More Clementine
Hi, I and most likely many other players fell in love with Clementine over the last 2 games. After what we went through together with her I don't want to share any minute with another character. Please focus the game on her again. I want to be able to play and see the game through Clems view. I have nothing against Javier but when bind so much to a character, you really wan't to keep that relationship. Please Telltale give us more Clem.
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Javiers story looks interesting to me. His background, his family, what happens with his grandfather. Having 2 characters might actually do good, like borderlands.
Clementine has given us a lot and there have been a lot of amazing moments and there will be plenty more in season 3. Just because she is sharing the player character with another character doesn't mean we won't get less of her.
Think of it as her and Lee, her sharing the majority of the time with Lee only difference is in season 3, she will be a player character.
Yeah, that's not going to happen. They made their decision and that was to make Javier the center of season 3's story. Even if most people end up disliking Javier after the premiere, there's no way they will just switch the focus back to Clem. So there's really no point in moping around, instead let's keep an open mind and hope telltale will manage to make Javier a great playable character like Lee and Clem were and that they will take into consideration our choices from the past when it comes to Clem's attitude/personality. And hey, we will still play as her at least, even if it ends up being only in flashbacks. And they confirmed that Javier and Clem will spend a large portion of the game together, so we will get plenty of Clementine, just like in season 1. Probably.
Um, you're getting more Clem. Last time I checked she's a major character in this season and is playable again.
We'll since they are still developing the episodes, they can change that dicission. I know we can play Clem and hopefully it works out like in Tale's of the Borderlands, just like Conorthedestroyer said. In the end it all depends on our response to it and I'm already giving out my 2 cents. If it is to much Javier this will kill The Walking Dead for me. It's something really personal and ofc not everybody will share MPO but I'll still stick it out. Walking Dead without Clem will never work for me and if this episode supposed to gather feedback about Clem, I'll share it from the getgo. Clem IS The Walking Dead for me and every second without her involved feels like one to much. Just saying. And I will not judge before playing either, it may work.
All I'm getting saying that Clem is my favorit character ever, no game or genre has ever make me want to know what will happen next to a character or even fell such a bond to a character. And I feel the need to say I don't want Telltale to break it.
But again: This MPO and I clearly can't speak for everyone. But I bet there are more out their feeling the same way.
Hey, I get it. This game without Clem would definitely not be the same to me too. Which was why I was really frustrated when they said Clem wasn't the main character anymore. But I've come to terms with it, and even though I'm still indifferent to Javier, I'm willing to give him a chance. As much as I would love to play as Clem again (specially when she's so grown up now), I'm not keeping my hopes up that it will be like in Tales from the Borderlands. They said multiple times Javier is the center of the story. But we'll see.
After playing the first 2 episodes I can tell that Javier isn't a bad choice but he is way to stereotype. If Telltale would have let me play as Clem through her part (ofc extended) that would have been way better. I really have to say that I hope Telltale will start making me want to bind to Javier more, till now it really isn't there.
Spoiler Alert. Read futher at own risk:
As a side note: Is it me or does Telltale create way more interesting female characters (minus Lee)? In this episodes I am way more interessted in what happens/ed to Kate, Eleonor and Marianna (man I had hopes she could become a new super sidekick like Clem in WD1).
I'm now kinda hooked up for the following parts from Javier but it can really stop after the next episode and then switch to Clem again. Because I've for my part made up my mind: If The Walkind Dead 4 has anybody else else Clem as Protagonist, I'll refuse to buy it. Clem is one of the very few super strong female characters out their and they give her up for this total stereotype Javier. Yes I get it, he had a brother that always kicked his ass, fell in love with his wife and is a really familiy oriented guy that can sweet talk the ladies. Seen it in 100 other shows/games. Clem was one of a kind and she went throgh another stage of her life wich changed her attitude drastically from what I played her and all we get are the half hearted really fast ending flashbags. That's one way of destroying my trust you builed up until this day Telltale.
You know what, you might be on to something here. Maybe, assuming there's nothing to spoilery, there can be action scenes where, if separated from each other, you can take control of Clementine and get her perspective on things if you wish.
I suppose you could say that because female characters in general tend to be "special" purely on the basis of not being male. Hell, I've seen posts completely dismiss people who didn't like Molly (which isn't any better) on the assumption that her being female is the reason they call her out of place. And I'd be lying if I said most of the female characters didn't catch my attention, with Katjaa, Christa, and ironically Molly(and to a lesser extent, Jane) being exceptions. Indeed, part of the reason I was so iffy about A New Fronteir was because, after the latter half of Season 2, I felt and to a degree still feel like the series is gradually losing away what made it special in the first place, with its female "mascot/breakout character" demonstrating that. But, to get back on topic, the female characters do indeed tend to demonstrate the equal opportunity of race and diversity of personalities that this game could be recognized for, as said mascot character is technically african american.
You know, the irony of that statement is that, as one thread discusses, Clementine herself isn't really that defined in this Season at the moment and just sorta fulfills certain archetypes.
All due respect but picking 3 dialogue options in a 3 minute flashback doesn't count as playable in my book.
Well you caught me ice cold on this one. It's true though. She has turned into this "shot first ask l8er" type of person. But that's why I really want to play the timeline between the end of 2 and beginning of 3. My Clem would throw herself infont of people trying to shot oneanother without a good reason. I played her to shot when necessary and always play smart instead of doing something just to be doing something.
Now her personality changed 180° and I want to know why and actually play it. That's way more interessting then the Javier story.
I'm really trying to bind with Javier but Telltale is doing everything to sabotage it. The connection between him and Marianna was really cheering me up and lifting my hopes. And even though I know Telltale want's me to hate the new frontier it totally backfired and cut away one of the only strings I have to him.
Yeah, at that time, I figured she'd have much longer flashbacks and that her playable role would be bigger, but oh well, she's still a major character, nonetheless.
I like clem so much more in new frontier, probably the only really good thing about it. Having her go back to the bore of season 2 would be a mistake
Yeah, this is something I have to agree with. I didn't mind too much in episode 1, but I thought Clem's flashback in episode 2 could have gone a bit longer. Maybe another conversation with Ava or getting to the location and transitioning to the present as soon as she see's it. But, I'm guessing they'll save that for episode 3. I hope Telltale can take a little feedback into consideration.
with all due respect that post was from 15 days ago
Whoops, I didnt see the date my bad
I didn't see the date by accident.
I didn't see the date by accident.
What did you think of her in the first few episodes then? Where she actually had something resemble limitations and a motivation.
I'm hoping now that she is determinately taken before the New Frontier with her past membership revealed, we'll get more on her in the next episode and maybe even more flashbacks.
They should have gaven Javier and Clem their own episodes switching off so we could actually play as both of them. First episode you play as Javier, second as clem, as a pattern, I really don't see why they just didn't do that.
That's an amazing idea! Why didn't they go with that?
I would like to play as clementine alot more than we probably will in this season but in the end this season is focused on Javier as the main character
You see, you have to remember, that would be doing what majority of the fan base want. Telltale don't like doing what the fan base want.
One thing I've noticed is that most users seem to like Javier, so that seems to be going well. Sometimes, it's a good idea to put a previous MC in more of a side position to give them room to grow.