Shane was honestly one of my favourite characters in the show, and I have no idea why. Makes me feel so dirty inside, eck... xD Honestly though, I'd be all on board if they were to give us that option. Nothing says "I'm a good brother" like breaking up David's marriage!
To much possible drama for the writers to just let him be dead.
Javi "failing" to protect his daughter, Gabe's desperate need for some "y… moreou did good, son" and the fact that the relationship between him and Kate was already quite shaky BEFORE the apocalypse (potential abusive relationship? "married the wrong brother" vibe, etc) was just to much juicy writing material for him to be just in flashbacks.
Looks like we're getting the option to be the Shane this time
The biggest problem Davis had with Javi was that he wasn't there for his family when they needed him.
Javi proved him wrong this time, so t… morehere's still hope for their relationship to be salvaged.
Oh wait. this is the Walking Dead we're talking about. Nevermind, I'll go find a Disney forum to post on.
It's an interesting choice. They've set it up to look like he's become a tyrant, but I'm not completely sold on that just yet. When Badger begins threatening Preston, the guy in the hat mentions that they don't have "the go-ahead", which the former then outright rejects. And then we have the dialogue at the beginning that implies that the New Frontier has also had its fair share of trouble from other survivors, so it could be that David has only taken on a firmer approach recently. I dunno, there's potential for conflict in the group over what stance they ought to take.
Also, David may have been pushed to extremes after he believed for so long that he lost his entire family in one go. By seeing (part of) his family now and having the knowledge that he was complicit in the murder of his own daughter and the wounding of his wife, there could be a chance of redemption. Therefore, I think he has the potential to be a very interesting, complex antagonist.
And, David may have warmed to Javi. His biggest complaint was that Javi didn't look out for family. But, he can see that Javi was doing fairly well keeping the family safe until the New Frontier got involved. Not only that, but David will have seen how far Javi is willing to go to protect family when he escaped the truck and returned to them. Again, it was the New Frontier that screwed them over, not Javi. Could be mediating factor between the two
He did still want to emulate the "toughness" of his father, but there'll definitely be conflict over his sister's death. I think Gabe will need an awful lot of convincing that his dad isn't a bad guy now. Every time he's seen the New Frontier, the people (whether under orders of David or not) have caused a lot of pain and death.
I'm not really sure what to think about him. I've got a feeling they're gonna go with the controlling husband and bitter brother who blames Javier for everything wrong with his life, and that would be... I hope they don't go with that, and give him a complex personality rather than portray him purely antagonistically.
That might not be the case. David's main issue with Javi was that he didn't seem to care about family, and yet Javi did a good job of protecting them for several years. One mistake led to Mariana dying, and that was due to the New Frontier opening fire without warning. David could of course just be irrationally stubborn, but the sight of his family and injured wife after all these years might just soften him up enough
His reaction to seeing them was striking don't you think? It wasn't a happy surprise for him. He seems really taken aback and... a little scared it seems to me. I know our introduction to Carver in S2 made us wonder if it was as simple as him being crazy and evil, but I definitely don't think that's the case with David.
Kenny reacted the same way in Season 2. Being dumbfounded by the apperance of someone you thought dead or at least someone you never thought you'd meet again doesn't have to imply any specific emotion.
His reaction to seeing them was striking don't you think? It wasn't a happy surprise for him. He seems really taken aback and... a little sc… moreared it seems to me. I know our introduction to Carver in S2 made us wonder if it was as simple as him being crazy and evil, but I definitely don't think that's the case with David.
It'd be kind of fun to play as the bad guy for a change with that whole "leading the New Frontier" thing. Clem would probably get pissed, but if survival becomes Javier's top priority, or we choose to have him go down a more brutal path, then following David's example might be the way to go for him.
...damn, that was dark!
For sure, that'd be so cool Hopefully he doesn't turn into Chris from FTWD though. I'm not sure if you've seen it (heck, even I didn't, but I got spoiled), but let's just say... it doesn't end that well.
Does anyone else get the feeling that Clem's kind of going full-on mercenary on us a little bit? Especially with that guy she traded bullets with - I'll admit, the new Clem doesn't take shit from anyone. I like that she's really competent and has grown into somebody who can kick some ass, but I'm kind of worried whether this new attitude's gonna get her into trouble.
Oh come on! It's easy! All you'd need is a broom, a dust pan and some duct tape, and Conrad's as good as new!
Oh, I didn't even realise it was you! I am a silly sausage. Hey there, Leaf! ^.^ waves excitedly
I completely derped out and completely f… moreorgot about the art for From the Gallows. I thought with that that maybe Javier assumes control of the New Frontier, and then one of the last choices is deciding whether he encourages them to continue their activities and David's vision for his group or uses their manpower, resources and the like to reform society for the better. Could be interesting, but that might be a bit overdone. I dunno.
Making Gabe this impressionable character who behaves like you do would be simply wonderful, in my mind. It would remind of season one, in a way, where I based my decisions on what I wanted to teach Clementine. Having Gabe potentially be this really shady character, depending on how you behave in front of him, would make the choices carry so much more weight than they already do. Ooh, maybe Clementine will have … [view original content]
Well, I guess the pause between the next episodes leaves room for doubt, but the evidence in front of me just suggests what I said earlier. Kenny and Clem is different in that they only knew each other after the outbreak. It would be like seeing a friend you once knew alive versus seeing that your brother and son are alive. I'd probably break down in tears of joy if that ever happened to me.
Kenny reacted the same way in Season 2. Being dumbfounded by the apperance of someone you thought dead or at least someone you never thought you'd meet again doesn't have to imply any specific emotion.
In regards to Conrad, I was thinking of ordering some Silly Putty and making a replacement brain. How hard can it be? Alternatively, I could go the Black Adder route, just put a bit of ointment where his brains used to be and wait for another one to grow back into place.
If Gabe grows up to be like my Javi, he's going to be spouting awful jokes and cracking wise at awful times before the sun has set. Oh Javi, you and your banter. I just can't resist, from time to time. And, hey, it reminds me of Luke. A less frozen version of Luke, that is. Just - just let me have this, Gabe. ; _ ;
I also feel that the choice about the direction the New Frontier goes would really illustrate values that were brought up in Season Two - what's more important, family or survival? If you go down the path of reforming the New Frontier, you're leaning towards the values of family and community, but if you continue down what we've seen so far of the New Frontier, maybe you rule through fear and extort communities, looking out only for yourself? I feel that'd be a really cool thing, and would allow us to really define Javier as a leader. But I'd probably end up just agreeing with Clem anyway so, I mean. You know.
I definitely feel Clementine's going down a mercenary sort of route, which sort of winds me up when I consider how I had her behave in Season Two. I tried to play her as being a really nice person, and then in the first episode she blows someone's brains out and immediately starts inventing a cover story. Kind of not what I had in mind for her character, but there we go! I think the biggest hint of her being a mercenary is her constant allusions to only helping Javi for the van, and then getting a bit uppity with me when I told her I hoped she'd stay.
"I was hoping you'd stay. You know, considering."
"Considering... What?"
"Considering you came with us."
"Tch - Yeah, for the van, not for -"
I get the feeling she's more of the lone wanderer type, now, which is cool. Makes for some funny moments when you first stumble up on her, and then of course that heartwarming moment when she admits Javi isn't a complete asshole. Aww, I wanted them to high five right there.
Hey right back waves an embarrassing amount
It'd be kind of fun to play as the bad guy for a change with that whole "leading the New Fro… morentier" thing. Clem would probably get pissed, but if survival becomes Javier's top priority, or we choose to have him go down a more brutal path, then following David's example might be the way to go for him.
...damn, that was dark!
For sure, that'd be so cool Hopefully he doesn't turn into Chris from FTWD though. I'm not sure if you've seen it (heck, even I didn't, but I got spoiled), but let's just say... it doesn't end that well.
Does anyone else get the feeling that Clem's kind of going full-on mercenary on us a little bit? Especially with that guy she traded bullets with - I'll admit, the new Clem doesn't take shit from anyone. I like that she's really competent and has grown into somebody who can kick some ass, but I'm kind of worried whether this new attitude's gonna get her into trouble.… [view original content]
That is true but I think that Gabe will be in denial that his father indirectly caused the death of his sister. He seemed to worship his dad from what I've gathered from watching gameplay videos and the alternative choices for New Frontier. I think that depending on how the player responds as Javier, Gabe will end up being a David 2.0 that is similar to Carver from Season 2.
He did still want to emulate the "toughness" of his father, but there'll definitely be conflict over his sister's death. I think Gabe will n… moreeed an awful lot of convincing that his dad isn't a bad guy now. Every time he's seen the New Frontier, the people (whether under orders of David or not) have caused a lot of pain and death.
Oh dear, this is gonna hurt... waves in desperation, hand falls off
Mhmm! Either method would work - and hopefully since his brain's not really "there" anymore, the guy would be completely invincible, and totally under Javier's command. We'd never have to worry about losing group members again!
Literally every time a funny dialogue comes up for Javier, it's immediately the first one I pick. And yeah lol, now that you mention it, Javier's basically Luke with a baseball jersey. But man, can he ever swing that crowbar!
Geez, you've got me thinking about all sorts of exciting "what-if" scenarios now... Imagine if we could have Javier controlling the New Frontier, and have him send people out to form alliances with other communities, or just straight-up attack them for their supplies. That'd be kind of hilarious, though, with Javier acting as the figurehead for the group, but meanwhile Clem is on the side pulling the strings the entire time. We shall bend to thy will, bearer of the ball cap! All hail Clementine!
And speaking of which...
Yeah, it seems a little out of place depending on how you visualized Clem in season 2, but I guess we can add that to the list of things that didn't carry over If there's one thing I like about it though, it's that Clem's sort of turning into a mini version of Jane. Shallow victory I guess, but I'd like to think she rubbed off on the kid at least a little bit
It was kind of funny how Javier let Clem drive the both of them back to Prescott, as if he can already tell that she's more than capable of being independent. She still looked so short in there, though! I was like "dayumm, Clem! Need a booster seat there or what?"
And what the heck was up with her chopping down that tree? Like, how? I get that she had a shotgun and everything, but geez!
Waves frantically, wrist dislocates
In regards to Conrad, I was thinking of ordering some Silly Putty and making a replacement brain. How… more hard can it be? Alternatively, I could go the Black Adder route, just put a bit of ointment where his brains used to be and wait for another one to grow back into place.
If Gabe grows up to be like my Javi, he's going to be spouting awful jokes and cracking wise at awful times before the sun has set. Oh Javi, you and your banter. I just can't resist, from time to time. And, hey, it reminds me of Luke. A less frozen version of Luke, that is. Just - just let me have this, Gabe. ; _ ;
I also feel that the choice about the direction the New Frontier goes would really illustrate values that were brought up in Season Two - what's more important, family or survival? If you go down the path of reforming the New Frontier, you're leaning towards the values of family and community, but if you continue down wh… [view original content]
Maybe It's kind of hard to tell right off the bat.
Maybe they'll pull a 180 on us and show that the New Frontier's people aren't quite as bad as Clementine said they were, or at least, not in their own eyes at least.
Didn't they reused that rough draft of S2 that Sean wrote for Tattletale...?
The one where Kenny's the big baddie, but instead it was Carver... and now it's David.
Good points. I'm watching a playthrough right now and Kate is really pushing that sentiment that Gabe can be shaped into Javi or David. If that's true, I'm worried in my playthrough that Gabe will turn away from Javi. I would guess that the decision to allow him to help in Kate's surgery will have some weight
That is true but I think that Gabe will be in denial that his father indirectly caused the death of his sister. He seemed to worship his dad… more from what I've gathered from watching gameplay videos and the alternative choices for New Frontier. I think that depending on how the player responds as Javier, Gabe will end up being a David 2.0 that is similar to Carver from Season 2.
Didn't they reused that rough draft of S2 that Sean wrote for Tattletale...?
The one where Kenny's the big baddie, but instead it was Carver... and now it's David.
Well, I guess the pause between the next episodes leaves room for doubt, but the evidence in front of me just suggests what I said earlier. … moreKenny and Clem is different in that they only knew each other after the outbreak. It would be like seeing a friend you once knew alive versus seeing that your brother and son are alive. I'd probably break down in tears of joy if that ever happened to me.
It was a pretty fun (if unlikely) reveal. I liked it. I think it'll make things a lot more interesting at least, with Javi having to decide between whats right and keeping the family together. I think it'd be really cool if we had the opportunity to help run things around the new frontier as an option
So hopefully the players that made that choice can hope that the decision to go with the family instead of staying behind at the junkyard and help with Kate's surgery, can make some kind influence on Gabe to be not exactly like Javi or David but rather take some of their good personality traits and become his own type of man.
I backseat play when I watch the videos and I'm pretty sure that Gabe would end up being a David 2.0 Carver, so I'm worried about the future of the Gabe of my playthrough.
Good points. I'm watching a playthrough right now and Kate is really pushing that sentiment that Gabe can be shaped into Javi or David. If t… morehat's true, I'm worried in my playthrough that Gabe will turn away from Javi. I would guess that the decision to allow him to help in Kate's surgery will have some weight
Well there was a livestream interview with just Sean, before Firewatch was released... I think it's on Youtube somewhere...
From what I remember he was also asked if he wanted to return to TTG for TWD, he aggressively said "No, it was like returning to the kids you gave up for adoption."... I don't think he exactly said this word from word.
Maybe they'll pull a 180 on us and show that the New Frontier's people aren't quite as bad as Clementine said they were, or at least, not in their own eyes at least.
lol yea, and the branding thing is just a phase they are going through.
Well there was a livestream interview with just Sean, before Firewatch was released... I think it's on Youtube somewhere...
From what I r… moreemember he was also asked if he wanted to return to TTG for TWD, he aggressively said "No, it was like returning to the kids you gave up for adoption."... I don't think he exactly said this word from word.
Maybe they'll pull a 180 on us and show that the New Frontier's people aren't quite as bad as Clementine said they were, or at least, not in their own eyes at least.
lol yea, and the branding thing is just a phase they are going through.
What I find odd is that they were branding people before Clem met them and she said they used to be decent people. Apparently decent people brand others as an initiation.
lol yea, and the branding thing is just a phase they are going through
It's either their version of puberty, or they're a very stylish group of survivors.
I was honestly shocked to see him as the leader of the new frontier. But now that I think of it, it seems to fit him because didn't he have an army background? If I'm not mistaken.
With the whole Kate and Javi thing. I'm not for it. Honestly I think it's super weird. And it's obvious that Kate likes javi more than her own husband. But I chose to go down the more friendly road with her than a romantic relationship. Also I'm interested in finding out what David will think when one of his people killed his daughter? Maybe he'll blame it on Javi? But I hope not.
Yeah! Maybe we'll be able to take leadership over a scouting party, or maybe we'll be able to help plan what's coming next - whether it's to try and stop David, go along with what the New Frontier is doing, etc.
It was a pretty fun (if unlikely) reveal. I liked it. I think it'll make things a lot more interesting at least, with Javi having to decide … morebetween whats right and keeping the family together. I think it'd be really cool if we had the opportunity to help run things around the new frontier as an option
I think he did, yeah! Maybe he was an soldier or something - I know he said he got that glass from someone higher in rank than him.
Haha, now that you mention it, when I had Javier trying to do a handful of the romantic options with Kate, he actually seemed kind of uncomfortable with it xD Judging by the flashbacks with David though, I doubt it's gonna be a warm family reunion here.
I was honestly shocked to see him as the leader of the new frontier. But now that I think of it, it seems to fit him because didn't he have … morean army background? If I'm not mistaken.
With the whole Kate and Javi thing. I'm not for it. Honestly I think it's super weird. And it's obvious that Kate likes javi more than her own husband. But I chose to go down the more friendly road with her than a romantic relationship. Also I'm interested in finding out what David will think when one of his people killed his daughter? Maybe he'll blame it on Javi? But I hope not.
I think he did, yeah! Maybe he was an soldier or something - I know he said he got that glass from someone higher in rank than him.
Haha,… more now that you mention it, when I had Javier trying to do a handful of the romantic options with Kate, he actually seemed kind of uncomfortable with it xD Judging by the flashbacks with David though, I doubt it's gonna be a warm family reunion here.
What I find odd is that they were branding people before Clem met them and she said they used to be decent people. Apparently decent people brand others as an initiation.
Such drama, much wow!
Shane was honestly one of my favourite characters in the show, and I have no idea why. Makes me feel so dirty inside, eck... xD Honestly though, I'd be all on board if they were to give us that option. Nothing says "I'm a good brother" like breaking up David's marriage!
Yeah, Disney and the Walking Dead mix about as well as orange juice and toothpaste.
Why do I feel like this will play out like Rick and Shane?
It's an interesting choice. They've set it up to look like he's become a tyrant, but I'm not completely sold on that just yet. When Badger begins threatening Preston, the guy in the hat mentions that they don't have "the go-ahead", which the former then outright rejects. And then we have the dialogue at the beginning that implies that the New Frontier has also had its fair share of trouble from other survivors, so it could be that David has only taken on a firmer approach recently. I dunno, there's potential for conflict in the group over what stance they ought to take.
Also, David may have been pushed to extremes after he believed for so long that he lost his entire family in one go. By seeing (part of) his family now and having the knowledge that he was complicit in the murder of his own daughter and the wounding of his wife, there could be a chance of redemption. Therefore, I think he has the potential to be a very interesting, complex antagonist.
And, David may have warmed to Javi. His biggest complaint was that Javi didn't look out for family. But, he can see that Javi was doing fairly well keeping the family safe until the New Frontier got involved. Not only that, but David will have seen how far Javi is willing to go to protect family when he escaped the truck and returned to them. Again, it was the New Frontier that screwed them over, not Javi. Could be mediating factor between the two
He did still want to emulate the "toughness" of his father, but there'll definitely be conflict over his sister's death. I think Gabe will need an awful lot of convincing that his dad isn't a bad guy now. Every time he's seen the New Frontier, the people (whether under orders of David or not) have caused a lot of pain and death.
I'm not really sure what to think about him. I've got a feeling they're gonna go with the controlling husband and bitter brother who blames Javier for everything wrong with his life, and that would be... I hope they don't go with that, and give him a complex personality rather than portray him purely antagonistically.
That might not be the case. David's main issue with Javi was that he didn't seem to care about family, and yet Javi did a good job of protecting them for several years. One mistake led to Mariana dying, and that was due to the New Frontier opening fire without warning. David could of course just be irrationally stubborn, but the sight of his family and injured wife after all these years might just soften him up enough
Double post
His reaction to seeing them was striking don't you think? It wasn't a happy surprise for him. He seems really taken aback and... a little scared it seems to me. I know our introduction to Carver in S2 made us wonder if it was as simple as him being crazy and evil, but I definitely don't think that's the case with David.
Kenny reacted the same way in Season 2. Being dumbfounded by the apperance of someone you thought dead or at least someone you never thought you'd meet again doesn't have to imply any specific emotion.
Hey right back
waves an embarrassing amount
It'd be kind of fun to play as the bad guy for a change with that whole "leading the New Frontier" thing. Clem would probably get pissed, but if survival becomes Javier's top priority, or we choose to have him go down a more brutal path, then following David's example might be the way to go for him.
...damn, that was dark!
For sure, that'd be so cool
Hopefully he doesn't turn into Chris from FTWD though. I'm not sure if you've seen it (heck, even I didn't, but I got spoiled), but let's just say... it doesn't end that well.
Does anyone else get the feeling that Clem's kind of going full-on mercenary on us a little bit? Especially with that guy she traded bullets with - I'll admit, the new Clem doesn't take shit from anyone. I like that she's really competent and has grown into somebody who can kick some ass, but I'm kind of worried whether this new attitude's gonna get her into trouble.
Oh come on! It's easy! All you'd need is a broom, a dust pan and some duct tape, and Conrad's as good as new!
Well, I guess the pause between the next episodes leaves room for doubt, but the evidence in front of me just suggests what I said earlier. Kenny and Clem is different in that they only knew each other after the outbreak. It would be like seeing a friend you once knew alive versus seeing that your brother and son are alive. I'd probably break down in tears of joy if that ever happened to me.
Waves frantically, wrist dislocates
In regards to Conrad, I was thinking of ordering some Silly Putty and making a replacement brain. How hard can it be? Alternatively, I could go the Black Adder route, just put a bit of ointment where his brains used to be and wait for another one to grow back into place.
If Gabe grows up to be like my Javi, he's going to be spouting awful jokes and cracking wise at awful times before the sun has set. Oh Javi, you and your banter. I just can't resist, from time to time. And, hey, it reminds me of Luke. A less frozen version of Luke, that is. Just - just let me have this, Gabe. ; _ ;
I also feel that the choice about the direction the New Frontier goes would really illustrate values that were brought up in Season Two - what's more important, family or survival? If you go down the path of reforming the New Frontier, you're leaning towards the values of family and community, but if you continue down what we've seen so far of the New Frontier, maybe you rule through fear and extort communities, looking out only for yourself? I feel that'd be a really cool thing, and would allow us to really define Javier as a leader. But I'd probably end up just agreeing with Clem anyway so, I mean. You know.
I definitely feel Clementine's going down a mercenary sort of route, which sort of winds me up when I consider how I had her behave in Season Two. I tried to play her as being a really nice person, and then in the first episode she blows someone's brains out and immediately starts inventing a cover story. Kind of not what I had in mind for her character, but there we go! I think the biggest hint of her being a mercenary is her constant allusions to only helping Javi for the van, and then getting a bit uppity with me when I told her I hoped she'd stay.
I get the feeling she's more of the lone wanderer type, now, which is cool. Makes for some funny moments when you first stumble up on her, and then of course that heartwarming moment when she admits Javi isn't a complete asshole. Aww, I wanted them to high five right there.
That is true but I think that Gabe will be in denial that his father indirectly caused the death of his sister. He seemed to worship his dad from what I've gathered from watching gameplay videos and the alternative choices for New Frontier. I think that depending on how the player responds as Javier, Gabe will end up being a David 2.0 that is similar to Carver from Season 2.
Oh dear, this is gonna hurt... waves in desperation, hand falls off
Mhmm! Either method would work - and hopefully since his brain's not really "there" anymore, the guy would be completely invincible, and totally under Javier's command. We'd never have to worry about losing group members again!
Literally every time a funny dialogue comes up for Javier, it's immediately the first one I pick. And yeah lol, now that you mention it, Javier's basically Luke with a baseball jersey. But man, can he ever swing that crowbar!
Geez, you've got me thinking about all sorts of exciting "what-if" scenarios now... Imagine if we could have Javier controlling the New Frontier, and have him send people out to form alliances with other communities, or just straight-up attack them for their supplies. That'd be kind of hilarious, though, with Javier acting as the figurehead for the group, but meanwhile Clem is on the side pulling the strings the entire time. We shall bend to thy will, bearer of the ball cap! All hail Clementine!
And speaking of which...
Yeah, it seems a little out of place depending on how you visualized Clem in season 2, but I guess we can add that to the list of things that didn't carry over
If there's one thing I like about it though, it's that Clem's sort of turning into a mini version of Jane. Shallow victory I guess, but I'd like to think she rubbed off on the kid at least a little bit 
It was kind of funny how Javier let Clem drive the both of them back to Prescott, as if he can already tell that she's more than capable of being independent. She still looked so short in there, though! I was like "dayumm, Clem! Need a booster seat there or what?"
And what the heck was up with her chopping down that tree? Like, how? I get that she had a shotgun and everything, but geez!
Didn't they reused that rough draft of S2 that Sean wrote for Tattletale...?
The one where Kenny's the big baddie, but instead it was Carver... and now it's David.
It's kind of hard to tell right off the bat.
Maybe they'll pull a 180 on us and show that the New Frontier's people aren't quite as bad as Clementine said they were, or at least, not in their own eyes at least.
Good points. I'm watching a playthrough right now and Kate is really pushing that sentiment that Gabe can be shaped into Javi or David. If that's true, I'm worried in my playthrough that Gabe will turn away from Javi. I would guess that the decision to allow him to help in Kate's surgery will have some weight
Do you remember much else about that draft? I never even heard a rumour about that
Probably me too. I suppose we will see.
It was a pretty fun (if unlikely) reveal. I liked it. I think it'll make things a lot more interesting at least, with Javi having to decide between whats right and keeping the family together. I think it'd be really cool if we had the opportunity to help run things around the new frontier as an option
So hopefully the players that made that choice can hope that the decision to go with the family instead of staying behind at the junkyard and help with Kate's surgery, can make some kind influence on Gabe to be not exactly like Javi or David but rather take some of their good personality traits and become his own type of man.
I backseat play when I watch the videos and I'm pretty sure that Gabe would end up being a David 2.0 Carver, so I'm worried about the future of the Gabe of my playthrough.
Well there was a livestream interview with just Sean, before Firewatch was released... I think it's on Youtube somewhere...
From what I remember he was also asked if he wanted to return to TTG for TWD, he aggressively said "No, it was like returning to the kids you gave up for adoption."... I don't think he exactly said this word from word.
lol yea, and the branding thing is just a phase they are going through.
It's either their version of puberty, or they're a very stylish group of survivors.
What I find odd is that they were branding people before Clem met them and she said they used to be decent people. Apparently decent people brand others as an initiation.
If David's better than Carver, then it might not be too late to save this season for me.
I was honestly shocked to see him as the leader of the new frontier. But now that I think of it, it seems to fit him because didn't he have an army background? If I'm not mistaken.
With the whole Kate and Javi thing. I'm not for it. Honestly I think it's super weird. And it's obvious that Kate likes javi more than her own husband. But I chose to go down the more friendly road with her than a romantic relationship. Also I'm interested in finding out what David will think when one of his people killed his daughter? Maybe he'll blame it on Javi? But I hope not.
I knew he would show up so I was meh.
Yeah! Maybe we'll be able to take leadership over a scouting party, or maybe we'll be able to help plan what's coming next - whether it's to try and stop David, go along with what the New Frontier is doing, etc.
Here's hoping he makes it past episode 3 then xD
I think he did, yeah! Maybe he was an soldier or something - I know he said he got that glass from someone higher in rank than him.
Haha, now that you mention it, when I had Javier trying to do a handful of the romantic options with Kate, he actually seemed kind of uncomfortable with it xD Judging by the flashbacks with David though, I doubt it's gonna be a warm family reunion here.
Yeah veryyy messy reunion! Can't wait to play episode 3!
Yeesh, and I thought college kids were harsh... Worst initiation ever!
I wonder if it has any meaning other than being with the New Frontier?