GIVEAWAY! Who wants a copy of A New Frontier on Steam?
I'm sick and tired of seeing all the negativity in this section of the forums and wanted to add a little positivity by giving two people a copy of the game on Steam. All you have to do is make a comment about one of your favourite moments from The Walking Dead game series (Season 1, 2 and Michonne ONLY) and why you like it. It doesn't have to be anything particularly amazing. It could be the simplest scene, like a conversation between two characters.
Also you gotta be at least regular of the forum and not just someone who joined a week ago.
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aw that's really sweet of ya.
i'd say one of my favorite moments was in episode 5 of season where they're gathered around the campfire. everyone for the most part, is acting like normal people. like, the plot took a much needed break from going from point to point whether is be looking for a new place, some kind of drama happening, etc and gave us a moments too enjoy the characters as they were and not when they're having to make rash and pragmatic choices.
i know it's the walking dead and everything's depressing as hell, but it'd be nice to have more moments like that.
Because it's unintentionally hilarious.
Btw, really nice of you to do that.
One of my favorite moments in season 1 and 2 is when clem reunited with Kenny in season 2. Clem had been through so many difficult situations and seeing a familiar face from the core group who I knew that cared about her made me feel better and also reminded me of all the people that we lost in season 1. This scene brought tears to my eyes.
Jesus, are you fucking kidding me ???
My favourite part ever would be Lee walking through the horde in Season 1. All seasons had great moments, but this was the top one for me. Lee being a badass and going through walkers with his trusted hatchet only. All that to save Clementine. First time I saw it, I had chills, goosebumps, whatever you call 'em.
And that's real nice of you
Leaving Wellington with Kenny
Bcoz togheter until the end!
Within the Michonne series, my favourite was the last hallucination Michonne had with her daughters. Tbh I didn't care much for the daughters throughout the miniseries but the last scene where they beg her to stay really got to me. That part really embodied the anguish and regret Michonne felt and humanised her. It's something which she won't ever be able to find closure for... Plus, even having the choice to [stay with them] was gut wrenching to say the least.
S1 When Lee and Carley were flirting in E3 because it gave some hope that things can work out well even in the apocalypse
S2 When we met Kenny again, and [HUG KENNY], and also when we left Wellington together w him ^^
My absolute favorite moment of any Telltale Game I've played would have to be when Jane is walking with Clementine in Amid The Ruins and she tells her about Jaime. That entire conversation, coupled with the intermediary sessions of training that she is giving her about how to better survive, gave me more of a connection to Jane as a character than I think I've been able to have in many different mediums of art. There's just something real about the way that she tells you just enough given Clementine's age, and just enough that you can build up that small amount of trust with someone who is quite clearly damaged. In the words they share, you know immediately that Clementine is in a unique position to cause Jane to remember who she really is. They grow into a unique bond that you can feel to be sisterly even if it never gets the chance to fully develop onscreen, and for me, that's such an interesting dynamic for Clementine to have. Jane, to me, is a very tragic character and that's part of what makes her so compelling to me. She's a character who can be selfish, who can hold her true feelings back for the sake of what she thinks is survival. And then through those meaningful conversations and moments spent alongside this kid she's just barely met, we begin to see that she is not the efficient and ruthless killer she thought she was able to be. Clementine shows her that she can still feel, that she wants to live rather than just survive. Whether that line of thinking is ultimately flawed or not is up to question, though there can be no disputing that it was those close moments of conversation that drove her to come back at the end of Season Two. The struggle that Jane bears is something that's always hit close to home for me, and I think her arc in Season Two was pulled off absolutely fantastically despite the hatred she has earned from many others. Jane isn't perfect, and as she speaks to Clementine in that moment, she kind of rediscovers that fact again, and it changes her into something more honest. I believe that lessons like that, in turn, are part of what makes The Walking Dead a compelling setting. Here is this cold asshole survivalist of a character, and yet, through the course of the story, we learn that you cannot continue living a lie.
Half of me wishes they had just made it so that you couldn't interact with Ben anymore after fully speaking with him. But the other is thankful that this exists.
Also, thanks!
my fav moment

And the soundtrack that goes along with it makes it one of my all time favourite moments!
True, the soundtrack makes it even better. I remember listening to it on YouTube.
My fav moment is on the train, talking with Clementine about a plan, it was just so sweet
And that is definitely one of the best scenes in my book. I just wish we had gotten more scenes like that in Season 2 before everyone got... ya know... annihilated.
Yeah it was a pretty emotional scene, and a great moment for Michonne especially.
That is a really nice idea! I obviously haven't played the game yet, but I did notice the negativity towards it, which saddens me, considering how excited everyone was just a few days ago. It's good to see that not everyone is having that
Now, there are many moments that I remember fondly, but I think the one I would call my favourite is the scene in No Time Left, when Ben stands up to Kenny. Before that scene, I had a very intense dislike for Ben, for the obvious reasons. His actions made me cringe and I considered him to be one of the least fleshed out characters in a story that is otherwise full with well-written characters. I still saved him in Crawford, because no matter what, just letting him die would have been really messed up and not how I have played my Lee until then. I still did not like him in the slightest though. That was until the scene with Kenny happened, after Vernon and his group stole the boat.
By then, I was fully on Kenny's side and just had to shake my head whenever Ben just opened his mouth, that's how much I disliked the character. Then, all of a sudden, he broke into his rant and it took me by surprise. The writing for that scene was perfect and the voice acting was legitimately haunting. It's been years since I first played Season 1, but the moment where Ben just screams "Fuck you!" at Kenny and his later "Give me a fucking break!" that has to be one of the finest moments of voice acting in the entire series and something that just stuck with me. The frustration and the anger, all of this felt real. The game always had nice voice acting, but I have to give huge props to Ben's voice actor for his performance there.
And guess what, this scene actually changed my view on Ben and more. I reconsidered my previous thoughts on him and realized that he is not some stupid idiot, he is simply an ordinary guy in a situation that is way out of his league. On his own, he couldn't survive and he would share the fate of the rest of his family, dying alone and forgotten, so he has to depend on capable survivors like Lee, Kenny or Molly and I think the frustration over knowing all of this really shines through in that scene. And he keeps trying and failing and just makes things harder for the group and this makes him even more frustrated and prone to act rash. I also realized that a great deal of people, me included, would probably end up like Ben in such a scenario, having good intentions but not the skills to actually pull them off. And with this, the guy I almost hated turned into this frustrated, but genuine and relatable character. I think I was just as shocked as Kenny was after that scene and it honestly turned Ben from one of my least favourite characters in the game to one I might not particularly love, but one I consider to be the most realistic and relatable. This scene alone was so powerful that I felt legit sadness over his death so shortly afterwards. It even changed the way I see seemingly useless characters in similar games and shows. Nick in Season 2, or Eugene in the show have been favourites of mine from a very early moment, among other things because of the sudden appreciation I had for Ben. This moment really affected me long after I have finished the episode. And for this I consider it one of the most well-written scenes of Season 1 and my personal favourite.
My Favorite Moment is when we met that dog in S2 EP 1.. and play catch with it... and the reaction of the dog when clem tell that dog that we're smarter than all of the walkers (his innocent face is cute!) but yeah sad things is it had to die ;-; .. Thanks for creating this Giveaway Bro!
The scene with Kenny in S2E5 was up there on one of the best moments in the games history.
Kenny can get out of control a bit but knowing what he sacrificed to save Clementine and making sure that AJ is safe too, he is the father Clementine never had. It gave him a chance to be a father again by looking after two kids who are still alive mainly because of him. People will slate him, people will hate him and be disgusted by him.
He is basically the character to appear in all but one episode (400 days included, Clem didn't appear in that episode). He really was a great character for the series and his VA Gavin Hammon did a remarkable job in making us all either love or hate Kenny.
Long Live Kenny.
That's really nice of you to do, and congrats to whoever gets ANF from this.
I'm not seeing much love for the Michonne mini-series here, so I'll share my favorite scene from that. It's when Paige is having a casual conversation with Michonne right after her flashback. It's pretty funny, the thing about the possum and about her being a bad shot, and it's nice to see a character warm up to us that much after getting ready to shoot us.
Huh, favourite one? Now, I guess I'm a bit of masochist (wtf) but it's Lee's death scene. It just leaves you in tears with weird theories in your mind and failed attempts of comforting yourself. Lee wasn't a perfect man, he did murder a man before and hadn't seen his family for a quite long time, he can also be pretty rude according to your choices. But, but(!) it just warms up my little heart when I realize how much he cared for an unknown 8-year-old girl. Sure, most of people would have at least taken her with them, but he rescued her like a real father. It only gets sadder when he gets bitten and he knows he's going to die yet he still fought with every single atom of his body, existence, whatever.
Like, if I were bitten I'd be legitimately scared shitless. He was scared too, you could see it, yet his first priority was a naive 8-year-old.
LOOK AT THIS, HER LITTLE HAND IN HIS ALMOST LIFELESS ONE (I'm getting teary again but it's supposed to be my favourite moment)
And this is why it's so sad yet a very emotional and meaningful death -- because he could have survived, just a tiny little moment of the whole time and space and stuff ended his life. He could have redeem himself (more), he could have been with Clementine, he could have taught her everything he knows and..doesn't (kids smh). He could have been with Christa and Omid. And everything would have been different. Yet he died.
1000% "Keep that hair short".
Gets me every single damn time!
So, when will you pick the winners? (:
Fav moment Is when Larry was arguing with everyone in the drugstore in S1E1, god it was so entertaining.
My favorite scene is the final showdown at The Marsh House. It didn't have any music so you had to feel the full weight of your choices and how it effects others.
My favourite moment is when Clementine's group is fighting the Russian group in Season 2 Episode 5. Chaos and destruction is all over Clementine, but she keeps her head cool and tries to save herself, even the others (AJ if you chose to save him). This showed me that Clementine is the toughest member of her group and that she can keep her head cool even in situations like this. Also the return of Jane surprised me, I didn't think she would come back, but she came back and helped Clementine.
The Kenny Wellington ending. Dude, don't know about you but that got me pretty emotional.
The Wellington ending with Kenny. I remember being EXTREMELY hyped for 205 and actually crying in the ending - Kenny giving Clem/AJ his hat made me extremely emotional, it was pretty heavy and overall left me satisfied with S2 despite all of it's problems. Thanks for doing this anyway! I was refreshing Job's twitter for like 2 hours straight when he was giving away codes for the game, but I didn't manage to get one. Good luck everyone!
I'll pick the winners in couple days. Can't pick sooner cause I've gotta catch a long flight.
I'll pick the winners in a couple days because I need to catch a long flight back home tomorrow. So until then the contest is still open!
My favorite moment was the goodbye between Kenny and Clem at Wellington. It was such a powerful scene that not only showed Kenny's true colors, but it also concluded that character's arc amazingly.
It made for a very unsettling scene. Just you and the stranger.
Haha thanks :P
And yeah, an amazing scene to end an amazing season.
This will be an unpopular choice and it's not my absolute favorite moment in the series (that probably goes to the S1 ending), but I have to go with Duck and Katjaa's deaths in S1 E3 since I feel it's underrated. It was so incredibly sad and well done, I remember it as the first scene that really got me crying in the game and got me more invested in the other characters.
My favorite moment is Season 1 episode 5 when you kill walkers to get to the Marsh House. It showed that Lee would do whatever it takes to get to Clem and I absolutely loved that sequence.
"You'll meet people... you'll make friends..."
"People better than me..."
"Good people..."
"That don't have to look at you... and feel ashamed at what they put you through..."
This was my breaking point.
One of my favourite responses so far
Looks like thread is dying down so I'll go ahead and pick the winners when I wake up (I've got a handful of people I am deciding between). However, people are still legible to try and win a copy if they want.
See ya in a few hours!