Why no Next Time and Previously On?
This is what bothers me the most. Why there were no Next Times and Previously On in the first episodes? Especially if you choose to continue the previous story, I didn't hear Lee saying "Previously on The Walking Dead" and it didn't show what happened in Season 2. I can understand why Episode 1 didn't have a Next Time because episode 2 was released as well but episode 2 didn't? Get out. Episode 2 was NOT the penultimate episode.
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Because the point of the narrative has shifted away from the perspective started by Lee?
Or perhaps like with other things, Telltale just stopped giving a damn.
Because Telltale thinks we dont need useless features like that or rewind option.
Max is us, Badger is Telltale:
There was no reason to get rid of them.
Well there was really no need for a previously since most people probably played them back to back
Maybe, but we usually get to see a sneak peek of events in the next episode. Right now we know nothing of episode 3
It was pretty laggy and most times it never really has the scenes it shows in the next episode. Plus Telltale dosn't want to put in the effort, just like making a different/unique main menu or adding new music in this season.
We don't even know what's going to happen in episode 3. We have to wait 1 or 2 months
Laziness just like the flashbacks.
I like the new menu tbh
I feel like quitting Telltale after GOT Season 2
It's just the Batman menu with Walking dead art all over it.
I could really do without the "previously on" segments.
My guess is because the writers wanted to "reboot/revamp" the game or whatever which meant getting rid of a lot of things in previous games. I don't know who told them that this would be a good idea though as the previous formula worked so well.
The bad idea fairy.
That bad ol' putty tat.
The lack of Next Time and the Previously On segments I can actually do without. Because getting rid of those don't do a TON of a harm. I still wish they were there, but I wouldn't call them absolute necessities. But yes. Getting rid of the rewind feature was a dick move on Telltale's part.
Because most of the time, the "Next Time" segments were misleading and unnecessary. As for the "Previously On" segments, I don't know.
I liked the next time as it gave us a hint of what was going to happen in the next episode even if it wasn't the exact clip
Because with the extra 30 seconds of "Next Time On..." footage, it will be too long for players to play the whole game in one sitting.
LOL This killed me. This fucking killed me.
Because I guess that would just be too much work for telltale
And then delete one of the other ones because we need to make room for the new one to fit.
Sounds like a great idea lets do it.
I think you mean the opposite xD, we are Badger asking "What the hell are you doing?" and they just laugh at us :S
How cool would it have been to hear Kenny say the "previously on the walking dead"
I really just want those good credit songs back
I think that reason is pretty bs since long-time fans shouldn't be 'punished' because there are new players. If they feel overwhelmed then they could just play the previous games or watch it on Youtube if they want to save money. Also, still doesn't justify why we don't have a 'Next Time'
I don't mind them gone. The 'Next Time' often tended to change anyway. Maybe they're replacing with the 'preview' videos like Batman's been getting prior to a trailer and release of the episode.
I can only imagine what 'Next Time' for episode 3 would've been though...
David: I can't believe it, my baby brother grew a beard! Oh man we've got so much catch up on Javi! Once Kate recovers, the two of you and my son can be branded and can officially become part of the New Frontier. It'll be incredible, like a family business, our legacy! If only my daughter was still with us, then Mariana could've been friends with the branding iron too, like that girl I branded Clementine!
Javier: Heh....
yesss!!!!!!! where is the rewind options? I had to restart ep 1 2times just to rewind a single scene
You have to upload your avatar to the TFTB fan-art thread, I love it!
GoT Season 2? Never heard of it.
I think they didn't do a previously or a next time on is because the episodes were released at the same time. Most people would've played them back to back. And they probably didn't do a previously showing what happened in season 2 because Clementine isn't the main character.
Say no more. wink
Well you're just a community moderator. https://telltale.com/community/discussion/102289/game-of-thrones-season-2-announced-future-news-will-be-found-at-the-new-pre-season-news-thread
They had to do this because the length of the clip in "Next Time" was actually longer than the episode
i think he means why there wasn't one at the start of episode 1 showing season 2 stuff, not including one in episode 2 makes sense in a way
Yeah, but I can also remember multiple times where a lot of the events included either didn't happen, or were drastically different than how they were shown.
What was the rewind option?
It's not necessary imo. ekhembuttherewindoptionisekhem
Oh snap!