On David...
What do you guys think of him as an antagonist? Do you like this angle, or is it maybe too early to tell if it'll be effective or not?
Honestly, it did seem a little convenient that he'd be with the New Frontier, let alone we'd actually run in to him, but I'm kind of interested in where they're going with this. Especially with Gabe - if we have to make a decision that goes against David somehow, the kid might be in for a bit of a shock. Add to the fact that Javi and David are both brothers and all, and you've got a pretty tense setup. I hope, at least.
The whole thing with Kate might come back to bite us, if you chose to go the "kissy-kissy" route anyways xD
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i thought that dude was fucking dead
but i was not shocked when he returned and i didnt care.
Fair enough
I kind of want to find out what happened to the guy after he drove his mom to the hospital, or at least tried to, anyways. From the sounds of it, the hospital might've been overrun before they even arrived.
I saw it coming from a mile away. Especially in episode 2 when the startup flashbacks continued to be about David and Javier's relationship more than anything.
But also from the trailers, David was so dominant in them compared to how much he appeared. The trailers also made me predict Mari's death.
Which is also why I didn't make a move on Kate, I was so sure it was gonna come up later with David.
It was pretty obvious, looking back on it. The dude's giving me some seriously bad vibes right there, though. Especially in that flashback with Kate... Do you think maybe he might've been abusing her? I mean, they didn't outright tell us, but there were some pretty big clues I could spot out.
Do you mean the launch trailers? Or the gameplay trailer we got before?
He abuses Javier, I don't see why he wouldn't abuse Kate.
But I'm waiting to judge ahead, we'll see.
I was expecting to see him again, but I thought we'd see his death in a flashback and Javi taking on the role of surrogate parent.
I wasn't expecting him to be the leader of the New Frontier.
We know that there is going to be hostility between them when the subjects of Mariana's death, Javi and Kate's relationship and whether or not David knows or remembers Clementine.
There is also the fact Gabe probably loves more Javi than David.
I'm actually really looking forward to seeing what Clem thinks of David, and vice-versa. After dealing with Carver, and the middle finger Clem gives the guards if you go that route, I'd imagine that she's not on the best terms right now.
I would love to see his reaction when he finds out that one of his people killed his daughter. That some good drama in the making.
The revelation surprised me a bit but at the same time made things interesting. I wonder how he will react when Javi tells him that his people have killed his daughter?
mfw David orders for the execution of Badger and Gabe volunteers to do the deed to avenge his sister
I thought, the last time before they knew about walkers, he's on his way to take his mother to the hospital. I figured his mother turned and bit him as well. I'm happy I was wrong though the revelation has certainly made things complicated.
Oh, for sure! I don't think I've ever actually seen anything like that, in the show, comics or the game. They've got some potential here after all
Or maybe we get the option to lie to him about it, and just say that she got attacked by walkers or something. Might not make the most sense in the world, and it'd probably be pretty messed up, but the guy who shot her might help us out down the line. Evil Javier ftw!
Welp, didn't plan on sleeping tonight anyways xD
I won't lie to David. I can't wait to spill the truth, lol. It's making me crazy that I've to wait a month to do that. :P
I thought David got bit at the beginning of Ties that Bind Us Part 1 by their Dad on his arm and he *died. *
So yeah, I was fucking surprised to see David with all of his limbs intact alive and as the leader of the New Frontier.
I also wonder if he knows that his men killed his daughter, Mari and shot Kate. So in a way, he is responsible for Mari's death and for whatever the hell happen's to Kate. I hope for David's continued sanity, or whatever's left of it that she doesn't turn into a Walker.
David's gonna be in for the shock of his life, that's for sure. And yeah, he was cutting it pretty close with his dad in that room.
I wonder what ended up happening with the mom on their way to the hospital, as in, did he have to put her down himself, or did something else happen beforehand?
Gonna be nice and blunt about it, huh? Sweet! I want to see his reaction even more now
Fairly certain that was a different family member.
I was pretty shocked but then again I am shocked by pretty much everything. I'm sure Javi will get the blame for Marianna dying.
This fo fucking cliche. I realized it after he punched Javier in mouth in first trailer.
This is I'm afraid so likely.
David hates Javi so much that he will overlook his men's mistake just to make Javi feel shitty.
He has that kind of personality that pretty much every evil tyrant of TWD has, so it makes sense that he would be the leader.
I was curious about his fate since the beginning, so I kept picking options that mentioned him when speaking to Kate or Gabe hoping someone would say how he died. Since nobody said anything, I assumed he was missing instead of confirmed dead, so him showing up alive didn't surprise me.
I don't think it is that much of a coincidence to find anyone in TWD anymore. There are very little humans left in the world, they can't go too far because gas supplies only get smaller, even if they could they still wouldn't be able go too far north because they will risk facing a harsher winter with no way to keep warm or to find food. It stands to logic that they will end up on the same few settlements, so randomly finding someone you know is sorta likely, if they are alive.
That's true
It's a bit of a gamble to head north because of the cold and all, not to mention that you're not always guaranteed to find supplies. There'll definitely be more people in the warmer areas, but at least you'd potentially have the option of growing more food.
Kind of makes me wonder where they were living before. I know they're in Richmond now (Virginia, I think?) but I don't remember them mentioning where they were at during the intro.
I bet Gabe would've taken it pretty hard when Javier had to explain to him why his dad wasn't around anymore. Kate... probably not so much, but it still wouldn't be all rainbows and sunshine for anybody.
Haha you'd think we'd all be used to these kinds of things in Telltale's games by now, but nope!
That's alright, though. I kind of prefer it. Makes the whole thing more worthwhile as long as it's done well.
I will be interested to see if the game challenges us to embrace or reject David and the New Frontier's ideology.
The biggest problem Davis had with Javi was that he wasn't there for his family when they needed him.
Javi proved him wrong this time, so there's still hope for their relationship to be salvaged.
Oh wait. this is the Walking Dead we're talking about. Nevermind, I'll go find a Disney forum to post on.
"I didn't care" is pretty much my motto while playing season 3.
To much possible drama for the writers to just let him be dead.
Javi "failing" to protect his daughter, Gabe's desperate need for some "you did good, son" and the fact that the relationship between him and Kate was already quite shaky BEFORE the apocalypse (potential abusive relationship? "married the wrong brother" vibe, etc) was just to much juicy writing material for him to be just in flashbacks.
Looks like we're getting the option to be the Shane this time
So, if that was a different family member entirely, what happened to their mom?
This makes me wonder if the Garcia's were in Savannah or something and the hospital that David drove his mom was the same one that Clemetine's mom took her dad too. I might be overthinking thing's though. :P
I have a feeling that some of the characters, Gabe in particular would accept 100%.
Curious, if a little sceptical.
I dunno, I feel the whole "two brothers on opposite sides of the fence" thing is kind of a bit cliche. I'm curious enough to see what happens next, but I'd be lying if I said I was on the edge of my seat after seeing the cliffhanger. Although, I admit, that may be because it was about six in the morning and I hadn't had any sleep so that might be on me. Heh.
I do think David is an interesting enough character, and he offers an interesting juxtaposition to Javier. Javier seems more like the carefree spirit, who tries to crack wise to get through uncomfortable situations, while David seems more grounded in reality. I'm really hoping that the game will take into account how I've been decent to him in the past flashback thingies, but I've not got my hopes up too high. Not after how Jane was handled - seriously, that's what they did to such an awesome character? :c
I'm hoping that Kate's foreshadowing will come to fruition - Gabe becoming like Javi or like David. Maybe it'll be a case of whether or not you join the New Frontier willingly or something of similar ilk. I really hope that David doesn't shit all over me, because I've tried to be nice to him and haven't done any "kissing stuff" with Kate, but I wouldn't be surprised if he accuses me of kicking his dog or something. Heh.
But, um, yeah. That was a ramble and a half.
I'm just seeing you everywhere now, huh? xD
David's giving me that whole "alpha male" kind of vibe, but not the one you want to root for. Honestly though, I kind of hope there's an option to not have to go against him. I mean, it'd probably be kind of cool to have them reconcile a little bit, and maybe turn the New Frontier in a direction we want to instead of just having them be the generic bad guys. I got the impression by the screenshot for episode 5 that Javier's going to turn into more of a leader (which I think he's developing into anyways due to how he was handling things after they left Prescott). However... we all thought Eddie was gonna show up in season 2, and that turned out wonderfully.
It'd be cool to have that kind of influence over Gabe. Grins maniacally. Giving him the option to turn into more of a Lee type of guy, or maybe kind of a Carver 2.0 would make him a lot more fleshed out than the whiny teen on the puberty train that he is right now. And yeah lol, David's definitely gonna find a way to blame us for something.
Everything about Javier's family is really cliche. That's not always a bad thing, it depends on execution.
Oh no... Turns out Lee had mowed down Mrs. Garcia too on his way to the Marsh House
Oh, I didn't even realise it was you! I am a silly sausage. Hey there, Leaf! ^.^ waves excitedly
I completely derped out and completely forgot about the art for From the Gallows. I thought with that that maybe Javier assumes control of the New Frontier, and then one of the last choices is deciding whether he encourages them to continue their activities and David's vision for his group or uses their manpower, resources and the like to reform society for the better. Could be interesting, but that might be a bit overdone. I dunno.
Making Gabe this impressionable character who behaves like you do would be simply wonderful, in my mind. It would remind of season one, in a way, where I based my decisions on what I wanted to teach Clementine. Having Gabe potentially be this really shady character, depending on how you behave in front of him, would make the choices carry so much more weight than they already do. Ooh, maybe Clementine will have varying impacts, depending on your past decisions! Th - Then again, probably not. Heh.
I kind of want to see if David and Clementine know each other, what with our favourite cap-wearing bad arse being a member of those less than desirable folk. But - at least in my game - that'd involve scooping Conrad's brains back into his noggin. Which, you know, isn't too viable a strategy.
I honestly didn't expect him to be alive and I never got with Kate regardless, I had Javier more inclined to like Eleanor.
They could easily turn this into "The Brady Bunch" meets "The Walking Dead" now, couldn't they?