What has been your favourite moment from season 3 so far?
What has been your favourite moment from season 3 so far?
For me, it has been Mariana's burial with Clementine. Slightly morbid I know, but seeing Javier react so emotionally and Clementine's attempts at consoling him, helped massively to create a strong connection with the main protagonist for me personally. Though I'm a real sucker for emotional scenes like that in TWD. I'm curious to hear what moments stood out for you guys.
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When we met Clem jesus christ fucking badass
When we met Clem, when Clem shot Eli (bullet guy), Javi's and Clem's relationship, and both firefights (and whenever Clem killed someone).
There were a lot, buuut, I'd have to say the funny interactions with the family. The jokes in the van were hilarious! Also Clem with the apple, too sweet. Oh oh and this was a pretty funny moment too:
Every interaction with Kate before she got shot. It's amazing.
And the flashbacks, at least the one with Ava. AJ is such a cutie patootie Same with AJ in Jane's flashback. My little goofball
The family interactions are boss. Killing the girl too soon was a cop-out, but not an unpassable one I guess.
People can´t be 100% broody, angsty, serious, crazy and badass. Let them toke and joke ^^
Every moment that Clementine cursed is my favorite moment.
I'm a sucker for romance so i quite like the kiss with Kate if you choose to kiss her.
Besides the ones already mentioned, my favorite scene was when Javier buried Mari.
It was a somber and emotional scene. Javier's actor really put a lot of effort and emotions.
Nu nu sh sh sh hush kid.
EDIT:oops sorry. meant to post this somewhere else. Don't mind this comment
You mean Mariana? I mean they both got shot, but I'm assuming you mean the daughter
The fall of Prescott
Clem doing Jane's trick to kill walker
Jesus being a ninja
Clem showing middle finger (not my playtrough, but I saw other playtroughs)
Everytime Javi was on screen xD
That episode 2 ending was great, I didn't see it coming.
Nah, I mean Kate. Mariana was great but not my favourite.
It's just, after getting shot she didn't say much else. I still love her
Yeah, it was when Mariana got shot in the head just because this game goes there. It also took me completely into that world-- no happiness can exist; it's all survival, etc. I probably would have offed myself after she got killed just because the fact that we're all going to get killed by zombies or shot by evil rednecks in that world would have just killed me anyway.
When the group lowers his weapons during the end of episode 2 in front of The New Frontier. You can feel the desperation of Javier (amazing voice acting btw) in order to save Kate. Especially during the lines of "I need her".
I have been extremely impressed with Javier's voice actor throughout too. He's doing an amazing job thus far.
Walking into the bar with Clem. I didn't know it before hand but I guess I always wanted to walk into a bar with Clem.
Holy shit. I just remembered. David is back and I kissed Kate. Hell no. He can't find out about this. That guy already raged, because of glass
"I gotta see a guy about some bullets" You gotta love Clementine
The glass was more important to him than Kate tho..
Talking to Clementine in the infirmary and she's very happy that she can trust Javier. Twas a good moment. Especially how those red lights were hitting her eyes and she looked like a terminator.
Finding out that Clem was apart of the New Frontier at one point in time.
When it was over...
I do like the design of the ending choices...
Probably Javi's first encounter with the NF. Pretty tense. Also I really liked Javi's opening scene with his family when the apocalypse hits
Hey his CO gave him that glass..
Jesus Martial Arts.
He needs to teach some of that to Javier.
The first encounter with the New Frontier, the confrontation at the gates of Prescott, and the attack right afterwards
Actually, every encounter with the New Frontier has stood out in some way.
gettin high in the van |)
I really enjoy this excellent piece of voice acting from Javier's actor in Episode 1 where you pick [I'll fucking kill em]
Javier:"I'm gonna fucking kill em. I'm gonna kill all of them!"
Tripp:"You wanna die too? You think that's gonna help your little girl?"
Javier:"So what, I'm suppose to let them live!?"
He just sounds so pissed and awesome at the same time.
Javier's voice actor is pretty damn good. I feel like a dick for not remembering his name, but seriously, he's been doing a fantastic job so far.
His name is Jeff Schine and he is actually a handsome bastard.
When Jesus put a whoopin' on the walkers.
Honestly, if he doesn't do something, and someone react to it by saying, "Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?!?!?" I'll be severely let down, and will never forgive TellTale for missing such a wonderful oppurtunity.
It was really cool when I got held up in the junkyard and starting lying to seem like some selfish loner who loves pudding. And you know I HAD to go full-Kenny and [GRAB CROWBAR].
And then waking up with the creepy angry guy in the truck, and then shooting him... so intense.
You know, looking at it now...
Jesus' beard is pretty good looking
Tripp's doesn't look too bad, either
So what the FUCK did they do to Kenny's?
It's a random scene but when Javier winces when the Prescott gates close and he goes, "My family, they're still out there."
Dead CO....Fucking proves David started the Apocalypse....my logic is sound and unbreakable.
Javi to Max: What can I say man, I fucking love pudding!
I am ashamed to say I was unwilling to kill Conrad to keep Clementine from going to the New Frontier...Kate needed help...and I don't think they will hurt Clementine.
But the looks she gave me...omg, please Clementine...please forgive me