Who is your favorite determinant character?
Just a random question because why not. Who is your favorite determinant character?
(Does not include Jane, Kenny, or Lee.)
My favorite determinant character is Christa because she really cared for those in her group as seen in Season One, Episode 4 (Determinant Quote), "Lee, we're a team. That's how we've made it this far. We're not just going to abandon you, especially now. You've earned that much."
I also really like the fact that she doesn't immediately trust new people that she just met and it takes her a while to get used to them, so that the player has to earn her trust.
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Favorite character or Favorite treatment?
Also, I thought Christa is left ambiguous in the same situation no matter what.
slowly lowers hand
I'd say Jane, but since I can't, I say Nick. He was determinant for a while.
I just love the guy so much, not even sure why. I guess I enjoyed his personality even if most viewed him as a fuck-up when Episode 2 was released. He has a special placement in my gravatar. RIP Nick.
Same here. I love Nick so much, he deserved better. Re-playing season 2 before season 3 released gave me all of the Nick feels, lol.
Favorite character, not treatment.
But I guess it could be the same either way. I was half asleep when I typed this up.
Doug and Carley have always been my favorite. They would have been a cute couple.

Does Pete count? He does last another night if you choose to go with him. Great character, gone too soon.
Doug and Carley. I'm still salty as fuck about their deaths.
(Sniffle) Doug went to the great pie factory in the sky...
Ben is my favorite character of all time, I cried more at his death in the first season than I did at Lee's. Honorable mention would go to Nick who was sadly wasted after episode 2.
Since Jane doesn't count, mine is Norma!
I was prepared to repeatedly yell Kenny via text, until I read the description. I loved Ben's character and personality back in season 1. His interactions with Clementine were really sweet, and often times his banter with other group members made me laugh. In a lot of ways, he represented how most people that I'm aquatinted with in real life would act in the event of a zombie apocalypse. He truly had a good heart, but his naive and fearful nature often got in the way of him doing what he felt was right or what he was attempting to do to aid his group.
His determinant treatment also felt like one of the most rewarding in the series. Him building up the courage to call out Kenny on various of his actions and defend himself was an amazing moment for both characters. The culmination of his guilt, and his previous inability to stand up for himself was handled so well in my opinion. His death was really touching, due to Kenny's hand in it, and also incredibly upsetting for someone that was quite fond of the guy.
I'm kinda cheating here, but I'll list one for both seasons.
Season 1 - Ben. The guy put up with so much flak from the group, when it was easy to forget that he was still just a high school kid trying to make it. I felt bad for him even when he messed up... hell, especially when he did.
Season 2 - Probably Alvin. The guy was a giant teddy bear xD Everything he did was for Rebecca and AJ, but he didn't want to shy away from helping Clem unless he was forced to. Plus, he took Carver's beatings like a boss. It sucked when he got shot
Christa isn't determinant. My favorite would have to be Mike.
Yeah, she's dead.
Then Sarah. Her friendship with Clementine and personal issues made her one of the few things that consistently held my interest and her hidden depths made her easily one of the most interesting characters of the Season. The fact that she ended up being one of (if not) the worst executed determinant character is something I don't think I'll ever really forgive.
Agree. They remind me of Eugene and Rosita
well its either Ben

That picture is adorable.
The comics.
I had no idea Norma was determinant.
And Carley went to the great gun store in the sky.
Dead or undead counts as determinant!
Or does it?
You're missing your arm, buddy.
You sure about that?
I highly doubt she reanimateed, probably nothing left of her either way. That said the walking dead often has characters reappear randomonly if the plot demands it (brie)
Ben or Doug
Well, Brie and Norma have the same voice actor, so.
From the video game? I believe she was a contest winner.
Wait a sec, is Sarah determinant? She either gets eaten at the trailer park, which would make her a walker, or she gets crushed by the deck, which I get the feeling did not allow her to reanimate.
Sarah counts as determinant as you can determine her fate.
For, like, a few hours.
True but it still counts.
That's right, they do!
As long as the character gets to live past the choice that kills them, it counts as determinant.
Not jokin, but english is not my main language. What exactly is determinant characters and does it have a different meaning in Telltale games than in in our world ?
Determinant characters are those who you are able to determine their fate (even though most of them end up dead anyway).