[Spoiler] About Gabe crush on *********

Do you think it will go any further in the next episodes?
A kiss? maybe more?
No, not more, you already ruined Jane Telltale, STOP.
Or will just be a platonic relationship?
Because Gabe gets PRETTY angry if you side with Conrad, and he gets nervous when you ask him about Clem.
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I'm not feeling it. Gabe seems very needy and Clem is less patient with people than she was.
I swear if Gabe touches Clem, I'll.....
I swear to God, if he touches her.... I'll summon a goddamn Tsunami on him.
Quick guys! Over here! We found the shotgun dad!
But it was Clem the one that supported Gabe when he was angry, and went to talk with him. She is not that "impatient".
But what if she touches him?
She'll summon a goddamn Tsunami on him too.
I hope she find someone more interesting.
There is also the fact that the kid admires his father. Luckily, season 3 Clem is not a pushover.
Get away from Clem, Gabe!
Time to get neutered, mister.
If he even thinks of making a move on Clem, Gabe won't have to worry about getting boners anymore.
Stay away from Clem, you son of a bitch.
Calm down, Gabe!
Clem: "So. Gabe's pretty cool."
Me: "Go to your room."
Clem: "I don't think you're in any position to..."
Clem: "......ok"
A relationship will only distract my daughter.
I am sorta having this weird reaction. On one hand, I don't want my own nephew to do something with Clem. On the other hand, in character, as Javier, I shouldn't care that much.
I am rather split and conflicted. It is weird.
Omg you are right, Clem is like our daughter, and Gabe is our nephew...
I've seen worse in Game of Thrones, GO KISS CLEM X GABE
She better fucking not..
Honestly wouldn't mind seeing Gabe fall for her as it would be kinda, excuse my language, "cute" but I doubt Clementine would see it that way haha.
If you actually don't side with Clementine when she shoots the guy in the face (which EVERYONE sided with her), you'll get to chat with Eleanor some more and eventually Clem will walk up to you two. Eleanor can call Javy "darling" and Clem rolls her eyes and says "UGH, gross." Also if you kiss Kate she clearly rolls her eyes too. Not with a smile or anything, she genuinely isn't interested.
So I feel like she will either reject him in a not so-nice-way or just back off completely.
Please no. The season already has been pretty bad for me the last thing we need is a Clem love story.
Honestly I feel the same way. Playing as Javier with Clementine feel just so... Weird. Since I'm playing as her acquaintances and not her I feel like I am controlling Clem's story but all the while just controlling how everyone treats her = making everyone be nice to her, no matter how Clem treats me/them.
Jesus Christ.... those graphics.... I didn't realize how bad they are compared to S3. Someone help me please.
Clem in S2:
Clem in S3:
I am going to guess they just made Clem said that to be funny or cute.
Kids all the time say things like "Ugh kissing and love? gross", but then they like each other and want a couple.
Clem is out of his league. She's too cool for him XD. Plus It doesn't seem that Clem is all that interested.
But imagine the possibilities!
You could later say "Still a better love story than twilight"
Well... She's not a kid anymore. And a "crush" is something that every teenager should have the chance to feel, even during the zombie apocalypse. Okay, I don't know how to feel about this.
How will you punish her?
"No shotgun for a weekend"?
Let's all remember that Conrad calls Gabe, "your boyfriend" and she doesn't complain, OHHHHHHH
Well... maybe she didn't complain because he was about to kill him...
But still!
Then why she was the one that said "Leave him alone" when Javier was going to talk to him
Why she was the one that went to talk to him in first place?
She also got worried about him and didn't care that Conrad called him "Clem's boyfriend"
People are overprotective as usual. If Clementine likes the guy, then why not? I don't like Gabriel, but we're not in control of Clementine anymore. Clem even says "It must be nice, having a partner." if Javier mentions Kate when she's holding him hostage. Obviously I would intervene if the boy tries some shady shit, but I won't stop the two from bonding just because I (as a player, not Javier) don't like Gabe.
I'll just fail the QTE's. WTF
It's funny because it's probably true.
I rather just be friends.
And if we ever get to control Clem then I will make sure that happens. >;l
I'd be worried for another kid too if they just lost someone. She showed concern because she understands what he's going through. Plus the fact that he's still considered a noobie in the apocalypse. It's just her showing that "Hey I understand that horrible shit is going down but you're not the only one and you have to move on." kinda deal. Which is completely understandable and I'd do the same.