betraying clementine at the end of episode 2 is RIGHT thing to do

watching lets plays i cant believe how many people shoot conrad. javier just met clementine, why would he do that? besides, trading her for kate actually sounds like great idea.. im guessing he cares more about his family than for some stranger he met couple hours ago.
besides, its clementines fault she lied to everyone. i get that people like her, but doing everything in her advantage is just idiotic seeing as she is making some pretty dumb choices this season. id go as far to say season 3 clementine reminds me of season 3 andrea from the show.
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Well it's not just about Clem, Conrad also put a gun to Gabe's head and threatened to kill him, that alone would be enough reason for Javi to shoot Conrad. Not to mention that Conrad gave Javi a perfect shot to kill him, when he left himself that open, he was asking for it.
But honestly, it makes total sense from a character perspective for Javi to agree with Conrad's plan, and this is coming from a guy who shot him.
its telllale game. there is no right or wrong choices.
i wish there was option to let conrad shoot gabe. he is so needy and dependent on javi. hes just gonna slow everyone down and make trouble like chris from ftwd. im already preparing for his whining in next episode when he find out about his father.
No way. No shenanigans. Like @MetallicaRules said, this isn't just about Clem. Conrad was pointing the gun at Gabe who had nothing to do with Clem's secrets, which alone would be a good reason for Javier to shoot Conrad. Also, Conrad was taking it too far, slowing the group down. I shot him, no regrets.
maybe not, but i prefer to play realistically. tell me one good reason why javier would put clementine (person he just met) in front of kate who is family and potential love interest? do you think clementine would do same for him if it was between saving javier or aj?
I mean, Javi actually knows Clem longer than Conrad...
Also, after seeing David is the leader of the New Frontier, trading Clem to get Kate medical help wont happen or matter at all, Im assuming David still cares about Kate, so he will have her fixed.
Why would Javier do that? Gabe is his nephew.
I hate when people say that. Video games were never meant to be so realistic.
Well she definitively wasn't obliged to reveal anything to a group of complete stranger but she did anyway despite the risks for her own safety and she did say they USED to be decent people once but they became something else, I'm glad she didn't say anything about AJ yet and she wasn't the reason they came to Prescott since they didn't know it was her until the ending (determinant), she could have went her own way like she wanted to but she came back to warn them. I you think her choosing to go with people who had supplies, food and possibly more rather than staying alone with a 2 years old baby and then got out when things started to get bad is dumb, I don't know what to tell you. That's definitively what I would have done if I was in her situation.
1)clementine helped javier to save his family. and she shoot assholes who killed mari
2)conrad pointing the gun at Gabe...
3) you met conrad couple of hours ago. and he alredy doing shit like this.
I mean I guess technically we'd have to see how Episode 3 panns out. The only thing Javier's group really wants from TNF is Elenor back, and Kate to get aide, right? And if David isn't totally mental he'll try and keep is wife alive, unless things change which is totally up in the air until Ep3 is out. We can't exactly see a right or wrong in this situation until after we find Clem's intentions with the Garcia group, since nothings really been said on her behalf other than she'd like to leave, but she has had many oportunities to do just that and hasn't, leading us to believe she has some kind of hope in this group after all. Again this is all determainent on the next episode, obviously.
Well we know for sure Conrad is going to die at some point in this episode anyway judging by how they treat determinant character, I just hope he had some line unlike Nick and please not another Sarah situation. That was already bad enough that one time.
Because he does what I want. And I want to kill Conrad and let Clem. Get it?
Conrad said that nobody has to shoot anybody if Javier makes the smart decision.
Perhaps a way in which Javi can screw up the scene.
Why would Javier value Clem's life over Kate's?
Conrad said that nobody has to shoot if Javi were smart.
Javier's actions indirectly led to Francine's death and Conrad's grief.
Siding with Conrad meant a higher chance of receiving medical help for Kate, and Javi had known Kate for longer than he knew Clementine.
Why do you want to kill Conrad if going along with his plan means that your friend, sister-in-law and potential romantic interest will most likely have medical help?
You need to immerse yourself in the character completely if you want to pull that card.
Well since David is the one in charge, it won't matter either way if we sided with Conrad or not.
No shooting Conrad was the right thing to do. Felt Great.
my javier is not an asshole who solds people who helped him that many times.
Honestly I'm just waiting for her epic "Fuck you" speech.
Because i don't care about them, I know them only a couple of hours, , i easy let them all die in agony.
so you knew david was in charge when you had to make that choice?
i think were beating a dead horse here.. looks like some people will side with clementine no matter what. they probably think it was okay of her to shoot that innocent man in face while trying to impress javier with her badassery.
but betraying clementine felt greater. her facial expression be priceless!
What about people that lie to him right in his face?Or the people that have to rely on Javi to lie for them and protect them for being idiots?
...or we aren't talking about the same person?
Just what I was about to ask.
No, but considering most of the flashbacks are centered on Javi's relationship with his brother I guess I should have seen this coming. I didn't shoot him because it didn't feel right to me and unless David became a complete dick in 4 years, I don't see him refusing medical help for his wife even if Clem wasn't there.
Not for me. Conrad had it coming
Why do you hate Clementine?
i dont.. i hate who she become in season 3. they better fix her in the next episode or give choice to get rid of her.
And you couldn't be more right.Considering you are playing as Javier,it is only natural to betray her.Almost guaranteed medical help for your lover/partner and reuniting with your almost lover or whatever in exchange for a lying kid that only does whatever benefits her and relies on you to defend her and lie for her.Hell yeah.
Conrad was harsh and a bit too drastic with his ways,but he was 100% right.
Dude it's Clementine, c'mon. There is no way in hell I will let that guy with anger management get Clem. Also, you seem to forget that Clem risk her life to help you and your family back at the junkyard without getting anything in return (the car that was promised) and she still stick around with you. She wasn't obliged to do any of that. With what did Conrad help you out exactly? Clementine is the one who brought you to Prescott to begin with.
too bad other people dont get that. its really a shame what they did to clementine. i kinda wish she was only present in first season.
Season 3 Clementine is already better than Season 2 Clementine.
And this is the problem of this season... now there are obviously right/wrong choices instead of hard choices (50/50%) like previous episodes...
The thing is with this type of games is that you're the one to decide what type of character you want them to become. There's no right or wrong choices. Being offended by other people's decisions in their game is taking this game way too seriously. Who cares if some random people chose to shoot/not shot Conrad?
clem tell him the truth. and she apologised for not telling earlier
That's merely your opinion.I have to agree with abattoir though.I am not a huge fan of her.