Clementine and the *****
Did anybody else flip over the reveal of the brand on Clementine's arm and that she was once with the New Frontier? I feel so distraught and sad! Our baby girl went off and joined a gang and willingly let herself be branded! She actually WILLINGLY put herself through that pain for the crazy David Frontier Cult. It's not like she got a tattoo, that shit hurts! And the worst part is she got brainwashed into it!
I liked that it showed that hey, she's a teen and she's not always going to make the right calls. Also it felt like Ava was trying to manipulate the heck out of her too, that stupid bald-headed alien. But god, I feel so sad we couldn't prevent it. Now she's got that stupid brand scarred on her for life unless Clem scars it into a bunny or something, or tattoos 'A bitch for nobody' to cover it up.
God dammit David, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! You and your stupid, stupid cult! I bet it was you with your cunning 'make everybody see your way!' that Javi can bring up about you! What, Clem look like your daughter, so you thought you'd take her in and brand a minor? Is that it you domestic abusing jealous brother beating marry yo broken glass turd!!? I'm serious, Episode 3, I want to brand that prick on the buttocks! Both the cheeks! Do it Javi! Brand your brother's ass! AVENGE HER! Or you and your nephew are next!
Oh god…Gabe is next! The manhood, hormones, boners! He’s clearly next! ‘I wanna be like my Dad!’ No! you don’t! Daddy branded the girl you wanna hit on! Think about that sweetie, that’s clearly fucked up! I change my mind too on what I said months back. I don’t want Javier having a brand because it looks cool. His brother’s a dick! David Dick Dickus! DOWN WITH HIS DICKYNESS!
Tell me I'm not alone with these feelings.
The way Clementine described it, joining the New Frontier sounded more like a desperation move. She had no one else to turn to. It's common knowledge that prolonged isolation can drive people nuts, to put it lightly. When you're alone for long enough, any excuse for human contact becomes good enough.
She was probably promised safety/food/water/etc in exchange for getting branded. When you're all alone, with no one else to turn to, no one else to really call friend, that probably seems like a small price to pay.
I get it.
She's a kid and she's alone. She also had a baby with her. If they had food and medical supplies, things to ensure A.J. and her were taken care of..then I get it.
I would have done the same thing honestly.
I wasn't to surprised to be honest. It was heavily hinted throughout the episode.
But I did lose my shit when Conrad aimed his gun at Clementine. I shot him with no hesitation. New frontier or not, NOBODY aims a gun at Clem and live to see the sun rise again.
Basically my reaction to Clem's confession

I went from shocked to forgiving in .01 seconds, to wondering what these "persuasive" techniques were, to thinking of all the ways to rip these ppl new assholes.
I'm still hoping our dialogue choice with Ava or whatever her name was will reveal a more or less voluntary induciton into the New Frontier.
I was surprised at first but given the fact that I agreed to go with Ava to see her people, I agreed as Clem to join the New Frontier willing.
I feel like if I was in her place, I would have done the exact same thing if I was promised food, clean water, clothes, shelter, and human contact. Along with necessary items for a toddler/baby (or whatever AJ is in Season 3, I'm pretty sure he is two) to survive in the hellish world that they live in.
It made sense. I wasn't that surprised. She knew about them.
Don't forget we saw Javier with it in the teaser so this is going to get juicy.
I mean, I can't blame her. She was alone, raising a small kid with everyone she knew either dead or missing.
She was probably starving for help.
"I'm not angry Clem. I'm just disappointed". My words exactly. God, i'm turning into my dad XD
Honestly, she was probably at the end of her tether with being alone and having no one. The important thing is that when things started to go bad, she did the right thing and left.
I was definitely shocked, distraught, and even a bit disappointed with Clem, at first, but after a few seconds, I understood why she would join them without her even needing to explain herself. She was desperate, alone, and had AJ, and while I told them no, with enough persuasion, anyone in her shoes would do the exact same thing. Yes it definitely hurts to see Clem even be associated with those bastards, but it was more of a desperation move, and she saw what they were becoming and got out of there. I wouldn't say she was brainwashed, more like reluctantly joined them.
What shocked me more was that she actually agreed to the branding, that hurt me more than her being with them for a short while. Seeing that branding on her arm actually physically hurt me. I don't understand what group would permanently scar their own people as a form of initiation, let alone a 13 year old girl. David is an asshole, that's for sure.
So did I haha. The moment she revealed it I was like "OH NO YOU POOR CHILD ILL FIX THIS FOR YOU!"
This honestly makes the "bargain with Clem" option even more heartbreaking. She first joined the group because she was desperate and afraid. She escaped, but now is being called a liar and thrown back to the same group by Javier, someone she thought she trusted. Dammit Conrad.
(?)Mark will remember that...
Remember when we were all hoping TNF would be nice to Javy when branding him? Thinking maybe they'd give him painkillers or something?
Shit, looks like we were supposed to be hoping that for Clementine.
I felt the exact same way when I saw the symbol on her arm and I didn't know how to react, there were no options to try and comfort Clem and be like I'm glad you're still not one of them or something like that. When she gave me her reasoning I could kind of understand why she did it even if the flashback didn't really matter what I chose in the end. I was definetely and still am very sad and regretful that I couldn't do anything
My pun was of remarkable quality.
Sorry not sorry
I had kinda suspected, she seemed to be pretty familiar with them and I kept thinking about that line from the trailer about how they used to be different or whatever it was. She still so young, and being out there by herself, I could understand why she did. Them branding her, though. Naw, man. That's just, no.
Javier had the mark in the teaser? I most have missed it in the hype of seeing season 3 coming out.
I think that Javi is going to pass out as soon as he is branded. I don't think David is going to let them leave Richmond without the mark of NF.
Job J. Stauffer made a statement concerning the reveal trailer, in saying that it is absolutely not canon, and it will likely not be seen in the full game. It was just a first look at the dynamics for this season, as well as a first glimpse at what the art team had been working on. So, unfortunately, the reveal trailer isn't an accurate representation of what we can expect going forward in terms of story elements (all except for the characters and setting). But since this is Telltale Games that we're talking about, you just never really know.
I honestly don't know if i can trust her anymore. Clem and Eleanor are in the same boat with my trust.
I understand why she did it. She didn't know what they were or could be like. Being alone with a baby (and by the way, where is AJ and why does she never mention him???), has got to be the hardest thing in the world under the circumstances. If they told her she needed to branded to stay in a safe group, I could see her doing it. What matters is, she didn't stay with them when she found out what they were really like, so I know she wasn't brainwashed.
So anyone who so much points a gun in her direction is getting shot down?
Really? What have either done to make you distrust them?
I just don't like Clem hiding things from me and then taking off after i killed Conrad and lurking in the shadows when you get Kate from the car. And there's a lot of signs that Eleanor could be with the New Frontier. She has a scarf on which could easily hide her branding and she just conveniently disappeared from Kate when no one else was around.
Little AJ had a scarf on too, lol. I can understand why Clem was hiding this fact. She barely knows Javi, barely got on with the others from Prescott, and she has trust issues considering everything she has been through. I mean, she learned to trust him enough to share the truth. Clem has been through a lot. She has toughened up a lot, but I cant imagine that she is trying to draw us into a trap or something.
If they have the intention of using the gun on her,then yes.
And Eleanor conveniently disappearing while no on else but Kate was around? I just don't trust either one of them. I trusted Vicki Vale and that was a mistake.
Dissapointed. Especially after I told that girl no and I know my Clementine wouldn't join such a messed a gang.
They probably weren't bad. She said it herself, "They used to be decent people. Now they're... something else." So when she joined at first maybe they weren't bad. ....They became bad when David took over?
Guess we'll find out. Perhaps next episode.
Oh shoot, I haven't finished Batman yet.
Can we even say that joining the New Frontier is “not the right call”. At this point we don’t really know much about them besides the fact that they have guns, supplies, some jerks among them and some more reasonable people among them.
I'm sorry for any spoilers.
Thanks for the info. I guess good concepts are usually dropped off. Like how Season 2 was depicted on the Episode images.
And yes, we'll never know.
I read a theory that implies that Clem actually rules the New Frontier. Would your opinion be the same in that case?
That'd be one helluva twist!
Clementine: I can't go there?
Javier: What? Why not?
Clementine: I just can't.
{A few minutes later}
NewFrontier5: BOSS! YOU"RE BACK!
NewFrontier6: Representative AJ will be thrilled to here of your return!
I sincerely doubt she was brainwashed into it. As @Deltino points out, Clementine made a choice to become one of them and she clearly has her reasons not return.
Dammit @Dont_Look_Back . Now I feel like a big buttnugget for going along with his plan.
You hit the Mark.
That's a theory?