So Can I Just Have a Shoulder to Cry On?
I'm just really upset by how many people don't like ANF. I really enjoyed it, but when I came on here, I realized that there are a lot of problems with the game's story. Can someone talk me out of this sadness or just help me to accept it?
After waiting two years for this game, I wanted it to be worth it.
I don't know if it is.
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First of all, incoming shoulder to cry on -
Now, let me just throw in my two cents! Might help, might not.
I feel only an individual can ascertain something's worth. If you enjoyed it, don't let other people's interpretations ruin it for you!
Personally, I see where you're coming from - besides the flashbacks, and the episode lengths, I really enjoyed the episodes. I definitely felt a little blue when I sat back and realised the first two episodes weren't what I was expecting. But, hey, at least we've got more Walking Dead Games, right? They may not be the best ever, but getting to go on a bold new journey that we don't know the outcome of is kind of exciting, at least to me.
I get that a large amount of people are really dissatisfied by the new season so far, but I'd honestly advise you focus on the good parts rather than the bad. And there is a lot of good in these episodes, in my mind - Javier's voice acting is just wonderful, some of the plot points are great, and there are choices I've made which have truly made me feel bad. I can't remember the last time a choice in a game has made me feel so shifty, heh.
Ultimately, though, it all comes down to you. If you fundamentally don't enjoy something, I don't think anything anyone can say will change your mind on that. But you mentioned you did enjoy it, so hold onto that! There are some really big adventures to come with this game, and I feel holding on will make it all worth it.
Hopefully there's something to glean from that! If not, lemme know.
If you enjoyed it then you shouldn't let the fact that it ain't perfect ruin it for you and you especially shouldn't let the expectations of others dictate your own. Every story is gonna have flaws, hell, Shakespeare screwed up plenty (not that I'm comparing this to Shakespeare) so it doesn't have to be that big a deal if you don't let it.
Maybe just avoid the forums for a while until you can decide for yourself how you feel about the game after it's all out.
Let me give you some advice, my friend.
NEVER let other people ruin your enjoyment. What matter is that YOU loved and enjoyed it. By the end of the day, that is what truly matters, not what other people say.
i have that similar problem with a lot of things, usually if i have an unpopular opinion. sometimes it helps just to step away, and remember that your own thoughts/opinions are just as valid as some random strangers' on the internet. also don't feel compelled you have to explain yourself, like you have to prove a point just to like it.
if people are making you feel bad about enjoying it, maybe they're the ones with the problem.
ugh double post.
this thread is so pure though.
Hey, I really appreciate this.
There is some good in this game, and all I can do is hope.
Thank you.
That does make sense.
I've just been having a lot of epiphanies lately, in my personal life. I turn to other things in my life for happiness, such as TWD (which is so ironic cause TWD is sad as hell) and I guess I just expected this game to be the greatest game of all time, which is impossible.
You couldn't be more right. I just feel icky in an emotional sense right now.
I'm glad we can relate. It just hurts, ya know?
I'm personally disappointing, even angry about the game, BUT if you enjoy it, then you enjoy it.
YOU choose if you think it's good or not. Don't let people that share my opinions beat you down for yours.
Of course debates always a good way to communicate each other's ideas and opinions ;P.
Enjoy the good parts, but don't forget the bad parts, for if you don't voice your opinion, then telltale won't hear to fix them.
Happens to me too when I'm in the unpopular opinion camp.
But you shouldn't let other people influence your opinion. The most important part is that you're enjoying it. I personally love this game. I also really like other games I could get shat on for saying I like them. I still like them.
I love this season so far. I got over the flaws so goddamn fast.
The only two things I am disappointed in are episode length and not enough time playing as Clem. I am enjoying everything else.
sure, it isn't perfect, but i actually loved the entirety of both episodes- nothing was awful, with the exception of the first set of flashbacks.
one thing i dislike is all the people complaining about cliched writing, because a misjudged and overprotective redneck isnt cliche at all, or a guy going to prison who becomes a hero- what im saying is, everything telltale writes is cliche. we should be used to it.
Not to mention that cliches aren't inherently bad-- it's how they're used. Starved For Help is about as cliche as you can get (oh no, a weird southern family in the middle of the woods that happen to have a dark secret?!), but you almost never see anyone complain about that, because it was actually handled well. Hell, it's probably one of the most infamous episodes of the game, with some of the most memorable and divisive scenes of the series (bear trap, meat locker, etc) despite the overarching story of the episode being standard-fare.
People just like to act like cliches are automatically bad, when the thing that really matters is how they're utilized. And in all honesty, Telltale tends to fall in the "utilized pretty well" camp, especially in comparison to quite a lot of other games. That's not to say there aren't any cheap moments that don't exactly work, but overall, I'd say they've had more hits than misses.
I am enjoying it even with the flaws. Other people here thought about not buying it (they read the complaints/opinions on this forum), but they still bought it and enjoyed.
Can be the same for you, but not guranteed. Those people might think different about other people's now.
I felt the same way for the first few days. Just give it some time. You'll start to mellow out. I'd try to steer clear of the negativity, though. If you see a thread that seems negative, don't read it. If you see post that's a bit too harsh, skip it. Don't let all of that start to cloud your own judgment. Give it a few days until you're able to figure out how you feel, then come back and face the music. If you decide that you like it, great. If you decide that you don't, then it is what it is. Don't feel guilty about it. We like what we like, and there's no point beating ourselves up if we can't enjoy something. Just accept that it isn't working for you, and move on.
There's a part of me that isn't gonna forgive them for some of the shit they pulled-- the Kenny/Jane flashbacks chiefly among them-- but I'm starting to come to terms with S3 for the most part. At least to the point of accepting that what happened happened, and that all we can really do is look forward. And hopefully whatever's ahead of us turns out for the better. And if it's time to bail out, then it is what it is. Another game that's able to captivate us the way this one did will eventually come along. I've no doubt someone will follow in Telltale's footsteps, and manage to create a series with the same magic and passion S1 had.
And no matter what happens, we still have two (or one, depending on how you feel) seasons to look back on. You can at least find solace in the fact at least something good came out of all of this, you know? The first two seasons will always be there, and you'll always be able to revisit them.
Agreed. As they say, there are only seven stories in the world and it's how you tell them that's important.
Carver is a perfect example of how this can go wrong: his whole "We're more alike than you think." line is definitely a cliche but what makes it terrible is the fact that it is poorly utilized or rather barely used. Him saying the line is bad enough but the story does very little to justify him saying this and thus, he's just saying it because that's a typical villainous thing to say.
Including the Episode 1 flashbacks?
Yes, if you enjoy this game then more power to you. Don't let others make you upset by it's criticism. I really despise it so far and have made my feelings known but don't let that bother you.
I agree with you, people just complain too much.
To be fair, there's really only two flashbacks in particular that people really, really don't like (Kenny + Jane). Actually, maybe the Wellington one, too.
The alone flashback and the flashback in episode 2 don't get too much flak from what I've seen.
I like this season. They could've definitely made parts of it better and have irreversibly screwed Jane and Kenny but I'm not as bitter about it in real life as i am on the forums.
I am actually fine with the flashbacks as they are...I have detailed why they work for me...but I get why people would want them longer and with better models.
Oh, okay.
Thank you for this, I really needed it.
I understand your disposition of the Kenny/Jane flashbacks. Personally, when I played, I got the Jane flashback, and honestly, I cried my eyes out when I saw Jane hanging from the ceiling of Carver's office. At first I thought "What a stupid and selfish bitch to do that to a child and infant." But when Clem found that pregnancy test, I completely lost it. I literally had to pause the game and walk around my house for a bit.
Seeing Kenny's death made me feel so bad for Kenny fans. After all that Kenny has been able to overcome, he is eaten alive after being paralyzed from a car crash. But maybe that's the irony of Kenny as a character?
I was just so displaced in my feelings after seeing all of the negative forums. I'll take your advice. Thanks again
To be fair, I'm actually okay with the Jane flashback. I'd honestly say it's one of the darkest moments of the game thus far, and in a good way. Although I can't lie, I still think they could have come up with something better, or at the very least let the flashback run for longer than 5 minutes.
It's mainly the Kenny flashback that I have a problem with. Kenny is a major character in this series. He's been a staple of the game since S1. He's arguably the third most recognizable character behind Clementine and Lee. You can't just give him such an unceremonious, 5 minute death like that and expect people to be okay with it. I mean, think about it. If you sided with Kenny throughout both seasons, and stuck with him to the bitter end, what do you get for it? A 5 minute flashback that ends with his abrupt death. All that time spent with him... out the window. And unlike Lee, his death didn't even serve a purpose, or have some deeper meaning behind it. He just died. For another character, that'd be fine, sure. But not for a character like Kenny.
I wonder if Telltale will give us more flashbacks before Jane and Kenny died? I mean, it was a 2 year time skip. Stuff happened in that time. I don't know. That would be nice to have a nice moment with them again before they die.
Yeah, that Kenny death was horrible in more ways than one. I feel like Kenny was meant to die in Season 2.
Don't let others ruin your enjoyment of the game, and don't cry, we already got plenty of people on this part of the forums crying already :P
I don't mean to throw a pity party, I'm just so upset that people can't enjoy a game for what it is. Also, thank you for the advice.
I feel like he was meant to die in Season 1.
Well, technically, he was... but they changed their minds before episode 5 came out. They thought it would be more interesting to leave his fate open for a possible sequel. Which is what ended up happening. Although some people probably think it would've been better if he just died in S1.
Its cool. I understand
Honestly It is mostly just the forums that didn't like it. If you look outside the forums most people that have played it has loved this season so far including me. I have shockingly been loving this season. The forum always complains.(I don't have much room to talk I was like that with a couple games namely minecraft and GOT.)
I know, I was just being a wiseass. Gavin Hammon mentioned something along those lines in an interview.
I see. I always come to these forums to see happiness and love for the game, but Im not seeing it now. Oh well.
Do you, uh—have any thoughts about Lilly?
Some people think @Kennyshouladiedins1.
ba dum tss