Official Petition to remake Episode 1 & 2 !!
I don't know, I feel like these episodes were too rushed. Unexpected deaths in less than 5 minutes, I mean, did we really wait two......TWO years for this?????? I'm so upset for many reasons but this story just doesn't make any sense. Sooo, let's make this thread as a petition to express our hate/disappointment towards this season already. I don't mind waiting a couple of months more for a legit plot. I feel like Clementine doesn't have any importance at all other than she joined some new cult community and she did something that's why they want her back or idk . That should of been the main story plot not this Cuban family that just appears out of nowhere , no offense to any Cubans haha
But honestly, I'm sure people rather have the focus on clementine than starting a basically "New" story. It's like the walking dead TV show, if Rick dies, there is no more TWD, the show revolves around him, same with the game, this franchise revolves around the original characters, if the main character isn't getting much time or dedication , it kinda just kills the point of the game, idk it's my opinion, sure most won't agree but everyone to themselves.....
So who's agreeing to call out the writers and make them re-write these epsidoes lol xD
Can't say I didn't expect this...
Lol petitions
It's too late, telltale fucked up. There's nothing that can be done unfortunately.
Didn't particularly like these 2 episodes, but just stop this kind of thing. This is what TT wants it to be and love it or hate it, it's their game. I get that your upset, but reacting like this won't help.
I agree the first two episodes were not as good as they could've been but the writers are not going to remake both episodes and plus the reviews overall seem to be quite positive for the game. And as I've said numerous times clementine is not the main character of this season and is most likely going to be a minor supporting character. Telltales made it quite clear that Javier is the main character with this season catering to newer players and fans vs fans of the previous seasons.
"I'll make my own Episodes 1 and 2, with Hookers and Blackjack!"
The RV scene with Lee in S2 Ep5 was longer than the flashback.
It's always a little relevant.
We are currently at bargaining.
I know it's not going to happen...though it's not impossible but of course we're going to have to deal with it lol
Likes were not introduced until a few months before Wolf Among Us premiered. (Wolf premiered in October 2013, the forums were updated at the end of August 2013).
The forums used to be a more traditional message board (like how classic discussions are showed), but the forums were updated to include Reddit style comments and voting.
Looks like depression is next haha, don't know how that's going to be :, (
You'd probably be better off just not playing cause the chances of that are 000000000.1%
Boy oh boy, this forum.
Hmmmm that number seems very inaccurate, I know for a fact it's 00000000000000.0000000, that 1 is a tiny bit of hope, and I don't have any hopes of a remake
Wow. Things have just come full circle.
No. I loved it and think that people are really over exaggerating.
Except there is no petition.
It's just a thread asking for something.
"triggers flashbacks to petition to rewrite nick's death in amid the ruins"
They wont do that.
However, imagine if Telltale saw the back lash about Jane and Kenny and they just pull a "GOTTEM" Kenny and Jane arnt DEAD. It was just a dream that Clem had if things got worst! Kenny only broke a leg and got away, and Clem saw Jane about to hang herself and stopped it! ha ha! Gotchya!
Fuck no.
It would of been awesome but for this particular game, they both have to die, I mean I don't mind but it could of been at least a more honorable death?
Fan messageboards are so deranged and pathetic. No wonder most devs hardly check them anymore.
Death's that weren't plain stupid, yes.
Just like, your flashbacks are a whoooole 5 mins long. Why not just make them stay longer and make the New Frontier kill them. Make us really hate them. Instead of finding out 1 out of every 3 people die in a apocalyptic car crash every day.
That as well but that's the thing that made me the most annoyed, the quick deaths of Jane/Kenny , so rushed and especially Kenny, being one of the original characters was killed like any other walker
No. Sorry, nope, won't work. These petitions rarely work and Telltale is in no position to change what has happened.
I get people's frustration with this premiere, but I'm okay with this new season. Some things like dialogue and character reactions are kind of strange, but I am not bothered by it. People are just focusing on the flashback as the source of their rage. Yes, it was handled terribly, but there's nothing you can do to change it now. Sorry pal.
I will tell you a story I heard from a friend who worked for Sony Online when they were doing Everquest 2. The Devs would make a drinking game about posts on their forums...petition threads were always their favorite. And the ever popular rage quit rants when they would have to change loot values in the interests of game balance. Being a dev is a job that you are best off ignoring the forums because if you would probably jump out a window.
I agree.. And I would've hoped that they don't check for their own sanity.
Okay people , let me just state this, of course this isn't any "Official Petiton" thing. I made this thing to see everyone's reactions and opinions of a Remake, we're not all from the same pot so your opinion is valid , but the only thing that made no sense was the flashbacks and deaths , to throw out a character whom many of us totally respected is just plain dumb. Yes it's a game but pfft, I see everyone taking their opinion seriously as well lol
I think the rest of the episode is perfectly fine, it's just the flashbacks that should be remade. Sadly that won't happen.
That would be embarassing for Telltale, but considering that this could mean bringing Mariana back, I'm slightly temped to a gree with you.
Sure some people are already at that stage now
I feel as though I'm the only one who didn't think these 2 episodes were utter shit
(?) Telltale won't remember this
You're not. There are plenty people (myself included) that love the game.
Lol indeed.
Spoiler. Tags.
Lol, good luck with that. That won't happen.
You got the order wrong Blind Sniper, it's with blackjack and hookers, not hookers and blackjack.
Reviews kinda mean shit to me. I don't trust them. Most of them don't even know what they are talking about and who knows, if they got paid for a positive review