Lee, Alvin, Conrad...
So, ever since Lee, doesn't it seem like they're making every older black gentlemen the anti-Lee? Just... hm...
400 Days excluded because Russell is a scared kid and barely a character in S2.
Alvin - when you first meet him bends to whatever Rebecca wants. A coward, basically, no backbone of his own. Then you have the whole 'Clem, go search the cabin for food while I plop my fat ass down on this log and do nothing. Oh and any food you do find, let's not feed anyone else except my wife'. And I say this as someone who liked Alvin, and while I get what TTG was doing there (as in, giving the player something to do) it was still... awkward. Same as 'Clem, you know how to fix wind turbines right?' scenario but somehow worse. Alvin had a badass send-off in ep3, though.
Conrad - ooh boy, where to start. Okay, I get that he's full of grief and not thinking too clearly after the whole Francine mess. But that really can't excuse his actions. Shotgun in a tunnel? C'mon man. Plus, his "plan" which boiled down to 'We give them this girl which MIGHT lead to more med supplies" when, for all we know, NF would simply shoot Clem on sight (and us). But, still, he was willing to sell Clem out, give her up for who knows what terrible fate, using Kate as incentive, and holding a gun to Gabe's head.
Just something I noticed, and not trying to start any political discourse or... whatever.
To be fair to Conrad. He threatens to shoot Gabe regardless of your choice.
I thought the same thing. Although in S2 most characters really didn't have personalities so to say
IDK, seems to me like most characters that aren't the player are kinda asshats... Come to think of it, so is the player a lot of the time.
I wonder if you were banned for this comment. But, either way, no, I did not mean 'urban'.
True, but just the fact he wants to trade off Clementine is bad enough. I shot him for that reason alone.
True, and I kinda get what they were going for with Alvin, at least initially. 'Oh this guy is giving off strong paternal vibes of the father bear variety? PSYCHE! He's just a cuddly teddy-bear pushover'. But Conrad it's like they doubled down on the anti-Lee notion. It's like 'oh look someone strong/friendly who isn't a dimwitted id---oh, he threatened Clem. welp. now he's dead.'
I mean, it's not like I expect or even want them to repeat Lee's character. But now it seems like they're purposefully going as far in the opposite direction as they can--to a cartoonish degree.
Welp, true. They're some good ones, just repeated character tropes.
Probably only coincidence
You forgot Mike.
Wow holy shit, you're right. I guess I was thinking more the older gents, whereas I'd put Mike as mid-20s. Either way... Hm. He's kind of middle of the road, I think. Not entirely anti-Lee, despite betraying the group with Arvo, as he shows concern for others and such. On the other hand, his VA is downright terrible. Which.. isn't exactly relevant to my topic, but still. His line readings outside the campfire scene always bugged me.
I doubt he was banned for that, it's a call back to S1ep2. You would need to ban Kenny too.
Yeah, that's what I tried to emphasize in my rewrites.
Now that you mention it, he does sometimes sound like he's either handicapped or has something in his mouth at times.
I shot Conrad because I was getting tired of his shit.