Spoiler Discussion Mariana
I am so depressed over her death in all honesty... I can't believe you would introduce, potentially, such a great character, witty, cute and smart, just to blow her head off half the episode in. Great character development. The motto of TellTale is basically:
"Limit to the minimum" Mariana? Just kill her. Jane? Kenny? Lol. "Let's give the players Clementine so they can buy our game. We need money after all. But fu*k what the fans want", right?
The only reason I am really playing is because of Clementine, but your shit is starting to get to me. Obviously this is not a safe world, but holy shit, do you really have to kill characters so fast? Can't they survive? They obviously survived so long (before the start of the game) and now all of a sudden everyone dies. I know characters and voice acting costs money, but if you want to get money you have to give money, get it? "This game series adapts to the choices you make. The story is tailored by how you play." Biggest lie ever.
I couldn't even give her the candy bar. Seriously fucked up. I am not gonna pay again just to get depressed over shit like this, unless you seriously reconsider how you plan on making your future games.
You went through most of the stages in a single post.
I know what you mean, she was the one I like the most at first.
I can beleive it. Telltale really went all in with the middle fingers in this season.
I loved Mari as well but I don't think I was disappointed or angered by her death. When someone I like dies I'm not "ARGH! This is outrageous!" I'm more "Aww, I'm sad now" and I kinda talk to myself for a while about how sad I am XD
after that jane flashback, I feel nothing honestly. sometimes I feel they are afraid to develop characters, no excuse for killing nearly every cast in each season. idk wtf if going on in that writers room.
She got abrahamed
Yeah, i have bouts of depression and all these deaths in this series, especially when it's a character i like is sometimes hard to deal with.
Mariana was honestly becoming my favorite new character, then they just off'd her for shock value.
It did suck, though I really hadn't had enough time with her to feel any strong type of way. Other than Javier she was the only one I really liked in the group, Kate is just bland and Gabe is always seems on the verge of enlightening us about the void in his heart. She had a cheerful optimism about her, I could appreciate that.
I saw this coming from the moment they released the grave screenshot. Mari wasn't marketed like the others in the screenshots or trailer, and when she was she was more in the background.
Let's be honest, this is the only choice that actually mattered. She remembered that you told her to hide. Didn't do much good after they made a hole in her head 1 minute later though.

But what if Clem got shot instead of mari?
This series desensitized me to my favorite characters dying long before this season released. It's much more surprising when they don't eat a bullet by this point.
It would've been a lot more shocking and realistic. On a side note. Why not just shoot Javi and we get to play as Clem again. Solves all issues at once. I am obviously joking here. I don't even mind the new character (still prefer Clem), it's just sad how they executed this.
I was shocked at how graphic Telltale were being with a child's death. But yeah, it was heartbreaking.
Classic Telltale
I can bet you right now that 95% of the cast we have right now will die. If not they will disappear like Christa and maybe never appear again. They just can't make a character last longer than a season or two. Clem being an exception since she is basically the golden mine for the game.
I want characters that I can get attached to and not feel like they will die so fuck them... because that's what's happening. TWD show executes this way better than the game ever did.
I didn't even get to give her the candy bar!
I like to head canon that it was a 3 Musketeers bar.
It was one of the best parts of the premiere for me. It really set the tone for the bleakness and despair of the world.
i experienced all of those for like 3 minutes after her death
I would have liked Gabe to die instead of her tbh.
I think people are forgetting that this is the Walking Dead, anyone can die! The clues in the name really, even the best charecters always die eventually insert sad face here