The Walking Dead + Telltale = Kenny
For me. I don't give a damn about other characters or stories (Clem and Lee were our reflections on the mirror nothing more).
It's easy to create emotional attachment to a virtual character by simply allowing him to become the player just like Lee and Clementine. But it's a lot harder to create a strong emotional attachment to a character you can't play especially if the player's not a relative of him or caretaking him ingame. Telltale accomplished this with Kenny. Even more amazing that he's a flawed character that made mistakes.
Then they completely destroyed it.
Without Kenny there's no Telltale or TWD for me. At least give the man a well-written death after a satisfying story like Lee's or how about not killing him for once. Just for a change you know. This is getting ridiculous.
Anyways, congrats shitbirds. I'm done. I don't wanna hear about Telltale or TWD game anymore. I'm back to the show. I'm sure and glad they won't kill Rick like morons.
Are you kidding me right now?
I'm glad that prick is dead he annoyed me to no end.
can we not?
god bless
And i'm glad he is somewhere off surviving alone after leaving my Clem in Wellington
And you got that wish in S2E5. Unfortunately everyone who disagreed with your opinion got your wish as well about 20 Kenny-screentime minutes later
Sorry Dan...TellTale said that if you went to Wellington he got eaten by wolves later that week.
I felt like that when they killed Luke. It sucks when our favourite character has a stupid death, I know
There there, OP. It's going to be okay.
Oh boohoo...he was eaten by walkers...oh noes...wait isn't that the leading cause of death in the Apocalypse? how is that bad?
"Jesus are you fucking kidding me?!"
(just felt like saying that lol)
Aw, I feel your pain. Kenny will always have a special place in my heart, and a special place in hell for various other people. I hated to see the guy go, but at least he made it so long compared to others. I have my favorites, but I don't see any particular character as being The Walking Dead. Some are more notable than others, but each and every one is a part of the larger story. Just me though. Eh, but I feel you so much right now! Kenny...He was a favorite of mine, if my username isn't a hint enough. I'm sorry that you lost interest in the game, but I understand. It's ultimately your decision, and if you've lost the desire to play, you've lost the desire to play. Hey, maybe you'll reconsider in time. May the Saltlick King live on inside us all!
Shall I say the prayer again? So all you sinners aka (Jane Supporters and people who shitbird against Kenny) be reborn free from Evilness
Wait they actually confirmed that? LOL WTF
I know you are just trying to break the ice, but that was too cold, man.
Seriously though, decades will pass and I will still think his death was dumb. But hey, thinking back, I suppose it was better than having him as part of the big final choice against Kenny and to spend two years happy my Luke survived just to have him killed on the first twenty minutes of season 3.
You'll be back. People like you always get pissy and eventually come running back.
You know, I actually agree with him. It doesn't feel the same without Kenny to me. He's always been my favorite, and now I really don't care much for what happens next. Especially seeing how they off'd him. You may find this childish but I've been kind of depressed since ANF came out, TWD means a lot to me, and especially Kenny.
Can you show me the source of this information please?
Rashid and Vanessa.
Sure here is the video interview
TellTale Interview 12/24/16
Kenny is absolutely the soul of TWD for me. Clem is its heart, the one we protect and cherish, but Kenny, man... He's the character we watched develop from the sidelines. The one who started out a loving father with a family and hopes of getting a boat... and look where he ended up. Not the most perfect character, but relatably flawed.
I expected his death in S3, given how there was so much focus on this shitbird newbie that literally no one cares about, but nothing that... terrible.
I'm not done with this series yet, though. For one thing, I bought the season pass, and there's no refunds, so I might as well see it through. For another, Garrus goddamn Vakarian is Jesus; that's reason enough to keep going. And, welp, I'm keeping on for Clementine. When she goes, then that'll be the final bullet to the head of this series for me. Without her, nothing about this series holds any interest for me.
If people think TWD is about Kenny, let them think that. Where's the harm in that?
Well I even saw people being outraged 90% of players didn't choose what they chose and then go into rants about "the fans" and using your avatar as an argument. I think I saw everything by now.
Next time I'll be back with a pirate eye patch
Just like Kenny you know 
It could only be a nightmare and Clem actually couldn't find Kenny after the car crash and they were seperated. Because she didn't confirm anything when she spoke about him in the episode 2. Then, I would be back in full force.
Hopefully Telltale will do something like this before pissing off more people.
Only came back to say this. I'm gone.
Wow some people are extremely salty because some of us did like Kenny a lot lmao.
I am going to miss Kenny a lot though, but I'm at least happy that we got to see what could've been, even just to show Jane that he wasn't the unfixable prick she wanted us to see. (..While she left Clem & AJ by themselves while AJ was still a small baby lmao).
I'm sad however that Telltale has started to go for quantity rather than quality tbh. I would've honestly preferred waiting months to get the S1 amount of content than this monthly 1 hour episode. I feel like they could've done so much more with the endings but oh well orz
It's just a minority. They are sad that they don't really love any character besides the playables like we love Kenny.
Or Nick Fury. :P
Farewell for you and Kenny then.
Preach it sister.
Kenny is a moron, I'm glad he dies regardless.
You're just pissed because a little girl got you killed by a walker.
Has Kenny's Wellington death actually been confirmed.
I am going to say...maybe?
Excuse me?