A New Frontier: Love it, Like it, Disappointed, Dislike it, Hate it.



  • Ironically she was eaten by wolves.

    Love it, and apparently so do most of the critical reviews. Side note: I always knew the alone with AJ ending was the right choice. At least Jane is alive... somewhere...probably... in my playthrough.

  • I like it.

    The actual story is good and there is some pretty cool setup, but some things just really annoy me that keeps me from really loving it. There is the obvious Kenny/Jane fiasco, which I won't get into but I feel is a con. But there's just somethings like how Javier and Clem almost instantly become quite friendly and those at Prescott such as Tripp almost immediately trust you. The 1 hour episodes are also unacceptable in my honest opinion, like seriously if this is all we can expect from future episodes then they need to lower the price because it's not worth it. Finally, although this set up for characters is good and I can see how some of these characters can turn out to be really fleshed out and interesting, I fear it will suffer the season 2 curse where the characters are set up well, but then these same characters basically just become vessels to move the story forward with no personality or intrigue to them. So so far, I liked episode 1 and 2 quite a bit, but I'm very cautious about the next few episodes as they need to develop the characters more.

  • I like it, but I knew everything that was going to happen beforehand. It was just that predictable.

    Actually, I don't know if it is really predictable or if I jut got so used to the TWD formula since I follow it on all available medias (games, comics, show, books) that nothing surprised me anymore.

    Still an enjoyable ride.

  • edited December 2016

    Just finished episode 1. This Javier character is Luke, unfortunately. Nothing real stand out about him and just a nice guy. Plots way too rushed and forced bonding (the chick that just met Javier is riding for him already? Lmao.) Slight positive is basically being able to tell Clementine that we ain't friends and I don't know you from fucking nowhere. Why are the graphics so good? They don't need to be that good. Is this the reason the game has taken like 2 years to get released? People are not buying these type of games for their graphics.

  • I'm enjoying it overall, but I'd be lying if I said it's not been soured by the insulting treatment of the alternative endings, mixed with the incredibly short episode lengths, all of which leaves me in the "disappointed" camp.

    And the writing has been sloppy in many areas - leading to things that were unintentionally hilarious throughout. One I haven't seen anyone mention is how Clementine joins the New Frontier, if you decline that girl's offer, like I did:


    "Hey girl who may or may not have helped me five seconds ago, we make a good team. Want to join my group, the New Frontier?"


    Modern Day:

    "And that's how I joined the New Frontier."

    Silly, silly... The more I think about the direction they're heading this season - the more I wish they just wrote Clementine out of it entirely, or just to the extent in which they could do justice to the different endings.

  • edited December 2016

    Overall, I did like it. The following views are based entirely on my playthrough that I just finished five minutes ago, and not objectively on every possible outcome. Of course, I'll do my research and later come to a more encompassing conclusion.

    I became engrossed in Javier's story fairly quickly. I don't yet love the guy, but I do like him quite a bit, and I am excited to see where his character goes. I'm fully inserting myself in his situation and not basing any decisions on my pre-existing knowledge or feelings towards Clementine. I'm just doing what I feel has to be done as Javier. The plot with his family? I'm liking it. Feeling such a responsibility to these people has added a lot of tension. I'm interested in learning more about his family members too.

    As for Kenny/Jane. Well...I feel sad. Really, really sad. I had formed such an attachment to Kenny as both Lee and Clementine, and the player. When I first saw him, I just had this dumb grin on my face and was laughing hysterically. But to have him pulled out away from me so quickly? I forsaw it, but it still managed to really upset me in more ways than one. Though he was in-character, at the least. I'm still grieving, alright? I'm a little disappointed.

    It's kind of a strange set-up, having Clem begin as a predetermined character to become malleable to lastly fall somewhere in between. I feel that they're doing as good as could be done. In my game, at the least, she seemed to be a fairly accurate portrayal of who my Clementine could have become since I last saw her. I'm hoping there are some nuances in her character, but I still have some research to carry out to see if they really did okay there. I haven't heard good, but once again, I'll just have to see for myself. I was worried that Clem would have many over the top badass moments, but they've struck a pretty good balance. I'm enjoying the flashbacks, though when it comes to our ending, I wished we were given a little bit more on that front. But, I love Clementine, and I'm excited to see her grow, develop, and continue to interact with various cast members.

    It was quite strange to see multiple choices that left me below the 15% minority, and I do want to see how current choices seem to shake things up. This train of thought is excluding what has happened throughout previous seasons. I haven't heard too much good on that front either, unfortunately.

    But, as I said, I have yet to do my research and glean a good image of the overall experience. I think the flashbacks could prove interesting, I see many characters as having potential, I'm excited for future developments, and I am enjoying the plot of watching over Javier's family. So...I liked it. Excluding the way endings were handled. I wouldn't have minded anyone dying, as long as we got a little bit more out of these characters. I'm kind of really upset.

  • It was alright. It has its ups and downs.

    I enjoy most of the characters: Javier, Kate, Tripp, even Conrad. Wasn't too high on Gabe; he makes me feel like we're the guardian to a younger and more immature Nick. I don't know how to feel about Clementine, actually. I can't tell how much my choices for Clem carried over other than maybe one piece of dialogue and a saddening flashback. Speaking of that flashback, whether it's Kenny or Jane, I'm definitely not a fan on how TellTale handled that. Omid is one thing, but this moment with these characters that you chose to stay with at the end of Season 2 was something a whole lot of people were looking forward to, and the small amount of time with them combined with cheap deaths makes me personally feel kind of cheated.

    The choices were okay. I can't say for sure since I've only gone through the two episodes once, but it felt like a handful of the choices were there just to have you side with someone and have conflict with another (choosing to stay at the shack at the junkyard or keep going). They weren't really there to help shape the story as much, but take this with a grain of salt because until I replay and make different choices or until we continue on, I won't know how much a certain choice impacted the game.

    The main story itself hasn't interested me as much. So far its been constant with it being mostly about Javier looking out for his family while this strange group keeps coming into conflict with that; also Clem's back and shit's been going with her since we last saw her. Optimistic about it picking up in future episodes, though.

    Overall, I'm on the fence about this season so far, but looking forward to future episodes nonetheless.

  • I enjoy it. It can easily be better than Season 2, just depends on how Episode 3 goes. I already like it more than Michonne. Highly doubt it will top Season 1

  • I was quite entertained but had my problems with it. Obviously the handling of Kenny and Jane, or even Wellington was super rushed, but there are better places to get into that.

    I actually liked Javier and the relationships with his family, I also felt like the chemistry between him and Clem worked to a certain degree, it didn't seem creepy or forced, I was able to recognize Clementine as a basass without making Javier look like a whimp, which was nice. Telltale made her kill people tho, I'm sort of bummed they didn't recognize my choices of not killing the living with her, but that was a tall order.

    I have to admit though, I don't really like Clementine's overall involvement. It seems a bit weak at times, I dislike that she was forced into the New Frontier and sometimes I feel like she's put into the game just to keep the more radical side of the fanbase pacified (unsuccessfully)

    The pacing was okay, but it's quite obvious that, that was one episode in total and not two. I'm pretty sure length wasn't the reason why they split it, revealing the leader of New Frontier in Epsidoe 1 already would have felt rushed in itself.

  • I really enjoyed the episodes. I felt Episode 1 had a really strong ending and Episode 2 had a great start and even better end. The characters were pretty cool, I liked Conrad, Eleanor, Tripp (my guy), Kate and Javier too. Good plot, liked the comic connections, not too many glitches and bugs. Excellent.

    I haven't actually looked at what happens in the other endings, but I wasn't sour about my ending at Wellington. Sure it was kind just there but it wasn't infuriating to me. It made sense to me. I did snag Kenny's hat, so I hope that matters.

  • If she killed herself with Clem, she definitely killed herself whilst alone. I absolutely agree: the alone ending is the best and it makes the most sense.

    Love it, and apparently so do most of the critical reviews. Side note: I always knew the alone with AJ ending was the right choice. At least Jane is alive... somewhere...probably... in my playthrough.

  • edited December 2016

    Honestly... I enjoyed it. Which is weird considering how much I prepared for it being bad and how much I guessed it wouldn't be fun.

    That's not to say it was great, but I think a lot of people blow things out of proportion.The biggest complaints were the flashbacks (E1 content, not necessarily the length of flashbacks which I'm still deliberating over), time length and some dialogue/action problems. It wasn't great, but it wasn't the shitfest that I was preparing myself for. Thanks forums.

    I'm not going to properly project my thoughts until I've properly digested it and maybe done a couple of replays, but it seemed alright to me. For 2 years of progress, we should have gotten something better admittedly.

  • Wanna share what scene you're talking about?

    Love it. I don't like a certain scene with a certain someone, but overall, I think this is a good season so far. Javier is interesting

  • It would be awesome to get an Episode 6. We can only hope

    Chibiki posted: »

    I like it. Kinda disappointed about the ending of Episode 2 and the reveal of the leader, but it made sense for the story. The new character

  • What happens during the flashback of the alone ending?

    Love it, and apparently so do most of the critical reviews. Side note: I always knew the alone with AJ ending was the right choice. At least Jane is alive... somewhere...probably... in my playthrough.

  • I got the Alone ending, so Kenny and Jane were long ago gone for me. It was ok, but the characters badly do anything. My little Mariana (she was there for like ten minutes and I already loved her) died just like that for no fucking nothing. I think everybody hates it, but I love the new "camera" and how it zooms all the time. Random zombies, Jesus didn't do shit (they better fix that) and David there... everybody hates it but I loved how he showed up like that. He will probably think Javier (remember, he was Jesús of him) "stole" his family. Also, Clem kinda bothers me. Idk, it felt forced, like "I'M LEAVING RIGHT WHEN THIS IS OVER OH LOOK A PENNY IN THE FLOOR I WILL STICK AROUND LONGER MAYBE". Idk.

  • I liked Javi more than I thought I would. But I was irked by the missing AJ stuff. I just hope they don't go a whole 'Krista' route with AJ. Or a 'dead all along'. Yeah, I get it - having a baby around would mean less elbow room for the characters, but still they better not have just killed AJ off for 'tragedy'. It would make a whole bunch of stuff pointless. I don't enjoy 'seperation' arcs because the TV series exhausted that kind of story, but I'll settle for AJ being alive.

  • edited December 2016

    ok so i cannot play as clem? I have to play as this fucking Javier dude? Really? I want to play as Clem. I dont give a shit about Javier and his stupid family...I thought we had a choice to play as clem OR him....

  • Jesus did a sick ass wallkick (or some shit) to a bunch of walkers. I thought that was enough

    I got the Alone ending, so Kenny and Jane were long ago gone for me. It was ok, but the characters badly do anything. My little Mariana (she

  • You thought wrong sir, and also misread practically everything Telltale has been advertising.

    PoppyP posted: »

    ok so i cannot play as clem? I have to play as this fucking Javier dude? Really? I want to play as Clem. I dont give a shit about Javier and his stupid family...I thought we had a choice to play as clem OR him....

  • I quite liked it. Wish it played better on my Xbox though.

  • Love it. Can't wait for more.

  • I freaking love this game I love how telltale lets us play as a different character each day because if I played as Clem this game actually might have sucked (never thought I would say that) I like that it reveals what happened in the time gap of season 2 and this game gave me a strong connection to Javier I don't understand the hate for this is telltales best game ever usually their first episodes never impress me but this one did.

  • liked it so much that if episode 3 dont come out in January im going to cut my own arm

  • i hate this, I want to play as Clem, she is the character I have been following since season 1, she is the lead. Who cares about Javier? I am actually playing the game so as to lose his stupid family and get them killed. I cant believe that after all this time, Clem is juts a side gig making an appearance while I am forced to play Javier. Very disappointed I bought the season pass.

  • Finished episode 2. Better than the 1st episode but still underwhelming compared to what we've seen in the past. Very little memorable dialouge or character bonding, a bit too action driven, things happening at about a thousand miles per hour, ridiculous plot lines such as Javier's brother popping up as the leader of the other group.

  • Clementine is out hunting to feed Aj, but Aj keeps crying and scarring off the prey. Clem puts Aj into an abandoned wrecked car for a moment to catch the bunny, but seconds later walkers arrive by the car. Clem kills the walkers and rushes to get Aj out of the car, but the car door slams shut on Clem's hand, injuring her fingers.

    Patos posted: »

    What happens during the flashback of the alone ending?

  • The problem I have with A New Frontier is how telltale is pushing to far into "appealing newcomers" Now spoilers for both episodes: There a good amount of choices that were no brainers for people who are bias towards Clementine, I remember when choices use to be difficult to make. Also the lack of moments playing as Clementine. In both episodes you only play as Clementine ONCE and also the bitter fact that it seems she is only playable on flashbacks. I think Telltale kicked people who played S1 and S2 to the curb. Like this whole 42 starting point thing was bullshit, they said the choices we made in previous season affects Clementine's personality. That was bullshit too! Then the fact that the Episodes are shorter, in which I barley care for the other people that aren't Javier and Clementine. Like when that girl(I forgot her name) died at the endin TTB Part 1 I didn't feel anything. Back into my main point the vast majority of people who are playing TWD ANF played S1 and S2. I just hope during these next three episodes they make Clementine more playable and playable during the present. So in conclusion it's a mixed bag for me. It could have been so much better, so much..

  • To this point strongly dislike it. To early for hate but Telltale is doing everything to arrow the passage to hate.

  • edited December 2016

    Also Kenny or Jane are alive...again probably.

    The alone ending also fits nicely with Clementine's character in season 3.

  • edited December 2016

    I'd rather not, in order to prevent spoiling those who have yet to play/watch the game.

    Patos posted: »

    Wanna share what scene you're talking about?

  • What scene?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I like it so far. While I was only miffed at one scene (you guys all know the scene), I wasn't as angry about it as everyone else. I found i

  • The flashback scene, with Kenny/Jane.

    I-am-BUMP posted: »

    What scene?

  • Oh, I see. Personally I thought it was pretty funny, but I can see how my "that's dumb, haha" could easily turn into someone's "that's dumb."

    dojo32161 posted: »

    The flashback scene, with Kenny/Jane.

  • Get over it or don't play.

    PoppyP posted: »

    i hate this, I want to play as Clem, she is the character I have been following since season 1, she is the lead. Who cares about Javier? I a

  • First episode in. Weakest. introduction. ever....sigh...here's hoping it gets better.

  • Strongly dislike it. Clem feels like a stranger. Why can't I just play as her? I couldn't care less about Javier. I love Clem it's her story. This is the equivalent to Aaron being the main character on the show instead of Rick. It makes no sense. Clem is angry and cold and that's not who Clem was in season 2. I'm already beyond pissed off about how they handled Kenny/Janes death and now I have to play as a character I absolutely give zero fucks about? Come on telltale are you trying to lose fans? Yall already fucked us with the horrible send offs to Kenny and Jane and now we're stuck playing as Javier! Season 2 is the greatest game ever compared to this heaping pile of shit.

  • Really good so far, really liking the characters and super happy that Clementine is back

  • oh go away board troll. People have the right to voice their likes or dislikes about something. If you dont like my comment go skip to the ones that echo your opinions. This standard response of "well then dont watch it/play it" is getting old.

    BroKenny posted: »

    Get over it or don't play.

  • edited December 2016

    Really liking it so far, adding Clem was unnecessary but it's good seeing her again

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