back, But my dumb ass still wants tosee the rest of this season, If only Lee could see this shit now, He would turn over in his fucking grave, I only hope to god that it turns out that those flashbacks were just dreams and that Kenny comes out of nowhere on a giant flying fuckin boat with jane brought back to life in my game while his beard shoots lightning and it turns out he ran away to bring back Jane after he realised how fucked up killing her was (All those arguments about eknny vs jane and the best ending for NOTHING) The writing is weird, It is so much like a fucking fanfiction...
I hope I didn't offend anyone...
Here's to hoping Telltale can go back to their old ways and make the rest of this season fantastic, I KNOW that they have the ability.
TTG needs to apologize.
I saw a wall of words..I get your feels...hate how Kenny and Jane were treated...but I sorta expected them to get the Omid treatment...if I ever see the writer I will punch him in the face for the Jane thing...but then buy them a beer for some of the new characters..I like Javier and Kate...and I like how Clementine is written...oh I could use more time controlling her...but that was always going to be one of my issues. S3 is certainly controversial. Short episode length...I encourage everyone when they tweet to use #KevinLied because his story of episode one being too big and so they broke into 2 episodes is most certainly horse shit.
Over all I am loving it more than anything.
Honestly, I hate Kenny. But even I know his death was kinda cheap.
rip i guess
I feel the same way, but i think Kenny broke more then just his leg if he didn't have any feeling in his lower half.
yeah . sounds like he damaged his lower spine .aka paralized from the waist down.
they could of AT LEAST let us shoot him in the head so he doesn't have to suffer being eating alive.
I don't know who came up with these ugly and stupid flashbacks, but the hard truth is their deaths are not even close to fan fiction... they're waaaaay worse.
Good job for achieving the impossible telltale!
Not everyone gets an honorable death in TWD. That's just how the world works.
I have no fucking words. Never been so disappointed in my fucking life. I swear to god. This hurts me in ways you can't even imagine, the TWD franchise is a huge, HUGE part of my life, and now I feel wrecked. I can't even... Neither Kenny or Jane deserved THAT. What in the actual fuck... I can't believe this... This doesn't even feel like TWD at all. What the fuck. This isn't even fanfiction material, it's worse.
Believe me, you're not alone. The... outcomes of the S2 endings have left me in a rather mopey mood for most of the day. And it's been a long time since something made me feel this way.
My best advice would be to try not to think about it. Trying to rationalize it just made me feel even worse. Just try to focus on the other stuff that happened. The better stuff.
It's a shame how things panned out, a huge shame, but there's not much that can be done about it, you know? We can try to pretend it didn't actually happen, or try to find a way to explain it, but right now, I've found it easier to just push it to the back of my mind. Out of sight, out of mind. Figure out a way to deal with it later.
I just... can't find much better stuff. Kenny was all I've always cared for since Season 2 besides Clem, and now he's gone forever. I swear to god I've never, EVER, ranted before, about anything, but I just can't let this pass without saying what I need to say.
Edit: sorry, double post.
Hey there my friend! It's so good to see you again, even though the cirmustances aren't great for us Kenny fans!
Anyway, as always, I agree with you... you remember how I hated Jane. Now I feel really bad for her fans. That's another great accomplishment by telltale by the way!
Try to look on the bright side: at least in the Wellington ending, there's a chance he's still alive out there. Somewhere.
I mean, it's probably like a 0.00001% chance, but damn it, it's still a chance
So, you know, he's not completely dead yet. He's like... 99% dead. That's still better than being fully dead.
I'm surprised you couldn't shoot Kenny to stop him from turning. The only way he can go without turning is if Clem murders him after he murders Jane, because she shoots him in the head.
Admittedly, he was distracting the walkers from Clem and AJ which fits his character. But leaving him to turn sucks.
As for Jane... I went with her so Clem wouldn't be alone with AJ. And she offs herself within a few weeks? After everything she did to survive in the apocalypse, she not only killed herself, but she let herself turn. It seems out of character. As for being pregnant, and maybe I'm assuming too much, but Jane didn't even try to find a way to abort it.
It seems like Telltale wanted to get our S2 endings out of the way as quickly as possible so they didn't bore newcomers.
Hey! I missed you!!
I can't even describe how robbed, hurt, sad and disappointed I feel right now. Honestly... This is... Ugh. Neither Kenny or Jane felt like Kenny or Jane, neither their deaths made sense. This... ANF seems like a bad dream or something. I wish it was a nightmare of Clem instead of flashbacks but I know that's not gonna happen...
So far it looks like the writers looked at some fanfiction and were like "Sure okay." By the way this is going, I bet we'll run into zombie Lee by the end of the season.
I've always hanged onto that hope since I feared that this would happen. I really wish Kenny was alive in the Wellington ending, but we'll never know... It's just... Fuck, Telltale had 2 years to work on something much, much better than this. To work on something that made sense, at least. All those endings... for what? This felt rushed, like if "Ties That Bind" had to release just a month after "No Going Back".
An ending so underwhelming, even the people that hate the shit out of Jane feel bad about it
I mean, it's not exactly the kind of award you'd hang on your mantle, but it's certainly worth... something. I think.
It's a bit like putting your kid's shitty drawing on the fridge
Hell, I didn't give a fuck about Jane and even I feel horrible about her death. This was awful. Any of the fans could've written a better flashback for both Kenny and Jane, and I MEAN that.
Unfortunately, I was expecting this exact thing to happen. I really wish I wasn't expecting it. I would of hoped they didn't do the Omid thing all over again. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S YOUR DECISION.
I'd be okay with them dying, it's the Walking Dead, I get it. But having them both die on the same episode, on the first flash back, with absolutely STUPID writing. Man it really boils my blood. But it's what I was expecting and I didn't WANT to expect that.
Not just that, but not being able to take control of Clementine during the actual story and just in flash-backs. Who in the hell thought this would of been a good feature? The foundation of Season 1 and Season 2 has been represented by Clementine. Why would people want to play as this fresh person we have absolutely not clue of? This is my opinion, but if you're playing a game's sequel first, you're doing it wrong.
Our decisions should matter. I'm near enough 100% sure they won't introduce Christa back again, confirm anything about that. I'm sure our Season 1 decisions involving Lilly won't come into play either. It seems like this whole thing is centered around a New Frontier. And the people you have been with and cared about in the last two seasons are all but gone. Season 2 introduced us to new characters that we could of had with us in Season 3. What is this, every season we go into it's just a fresh start with new survivors who will inevitably get killed off?
Extremely Disappointing. I literally cringed when this came up on episode 2 of Season 3:

Because I know this is a lie now.
P.S These episodes aren't long. They're probably even shorter than Season's 2.
You know, I don't even necessarily think it's the deaths themselves that are the problem. It's that they literally invalidated the S2 endings within 5 minutes. Five minutes.
Like, if they had a series of flashbacks, and it was revealed that Kenny died in a car crash towards the end of episode 4, that could possibly work. Still kind of a crappy way to go out, but at least the endings would have played a bigger role before they were undone, and there would have been some semblance of payoff to them. Trying to cram a tragic death into a 5 minute flashback just doesn't work. Especially in the case of Jane's. You know, her death could make sense... if it didn't practically come out of the left field because they didn't give her little depression/pregnancy arc any time to develop. Like, if they spent a few episodes building towards her suicide, dropping subtle hints that she's depressed and possibly pregnant, it could have been an effective death. But since they tried to establish that Jane's depressed and pregnant (and dead) all within 5 minutes, it just comes across as hollow and insincere.
It's like Kenny's death was written by some of his most passionate haters on here or something. The guy is a legend of the franchise, considered by a lot to be the best character in the series and they kill him whilst he's giving a driving lesson? I mean wow... how did they think people would react to this? Someone should have stepped in and mentioned that this just isn't good enough.
Exactly. It's like they didn't have two years to work on all of this stuff... I guess this is what happens whey they try to "cater to new audiences". There're ways and ways to do things. I can accept them dying, just not... this.
Yeah, I loved to hate the old Jane, but this... "thing" they put in the flashback ain't Jane. I can't hate something like this. I miss Kenny's dear old rival
Don't mean to offend anyone or critisize too much but I think it has to do with Telltale being involved in a lot of other projects and not having the time and energy that they did in season 1, which has affected the quality of season 3. Are the rumors true about the episodes being shorter length that season 2? That would definitely support this theory.
Imagine Daryl dying this way on the show. Crazy, right? That's how I feel right now.
This is the 400 days cast all over again. Telltale flat out lies to the fans and the cast gets watered down considerably to suit whatever Telltale wants to do making it all utterly meaningless.
Telltale, when you created Tales from the Borderlands, you gave me so much hope you were past this kind of shady nonsense!
Yeah but Kenny, And so quick, Come on Telltale, Don't fool me, We both know that they have been sitting in th HQ eating donuts and drinking Bonanza for 1 and a half years...
I feel so cheated. What a cheap ass way to kill of Kenny and Jane. I couldn't stand Jane but are you fucking serious!?! I'm so sorry Jane fans because I can't imagine how cheated you feel with her death. Even I feel cheated and I hated her guts. And Kenny!?!? How could you just kill him off in such a cheap way!?! A fucking car crash!?!? God telltale. 3 years! And you couldn't treat those characters any better! It was like y'all couldn't give any less of a shit about Kenny/Jane and just focused on boring ass Javier. I have never been so letdown and disappointed in my life. We were all so hyped and so passionate about our choices in season 2 and this is what we get. I just want to play as clementine and what do I get? Fucking Javier. I have absolutely no desire to play the rest of this game, the only reason I will is because y'all already have my money and I'm still attached to clementine. Im so dreadful for the shitty writing that will eventually kill off Clem in the dumbest cheapest way possible. I'm sorry in advance Clem. You deserve much better. BRING BACK SEASON 1 WRITERS!
Well I really hope that after seeing the reaction to ANF they will rewrite the episodes (or at least some parts, they did the same with the Wolf Among Us, I don't mind waiting another 6 months or a year to get quality content not this kinda bullshit) and FIRE the writers. Srsly a person with zero writing experience could write better than those people creating the flashbacks omfg.
Also I don't like that comic characters show up. I mean ok I get it thats the original story, but if i want to see comic characters, I'll read the comics/watch the show.
This game was good because there wasn't any comic/show referenced stuff in it.
Damn and I thought No Man's Sky was the years biggest fraud. Well done TTG.
First brexit, then trump, then this.
I'm disappointed af.
Let's gather to sign a petition to rewrite the ep's and get rid of those shitty writers (it worked last time, and saved Kenny if anyone remembers he was pretty much dead when No Time Left first came out.)
Let the fanbase of this game gather and make our voices heard by the ignorant TTG developers (only thing that is a problem to me is that I don't know where to make this kinda stuff, so if anyone would create one I'll instantly sign it and I think I'm not alone).
Cheers to other haters of S3.
I love this idea, If you can do ANYTHING to let them know let them freaking know, But i'm sure people will take care of that tomorrow, i hope, team Kenny forever. These are sad times indeed
Thank God Kenny died.
Whether you like Kenny or fucking hate him we all can agree the was the ultimate shitbird move and a fuck you to fans (Janes aswell)
My response:
The appearance of Zombie Lee causes Clementine to freak out and die in a tragic car accident.
This is followed by the return of Christa, who proceeds to hang herself out of grief.
I know, your right, I'm just more pissed at the writers and basing what I say at the games production But in a game world stand point, You have a point.
I dont understand the thinking behind this from Telltale they had nearly 3 YEARS to think about what couldve happened to them and they obviously knew that this would cause uproar for everyone even if they didnt choose that specific ending. They couldve done it so maybe that they have chances to die throughout the season and you can decide on what to do like making them determinant but could still be alive by the end of it and even if they took longer to do that i wouldnt even mind. Just another 400 days again but even worse. Ive seen fan fiction here that was 10 times better than whatever they did. Would ask Telltale to consider to remake the episodes or atleast give the characters a better death but we all know thats not gonna happen