Well, shit. Been a while since I last checked the forums. I must say I'm genuinely impressed by all this. I would try to reccomend you get assistance for finishing the Tv Tropes project. Get someone who understands and reads the story like you do. I'm a bit worried this will all pile up and end up stressing you out since you're working on the wiki and story too, so just try weighting your options more carefully. I just finished reading on all of the parts and posts, I'm digging it quite a lot.
2 years huh? Well allow me to raise my christmas drink to all of my friends here and to the next 10 years of more awesome Forum of Thrones. Merry Christmas and thanks for the fun everyone.
Alright then!
It's about time. Technically, it's even a bit too late already for most timezones, my own included, because the Forum of Th… morerones thread was created on the ancient and mysterious date of the 27th of December in the distant 2014. However, the prologue and therefore arguably the start of Forum of Thrones has been out in the early hours of the 28th (at least by my filthy, central-europan timezone), so I guess this still counts. This means, today is the big day where Forum of Thrones has its second birthday!
My literary baby is two years old now and I love it with all my heart. Writing this story has genuinely changed my life for the better. I have never considered myself to be much of a writer before, nor have I been much of a perfectionist, or someone with a lot of patience and enthusiasm for something. I guess now I am all of this. I can't put into words how much this story means to me and how much it means to me that you en… [view original content]
Wow, this is great! Really makes my... well, my night, because it's so damn late again right now, but on the same hand it once again inspires me to try my best and finish the next part before going to sleep. Not sure if I'm going to make it, but you definitely gave me a good reason to try. Thank you so much
Well, shit. Been a while since I last checked the forums. I must say I'm genuinely impressed by all this.
Hey Nightshroud, it's good to see you! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed things so far, that makes me very happy. Hopefully you'll manage to check up more regularly eventually, because your thoughts are always appreciated
I would try to reccomend you get assistance for finishing the Tv Tropes project. Get someone who understnads and reads the story like you do. I'm a bit worried this will all pile up and end up stressing you out since you're working on the wiki and story too, so just try weighting your options more carefully.
Yeah, I know what you mean. However, I can assure you, the TvTropes stuff is not too much work. It is a bit more than I originally thought, or else I would have started sooner, but it should be completely done in a few days, perhaps one or two weeks at most, in which I work on it between the parts and the other things here in the forums. The wiki is the real work, but I have put it on hold temporarily, so that I can finish the TvTropes project. Once that is done, I'll probably have to learn for my exams, which start coming around in February, but afterwards, I'm going to be able to work for the wiki more regularly. I aim at finishing it around the same time Book 1 is ended. Don't know if I'll manage to do that, but I don't think I'm taking on too much there. Thanks for your concern though, I appreciate it!
2 years huh? Well allow me to raise my christmas drink to all of my friends here and to the next 10 years of more awesome Forum of Thrones. Merry Christmas and thanks for the fun everyone.
Haha, 10 years might be a bit much, but I think 4 or 5 additional years are a very realistic guess, considering the point where we are after two years. I would surely like to keep the story going for another 10 years, but I'm already knowing exactly how to end it and there won't be too much opportunity to drag it on forever. Neither do I think this would be a good thing. But I look forward for the things to come and I'm glad you do too!
Well, shit. Been a while since I last checked the forums. I must say I'm genuinely impressed by all this. I would try to reccomend you get a… moressistance for finishing the Tv Tropes project. Get someone who understands and reads the story like you do. I'm a bit worried this will all pile up and end up stressing you out since you're working on the wiki and story too, so just try weighting your options more carefully. I just finished reading on all of the parts and posts, I'm digging it quite a lot.
2 years huh? Well allow me to raise my christmas drink to all of my friends here and to the next 10 years of more awesome Forum of Thrones. Merry Christmas and thanks for the fun everyone.
Ohh, I can remember when it all started. I always believed it would turn into something great. I'm really thankful for all the effort you've put into the story and I hope it will live long and prosper.
Oh yes, you've been here from the very beginning. Thank you for your continuing support! In fact, you deserve special thanks, because without your story, I would have never been inspired to ever try my hands on my own. I can't stress it enough, it is very likely that this this story simply wouldn't exist if not for your previous work.
Actually, I still haven't abandoned the ideas of translating it into Russian
I remember you brought it up a while ago. If you want to do it and have the time for it, then I'm appreciating this very much! That would be... well, that would be crazy awesome
Ohh, I can remember when it all started. I always believed it would turn into something great. I'm really thankful for all the effort you've… more put into the story and I hope it will live long and prosper.
Actually, I still haven't abandoned the ideas of translating it into Russian
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent and Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy wooden shield in his other hand. Three dozen Stormlanders had gathered around him, separated in two groups, each of them armed with swords, shields and clad into a mixture of thin leather and chainmail. Behind each group stood half a dozen archers. Professional soldiers, not hired farmboys like the guardsmen or thuggish lackwits like the raiders. They would make a difference.
“Golton”, the deep voice of Ser Emphryus called him from the other end of the courtyard. He glanced over and a slight smile formed on his face, as he saw the knight and his princess walking out of the great hall. More than ever, Argella was a sight to behold. She had switched the dress for a set of armour, chainmail and thick, boiled leather with pauldrons. Her hair was tied up into a strict bun and she held a leather helmet in her left hand. As she approached him, Drent realized more than ever how similar she was to her father, not in looks, but in the effect she had on people. Argilac was a warrior king and his daughter was no less than him, the way she approached him convincing him that she was born for this.
“My princess”, he said and gave her a deep bow. “You look...” She cut him off by raising a finger. “If you say good, then I swear to the gods, I'm going to punch you”, she said and a smile formed on her face. “Though you may compliment me. Just, please, use your brain before you speak” Together, they started to walk down the courtyard.
“I was going to say, you look like a queen in the making”, Drent continued and this time, Argella raised an eyebrow and her smile widened slightly. She even paused for a second before she spoke. “That one's new”, she admitted and Drent was sure that the impressed tone in her voice was genuine. “And... highly appreciated” She glanced at the weapon in his hand. “You found me a sword, I see”
“One of the guards helped me”, Drent admitted. “A young man. I think...” Argella cut him off with a short, impatient whistle, as she extended her hand towards the weapon. With a sigh, Drent handed it to her, hilt first. She drew the blade out of the sheath, glancing at it, before she moved her fingers across the edge. “Sharp”, she said, before she swung the blade through the air in front of her. “And light” She gave him a nod. “Acceptable work”, she complimented him and glanced at the shield he was carrying in his other hand.
Wordlessly, Drent handed it over. She lifted it with one arm, grimacing slightly. “That should suffice”, she said. “Heavy, but it should suffice” She stopped on front of the men, who saluted in unison. Montclair followed a bit later than them, a slightly dark look on his face. “Are you ready, princess?”, he asked and she gave him a nod. “More than ever before”, she said and Drent noticed the anticipation in her voice. He was worried and he saw from Montclair's face that he was worried as well.
“How are we doing this then?”, the sergeant asked and Argella glanced at her men. “I see you already split them”, she said. “A good call. I want you to lead half of them, while I take command of the vanguard” Montclair subtly clenched a fist. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”, he asked. “Leading the vanguard, I mean... your father, he...”
“Would lead the vanguard”, Argella cut him off with a smile. “And he wouldn't expect anything less from me. The best course of action? Debatable. But I want to show them that I am not afraid” She walked up to the sergeant, looking up at him. “I don't think the Ironborn will care for that, my princess”, Montclair argued and Argella shook her head. “I wasn't speaking of the Ironborn”, she answered calmly, before she stepped past him.
“I support this decision”, Emphryus voiced his opinion, as he walked up next to her, while Drent stopped next to Montclair. “Do you wish me to remain at your side, or shall I march with Montclair?”, the knight asked and Argella's confident smile got smaller. “Neither”, she said and the knight narrowed his eyes. “I want you to remain here, at the castle”
Now, Emphryus visibly lost control over his facial expression. “You want me to remain behind?”, he asked in a baffled tone. “You know I am better than any of these men” Argella gave him a nod. “The best”, she confirmed. “Which is precisely why you must remain behind”
On top of the surprise, a look of confusion appeared on Emphryus' face. “I must be by your side, must be part of the vanguard”, he stuttered. “My honour...” He paused, giving her a chance to answer. “And I mean to honour you”, she replied. “Yes, you will remain behind, here at the castle. You will do it to protect these people if the worst happens. The best knight of the Stormlands. The last line of defence” She moved closed. “I know you hunger for a fight. I feel the same”, she assured him. “But if anything goes wrong out there...”
“Nothing will go wrong if you take me with you”, Emphryus argued and Argella sighed. “If anything goes wrong out there, then these people will need you”, she said sternly. “Women. Children. Must I remind you of your vows, Ser?” This last sentence visibly gave Emphryus something to think of. “No”, he replied. “I... will do it. You are right. I think that's the worst of it, you're bloody right”
Argella smiled softly. “I will make up for it”, she promised. “You called me queen tonight. Did anyone ever call you a true knight before?” The disapproving look on Emphryus' face faded. “Can't say they ever did”, he replied and Argella glanced around. Her gaze rested on a group of smallfolk for a second, a woman and an older man, carrying a wounded child. “If I am your queen tonight, I expect you to be my true knight”, she said. “I pray there won't be a fight inside of these walls, but if there is, I will give them the best man in my army to protect them”
Emphryus gulped, though Drent noticed that the disapproving look had faded from his face entirely. “You have my word”, he said. “I will slaughter every Ironborn that dares to show his face around the castle. These people here, consider them safe” Argella gave him a nod of approval, before she glanced at Montclair. “Sergeant, you and your men will march behind my group. Make sure no one will flank us”
Montclair saluted. “As you wish!”, he barked and looked at Drent. “Golton, you'll be part of my group. Get in line” Drent exchanged a look with Argella, who gave him a nod, before he followed the order. He sighed and knew he would have preferred to remain by her side.
He got in line at the very edge of the group. When he looked to his right, he spotted Torrence standing just next to him. The soldier glanced at him and gave him a nod, which Drent replied to likewise. Then, they both paid attention to the Storm Princess again. Argella looked at all of them, a grim, stern look on her face, her dark blue eyes as hard and unyielding as her father's.
“I don't think there's much to say that you don't know already”, she addressed them with a loud voice. “You all know what's at stake here. How many lives could be lost. I know you are good soldiers, good men and women. These past weeks, I got a chance to assure myself of that” The tone in her voice got harder. “You are warriors of the Stormlands, first and foremost. Remind the world what this means!” She pulled her sword out of the sheath and with the same movement, she pointed it at the gates of the castle. “And now let's go and spill some Ironborn blood”
This last sentence was met with approving shouts from the soldiers. Argella started to move, having taken the lead of one of the groups. Montclair was walking in front of the other one, the one where Drent and Torrence were marching in. The only Stormlander who remained behind was Ser Emphryus. When Drent passed him, he extended his hand, momentarily stopping him by grabbing his shoulder.
“Keep an eye on her, Golton, and bring her back”, he growled, his eyes fixed onto the Storm Princess. “She's a good one” Drent gave him a nod, before he noticed that the knight wasn't even looking at him. “I will”, he answered and Emphryus sighed. “Good”, he growled, as he let go of him, allowing him to fall back in line.
Next to Torrence, Drent passed the gate, walking past a crowd of refugees, who kept looking at them in awe. Yellow and black, storm and fury, and yet they meant hope for these people right now. It was a far cry from the reception they got when they first entered this city.
“Never thought I'd die with you by my side”, he mumbled and Drent raised an eyebrow. “You're so sure that you're going to die?”, he asked. Torrence glanced at the other group, the one that was lead by Argella. More specifically, he was looking at the archers and Drent noticed Edonia's familiar auburn hair with them. “Edonia seems pretty sure”, he said. “She wasn't too happy about me fighting here. Wanted me to remain by her side”
“And you?”, Drent asked. Torrence shook his head. “I'm good”, he said. “I know I'm good and I don't need her. Edonia wants to drag me down, as always. Doesn't want me to be good at something for once, something that is not her bloody archery” He grimaced at his sister. “I'm glad I'm in Montclair's group. The last thing I need is her looking over my shoulder and nagging at every damn thing I do”
Quickly, they passed the streets of Raylansfair. First the main street, the one that led to the city centre, which was still held by the guardsmen. From there on, Argella and Montclair led the men southwards, down the road that would lead them to the gate. All of this happened in silence. The only noise that filled the air and drowned every mood for a talk was the omnipresent sound of a battlefield. Clashing steel, the screams of men, raging or dying, screaming women, the sound of splintering woods. There was the smell of burning houses, as a rising fire started to consume the western part of the city. The smell of burning flesh was even worse.
Drent felt the anticipation of every soldier around him. He felt the same, mixed with worry. Not all of them would make it out alive, that much was clear. He was worried for his own life of course. Torrence and Edonia. Montclair, maybe even Garen. But most importantly, he was afraid for Argella's life. If she'd die... it wasn't only how he'd feel. Worse than that would be how her father would feel. And what he would do to avenge her.
Raylansfair wasn't too big. Larger than most cities in the Stormlands, but still relatively small. It wasn't too long until Drent saw the southern gate in the distance. It still stood. From afar, he saw the knight, Constantine, barking orders at the guardsmen that manned the walls. The Stormlanders, led by Garen, held the street and Drent noticed that they had just repelled a few raiders, while the rest of the guardsmen were desperately holding the gates against the force behind it. He also noticed that they were less than the dozen Constantine had taken with him when he had left the castle.
“Sergeant Montclair”, Argella said and the sergeant looked at her. “Lead your men to the streets to our right” She pointed down to her right, to the side where the docks were located. “Make sure they won't flank us. My men will fortify the gates”
Montclair saluted. “Yes, my princess”, he growled and looked over his men. “Bernile, get over here” Torrence sighed, as he walked up to the sergeant. Meanwhile, Argella and her men moved closer towards the castle gate.
As she passed him, Edonia stopped for a second. Drent gave her a reassuring smile, which she reciprocated. “Can you do me a favour and look after my brother?”, she asked. Drent raised an eyebrow. “He just told me you have tried to convince him to stay with you”, he said and she sighed. “Yeah, I kind of did”, she confirmed. “Should have known he won't listen to me” She shook her head. “It's just... gods, I'd love if he could just do what I say for once”, she muttered. “I just want him to succeed at something he's actually good at”
“I'm not sure if he sees it that way”, Drent said and Edonia gave him a nod. “I'm afraid he doesn't”, she agreed. “Still means I have to look after him, somehow. He's my little brother, after all” She gave him a sly wink. “Anyway, look after him and I'll look after your princess”
“She's not my...”, Drent started to protest, but Edonia had already continued to move down the street and towards her group again. Shaking his head slightly, Drent turned towards Montclair, who was standing next to Torrence. “You heard the princess, lads!”, the sergeant growled. “Down the side streets, come on!”
He started to move and his men followed, with Drent throwing one last look at the gate. He had no idea how many men were behind it, but they had to be dozens or more if they were able to give the guardsmen such a hard time. Hopefully Argella's men would be enough to hold them off.
“These streets are small”, Montclair stated, as he looked over the narrow labyrinth of streets and alleyways that branched from the slightly larger one they were standing on. “I want one of you in each of these. Archers up into the houses. Get the high ground on any raider that tries to sneak around here” He narrowed his eyes. “And there have to be some of these bastards around. It's too quiet”
Drent was sure that the sergeant was right. It was too quiet indeed. And the men at the gates had just repelled an attack. It was likely that they tried to gather their forces here, that they would attack again. In this case, Montclair and his men, Drent included, could at least prevent Argella's group from getting flanked.
“Golton, you go down there”, Montclair ordered, as he pointed down a small alleyway. “If you encounter Ironborn, engage them. Should they prove too many, retreat to the main street and call for back-up” Drent saluted, before he approached the alleyway he was assigned to. Behind him, he could hear Montclair continuing to give orders, assigning more men to the different alleyways.
His own alleyway was a small one, so narrow that no more than three people could walk next to each other at once. It was dark and Drent decided to patrol down to its centre, where he stood guard. Firmly grabbing his sword and shield, he started to wait, his mind lost in thoughts, as he stood there all alone.
He didn't have to wait for long. Soon, the first of the soldiers called from a few streets away. “Ironborn!”, he heard. “They're trying to flank us!” He heard battlecries, from several positions at once, followed by steel clashing against steel. Someone screamed in pain, though Drent did not know if it was on of his own, or one of the Ironborn.
And then they had reached his position. Two men walked around the corner, one armed with a short axe and a shield, the other one wielding a barbed spear. The look in their eyes was the same, naked anger and pure hatred. The man with the axe raised his weapon, as he started to charge at Drent, who raised his shield.
Heavily, the axe clashed against it. His sword moved forwards, only cutting through thin air until it was stopped by the Ironborn's shield. Quickly, the axe striked again, almost hitting his head, though Drent managed to push the weapon upwards with his shield, so that it narrowly missed him. Instead of jumping back, he stood his ground, as the two shields clashed against each other.
From behind his opponent, the second Ironborn, the one with the spear, used this moment to attack. With his higher reach, he positioned himself behind the man with the shield. He thrusted his spear forwards and now, Drent had to take a step to the side, to avoid getting impaled. While he did this, he trapped the axe between both shields. The spear cut through the air, though the barbs still sliced across the leather that protected his shoulder. It failed to cut through, but only by sheer luck. That had been far too close for Drent's liking.
Just in this moment, a third man entered the alleyway from behind the two Ironborn. A metallic sound echoed from the walls as he drew his sword. The Ironborn with the spear narrowed his eyes, as he turned around, just in time to parry the strike, preventing it from splitting his face in half. Instead of pulling back, the newcomer thrusted his sword forwards, cutting across the man's neck and leaving a deep gash in it.
The Ironborn went onto his knees and the newcomer finished him off with a strike to the head. The remaining Ironborn jumped to the side, so that he could simultaneously put his focus onto Drent and his new opponent. He attacked and Drent parried the strike with the shield. His own shield had to parry a strike from the newcomer, leaving him vulnerable for Drent's sword, which impaled his chest sideways, killing him almost instantly.
As the last Ironborn went to the ground, Drent finally got a good look at his saviour. “You!”, he gasped as he recognized Ser Ian Shortwood. The mysterious hedge knight narrowed his eyes. “You”, he growled in return. “I can't say I'm happy about this reunion”
From behind Drent, the sound of his men fighting against the Ironborn filled the small alleyways. He glared at the knight. “What are you doing here?”, he growled and Shortwood sighed. “Same thing you do, I guess”, he replied. “I went to the southern side to hide from your lot. When the fight broke out, I stayed to protect the people here”
“So, you're their saviour now?”, Drent replied coldly, still feeling the spot where Shortwood had knocked him out. “I am a knight after all”, he said. “Though I must say, this meeting is coincidental. I wanted to go to the gates, to find some help, get some of the wounded away from here” He used his shield to point down the alleyway. “Several of the smallfolk have gathered in one of the houses. Many are wounded, or too scared to fight. They got no one but me”
Drent sighed. “I... suppose I should thank you then. For your help here”, he admitted and Shortwood gave him a nod. “I suppose you should”, he replied, before his gaze softened. “Listen, I know we're not exactly seeing things eye to eye. And since you Stormlanders hold the gate now, I don't think I dare to go there” He bit down onto his lower lip. “But these people I mentioned, they could need help”, he explained. “I saved your life right now. I spared your life before. We don't have to be friends, but help me here and I consider us even”
Before Drent was able to answer, he heard Montclair shouting orders from a few streets away. “They corner us!”, the sergeant growled with his booming voice. “Retreat to the main street! Regroup, everyone!” Shortwood and Drent exchanged a look and the hedge knight raised an eyebrow. “So, what's it going to be?”, he asked. “I know your men can manage without you, but the people I protect down there, they sure as hell won't” He sheathed his sword and extended his hand. “Shall we be allies for once?”
Well, uh, unless that group of smallfolk happens to be the tavern people, which I am pretty sure is not the case, then, well, we're fine. I mean, I guess. I feel like this choice either way is going to doom someone.
I like Ser Ian Shortwood, but uh, I think he'll be fine trolling around like he is. I mean, helping him, I can't see any major obvious benefit. At least what Drent would be doing following orders is still dealing with the raiders definitely while that might not be the case if w go with Shortwood.
Hopefully these crappy bandits are dealt with quickly so it doesn't become the end of the world. I'm sure if Torvin went to the south gate stuff would be a lot worse.
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent … moreand Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy w… [view original content]
I'm very glad it has been around for this long! It has given me good days as well! Long time indeed! I was not a mod then, I am now. Big cha… morenges. Here's to many more years of excitement!
Oh yes, so much has changed! I actually have never thought that the story would go on for that long, but I underestimated how many people would be interested in it and how long it could actually get. Safe to say, I appreciate this. And I am sure there are indeed several years of writing still ahead.
I love TvTropes! It's so fun to read all the random crap that's on there. So interesting. Some personal favorite tropes of mine are Villainesses Want Heroes, Alpha Bitch, Yandere, Tsundere, Benevolent Boss, Seinfeldian Conversation, and Sympathy for the Devil. I'll be checking FoT's page shortly. I can spend days in TvTropes.
Aye, this is something I'm guilty of as well, I think I have literally spent days in TvTropes. And I think I have foun… [view original content]
Once that is done, I'll probably have to learn for my exams, which start coming around in February, but afterwards, I'm going to be able to work for the wiki more regularly.
Ahh I see. Well I also had to put all of my work on hold as well. Pre-Masters does not fuck around xD. I'm very curious about the wiki, I'll be glad to pour hours just reading about every character I can put my eyes on.
Haha, 10 years might be a bit much, but I think 4 or 5 additional years are a very realistic guess, considering the point where we are after two years. I would surely like to keep the story going for another 10 years, but I'm already knowing exactly how to end it and there won't be too much opportunity to drag it on forever. Neither do I think this would be a good thing. But I look forward for the things to come and I'm glad you do too!
Well for how long your projects continue, I'll be around for sure to stick around to see them. They are very interesting and I love reading about them a lot. The fact that you know how to end the story is kind of scary xD
Well, shit. Been a while since I last checked the forums. I must say I'm genuinely impressed by all this.
Hey Nightshroud, it's good… more to see you! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed things so far, that makes me very happy. Hopefully you'll manage to check up more regularly eventually, because your thoughts are always appreciated
I would try to reccomend you get assistance for finishing the Tv Tropes project. Get someone who understnads and reads the story like you do. I'm a bit worried this will all pile up and end up stressing you out since you're working on the wiki and story too, so just try weighting your options more carefully.
Yeah, I know what you mean. However, I can assure you, the TvTropes stuff is not too much work. It is a bit more than I originally thought, or else I would have started sooner, but it should be completely done in a few days, perhaps one or two weeks at most, in which I work on it between the parts … [view original content]
Wow, this is great! Really makes my... well, my night, because it's so damn late again right now, but on the same hand it once again inspire… mores me to try my best and finish the next part before going to sleep. Not sure if I'm going to make it, but you definitely gave me a good reason to try. Thank you so much
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent … moreand Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy w… [view original content]
D'awww, thanks! It's really nice to hear because not long ago I've read my story again and I was like "i cant believe i wrote that shit omg". I do miss the old days though, back when interactive fics were a big thing.
If it wasn't for my laziness, I would've done that a lot of time ago. Well, let's hope that in 2017 I'll be a more hardworking person (i wont)
Ohh, I can remember when it all started. I always believed it would turn into something great. I'm really thankful for all the effort you've… more put into the story and I hope it will live long and prosper.
Oh yes, you've been here from the very beginning. Thank you for your continuing support! In fact, you deserve special thanks, because without your story, I would have never been inspired to ever try my hands on my own. I can't stress it enough, it is very likely that this this story simply wouldn't exist if not for your previous work.
Actually, I still haven't abandoned the ideas of translating it into Russian
I remember you brought it up a while ago. If you want to do it and have the time for it, then I'm appreciating this very much! That would be... well, that would be crazy awesome
Well, uh, unless that group of smallfolk happens to be the tavern people, which I am pretty sure is not the case, then, well, we're fine. I mean, I guess. I feel like this choice either way is going to doom someone.
Can't confirm anything about the latter part of this of course, but I can confirm that it's not the tavern people, who are still at the tavern in the centre of the city and who we're going to get an update on later in this chapter.
I like Ser Ian Shortwood, but uh, I think he'll be fine trolling around like he is. I mean, helping him, I can't see any major obvious benefit. At least what Drent would be doing following orders is still dealing with the raiders definitely while that might not be the case if w go with Shortwood.
True enough. That said, one benefit from going with Shortwood would be that Drent would make a good impression on the man, which might come in handy later. In fact, Shortwood would probably owe him, whereas not going with him would greatly anger him for sure. At the same time, following Montclair's orders is not a bad idea either. It's basically a choice where I wouldn't see any option as particularly better or worse than the other.
Hopefully these crappy bandits are dealt with quickly so it doesn't become the end of the world. I'm sure if Torvin went to the south gate stuff would be a lot worse.
Well, they do manage to give the guard quite some problems, or have done so until now. Now that the Stormlanders are there, it will be a bit easier, but if Torvin would have went to the south gate, they would have already broken through by now. You are right, it would have been a lot worse and even now, they basically only hold up until the smallfolk has been evacuated. The enemies inside the city walls outnumber them already, so holding the city will be a very hard thing to do.
[Regroup with Montclair]
Well, uh, unless that group of smallfolk happens to be the tavern people, which I am pretty sure is not the case… more, then, well, we're fine. I mean, I guess. I feel like this choice either way is going to doom someone.
I like Ser Ian Shortwood, but uh, I think he'll be fine trolling around like he is. I mean, helping him, I can't see any major obvious benefit. At least what Drent would be doing following orders is still dealing with the raiders definitely while that might not be the case if w go with Shortwood.
Hopefully these crappy bandits are dealt with quickly so it doesn't become the end of the world. I'm sure if Torvin went to the south gate stuff would be a lot worse.
Ahh I see. Well I also had to put all of my work on hold as well. Pre-Masters does not fuck around xD. I'm very curious about the wiki, I'll be glad to pour hours just reading about every character I can put my eyes on.
Yeah, I can understand that. I mean, I don't have to deal with anything Masters-related just yet, but my upcoming exams still worry me a little bit. But it's great that you look forward for the wiki. A few have already gotten a glimpse of it and the feedback I got has been very positive so far, but a large number of articles are highly incomplete at this point, so I don't think I should reveal it to the general audience already. But its time will come and I hope you'll like it
Well for how long your projects continue, I'll be around for sure to stick around to see them. They are very interesting and I love reading about them a lot. The fact that you know how to end the story is kind of scary xD
I am glad to hear it! And well, I do indeed know how the story ends, roughly. Of course, your choices will affect many things, but there are some characters whom I have planned to survive for sure and for these characters, I have already planned an epilogue part, giving a glimpse of their life after the story has ended. I also have major plot points for future books planned and while a lot of things will depend on the choices you will make, not everything will be up to them. The characters whom you don't get to control have a say in these things as well of course.
Once that is done, I'll probably have to learn for my exams, which start coming around in February, but afterwards, I'm going to be able to … morework for the wiki more regularly.
Ahh I see. Well I also had to put all of my work on hold as well. Pre-Masters does not fuck around xD. I'm very curious about the wiki, I'll be glad to pour hours just reading about every character I can put my eyes on.
Haha, 10 years might be a bit much, but I think 4 or 5 additional years are a very realistic guess, considering the point where we are after two years. I would surely like to keep the story going for another 10 years, but I'm already knowing exactly how to end it and there won't be too much opportunity to drag it on forever. Neither do I think this would be a good thing. But I look forward for the things to come and I'm glad you do too!
Well for how long your projects continue, I'll be around for sure to stick around to see them. They… [view original content]
Not going to lie, I have no idea how I managed to write that much in such a short time. But I am glad I managed to finish it. Maybe I'll still manage to put out another part on the 31st.
That is a good question. I'm not even sure if any character even fits the trope at all so far. I mean, to give a proper example, it has to be something they did either in the story itself, or in their mentioned past. A character fitting for that trope must literally be able to best dozens of men and no matter how badass, I don't think there is a character who has done that in the story so far. The examples for ASOIAF on the trope page list Gregor Clegane, who has no equal in FoT. The Moggy might be similar in strength and size, but he is far more dim-witted and too slow to be a match. Neither has he actually killed dozens at once. That said, once Aegon and his sisters appear in the story, I might have a fitting example for it, because a dragonlord atop his dragon is virtually unstoppable. There also might be one character who could manage to become an example of this trope in the current chapter, maybe at least.
Oh dang, I guess that means we are all 2 years closer to our inevitable demise. But on the good news! There isn't any other way I would have it. Such an great story and we still haven't even finished the first book. Didn't expect Tvtropes, but take all the time you need!
Alright then!
It's about time. Technically, it's even a bit too late already for most timezones, my own included, because the Forum of Th… morerones thread was created on the ancient and mysterious date of the 27th of December in the distant 2014. However, the prologue and therefore arguably the start of Forum of Thrones has been out in the early hours of the 28th (at least by my filthy, central-europan timezone), so I guess this still counts. This means, today is the big day where Forum of Thrones has its second birthday!
My literary baby is two years old now and I love it with all my heart. Writing this story has genuinely changed my life for the better. I have never considered myself to be much of a writer before, nor have I been much of a perfectionist, or someone with a lot of patience and enthusiasm for something. I guess now I am all of this. I can't put into words how much this story means to me and how much it means to me that you en… [view original content]
[Regroup with Montclair] Gotta make sure no more raiders get into the city. If that gate falls, more people than just the guys with Shortwood will die. Plus, Drent ain't going to ignore an order from his officer.
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent … moreand Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy w… [view original content]
As someone who would be considered a newer reader, I wish I would've known about this story sooner. I still tend to keep up with the story but I usually don't vote a whole lot. I'd say it's a bad habit of mine. :P
Anyways, I can't believe it has been two years already! Once again, we should be thanking you for bringing this story to life; a life that is continuing to grow. From the setting aand the beautiful atmosphere of Westeros, to the colors in shades of bright (and dark) colours. It's makes me excited thinking about what Book 2 will bring next year.
Alright then!
It's about time. Technically, it's even a bit too late already for most timezones, my own included, because the Forum of Th… morerones thread was created on the ancient and mysterious date of the 27th of December in the distant 2014. However, the prologue and therefore arguably the start of Forum of Thrones has been out in the early hours of the 28th (at least by my filthy, central-europan timezone), so I guess this still counts. This means, today is the big day where Forum of Thrones has its second birthday!
My literary baby is two years old now and I love it with all my heart. Writing this story has genuinely changed my life for the better. I have never considered myself to be much of a writer before, nor have I been much of a perfectionist, or someone with a lot of patience and enthusiasm for something. I guess now I am all of this. I can't put into words how much this story means to me and how much it means to me that you en… [view original content]
I can't believe it's been two years already. That's just crazy. Time flies so fast. I've already told you most of this in PM, but it's incredible that this story is two years old. Without this, I don't know if I would have even created my own story, and that means I wouldn't have met anyone here or become friends with you and other users. A big part of my life would be replaced with, I don't even know what. Anyway, congrats on this huge achievement. I know the story is only going to get better and better.
Also, I love the wiki/trope idea. I can understand that something like that much take lots of work and be very time consuming, so please don't feel the need to rush. Better for higher quality and later than less quality and sooner
Alright then!
It's about time. Technically, it's even a bit too late already for most timezones, my own included, because the Forum of Th… morerones thread was created on the ancient and mysterious date of the 27th of December in the distant 2014. However, the prologue and therefore arguably the start of Forum of Thrones has been out in the early hours of the 28th (at least by my filthy, central-europan timezone), so I guess this still counts. This means, today is the big day where Forum of Thrones has its second birthday!
My literary baby is two years old now and I love it with all my heart. Writing this story has genuinely changed my life for the better. I have never considered myself to be much of a writer before, nor have I been much of a perfectionist, or someone with a lot of patience and enthusiasm for something. I guess now I am all of this. I can't put into words how much this story means to me and how much it means to me that you en… [view original content]
Shortwood intrigues me but I don't want to disobey our commander's orders. Plus, we don't need Montclair and the other soldiers needing to worry about Drent possibly being killed, and risking their own lives for something that isn't necessary.
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent … moreand Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy w… [view original content]
[Regroup with Montclair] I think it's better for Drent not to abandon his post now. Sucks for these smallfolk and Shortwood, but Drent should fight alongside his Stormlander brothers and sisters.
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent … moreand Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy w… [view original content]
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent … moreand Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy w… [view original content]
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent … moreand Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy w… [view original content]
Well either way Drent is going to save lives. He can either save the lives of his fellow soldiers and possibly defend the gate preventing anymore raiders from entering and therefore preventing more death, or save the lives of several peasants and leaving the gate defense up to chance.
[Regroup with Montclair] I was pendling between if it was Shortwood or Harris before the reveal. Harris is heading that way though, no? I might just be very confused. Also, not counting the favor of Shortwood, what good is Drent with the smallfolk?
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent … moreand Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy w… [view original content]
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent … moreand Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy w… [view original content]
Oh dang, I guess that means we are all 2 years closer to our inevitable demise. But on the good news! There isn't any other way I would have it. Such an great story and we still haven't even finished the first book. Didn't expect Tvtropes, but take all the time you need!
Well, to keep things vaguely FoT-related, I guess it can be said that all men must die Anyways, thank you so much for your support here. We are nearing the end of Book 1 at last and while I have been drastically wrong with my previous assumption that it would be done by the end of the year, we are at least nearing the real highlights of this chapter and this book in general. And the TvTropes stuff should be something that is going to be ready relatively soon as well. I hope you're all going to like it
Oh dang, I guess that means we are all 2 years closer to our inevitable demise. But on the good news! There isn't any other way I would have… more it. Such an great story and we still haven't even finished the first book. Didn't expect Tvtropes, but take all the time you need!
Insert funny birthday gif here
As someone who would be considered a newer reader, I wish I would've known about this story sooner. I still tend to keep up with the story but I usually don't vote a whole lot. I'd say it's a bad habit of mine. :P
Well, if I'm not mistaken you have also been here for almost a year now, so you've been here for almost half of the stories run already. It's crazy how the time flies And don't worry about the voting. I'm already happy to hear that you're keeping up with the story
Anyways, I can't believe it has been two years already! Once again, we should be thanking you for bringing this story to life; a life that is continuing to grow. From the setting aand the beautiful atmosphere of Westeros, to the colors in shades of bright (and dark) colours. It's makes me excited thinking about what Book 2 will bring next year.
Thanks for the compliments! It's comments like this one that are the best motivation. For sure, the story wouldn't be what it is without you and the others reading it. And well, I can safely reveal that Book 2 is going to make things a lot bigger, a lot more epic, as a lot of build-up from this book is going to pay off by then if it doesn't already in the coming parts.
As someone who would be considered a newer reader, I wish I would've known about this story sooner. I still tend to keep up with the story b… moreut I usually don't vote a whole lot. I'd say it's a bad habit of mine. :P
Anyways, I can't believe it has been two years already! Once again, we should be thanking you for bringing this story to life; a life that is continuing to grow. From the setting aand the beautiful atmosphere of Westeros, to the colors in shades of bright (and dark) colours. It's makes me excited thinking about what Book 2 will bring next year.
I can't believe it's been two years already. That's just crazy. Time flies so fast. I've already told you most of this in PM, but it's incredible that this story is two years old. Without this, I don't know if I would have even created my own story, and that means I wouldn't have met anyone here or become friends with you and other users. A big part of my life would be replaced with, I don't even know what. Anyway, congrats on this huge achievement. I know the story is only going to get better and better.
Aye, it is the very same for me. I am amazed that it has been two years already, especially since this year really seems to have gone by so fast. I remember when we talked about it a few weeks ago, the anniversary felt so far away. And I have made exactly the same experience. While I have made friends on this forum outside of the story, I have only met many of the best people I know here through this. Looking back at the things that have been going on here so far, I must say I really look forward for the future!
Also, I love the wiki/trope idea. I can understand that something like that much take lots of work and be very time consuming, so please don't feel the need to rush. Better for higher quality and later than less quality and sooner
Yeah, it's really just the character tropes that are missing but they are by far the most work. I still think it shouldn't be too long until I finish it, but of course I will only post the link here once I am fully satisfied with the way it looks and all.
I can't believe it's been two years already. That's just crazy. Time flies so fast. I've already told you most of this in PM, but it's incre… moredible that this story is two years old. Without this, I don't know if I would have even created my own story, and that means I wouldn't have met anyone here or become friends with you and other users. A big part of my life would be replaced with, I don't even know what. Anyway, congrats on this huge achievement. I know the story is only going to get better and better.
Also, I love the wiki/trope idea. I can understand that something like that much take lots of work and be very time consuming, so please don't feel the need to rush. Better for higher quality and later than less quality and sooner
D'awww, thanks! It's really nice to hear because not long ago I've read my story again and I was like "i cant believe i wrote that shit omg". I do miss the old days though, back when interactive fics were a big thing.
I can assure you, your story has been amazing. I enjoyed it and so many others did as well. And considering that FoT in turn seems to have inspired some to start their own work here, I'm rather sure that your work is one of the reasons why interactive fics are still a thing at all, even if they have lost some of their former popularity. With a bit of luck, Season 3 of The Walking Dead will revitalize them somewhat, as long as things don't get out of control as much as they did back in the day.
If it wasn't for my laziness, I would've done that a lot of time ago. Well, let's hope that in 2017 I'll be a more hardworking person (i wont)
Hehe, no stress! If you want to do it, then that would be great, but if you don't manage to do it for any reason, then that's totally fine as well.
D'awww, thanks! It's really nice to hear because not long ago I've read my story again and I was like "i cant believe i wrote that shit omg… more". I do miss the old days though, back when interactive fics were a big thing.
If it wasn't for my laziness, I would've done that a lot of time ago. Well, let's hope that in 2017 I'll be a more hardworking person (i wont)
This is a good argument. Going with Shortwood would be directly protecting a specific group of people, whereas remaining with the other soldiers would indirectly protect the city as a whole, by contributing to the Stormlander efforts to hold the gate. From some perpective, both options are there to protect and save lives, it's just the question if you wish to do it directly and in a somewhat smaller scale or indirectly and in a potentially larger scale. That said, one man can make far more of a difference with Shortwood than at the gate.
Well either way Drent is going to save lives. He can either save the lives of his fellow soldiers and possibly defend the gate preventing an… moreymore raiders from entering and therefore preventing more death, or save the lives of several peasants and leaving the gate defense up to chance.
You are right, Harris is in fact heading that way. However, few know Raylansfair as good as he does, so it is possible that he manages to find a way out of the city that won't involve having to pass through the gates, especially since it is unlikely Argella would just let him.
Also, not counting the favor of Shortwood, what good is Drent with the smallfolk?
Well, depending on the smallfolk, he'd get their gratitude as well. This route could hold some benefits for sure.
[Regroup with Montclair] I was pendling between if it was Shortwood or Harris before the reveal. Harris is heading that way though, no? I mi… moreght just be very confused. Also, not counting the favor of Shortwood, what good is Drent with the smallfolk?
Glad to be back now though.
Well... I am not exactly surprised by the outcome, but I am at the very least a little bit surprised by how clearly this outcome is. Which is also the reason why I decided to close the voting already, because it seems unlikely that enough votes will come in for the Shortwood option to win. Well, this one indeed means that Drent will stay at his post, which is incidentally the same thing he adviced FedEx to do earlier. At the same time, it will mean that Shortwood's dislike of him will grow, quite a bit actually. You missed a chance to gain a new ally for Drent, but if this is that much of a bad thing remains to be seen.
Now, I am not entirely sure if I will manage to finish the next part today, as I must admit. I'm leaving for a party in the evening, so if I haven't finished the part until then, it has to wait until tomorrow, meaning it will either be the last part of 2016 or the first part of 2017. The thing is, I want to make this next part as good as possible, because it is, in my opinion, one of the most important parts of the chapter. I have written more than half of it, but it has the length of two regular parts, so there is still a lot left to write. So far it gave me the feels to write it, because it is something I have planned to write for a very long time. It is also a Kersea part. The last time we have seen her, she got reunited with Raenna and with her little sister, which made her realize how much Clayton manipulated her, even beyond what she already knew of him. Naturally, she turned on him in an instant and managed to save the life of Leonard back when Clayton tried to kill him. Clayton escaped to the lightouse, where Alysanne is located as well, while Leonard returned to the castle, to ask for Argella's help, as you've seen a while ago. Kersea was left with the choice to tell him about the danger the wildfire posed or to hide it. She told him and as you know from Lucas' latest part, this triggered Harris' decision to head to the lighthouse as well. Kersea's next part will be set to start slightly afterwards, after she and Raenna have already climbed over the city walls, right as they approach the lighthouse.
On another note, I wish you all a Happy New Year! May 2017 be your best year so far
There was light in the window of the second floor of the lighthouse. It was a small wonder that the bandits had chosen to ignore the building. Then again, it was located far away from the gates and served no strategic position. Perhaps these men were more organized than expected. It worried Kersea, but she knew that this wouldn't be something she could help with. Men like Leonard, soldiers and knights, they would take care of them. She could only take care of Clayton.
She sighed and Raenna looked at her. “Are you alright?”, she asked and Kersea shook her head. “There's something I need to tell you”, she answered and the two women stopped. Kersea glanced at the lighthouse, only a couple dozen steps away. From their position and in the approaching darkness, they were as good as invisible, but she still felt as if someone watched her.
Raenna raised an eyebrow in a delicate way, a curious look appearing on her face. “What is it?”, she asked and Kersea gulped. “It's... Alysanne”, she revealed. “We're... gods, this is going to sound weird for you, but in your absence we... kind of became friends”
The curious look on Raenna's face got replaced by a baffled one, as a small smile of disbelief formed on her face. “Yeah, sure”, she said, her tone making it clear that she was waiting for the punchline. Kersea shook her head. “I'm serious”, she said sternly. “I believe she has changed. She told me that she is my friend and I believe her. Maybe she can help us”
Raenna's smile faded. “We're talking about the same Alysanne here, right?”, she remarked. “Clayton's mad dog?” Kersea sighed. “She has changed”, she insisted. “You have and so have I. Is it so hard to believe that Alysanne has changed as well?”
Now, Raenna gave her a nod. “To be honest, yes, yes it kind of is hard to believe”, she replied. “Alysanne, she's... I know her for a bit longer than you do and well... I doubt that she has changed. I doubt she's even able to change. Whatever messed her up so long ago, it pushed her past the point of no return”
Kersea narrowed her eyes. “It's never too late to come back”, she said sharply. “I did and I know she can” Raenna sighed, noticing the upset look on her face. “You've been in a different situation”, she said, before she shrugged. “But we're in this together now, you and me. I won't leave you again. And if you are so sure that Alysanne has changed... well, I'm willing to risk giving her a chance” Her expression hardened. “But not more. One chance”, she insisted. “You know how Alysanne is. Devious. If she hasn't changed by now, then we won't get a chance to change her, not with Clayton around”
It hit Kersea what Raenna tries to imply and she tensed up. “We can't kill her”, she argued and Raenna shook her head. “I see how much this means to you”, she insisted. “I don't want to kill her either, not with her being so important to you. I'm just saying that we might not get a choice in this”
“Alysanne would never hurt me”, Kersea insisted. She remembered what her friend had told her, all of it. But Raenna was her friend as well. The best she ever had. “Then it's just me”, Raenna said. “I'm sorry, but if she attacks me, then I will defend myself” She shook her head. “And I can't go out of my way to spare her. She's not some...” She paused. “Some lowlife thug with a family. She's dangerous, by far the most dangerous person in this city. Defeating her will be hard enough, but doing it without killing her? Impossible, at least for me and you”, she explained. “She's fast. Strong. Smart and cold-hearted. She has no weakness”
The way Alysanne looked at her flashed through Kersea's mind, just a few hours ago in the lighthouse. “I believe she might has one weakness”, she said. “And I will use it to convince her to stand down. You and her, this will be a problem. But for my sake, I know that Alysanne will hold back” Her gaze met Raenna's. “Just promise me that you will too”
Without missing a beat, Raenna gave her a nod, a warm look in her lilac eyes. “I promise”, she said. “For your sake, I promise to hold back as long as she gives me the choice. But if she attacks me, I will defend myself. I won't die for Alysanne Waters”
As much as she wished for a different outcome, Kersea knew that Raenna's offer was the most reasonable she would get, the most reasonable in general. But Alysanne has changed. They would get through to her, they had to. The only one that had to die tonight was Clayton.
Clayton... just thinking of him caused her to boil with anger. For years she had been his... slave. Almost his plaything. His possession, his weapon, his good little soldier. And he had deceived her. Had used her to do unspeakable things. Kersea was not sure if she ever could look herself in the eyes again. Many of her actions had made the world a worse place. The least she could do would be to make it a little bit better for once, by preventing Clayton from harming anyone ever again.
They approached the lighthouse in silence, yet there was so much between them that wasn't spoken of. Trust. Friendship. It almost felt as if Raenna had never left her side. Almost. Because something was different after all. They both had changed. Kersea felt the anger in side of Raenna, the sorrow. She had known the Old Man for far longer, had been much closer to him. His loss must have shaken her. The haunted look on her face was one Kersea knew all too well from her own face, back when Clayton's killer had murdered her parents. And she herself... she had been to the brink of the Seven Hells and back. Of course that had to leave a mark.
The door to the lighthouse opened in complete silence, as the two women snuck in. Instantly, Kersea heard Clayton's voice and he sounded equal parts frustrated and nervous, yet angry beyond words. “... she's coming for us. Both of us!”, he barked. “I'm telling you, she's gone mad!”
Alysanne's soft chuckle was audible as Kersea reached the first step of the stairs that led upwards. The only light that illuminated the narrow room she was in came from beneath the door at the top of the stairs, that led to the large room Clayton and Alysanne were in.
“You're the mad one here, Clay”, she said sweetly. “Puppy's coming for you, not me. She'd never harm me” Clayton sighed in frustration. “Raenna is with her”, he said and now, Alysanne's bright laughter echoed through the building. “And now you're seeing ghosts. Silver's dead for months. Did me a favour when she stopped breathing. She's not going to harm anyone. And Kersea... well, I'm sure you're overreacting”
“She attacked me!”, Clayton barked. “She and your supposedly dead silver bitch attacked me, ruined the mission. I bet her knight is still alive as well” Alysanne's shrug was almost audible. “So what? Just leave them to me, these knights. I'll take both of them and some more”, she chirped. “Now let's wait for Puppy to return and we can sort this out” Her voice got chillingly cold in an instant as she continued. “But if you harm a hair on her head, I'm going to remind you why you should fear me”, she growled. “Make no mistake. I could crush you like the fly you are”
It was then that Kersea reached the upper end of the stairs. She took a deep breath and she heard Clayton's audible gulp from the inside. “Point taken”, he said in a low tone, before he inhaled sharply. “She's here” Kersea turned around to Raenna, who gave her an encouraging nod, though she noted that her friend's hand had instinctively moved to her dagger already.
“Puppy?”, Alysanne's voice sounded from the inside, with nervous anticipation and joy. “Come on, don't let us wait!” Gulping, Kersea's hand moved to the doorknob, as she turned it and pushed it open. Behind, in the large room, stood Clayton, a dark frown on his face and Alysanne, smiling widely.
“Hey pup”, Alysanne greeted her, though as her eyes wandered past her, her smile faded. “What the fuck?” Her eyes narrowed as she glared at Raenna, who entered the room behind her, no less glaring. “What the fuck?”, Alysanne asked again. Just as her smile faded, a sinister one appeared on Clayton's face. “Told you so”, he said and Alysanne glanced at him. “You be silent for a moment”, she barked as she took a step towards Kersea and Raenna.
“What are you doing here?”, she spat, though before Raenna could answer, Kersea stepped between them. “Alysanne, listen!”, she urged her and her friend stopped for a moment. “Okay this... you see that Raenna is not dead” Alysanne gave her a nod, as she pulled a long dagger from her belt. “It remains to be seen how long it'll remain that way”, she growled.
Instantly, Kersea raised her hands. “NO!”, she barked in a commanding tone, which visibly caught Alysanne off guard. “Raenna is on our side” Now, Alysanne shook her head. “She isn't on mine”, she hissed, though before she could continue, Kersea cut her off. “She's on mine and I am on yours!”, she insisted. “There's only one person in this room that has to die tonight”
Clayton chuckled in disbelief. “You hear that?”, he asked towards Alysanne. “How she plots for my death? How she drags Raenna back here to help her?” His smirk got wider. “That's because she doesn't trust you to do it. That's because she no longer needs you”, he explained. “You've been a shoulder to cry on when she had no one else. Now? What good are you to her now?” He took a step towards them. “You and me, we belong in the same world. A world Kersea doesn't wish to be a part of anymore”, he said. “She's going to leave you”
Kersea's eyes widened. “I'm not!”, she barked and gave Alysanne a deep look. “I am your friend!” Alysanne looked at her, confused, angry. “And Raenna?”, she asked. Kersea sighed. “I am her friend as well”
Alysanne tensed up at these words and Raenna drew her blade. Both women glared at each other and in case of Alysanne there was genuine hatred involved. Kersea knew, they never liked each other. But it seems that something has changed with them as well. The look in Alysanne's eyes, that was pure hatred.
“I don't want to fight you”, Raenna insisted. “We can work this out, but we don't have to fight” Alysanne tightened the grip around her dagger. “Too bad that I'd love to fight”, she hissed. Clayton's smirk widened, as he shook his head. “You know what you're asking there? You expect Alysanne to share, with you of all people!”, he snarled. “And Alysanne, will you just take this? Raenna taking another thing from you again? Raenna going in and taking the credit? Taking what's yours?”
With a vicious glare, Kersea jumped around. “I am no one's!”, she insisted, as she approached him. “Especially not yours. Never! You think you can hurt me, one last time?” Her hand moved to her dagger. “After what you did, to me, to Briar! You will not walk away from this and you know it”
Behind her, she heard movement and before she could react, she saw that Alysanne had reached Raenna, who hadn't taken a step back. “Unfortunately”, Alysanne said. “Clay's got a point. You were dead, we all thought you were dead” She gave Kersea a look and there were tears of frustration in the corner of her eyes.
“We had something here. For the first time in my life, I had something, something good!”, she spat. “You always had everything. Raenna, pretty Raenna. Men fawned over you, women wanted to be like you. So perfect” By now, Alysanne had started to shiver. “You think you had it hard? Walk a mile in my shoes, you silver whore!”
“Alysanne...”, Raenna tried to calm her down, though Alysanne instantly continued. “And even now, when it's good, you still have to come back and ruin it!”, she yelled, clearly talking herself into a rage. “You had to return, you had to ruin it!” The tears in her eyes were clearly visible by now. “I know, I know, I should have known better! She's one of many to you, but you're her friend”, she said, her voice cracking, as she gave Kersea and almost longing look. “And I... I've been the spare”
Raenna's mouth was a thin, straight line, though her eyes shimmered, clearly affected by what she just heard. It dawned upon Kersea that this was the first time Alysanne had opened up so much. There was anger, grief, the fear of losing something invaluable to her. But on top of it all, there was envy.
“Alysanne, I'm not trying to take anything from you!”, Raenna urged her. “Just calm down and we will work something out. I don't intend to take anything away from you” The tone in her voice was genuine and Kersea tensed up, as tears formed in her eyes. She knew, in the end Raenna was going out of her way to make Alysanne see reason. All for her.
The look on Alysanne's face was heartbreaking. She took a step towards Raenna, hesitating for a second, before her gaze hardened again. “Liar”, she whispered in the soft, sorrowful tone of a woman that knew how far she was gone. Then, she took a strike with the dagger in her hand. A scream of pain left Raenna's throat, as steel hit flesh.
She had seen it coming. Raenna had jumped back just in time to avoid getting her throat cut. Instead, the dagger hit her right ear, severing the lower half of the earlobe in a diagonal cut. It was a small piece of flesh, but it left a painful, heavily bleeding wound. With shock and pain on her face, Raenna stumbled backwards, while Alysanne just remained there, breathing heavily with anger and bloodlust.
“No, Alysanne!”, Kersea screamed, as she tried to rush between them again. A heavy hand on her shoulder yanked her back and she fell onto the floor. Clayton stood over her, grinning as he only barely turned his head away from the other two women. “Not so fast, my darling”, he said.
“Raenna, please!”, Kersea yelled from the ground, but Raenna barely looked at her. She looked at the blood on her hand as she removed it from her wound and then onto the part of her ear that was lying on the floor, her eyes wide with shock. “You are a liar”, Alysanne hissed. “Puppy might not see it, but I know you better, Silver. An arrogant, self-righteous liar!” She raised the blade in her hand and this time, Raenna did the same. “But oh, I'm going to expose your lies. I'm going to cut your pretty little face apart, until everyone sees you for the ugly monster you are!”, she spat. “You won't take anything from me!”
Kersea attempted to jump up, though Clayton kicked her down again. “Quite the scenery, don't you agree?”, he grinned, before his expression grew stern again. “But there's still unsettled business we have to take care of” As he spoke, he walked around her, until he stood between her and the others. “You betrayed me. Not simply went against my orders, you outright betrayed me. Tried to murder me. I can forgive many things, for you in particular, but this?” For a second, Kersea saw genuine sorrow on his face. “Why must you hurt me so much?”
Slowly, she rose from the ground after realizing that she was allowed to at last. Behind Clayton, Alysanne and Raenna exchanged blows. They let lose a hurricane of strikes, while parrying the attacks of each other. They struck with their knifes, punched, kicked, while Clayton prevented her from intervening.
“I'm going to kill you”, she spat and Clayton sighed. “And you do it again”, he said regretfully, before he tensed up. “I should have asked you this a long time ago. I was weak, so I ignored it, but I can't do it any longer” The look in his single eye hardened, as he drew his sword. “At long last, how do you want to die, Kersea Catelins?”
She shivered, as she saw Raenna landing a heavy punch into Alysanne's face. In retaliation, her opponent slashed at her, nearly hitting her throat and forcing her to jump back towards the large window behind her. Clayton used her momentary distraction to attack first. With his sword, he nearly landed a hit on her, though Kersea dodged the high strike. Still, he had the superior reach, prevented her from reaching him by attacking again, forcing her into the defensive.
An angry roar echoed through the room, as Alysanne glared over her shoulder. Clayton's eye widened and before Raenna was able to react, her opponent had kicked her in the back of the knee, followed by a hard punch to the face. Instead of finishing her off though, Alysanne spun around charging at Clayton. While she ran, she pulled out a second dagger.
Clayton jumped back, though Alysanne reached him nonetheless. The high-pitched sound of clashing steel filled the air as he parried her first set of strikes. However, before he could react again, she had attacked once more and this time, her daggers stopped, the one in her right hand directly under his crotch, the other one hovering directly over his remaining eye.
“I told you, I can kill you whenever I want”, she hissed, her voice shivering with fury, while Clayton was breathing hectically. His sword was pointed at her abdomen, but he wouldn't be able to kill her fast enough, before she would take his remaining eye. “Stay away from my Puppy”, she warned him, before she separated again.
Clayton gulped, though he managed to give her a nod, pale as snow. Then, she turned around and focussed on Raenna again, who had gotten up from the ground again, with a nasty bruise on her cheek. “Now I'm going to kill you”, she said with a glare. She tried to charge again, but this time, Kersea managed to get in her way. “No!”, she screamed. “Alysanne, stop!”
Alysanne grabbed her by the shoulders and nonchalantly pushed her onto the ground. “Get out of my way, Kersea”, she growled. “I'm doing this for you. I'm doing this for us!” Kersea raised a hand, though Alysanne had already continued to charge at Raenna. “No, I...!”, she managed to yell, but she noticed that neither of her friends were listening. Alysanne was too deep in the darkest corner of her mind, a broken, pitiable mess, full with envy, full with fear. And Raenna... Raenna was livid. She was shaking with anger and Kersea couldn't even blame her for it. She had tried, she had tried.
Her attempt at rushing towards the two fighters was yet again interrupted, when the pommel of Clayton's sword heavily hit the back of her head. Kersea stumbled forwards and fell onto the ground face first, though she managed to lessen the impact with her hands. Her vision blurred for a moment, as Clayton put the blade of his sword against her neck.
His strike did not come though. Instead, he gasped, before a soft chuckle left his throat. Kersea heard the sound of steel hitting the floor, as her vision cleared again. She looked up and her eyes widened in terror.
Raenna had lost the fight. Kersea had knocked the dagger from her hands and had let go of one of hers as well. With the newly free hand wrapped around Raenna's throat, she was holding her opponent out of the window, ready to push her down below into the sea. “I have waited too long for this”, she snarled.
“Alysanne!”, Kersea screamed and her friend glanced over her shoulder at her, with a mild expression. “Alysanne, please, no! Please don't kill her. Just let her go!” Alysanne sighed, before she shook her head. “Bad choice of words, puppy”, she said. “Real bad” Then, she opened her hand and let Raenna go. There was just a single short scream coming out of the valyrian woman's throat, before she was gone in the darkness behind the window, cutting her off in an instant.
Instantly, tears welled up in Kersea's eyes. “No...”, she gasped. “No!” She felt Clayton removing the pressure from her neck, as he put away his sword. “Oh, this is incredible”, he chuckled, as he gave Alysanne a nod. “Don't worry, I won't kill your precious little friend. Leaving her alive like this is so much more satisfying. Oh, if only Terroma could be here to see it...”
Sluggishly, Kersea got back onto her feet, as Alysanne approached her, with a hopeful, innocent smile on her face. “Puppy”, she said, as Kersea tensed up. “It's done. She won't get between us ever again” Her smile widened, as she spread her arms.
“What have you done?”, Kersea asked in a monotone voice, her eyes set onto the spot where Alysanne had just pushed her best friend out of the window. And Raenna was her best friend, had been. Her hesitation to fight had proven it once again. Her best friend, gone in an instant. “What have you done?”, she repeated.
A confused look appeared on Alysanne's face, as if she just now started to understand the severity of the situation. “I... I got rid of...” Kersea's open palm slapped her across the face, heavily and without holding back. She took the hit with a gasp. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?”, Kersea yelled again, this time at the top of her lungs, as she slapped her again. This time, she felt a sting of regret as deep down, even despite the maddening pain of losing Raenna once again, she realized that Alysanne was genuinely incapable of understanding what she had done wrong.
“I...” Alysanne stuttered, a shocked look on her face as she staggered backwards. “I have just...” She shook her head and tears welled up in her eyes. “I thought you would....” She sank against the wall and to the ground. “Please... Puppy... Kersea, please, don't... don't leave me!”
Kersea just stood there, shaking with pain, with anger, tears running down her face freely, even though she tried to hold them back. She heard Clayton walking up to her. He got into her field of view, as he put both of his hands onto her shoulders. “Now you understand my pain”, he said calmly. “Finally, you understand how I feel whenever you reject me, my love” He sighed. “Have you truly thought that she would share you with anyone else? Do you see it now, how she truly is?”, he continued. “Little Silver had to pay the price. And what do you think will happen if you take that... psychopath to your sister? How do you think Alysanne will react to Sweetbriar?”
She looked him deep in his one eye, her own opened widely, as she breathed hectically and in fear. “Raenna...”, she whimpered and he smirked. Behind him, Alysanne looked at her, still in shock over having been hit. “I'm sorry...”, she mumbled. “I did it for you. It's better this way. You and me. Not her...”
All of a sudden, the smirk faded from Clayton's face, as he glared at the door. “Someone's coming”, he growled, but his warning wasn't necessary. Unlike Kersea and Raenna, who had tried to sneak, this newcomer was loud. Heavy boots climbed the stairs in a hurry, accompanied by the metallic clanking of chainmail.
Alysanne raised from the ground again, still in sorrow over Kersea's reaction, but nonetheless carefully eyeing the door. Even Kersea herself took a deep breath as she removed her attention from Clayton. His time would come. If Raenna wouldn't walk out of this building alive, neither would he.
The door got pushed open, revealing a tall, armoured man. The sigil of Raylansfair was proudly displayed on his chest and he wasn't wearing a helmet, showing his finely wrinkled face, the long, bushy beard with just a hint of grey in the light brown. Cold green eyes glared at each of them, as he stepped into the room, tightly holding onto a longsword and a thick, metal shield. “What is going on here?”, he growled.
Clayton gave him a mocking nod. “Lord Harris”, he greeted him and Kersea finally realized just who this knight was. Instinctively, she gripped her dagger a bit tighter, as she took a step away from him. In the same movement, Alysanne took one step closer to him, a cold grin on her face as she mustered him. “My, my, the acting lord comes himself”, she said and Kersea only felt the tiniest bit of remorse in her words. She wasn't even sure if Alysanne was able to feel genuine remorse, or if that was another concept she just couldn't grasp.
“What is this?”, Harris snarled. “Who are you and what are you doing in my lighthouse?” Clayton raised an eyebrow. “Mylord, we have been your greatest allies in this city”, he replied. “You can thank us for the promotion” Harris needed a second to fully understand what he just heard. “You...”, he growled and narrowed his eyes. “You have killed Robert?”
“And the Maester, I'm afraid. A real shame, but he would have stopped a great many of our plans. Such a wise old man”, Clayton replied, his softness only making the mockery more cutting. Harris was breathing heavily at the revelation, as he glanced down at his sword. “And the others that died. What were their names? Halla? Corbin?”, Clayton continued.
“You killed them?”, Harris asked in a low tone, glaring at Clayton, who shook his head. “Oh, not me alone”, he said and moved his hand to point at Kersea and Alysanne. “All of us, in one way or the other” Instantly, Harris' sword moved upwards, pointing at him first, though moving to Kersea and finally to Alysanne, who was now smiling with excitement, a sort of joy that had fully suppressed whatever guilt she might feel over... over murdering Raenna.
“Then it is my duty to bring justice here”, Harris said, his voice a thin veil of calmness, only barely hiding the burning anger below. “For Raylansfair and for the dead. Lower your weapons and I won't kill you immediately” Alysanne let out a single, high-pitched laugh at his words. “Old man”, she chirped. “I could gut you like a fish without breaking a sweat” She glanced at Clayton. “Can I gut him, Clay?”
Kersea glared at Clayton and she noticed that he wasn't looking at her. He was barely paying attention to anyone but the acting lord in the middle of the room. “Yes, you may”, he offered. “I believe Lord Harris' use has come to an end” He offered a mocking bow in front of the older knight. “And how useful you have been. Butterfly couldn't have wished for a more perfect pawn”
Kersea used this moment to attack. Swiftly, in the hopes that she would take him by surprise, she took a swing at him, though he still reacted quicker than she expected. Clayton jumped back, dodging her blade in the process and now, the look on his face was outright irritated. “What are you doing?”, he barked. “We must stop this man first!”
Harris saw the opportunity, as he charged at Clayton as well. The assassin parried his sword, though he had to jump back once again as Harris took a second strike with the shield. Alysanne tried to flank the acting lord, though he quickly changed his stance, so that he was able to face both potential opponents. The only one he wasn't paying attention to was Kersea, who had no intention of posing a danger to this man. He wasn't her enemy. That was Clayton. A mutual enemy. But Alysanne... no matter her current, confused feelings about Alysanne, she wouldn't allow him to kill her.
Alysanne attacked and Harris parried her strike with his sword, using the shield to parry Clayton's next strike. Kersea used this in the futile attempt to strike him out of his blind spot. His hand spun around to grab her's at the wrist, as he pointed his sword at her, ready to impale her, as his eye showed nothing but disappointment turned into burning hatred. Now, Alysanne let out a shriek, as she tried to charge at him, only to be denied by Harris, who took a swing at her, forcing her to parry.
It was the acting lord who came to Kersea's rescue. Immediately after forcing Alysanne into a defensive position, he attacked Clayton and instead of impaling her, the assassin had to protect himself. He parried the strike, momentarily taking away his attention from her. This gave her an opportunity to knee him in the groin.
Gasping with pain, Clayton staggered backwards and let go of her wrist, as Harris attacked him again. He yanked his sword upwards to parry again and to Kersea's dismay, he managed to do so, though it caused him to stagger even more severely. Now, Harris briefly glared at her, as he took a hit at her.
She had seen such a move coming, but he had a speed that was surprising for his age. She dodge the first strike, almost feeling the steel cutting across her forehead, though his second attack got parried, not by her, but by Alysanne. Her friend, and at the end of the day that was still what she was, in a weird messed up way, her friend glared at Harris. “You will stay away from her!”, she yelled, as she started to attack Harris.
He parried the first strike with his sword, the second with his shield and the third with the steel on his forearm. The fourth hit him, though it only scratched across the metal that protected his chest, failing to hit the slightly weaker spot between the two plates, where only thin chainmail protected his body.
“Stay away from her!”, Alysanne screamed again, though Harris now had to divide his attention between her and Clayton. The master assassin had regained his footing, as he charged. Simultaneously, Harris parried a strike from Alysanne with his sword, while parrying Clayton's attack with his shield.
If she wouln't have been involved in this fight, Kersea would have marvelled at it. The sheer display of skill from all three combatants was astonishing. Alysanne hacked at the acting lord with fury, while he defended himself against her and Clayton, despite his age. Even Clayton, as much as she hated to admit it, was deadly. His style was less elegant than her own or Raenna's, but he unleashed a blur of strikes against Harris, paired with feints. More than once, he even landed a hit but each of these times, Harris managed to deflect the strike from his vulnerable spots towards the thicker armour that protected most of his body.
And Kersea... she charged at Clayton, intent to finally kill him. To make him pay at last. For herself of course. For Raenna. For Briar. In doing so, she forced Clayton's attention, giving Harris a moment of relief in which he only had to defend himself against Alysanne. This alone was quite the feat, but easier than facing two opponents for sure.
Clayton parried her strike, gasping as she came close to push her blade into his skull. “Die!”, she snapped at him. “Die! Die! Die!” And for a moment, Clayton was unable to attack her, as she gave him no opening, no chance, but to parry and to back off, away from her and towards the window.
Ironically, it was Harris who prevented her from fully focussing on Clayton. The acting lord parried a strike from Alysanne with his sword, but instead of readying himself for another attack, he used his shield as a weapon, heavily slamming it against her body with the sharp edge. He hit not any spot, but the large bandaged area on her side, where she had her barely healed burn scars. Alysanne's eyes widened, as pain flashed across her face, so severe that she wasn't even able to scream. Without a chance, she sank to the ground, holding her side. Though not fatal, the strike was hard enough to stun her and hard enough to cut the reddish scars open once anew. Kersea knew, the pain had to be numbing, as evidenced by the helpless tears that streamed down Alysanne's face.
Clayton used her momentary state of distraction to position himself again, now fully facing both remaining opponents. Instead of finishing his downed opponent off, Harris focussed back on Clayton, correctly seeing him as the greater danger in this situation. Then, both he and Kersea attacked.
Kersea's strike came first. Clayton moved to the side, into the direction of Harris' strike, to parry it. The crossguard of his sword moved upwards as the blades cut against each other, slamming against Harris' lower jaw, before he raised his sword again, to strike at Kersea.
She jumped back and as she did so, her eyes met Harris'. There were no words necessary. They instantly reached a silent agreement in the brink of a second, that they would be allies just for one strike. And so they attacked, both at the same time.
Of course, Clayton parried her strike. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction, wouldn't allow her to kill him. In doing so, he sent her one last, hateful glare, before taking Harris' strike just a second later. Instead of impaling him though, Harris simply hit his naked right arm, halfway between the shoulder and the elbow. The steel tore through flesh and bone until it left his body again, severing most of the limb in the process.
The arm fell to the ground. For a second, Clayton staggered, just staring at the gruesome wound, before he realized what had happened. His screams were full of pain, fear and shock and the sound was sweet in Kersea's ears. Then, Harris sent him to the ground, by heavily slamming the lower end of his shield against his forehead.
Heavily breathing, Kersea stared at the man that hat caused her so much pain for all these years. The man that forced her to cause so much pain. The man that threatened her sister. Lying in a pool of his own blood at last, his arm cut off, reduced to a barely conscious wreck in an instant. She managed to give Harris a weak, hopeful smile, though it faded immediately as he pointed his sword at her.
“My... mylord...”, she gasped. “What...?” She looked around for help, but Alysanne was still lying on the ground, shaking with helpless pain, as she clutched her wounded side. “He said you've all been involved in it”, Harris growled, momentarily glancing at Clayton. “So, whom have you killed, girl? Whom of my friends have you murdered?”
She gulped, as she took a step away from him. He immediately followed her, until she felt the wall behind her. “Robert?”, he asked. “Eaton? Halla? Corbin?” Her eyes widened at the last two names and he narrowed his. “I can see that he is right. I can see the guilt in your eyes. You look more guilty than he did. You feel more guilt”
“P... Please, mylord...”, Kersea gasped, knowing that she wouldn't have a chance against this man. He had defeated Alysanne and Clayton. What kind of a chance could she have against him? “This is... this is not what you think. I was... forced. I had no choice!”
He shook his head. “We always have a choice”, he barked. “I made mine, you made yours. We all have to pay in time. And your time has come now” She started to shiver. “I... they... he had my sister! He forced me to help him, or he would have harmed her!”, she exclaimed and Harris sighed. “If what you say is true, a quick death is all the mercy I can offer. I thank you for your help in this fight, but that won't absolve you. You committed crimes against Raylansfair and against House Raylan. In the name of Lord Robert, I Harris Flowers, castellan and acting lord of Raylansfair, sentence you to die” He pointed his sword at her. “Close your eyes, it will be over soon”
She did not close her eyes. She did not give in to the temptation to let him end all of this. She couldn't. And she wouldn't. For Briar. When he attacked, she jumped to the side and instead of her flesh, he only hit the cold stone behind her. His eyes glared with displeasure. “So be it”, he growled. “We do it my way then!”
Harris raised his sword to attack, but he didn't get much further. A gasp left his throat, as a thin dagger got shoved into the weak spot between the two metal plates that protected his chest and his back. The blade pierced the chainmail, cutting into the soft flesh below, as Alysanne came into Kersea's field of view behind him.
“Stay away from her”, she hissed, her voice thin, but filled with anger. She slowly twisted the dagger. “Stay the fuck away from my friend!” Harris' eyes widened, but the gasp of pain turned into a growl of anger. He spun around, yanking the dagger from her hands in the process. Once more, his shield slammed against Alysanne's heavily wounded side, sending her to the ground.
“NO!”, Kersea screamed at the top of her lungs, as Harris raised his sword. She jumped up, her dagger still in her hands, as she pointed it at Harris.
His sword cut down, impaling Alysanne in the stomach area.
And just a second later, Kersea's dagger found her way into the back of his skull, shoved through flesh and bone right to the hilt, until the tip of the blade left his head through the mouth.
Harris coughed and a gush of blood left his mouth. When Kersea removed the dagger again, he sank to the ground like a puppet. The acting lord of Raylansfair, a pawn to the end, Lord Harris Flowers, was dead before he reached the ground.
Kersea did not waste time. She let go of her blood-stained dagger, as she sank to the ground next to Alysanne. Her friend was wounded, grievously so and she was gasping in pain, as her hands clutched the heavily bleeding wound in her stomach. “Puppy...”, she gasped, as Kersea softly cradled her head. “It... oh god, it hurts so much...”
“Alysanne, stay calm. Stay calm, I'll get you a healer!” Alysanne shook her head weakly, a grimace of pain on her face. “There's no healer who can help me now”, she sighed, as she smiled thinly. “I told you there wouldn't be a happy ending for me”
Tears welled up in Kersea's eyes, as she started to sob. “No...”, she wimpered. “Please, no. Don't leave me!” Alysanne took a deep breath, followed by a shiver. “I'm sorry, Puppy... Kersea. I'm sorry for hurting you”, she said, as Kersea grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly. “I never wanted to hurt you. I... I overreacted. With Raenna. I made a mistake. Gods, I made so many mistakes” She looked her right in the eyes. “There was only one thing I did right” Her smile got wider, warmer and more genuine. “Becoming your friend”
Kersea closed her eyes, blinking the tears away, before she looked back at the last friend she had left in this world. “Please...”, she whispered. “Stay with me” Alysanne managed to shake her head. “Maybe it is better this way”, she replied. “I would have only hurt you again. That's what I do. I would have hurt you. I would have held you down. And now you are free at last, from everything” She sighed. “Give your little sister a hug for me”, she pleaded. “And... Kersea... are we still friends?”
She could only nod. “Yes”, she gasped with a tearful voice. “I will be your friend till the end of the world” Alysanne smiled. “Till the end of the world”, she repeated. “And beyond” Kersea shivered, as she moved closer. “Till we meet again”, she said, as she gave Alysanne a kiss on the forehead. She stopped when she noticed that her friend had passed away. Still clinging onto her, she was only able to cry.
“Kersea?”, a familiar voice sounded and she looked up. That sounded like... “Raenna?”, she asked. “Oh god, Kersea!”, Raenna yelled. “Is... are they all dead? I'm holding onto a ledge but I can't do it for much longer. Help me! Please, help me!”
Kersea jumped up, looking at the window where Alysanne had thrown Raenna into the deep. Before she was able to charge towards her though, another movement caught her attention. He was bleeding heavily from his missing arm. The remaining hand held his sword, but weakly so, as he staggered to his feet, then backwards against the window behind him. “KERSEA!”, he screamed at the top of his lungs, as his single eye caught her. Instead of charging at her, he almost collapsed against the windowsill, the stump of his right arm flailing around weakly. He was more dead than alive, but alive regardless. “Let us end this!”, he screamed, as he barely managed to point his blade at her. “LET US END THIS!”
Oh man we made the right choice. Now that one psycho is dead, we can kill another and let another one die.
Harris you have redeemed yourself in my eyes. Ah. Death leads to redemption. Sadly Lucas did not pursue you. If he did, maybe we get to save you and kill Kersea. At least Raenna may die. That's good.
Yes, yes. There's nothing better than when your least favorite characters die or get horribly injured.
Instantly, tears welled up in Kersea's eyes. “No...”, she gasped. “No!” She felt Clayton removing the pressure from her neck, as he put away… more his sword. “Oh, this is incredible”, he chuckled, as he gave Alysanne a nod. “Don't worry, I won't kill your precious little friend. Leaving her alive like this is so much more satisfying. Oh, if only Terroma could be here to see it...”
Sluggishly, Kersea got back onto her feet, as Alysanne approached her, with a hopeful, innocent smile on her face. “Puppy”, she said, as Kersea tensed up. “It's done. She won't get between us ever again” Her smile widened, as she spread her arms.
“What have you done?”, Kersea asked in a monotone voice, her eyes set onto the spot where Alysanne had just pushed her best friend out of the window. And Raenna was her best friend, had been. Her hesitation to fight had proven it once again. Her best friend, gone in an instant. “What have you done?”, she repeated.
A conf… [view original content]
R.I.P Alysanne. You were my favorite. But in regards to the choice, we have to end Clayton here and now, or he will for sure escape again, and go on to cause a lot more death and chaos. Raenna can hold on to the ledge for 10 more seconds, and if she can't, well then I guess she can keep Alysanne company in the afterlife.
Agh! What the fuuuuck! Why did you kill of Harris?? I loved the man. And if I am not entirely wrong, he was the character that's been with us the longest that is, sorry was, still alive, right? So I will cheer for him in this new year. Finally Alysannes gone though, and Raenna lived, yaay. And now, I didn't really like Kersea before. But I will forever hate her now.
There is kind of one instance that bugged me a bit. Why didn't Harris just cut Alysannes throat the first time. It would've taken a second, and since Clay still attacked Kersea first, I didn't really get it. But hey, the heat of the moment, right?
It was a lovely part. Truly amazing.
[Try to save Raenna] Imma just let Clay live for just a while longer. Also, I don't want Raenna to lose her grip of the fucking ledge.
EDIT: Oh, and happy new year to you guys. Let's hope that 2017 will give us a lot of joy with this story and every other fantastic story, but also for everything happening in the world in general. And don't forget to cheer for Harris. Cheers!
Instantly, tears welled up in Kersea's eyes. “No...”, she gasped. “No!” She felt Clayton removing the pressure from her neck, as he put away… more his sword. “Oh, this is incredible”, he chuckled, as he gave Alysanne a nod. “Don't worry, I won't kill your precious little friend. Leaving her alive like this is so much more satisfying. Oh, if only Terroma could be here to see it...”
Sluggishly, Kersea got back onto her feet, as Alysanne approached her, with a hopeful, innocent smile on her face. “Puppy”, she said, as Kersea tensed up. “It's done. She won't get between us ever again” Her smile widened, as she spread her arms.
“What have you done?”, Kersea asked in a monotone voice, her eyes set onto the spot where Alysanne had just pushed her best friend out of the window. And Raenna was her best friend, had been. Her hesitation to fight had proven it once again. Her best friend, gone in an instant. “What have you done?”, she repeated.
A conf… [view original content]
[Try to save Raenna] Wow, I am at a lost for words here. That was an great chapter to end the year with. Harris, a pawn to the end, but at least he was able to rid the world of two dangerous people. At first, I was willing to let Alysanne go free, but after she attacked Raenna, I knew that she would never be able to live a normal life. Luckily, we weren't left with the choice on her, cause she be dead. Harris on the otherhand, went out like a champ. Everyone here are murders and he was definitely in the right. But dang, he is actually dead. Hopefully Lucas won't spoil his memory by portraying his evil deeds. Because Harris only wanted to do what was right for the city and be it's hero. And thank god we finally took Clayton down a peg. Even if he escapes, he won't be assassinating anyone soon. But I don't think he is going to run. If anything, he is going to try and stop Kersea from saving Raenna. Good for Raenna for helping Kersea out, shame that all she got from it was less earlobe and more scary window hangings.
Instantly, tears welled up in Kersea's eyes. “No...”, she gasped. “No!” She felt Clayton removing the pressure from her neck, as he put away… more his sword. “Oh, this is incredible”, he chuckled, as he gave Alysanne a nod. “Don't worry, I won't kill your precious little friend. Leaving her alive like this is so much more satisfying. Oh, if only Terroma could be here to see it...”
Sluggishly, Kersea got back onto her feet, as Alysanne approached her, with a hopeful, innocent smile on her face. “Puppy”, she said, as Kersea tensed up. “It's done. She won't get between us ever again” Her smile widened, as she spread her arms.
“What have you done?”, Kersea asked in a monotone voice, her eyes set onto the spot where Alysanne had just pushed her best friend out of the window. And Raenna was her best friend, had been. Her hesitation to fight had proven it once again. Her best friend, gone in an instant. “What have you done?”, she repeated.
A conf… [view original content]
Well, shit. Been a while since I last checked the forums. I must say I'm genuinely impressed by all this. I would try to reccomend you get assistance for finishing the Tv Tropes project. Get someone who understands and reads the story like you do. I'm a bit worried this will all pile up and end up stressing you out since you're working on the wiki and story too, so just try weighting your options more carefully. I just finished reading on all of the parts and posts, I'm digging it quite a lot.
2 years huh? Well allow me to raise my christmas drink to all of my friends here and to the next 10 years of more awesome Forum of Thrones. Merry Christmas and thanks for the fun everyone.
Wow, this is great! Really makes my... well, my night, because it's so damn late again right now, but on the same hand it once again inspires me to try my best and finish the next part before going to sleep. Not sure if I'm going to make it, but you definitely gave me a good reason to try. Thank you so much
Hey Nightshroud, it's good to see you! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed things so far, that makes me very happy. Hopefully you'll manage to check up more regularly eventually, because your thoughts are always appreciated
Yeah, I know what you mean. However, I can assure you, the TvTropes stuff is not too much work. It is a bit more than I originally thought, or else I would have started sooner, but it should be completely done in a few days, perhaps one or two weeks at most, in which I work on it between the parts and the other things here in the forums. The wiki is the real work, but I have put it on hold temporarily, so that I can finish the TvTropes project. Once that is done, I'll probably have to learn for my exams, which start coming around in February, but afterwards, I'm going to be able to work for the wiki more regularly. I aim at finishing it around the same time Book 1 is ended. Don't know if I'll manage to do that, but I don't think I'm taking on too much there. Thanks for your concern though, I appreciate it!
Haha, 10 years might be a bit much, but I think 4 or 5 additional years are a very realistic guess, considering the point where we are after two years. I would surely like to keep the story going for another 10 years, but I'm already knowing exactly how to end it and there won't be too much opportunity to drag it on forever. Neither do I think this would be a good thing. But I look forward for the things to come and I'm glad you do too!
Oh yes, you've been here from the very beginning. Thank you for your continuing support! In fact, you deserve special thanks, because without your story, I would have never been inspired to ever try my hands on my own. I can't stress it enough, it is very likely that this this story simply wouldn't exist if not for your previous work.
I remember you brought it up a while ago. If you want to do it and have the time for it, then I'm appreciating this very much! That would be... well, that would be crazy awesome
Once again, I have to apologize for the longer wait. I also must take back my earlier statement about this part featuring PoV's from Drent and Torvin. While writing, Drent's part got once again so long that I decided to make it one full part. I hope you enjoy it
Federico gave him a silent nod as Drent turned to leave the armoury again. The young guardsman hadn't been happy about it, but Drent had the feeling that he understood the importance of remaining at his post. The castle guard was undermanned, many of them had left to fight in the city, that much he had noticed. If anything would happen down there, the remaining men would be needed to guard the castle, especially now that the Durrandon troops were about to leave.
He stepped out, onto the courtyard and took a moment to look across it. In the distance, near the gate, he saw Montclair, having gathered the remaining soldiers. He held onto his spiked mace, with a sturdy wooden shield in his other hand. Three dozen Stormlanders had gathered around him, separated in two groups, each of them armed with swords, shields and clad into a mixture of thin leather and chainmail. Behind each group stood half a dozen archers. Professional soldiers, not hired farmboys like the guardsmen or thuggish lackwits like the raiders. They would make a difference.
“Golton”, the deep voice of Ser Emphryus called him from the other end of the courtyard. He glanced over and a slight smile formed on his face, as he saw the knight and his princess walking out of the great hall. More than ever, Argella was a sight to behold. She had switched the dress for a set of armour, chainmail and thick, boiled leather with pauldrons. Her hair was tied up into a strict bun and she held a leather helmet in her left hand. As she approached him, Drent realized more than ever how similar she was to her father, not in looks, but in the effect she had on people. Argilac was a warrior king and his daughter was no less than him, the way she approached him convincing him that she was born for this.
“My princess”, he said and gave her a deep bow. “You look...” She cut him off by raising a finger. “If you say good, then I swear to the gods, I'm going to punch you”, she said and a smile formed on her face. “Though you may compliment me. Just, please, use your brain before you speak” Together, they started to walk down the courtyard.
“I was going to say, you look like a queen in the making”, Drent continued and this time, Argella raised an eyebrow and her smile widened slightly. She even paused for a second before she spoke. “That one's new”, she admitted and Drent was sure that the impressed tone in her voice was genuine. “And... highly appreciated” She glanced at the weapon in his hand. “You found me a sword, I see”
“One of the guards helped me”, Drent admitted. “A young man. I think...” Argella cut him off with a short, impatient whistle, as she extended her hand towards the weapon. With a sigh, Drent handed it to her, hilt first. She drew the blade out of the sheath, glancing at it, before she moved her fingers across the edge. “Sharp”, she said, before she swung the blade through the air in front of her. “And light” She gave him a nod. “Acceptable work”, she complimented him and glanced at the shield he was carrying in his other hand.
Wordlessly, Drent handed it over. She lifted it with one arm, grimacing slightly. “That should suffice”, she said. “Heavy, but it should suffice” She stopped on front of the men, who saluted in unison. Montclair followed a bit later than them, a slightly dark look on his face. “Are you ready, princess?”, he asked and she gave him a nod. “More than ever before”, she said and Drent noticed the anticipation in her voice. He was worried and he saw from Montclair's face that he was worried as well.
“How are we doing this then?”, the sergeant asked and Argella glanced at her men. “I see you already split them”, she said. “A good call. I want you to lead half of them, while I take command of the vanguard” Montclair subtly clenched a fist. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”, he asked. “Leading the vanguard, I mean... your father, he...”
“Would lead the vanguard”, Argella cut him off with a smile. “And he wouldn't expect anything less from me. The best course of action? Debatable. But I want to show them that I am not afraid” She walked up to the sergeant, looking up at him. “I don't think the Ironborn will care for that, my princess”, Montclair argued and Argella shook her head. “I wasn't speaking of the Ironborn”, she answered calmly, before she stepped past him.
“I support this decision”, Emphryus voiced his opinion, as he walked up next to her, while Drent stopped next to Montclair. “Do you wish me to remain at your side, or shall I march with Montclair?”, the knight asked and Argella's confident smile got smaller. “Neither”, she said and the knight narrowed his eyes. “I want you to remain here, at the castle”
Now, Emphryus visibly lost control over his facial expression. “You want me to remain behind?”, he asked in a baffled tone. “You know I am better than any of these men” Argella gave him a nod. “The best”, she confirmed. “Which is precisely why you must remain behind”
On top of the surprise, a look of confusion appeared on Emphryus' face. “I must be by your side, must be part of the vanguard”, he stuttered. “My honour...” He paused, giving her a chance to answer. “And I mean to honour you”, she replied. “Yes, you will remain behind, here at the castle. You will do it to protect these people if the worst happens. The best knight of the Stormlands. The last line of defence” She moved closed. “I know you hunger for a fight. I feel the same”, she assured him. “But if anything goes wrong out there...”
“Nothing will go wrong if you take me with you”, Emphryus argued and Argella sighed. “If anything goes wrong out there, then these people will need you”, she said sternly. “Women. Children. Must I remind you of your vows, Ser?” This last sentence visibly gave Emphryus something to think of. “No”, he replied. “I... will do it. You are right. I think that's the worst of it, you're bloody right”
Argella smiled softly. “I will make up for it”, she promised. “You called me queen tonight. Did anyone ever call you a true knight before?” The disapproving look on Emphryus' face faded. “Can't say they ever did”, he replied and Argella glanced around. Her gaze rested on a group of smallfolk for a second, a woman and an older man, carrying a wounded child. “If I am your queen tonight, I expect you to be my true knight”, she said. “I pray there won't be a fight inside of these walls, but if there is, I will give them the best man in my army to protect them”
Emphryus gulped, though Drent noticed that the disapproving look had faded from his face entirely. “You have my word”, he said. “I will slaughter every Ironborn that dares to show his face around the castle. These people here, consider them safe” Argella gave him a nod of approval, before she glanced at Montclair. “Sergeant, you and your men will march behind my group. Make sure no one will flank us”
Montclair saluted. “As you wish!”, he barked and looked at Drent. “Golton, you'll be part of my group. Get in line” Drent exchanged a look with Argella, who gave him a nod, before he followed the order. He sighed and knew he would have preferred to remain by her side.
He got in line at the very edge of the group. When he looked to his right, he spotted Torrence standing just next to him. The soldier glanced at him and gave him a nod, which Drent replied to likewise. Then, they both paid attention to the Storm Princess again. Argella looked at all of them, a grim, stern look on her face, her dark blue eyes as hard and unyielding as her father's.
“I don't think there's much to say that you don't know already”, she addressed them with a loud voice. “You all know what's at stake here. How many lives could be lost. I know you are good soldiers, good men and women. These past weeks, I got a chance to assure myself of that” The tone in her voice got harder. “You are warriors of the Stormlands, first and foremost. Remind the world what this means!” She pulled her sword out of the sheath and with the same movement, she pointed it at the gates of the castle. “And now let's go and spill some Ironborn blood”
This last sentence was met with approving shouts from the soldiers. Argella started to move, having taken the lead of one of the groups. Montclair was walking in front of the other one, the one where Drent and Torrence were marching in. The only Stormlander who remained behind was Ser Emphryus. When Drent passed him, he extended his hand, momentarily stopping him by grabbing his shoulder.
“Keep an eye on her, Golton, and bring her back”, he growled, his eyes fixed onto the Storm Princess. “She's a good one” Drent gave him a nod, before he noticed that the knight wasn't even looking at him. “I will”, he answered and Emphryus sighed. “Good”, he growled, as he let go of him, allowing him to fall back in line.
Next to Torrence, Drent passed the gate, walking past a crowd of refugees, who kept looking at them in awe. Yellow and black, storm and fury, and yet they meant hope for these people right now. It was a far cry from the reception they got when they first entered this city.
“Never thought I'd die with you by my side”, he mumbled and Drent raised an eyebrow. “You're so sure that you're going to die?”, he asked. Torrence glanced at the other group, the one that was lead by Argella. More specifically, he was looking at the archers and Drent noticed Edonia's familiar auburn hair with them. “Edonia seems pretty sure”, he said. “She wasn't too happy about me fighting here. Wanted me to remain by her side”
“And you?”, Drent asked. Torrence shook his head. “I'm good”, he said. “I know I'm good and I don't need her. Edonia wants to drag me down, as always. Doesn't want me to be good at something for once, something that is not her bloody archery” He grimaced at his sister. “I'm glad I'm in Montclair's group. The last thing I need is her looking over my shoulder and nagging at every damn thing I do”
Quickly, they passed the streets of Raylansfair. First the main street, the one that led to the city centre, which was still held by the guardsmen. From there on, Argella and Montclair led the men southwards, down the road that would lead them to the gate. All of this happened in silence. The only noise that filled the air and drowned every mood for a talk was the omnipresent sound of a battlefield. Clashing steel, the screams of men, raging or dying, screaming women, the sound of splintering woods. There was the smell of burning houses, as a rising fire started to consume the western part of the city. The smell of burning flesh was even worse.
Drent felt the anticipation of every soldier around him. He felt the same, mixed with worry. Not all of them would make it out alive, that much was clear. He was worried for his own life of course. Torrence and Edonia. Montclair, maybe even Garen. But most importantly, he was afraid for Argella's life. If she'd die... it wasn't only how he'd feel. Worse than that would be how her father would feel. And what he would do to avenge her.
Raylansfair wasn't too big. Larger than most cities in the Stormlands, but still relatively small. It wasn't too long until Drent saw the southern gate in the distance. It still stood. From afar, he saw the knight, Constantine, barking orders at the guardsmen that manned the walls. The Stormlanders, led by Garen, held the street and Drent noticed that they had just repelled a few raiders, while the rest of the guardsmen were desperately holding the gates against the force behind it. He also noticed that they were less than the dozen Constantine had taken with him when he had left the castle.
“Sergeant Montclair”, Argella said and the sergeant looked at her. “Lead your men to the streets to our right” She pointed down to her right, to the side where the docks were located. “Make sure they won't flank us. My men will fortify the gates”
Montclair saluted. “Yes, my princess”, he growled and looked over his men. “Bernile, get over here” Torrence sighed, as he walked up to the sergeant. Meanwhile, Argella and her men moved closer towards the castle gate.
As she passed him, Edonia stopped for a second. Drent gave her a reassuring smile, which she reciprocated. “Can you do me a favour and look after my brother?”, she asked. Drent raised an eyebrow. “He just told me you have tried to convince him to stay with you”, he said and she sighed. “Yeah, I kind of did”, she confirmed. “Should have known he won't listen to me” She shook her head. “It's just... gods, I'd love if he could just do what I say for once”, she muttered. “I just want him to succeed at something he's actually good at”
“I'm not sure if he sees it that way”, Drent said and Edonia gave him a nod. “I'm afraid he doesn't”, she agreed. “Still means I have to look after him, somehow. He's my little brother, after all” She gave him a sly wink. “Anyway, look after him and I'll look after your princess”
“She's not my...”, Drent started to protest, but Edonia had already continued to move down the street and towards her group again. Shaking his head slightly, Drent turned towards Montclair, who was standing next to Torrence. “You heard the princess, lads!”, the sergeant growled. “Down the side streets, come on!”
He started to move and his men followed, with Drent throwing one last look at the gate. He had no idea how many men were behind it, but they had to be dozens or more if they were able to give the guardsmen such a hard time. Hopefully Argella's men would be enough to hold them off.
“These streets are small”, Montclair stated, as he looked over the narrow labyrinth of streets and alleyways that branched from the slightly larger one they were standing on. “I want one of you in each of these. Archers up into the houses. Get the high ground on any raider that tries to sneak around here” He narrowed his eyes. “And there have to be some of these bastards around. It's too quiet”
Drent was sure that the sergeant was right. It was too quiet indeed. And the men at the gates had just repelled an attack. It was likely that they tried to gather their forces here, that they would attack again. In this case, Montclair and his men, Drent included, could at least prevent Argella's group from getting flanked.
“Golton, you go down there”, Montclair ordered, as he pointed down a small alleyway. “If you encounter Ironborn, engage them. Should they prove too many, retreat to the main street and call for back-up” Drent saluted, before he approached the alleyway he was assigned to. Behind him, he could hear Montclair continuing to give orders, assigning more men to the different alleyways.
His own alleyway was a small one, so narrow that no more than three people could walk next to each other at once. It was dark and Drent decided to patrol down to its centre, where he stood guard. Firmly grabbing his sword and shield, he started to wait, his mind lost in thoughts, as he stood there all alone.
He didn't have to wait for long. Soon, the first of the soldiers called from a few streets away. “Ironborn!”, he heard. “They're trying to flank us!” He heard battlecries, from several positions at once, followed by steel clashing against steel. Someone screamed in pain, though Drent did not know if it was on of his own, or one of the Ironborn.
And then they had reached his position. Two men walked around the corner, one armed with a short axe and a shield, the other one wielding a barbed spear. The look in their eyes was the same, naked anger and pure hatred. The man with the axe raised his weapon, as he started to charge at Drent, who raised his shield.
Heavily, the axe clashed against it. His sword moved forwards, only cutting through thin air until it was stopped by the Ironborn's shield. Quickly, the axe striked again, almost hitting his head, though Drent managed to push the weapon upwards with his shield, so that it narrowly missed him. Instead of jumping back, he stood his ground, as the two shields clashed against each other.
From behind his opponent, the second Ironborn, the one with the spear, used this moment to attack. With his higher reach, he positioned himself behind the man with the shield. He thrusted his spear forwards and now, Drent had to take a step to the side, to avoid getting impaled. While he did this, he trapped the axe between both shields. The spear cut through the air, though the barbs still sliced across the leather that protected his shoulder. It failed to cut through, but only by sheer luck. That had been far too close for Drent's liking.
Just in this moment, a third man entered the alleyway from behind the two Ironborn. A metallic sound echoed from the walls as he drew his sword. The Ironborn with the spear narrowed his eyes, as he turned around, just in time to parry the strike, preventing it from splitting his face in half. Instead of pulling back, the newcomer thrusted his sword forwards, cutting across the man's neck and leaving a deep gash in it.
The Ironborn went onto his knees and the newcomer finished him off with a strike to the head. The remaining Ironborn jumped to the side, so that he could simultaneously put his focus onto Drent and his new opponent. He attacked and Drent parried the strike with the shield. His own shield had to parry a strike from the newcomer, leaving him vulnerable for Drent's sword, which impaled his chest sideways, killing him almost instantly.
As the last Ironborn went to the ground, Drent finally got a good look at his saviour. “You!”, he gasped as he recognized Ser Ian Shortwood. The mysterious hedge knight narrowed his eyes. “You”, he growled in return. “I can't say I'm happy about this reunion”
From behind Drent, the sound of his men fighting against the Ironborn filled the small alleyways. He glared at the knight. “What are you doing here?”, he growled and Shortwood sighed. “Same thing you do, I guess”, he replied. “I went to the southern side to hide from your lot. When the fight broke out, I stayed to protect the people here”
“So, you're their saviour now?”, Drent replied coldly, still feeling the spot where Shortwood had knocked him out. “I am a knight after all”, he said. “Though I must say, this meeting is coincidental. I wanted to go to the gates, to find some help, get some of the wounded away from here” He used his shield to point down the alleyway. “Several of the smallfolk have gathered in one of the houses. Many are wounded, or too scared to fight. They got no one but me”
Drent sighed. “I... suppose I should thank you then. For your help here”, he admitted and Shortwood gave him a nod. “I suppose you should”, he replied, before his gaze softened. “Listen, I know we're not exactly seeing things eye to eye. And since you Stormlanders hold the gate now, I don't think I dare to go there” He bit down onto his lower lip. “But these people I mentioned, they could need help”, he explained. “I saved your life right now. I spared your life before. We don't have to be friends, but help me here and I consider us even”
Before Drent was able to answer, he heard Montclair shouting orders from a few streets away. “They corner us!”, the sergeant growled with his booming voice. “Retreat to the main street! Regroup, everyone!” Shortwood and Drent exchanged a look and the hedge knight raised an eyebrow. “So, what's it going to be?”, he asked. “I know your men can manage without you, but the people I protect down there, they sure as hell won't” He sheathed his sword and extended his hand. “Shall we be allies for once?”
[Follow Shortwood] [Regroup with Montclair]
[Regroup with Montclair]
Well, uh, unless that group of smallfolk happens to be the tavern people, which I am pretty sure is not the case, then, well, we're fine. I mean, I guess. I feel like this choice either way is going to doom someone.
I like Ser Ian Shortwood, but uh, I think he'll be fine trolling around like he is. I mean, helping him, I can't see any major obvious benefit. At least what Drent would be doing following orders is still dealing with the raiders definitely while that might not be the case if w go with Shortwood.
Hopefully these crappy bandits are dealt with quickly so it doesn't become the end of the world. I'm sure if Torvin went to the south gate stuff would be a lot worse.
Which character, do you think, would best suit The One-Man Army trope?
Ahh I see. Well I also had to put all of my work on hold as well. Pre-Masters does not fuck around xD. I'm very curious about the wiki, I'll be glad to pour hours just reading about every character I can put my eyes on.
Well for how long your projects continue, I'll be around for sure to stick around to see them. They are very interesting and I love reading about them a lot. The fact that you know how to end the story is kind of scary xD
And you did it. Good job. Hope sleep was deeper because of that :-P
[Regroup with Montclair]
D'awww, thanks!
It's really nice to hear because not long ago I've read my story again and I was like "i cant believe i wrote that shit omg". I do miss the old days though, back when interactive fics were a big thing.
If it wasn't for my laziness, I would've done that a lot of time ago. Well, let's hope that in 2017 I'll be a more hardworking person (i wont)
Can't confirm anything about the latter part of this of course, but I can confirm that it's not the tavern people, who are still at the tavern in the centre of the city and who we're going to get an update on later in this chapter.
True enough. That said, one benefit from going with Shortwood would be that Drent would make a good impression on the man, which might come in handy later. In fact, Shortwood would probably owe him, whereas not going with him would greatly anger him for sure. At the same time, following Montclair's orders is not a bad idea either. It's basically a choice where I wouldn't see any option as particularly better or worse than the other.
Well, they do manage to give the guard quite some problems, or have done so until now. Now that the Stormlanders are there, it will be a bit easier, but if Torvin would have went to the south gate, they would have already broken through by now. You are right, it would have been a lot worse and even now, they basically only hold up until the smallfolk has been evacuated. The enemies inside the city walls outnumber them already, so holding the city will be a very hard thing to do.
Yeah, I can understand that. I mean, I don't have to deal with anything Masters-related just yet, but my upcoming exams still worry me a little bit. But it's great that you look forward for the wiki. A few have already gotten a glimpse of it and the feedback I got has been very positive so far, but a large number of articles are highly incomplete at this point, so I don't think I should reveal it to the general audience already. But its time will come and I hope you'll like it
I am glad to hear it! And well, I do indeed know how the story ends, roughly. Of course, your choices will affect many things, but there are some characters whom I have planned to survive for sure and for these characters, I have already planned an epilogue part, giving a glimpse of their life after the story has ended. I also have major plot points for future books planned and while a lot of things will depend on the choices you will make, not everything will be up to them. The characters whom you don't get to control have a say in these things as well of course.
Not going to lie, I have no idea how I managed to write that much in such a short time. But I am glad I managed to finish it. Maybe I'll still manage to put out another part on the 31st.
That is a good question. I'm not even sure if any character even fits the trope at all so far. I mean, to give a proper example, it has to be something they did either in the story itself, or in their mentioned past. A character fitting for that trope must literally be able to best dozens of men and no matter how badass, I don't think there is a character who has done that in the story so far. The examples for ASOIAF on the trope page list Gregor Clegane, who has no equal in FoT. The Moggy might be similar in strength and size, but he is far more dim-witted and too slow to be a match. Neither has he actually killed dozens at once. That said, once Aegon and his sisters appear in the story, I might have a fitting example for it, because a dragonlord atop his dragon is virtually unstoppable. There also might be one character who could manage to become an example of this trope in the current chapter, maybe at least.
Oh dang, I guess that means we are all 2 years closer to our inevitable demise. But on the good news! There isn't any other way I would have it. Such an great story and we still haven't even finished the first book. Didn't expect Tvtropes, but take all the time you need!
Insert funny birthday gif here
[Regroup with Montclair] Gotta make sure no more raiders get into the city. If that gate falls, more people than just the guys with Shortwood will die. Plus, Drent ain't going to ignore an order from his officer.
As someone who would be considered a newer reader, I wish I would've known about this story sooner. I still tend to keep up with the story but I usually don't vote a whole lot. I'd say it's a bad habit of mine. :P
Anyways, I can't believe it has been two years already! Once again, we should be thanking you for bringing this story to life; a life that is continuing to grow. From the setting aand the beautiful atmosphere of Westeros, to the colors in shades of bright (and dark) colours. It's makes me excited thinking about what Book 2 will bring next year.
I can't believe it's been two years already. That's just crazy. Time flies so fast. I've already told you most of this in PM, but it's incredible that this story is two years old. Without this, I don't know if I would have even created my own story, and that means I wouldn't have met anyone here or become friends with you and other users. A big part of my life would be replaced with, I don't even know what. Anyway, congrats on this huge achievement. I know the story is only going to get better and better.
Also, I love the wiki/trope idea. I can understand that something like that much take lots of work and be very time consuming, so please don't feel the need to rush. Better for higher quality and later than less quality and sooner
[Regroup with Montclair]
Shortwood intrigues me but I don't want to disobey our commander's orders. Plus, we don't need Montclair and the other soldiers needing to worry about Drent possibly being killed, and risking their own lives for something that isn't necessary.
[Regroup with Montclair] I think it's better for Drent not to abandon his post now. Sucks for these smallfolk and Shortwood, but Drent should fight alongside his Stormlander brothers and sisters.
[Regroup with Montclair]
[Follow Shortwood] I'm not going to refuse a chance to save lives.
Well either way Drent is going to save lives. He can either save the lives of his fellow soldiers and possibly defend the gate preventing anymore raiders from entering and therefore preventing more death, or save the lives of several peasants and leaving the gate defense up to chance.
[Regroup with Montclair] I was pendling between if it was Shortwood or Harris before the reveal. Harris is heading that way though, no? I might just be very confused. Also, not counting the favor of Shortwood, what good is Drent with the smallfolk?
Glad to be back now though.
[Regroup with Montclair]
[Regroup with Montclair]
Drent is a soldier, he can't just randomly abandon his post.
Well, to keep things vaguely FoT-related, I guess it can be said that all men must die
Anyways, thank you so much for your support here. We are nearing the end of Book 1 at last and while I have been drastically wrong with my previous assumption that it would be done by the end of the year, we are at least nearing the real highlights of this chapter and this book in general. And the TvTropes stuff should be something that is going to be ready relatively soon as well. I hope you're all going to like it 
Well, if I'm not mistaken you have also been here for almost a year now, so you've been here for almost half of the stories run already. It's crazy how the time flies
And don't worry about the voting. I'm already happy to hear that you're keeping up with the story 
Thanks for the compliments! It's comments like this one that are the best motivation. For sure, the story wouldn't be what it is without you and the others reading it. And well, I can safely reveal that Book 2 is going to make things a lot bigger, a lot more epic, as a lot of build-up from this book is going to pay off by then if it doesn't already in the coming parts.
Aye, it is the very same for me. I am amazed that it has been two years already, especially since this year really seems to have gone by so fast. I remember when we talked about it a few weeks ago, the anniversary felt so far away. And I have made exactly the same experience. While I have made friends on this forum outside of the story, I have only met many of the best people I know here through this. Looking back at the things that have been going on here so far, I must say I really look forward for the future!
Yeah, it's really just the character tropes that are missing but they are by far the most work. I still think it shouldn't be too long until I finish it, but of course I will only post the link here once I am fully satisfied with the way it looks and all.
I can assure you, your story has been amazing. I enjoyed it and so many others did as well. And considering that FoT in turn seems to have inspired some to start their own work here, I'm rather sure that your work is one of the reasons why interactive fics are still a thing at all, even if they have lost some of their former popularity. With a bit of luck, Season 3 of The Walking Dead will revitalize them somewhat, as long as things don't get out of control as much as they did back in the day.
Hehe, no stress! If you want to do it, then that would be great, but if you don't manage to do it for any reason, then that's totally fine as well.
This is a good argument. Going with Shortwood would be directly protecting a specific group of people, whereas remaining with the other soldiers would indirectly protect the city as a whole, by contributing to the Stormlander efforts to hold the gate. From some perpective, both options are there to protect and save lives, it's just the question if you wish to do it directly and in a somewhat smaller scale or indirectly and in a potentially larger scale. That said, one man can make far more of a difference with Shortwood than at the gate.
You are right, Harris is in fact heading that way. However, few know Raylansfair as good as he does, so it is possible that he manages to find a way out of the city that won't involve having to pass through the gates, especially since it is unlikely Argella would just let him.
Well, depending on the smallfolk, he'd get their gratitude as well. This route could hold some benefits for sure.
And I'm very glad that you're back
The Voting is closed!
Drent is going to regroup with Montclair
Well... I am not exactly surprised by the outcome, but I am at the very least a little bit surprised by how clearly this outcome is. Which is also the reason why I decided to close the voting already, because it seems unlikely that enough votes will come in for the Shortwood option to win. Well, this one indeed means that Drent will stay at his post, which is incidentally the same thing he adviced FedEx to do earlier. At the same time, it will mean that Shortwood's dislike of him will grow, quite a bit actually. You missed a chance to gain a new ally for Drent, but if this is that much of a bad thing remains to be seen.
Now, I am not entirely sure if I will manage to finish the next part today, as I must admit. I'm leaving for a party in the evening, so if I haven't finished the part until then, it has to wait until tomorrow, meaning it will either be the last part of 2016 or the first part of 2017. The thing is, I want to make this next part as good as possible, because it is, in my opinion, one of the most important parts of the chapter. I have written more than half of it, but it has the length of two regular parts, so there is still a lot left to write. So far it gave me the feels to write it, because it is something I have planned to write for a very long time. It is also a Kersea part. The last time we have seen her, she got reunited with Raenna and with her little sister, which made her realize how much Clayton manipulated her, even beyond what she already knew of him. Naturally, she turned on him in an instant and managed to save the life of Leonard back when Clayton tried to kill him. Clayton escaped to the lightouse, where Alysanne is located as well, while Leonard returned to the castle, to ask for Argella's help, as you've seen a while ago. Kersea was left with the choice to tell him about the danger the wildfire posed or to hide it. She told him and as you know from Lucas' latest part, this triggered Harris' decision to head to the lighthouse as well. Kersea's next part will be set to start slightly afterwards, after she and Raenna have already climbed over the city walls, right as they approach the lighthouse.
On another note, I wish you all a Happy New Year! May 2017 be your best year so far
There was light in the window of the second floor of the lighthouse. It was a small wonder that the bandits had chosen to ignore the building. Then again, it was located far away from the gates and served no strategic position. Perhaps these men were more organized than expected. It worried Kersea, but she knew that this wouldn't be something she could help with. Men like Leonard, soldiers and knights, they would take care of them. She could only take care of Clayton.
She sighed and Raenna looked at her. “Are you alright?”, she asked and Kersea shook her head. “There's something I need to tell you”, she answered and the two women stopped. Kersea glanced at the lighthouse, only a couple dozen steps away. From their position and in the approaching darkness, they were as good as invisible, but she still felt as if someone watched her.
Raenna raised an eyebrow in a delicate way, a curious look appearing on her face. “What is it?”, she asked and Kersea gulped. “It's... Alysanne”, she revealed. “We're... gods, this is going to sound weird for you, but in your absence we... kind of became friends”
The curious look on Raenna's face got replaced by a baffled one, as a small smile of disbelief formed on her face. “Yeah, sure”, she said, her tone making it clear that she was waiting for the punchline. Kersea shook her head. “I'm serious”, she said sternly. “I believe she has changed. She told me that she is my friend and I believe her. Maybe she can help us”
Raenna's smile faded. “We're talking about the same Alysanne here, right?”, she remarked. “Clayton's mad dog?” Kersea sighed. “She has changed”, she insisted. “You have and so have I. Is it so hard to believe that Alysanne has changed as well?”
Now, Raenna gave her a nod. “To be honest, yes, yes it kind of is hard to believe”, she replied. “Alysanne, she's... I know her for a bit longer than you do and well... I doubt that she has changed. I doubt she's even able to change. Whatever messed her up so long ago, it pushed her past the point of no return”
Kersea narrowed her eyes. “It's never too late to come back”, she said sharply. “I did and I know she can” Raenna sighed, noticing the upset look on her face. “You've been in a different situation”, she said, before she shrugged. “But we're in this together now, you and me. I won't leave you again. And if you are so sure that Alysanne has changed... well, I'm willing to risk giving her a chance” Her expression hardened. “But not more. One chance”, she insisted. “You know how Alysanne is. Devious. If she hasn't changed by now, then we won't get a chance to change her, not with Clayton around”
It hit Kersea what Raenna tries to imply and she tensed up. “We can't kill her”, she argued and Raenna shook her head. “I see how much this means to you”, she insisted. “I don't want to kill her either, not with her being so important to you. I'm just saying that we might not get a choice in this”
“Alysanne would never hurt me”, Kersea insisted. She remembered what her friend had told her, all of it. But Raenna was her friend as well. The best she ever had. “Then it's just me”, Raenna said. “I'm sorry, but if she attacks me, then I will defend myself” She shook her head. “And I can't go out of my way to spare her. She's not some...” She paused. “Some lowlife thug with a family. She's dangerous, by far the most dangerous person in this city. Defeating her will be hard enough, but doing it without killing her? Impossible, at least for me and you”, she explained. “She's fast. Strong. Smart and cold-hearted. She has no weakness”
The way Alysanne looked at her flashed through Kersea's mind, just a few hours ago in the lighthouse. “I believe she might has one weakness”, she said. “And I will use it to convince her to stand down. You and her, this will be a problem. But for my sake, I know that Alysanne will hold back” Her gaze met Raenna's. “Just promise me that you will too”
Without missing a beat, Raenna gave her a nod, a warm look in her lilac eyes. “I promise”, she said. “For your sake, I promise to hold back as long as she gives me the choice. But if she attacks me, I will defend myself. I won't die for Alysanne Waters”
As much as she wished for a different outcome, Kersea knew that Raenna's offer was the most reasonable she would get, the most reasonable in general. But Alysanne has changed. They would get through to her, they had to. The only one that had to die tonight was Clayton.
Clayton... just thinking of him caused her to boil with anger. For years she had been his... slave. Almost his plaything. His possession, his weapon, his good little soldier. And he had deceived her. Had used her to do unspeakable things. Kersea was not sure if she ever could look herself in the eyes again. Many of her actions had made the world a worse place. The least she could do would be to make it a little bit better for once, by preventing Clayton from harming anyone ever again.
They approached the lighthouse in silence, yet there was so much between them that wasn't spoken of. Trust. Friendship. It almost felt as if Raenna had never left her side. Almost. Because something was different after all. They both had changed. Kersea felt the anger in side of Raenna, the sorrow. She had known the Old Man for far longer, had been much closer to him. His loss must have shaken her. The haunted look on her face was one Kersea knew all too well from her own face, back when Clayton's killer had murdered her parents. And she herself... she had been to the brink of the Seven Hells and back. Of course that had to leave a mark.
The door to the lighthouse opened in complete silence, as the two women snuck in. Instantly, Kersea heard Clayton's voice and he sounded equal parts frustrated and nervous, yet angry beyond words. “... she's coming for us. Both of us!”, he barked. “I'm telling you, she's gone mad!”
Alysanne's soft chuckle was audible as Kersea reached the first step of the stairs that led upwards. The only light that illuminated the narrow room she was in came from beneath the door at the top of the stairs, that led to the large room Clayton and Alysanne were in.
“You're the mad one here, Clay”, she said sweetly. “Puppy's coming for you, not me. She'd never harm me” Clayton sighed in frustration. “Raenna is with her”, he said and now, Alysanne's bright laughter echoed through the building. “And now you're seeing ghosts. Silver's dead for months. Did me a favour when she stopped breathing. She's not going to harm anyone. And Kersea... well, I'm sure you're overreacting”
“She attacked me!”, Clayton barked. “She and your supposedly dead silver bitch attacked me, ruined the mission. I bet her knight is still alive as well” Alysanne's shrug was almost audible. “So what? Just leave them to me, these knights. I'll take both of them and some more”, she chirped. “Now let's wait for Puppy to return and we can sort this out” Her voice got chillingly cold in an instant as she continued. “But if you harm a hair on her head, I'm going to remind you why you should fear me”, she growled. “Make no mistake. I could crush you like the fly you are”
It was then that Kersea reached the upper end of the stairs. She took a deep breath and she heard Clayton's audible gulp from the inside. “Point taken”, he said in a low tone, before he inhaled sharply. “She's here” Kersea turned around to Raenna, who gave her an encouraging nod, though she noted that her friend's hand had instinctively moved to her dagger already.
“Puppy?”, Alysanne's voice sounded from the inside, with nervous anticipation and joy. “Come on, don't let us wait!” Gulping, Kersea's hand moved to the doorknob, as she turned it and pushed it open. Behind, in the large room, stood Clayton, a dark frown on his face and Alysanne, smiling widely.
“Hey pup”, Alysanne greeted her, though as her eyes wandered past her, her smile faded. “What the fuck?” Her eyes narrowed as she glared at Raenna, who entered the room behind her, no less glaring. “What the fuck?”, Alysanne asked again. Just as her smile faded, a sinister one appeared on Clayton's face. “Told you so”, he said and Alysanne glanced at him. “You be silent for a moment”, she barked as she took a step towards Kersea and Raenna.
“What are you doing here?”, she spat, though before Raenna could answer, Kersea stepped between them. “Alysanne, listen!”, she urged her and her friend stopped for a moment. “Okay this... you see that Raenna is not dead” Alysanne gave her a nod, as she pulled a long dagger from her belt. “It remains to be seen how long it'll remain that way”, she growled.
Instantly, Kersea raised her hands. “NO!”, she barked in a commanding tone, which visibly caught Alysanne off guard. “Raenna is on our side” Now, Alysanne shook her head. “She isn't on mine”, she hissed, though before she could continue, Kersea cut her off. “She's on mine and I am on yours!”, she insisted. “There's only one person in this room that has to die tonight”
Clayton chuckled in disbelief. “You hear that?”, he asked towards Alysanne. “How she plots for my death? How she drags Raenna back here to help her?” His smirk got wider. “That's because she doesn't trust you to do it. That's because she no longer needs you”, he explained. “You've been a shoulder to cry on when she had no one else. Now? What good are you to her now?” He took a step towards them. “You and me, we belong in the same world. A world Kersea doesn't wish to be a part of anymore”, he said. “She's going to leave you”
Kersea's eyes widened. “I'm not!”, she barked and gave Alysanne a deep look. “I am your friend!” Alysanne looked at her, confused, angry. “And Raenna?”, she asked. Kersea sighed. “I am her friend as well”
Alysanne tensed up at these words and Raenna drew her blade. Both women glared at each other and in case of Alysanne there was genuine hatred involved. Kersea knew, they never liked each other. But it seems that something has changed with them as well. The look in Alysanne's eyes, that was pure hatred.
“I don't want to fight you”, Raenna insisted. “We can work this out, but we don't have to fight” Alysanne tightened the grip around her dagger. “Too bad that I'd love to fight”, she hissed. Clayton's smirk widened, as he shook his head. “You know what you're asking there? You expect Alysanne to share, with you of all people!”, he snarled. “And Alysanne, will you just take this? Raenna taking another thing from you again? Raenna going in and taking the credit? Taking what's yours?”
With a vicious glare, Kersea jumped around. “I am no one's!”, she insisted, as she approached him. “Especially not yours. Never! You think you can hurt me, one last time?” Her hand moved to her dagger. “After what you did, to me, to Briar! You will not walk away from this and you know it”
Behind her, she heard movement and before she could react, she saw that Alysanne had reached Raenna, who hadn't taken a step back. “Unfortunately”, Alysanne said. “Clay's got a point. You were dead, we all thought you were dead” She gave Kersea a look and there were tears of frustration in the corner of her eyes.
“We had something here. For the first time in my life, I had something, something good!”, she spat. “You always had everything. Raenna, pretty Raenna. Men fawned over you, women wanted to be like you. So perfect” By now, Alysanne had started to shiver. “You think you had it hard? Walk a mile in my shoes, you silver whore!”
“Alysanne...”, Raenna tried to calm her down, though Alysanne instantly continued. “And even now, when it's good, you still have to come back and ruin it!”, she yelled, clearly talking herself into a rage. “You had to return, you had to ruin it!” The tears in her eyes were clearly visible by now. “I know, I know, I should have known better! She's one of many to you, but you're her friend”, she said, her voice cracking, as she gave Kersea and almost longing look. “And I... I've been the spare”
Raenna's mouth was a thin, straight line, though her eyes shimmered, clearly affected by what she just heard. It dawned upon Kersea that this was the first time Alysanne had opened up so much. There was anger, grief, the fear of losing something invaluable to her. But on top of it all, there was envy.
“Alysanne, I'm not trying to take anything from you!”, Raenna urged her. “Just calm down and we will work something out. I don't intend to take anything away from you” The tone in her voice was genuine and Kersea tensed up, as tears formed in her eyes. She knew, in the end Raenna was going out of her way to make Alysanne see reason. All for her.
The look on Alysanne's face was heartbreaking. She took a step towards Raenna, hesitating for a second, before her gaze hardened again. “Liar”, she whispered in the soft, sorrowful tone of a woman that knew how far she was gone. Then, she took a strike with the dagger in her hand. A scream of pain left Raenna's throat, as steel hit flesh.
She had seen it coming. Raenna had jumped back just in time to avoid getting her throat cut. Instead, the dagger hit her right ear, severing the lower half of the earlobe in a diagonal cut. It was a small piece of flesh, but it left a painful, heavily bleeding wound. With shock and pain on her face, Raenna stumbled backwards, while Alysanne just remained there, breathing heavily with anger and bloodlust.
“No, Alysanne!”, Kersea screamed, as she tried to rush between them again. A heavy hand on her shoulder yanked her back and she fell onto the floor. Clayton stood over her, grinning as he only barely turned his head away from the other two women. “Not so fast, my darling”, he said.
“Raenna, please!”, Kersea yelled from the ground, but Raenna barely looked at her. She looked at the blood on her hand as she removed it from her wound and then onto the part of her ear that was lying on the floor, her eyes wide with shock. “You are a liar”, Alysanne hissed. “Puppy might not see it, but I know you better, Silver. An arrogant, self-righteous liar!” She raised the blade in her hand and this time, Raenna did the same. “But oh, I'm going to expose your lies. I'm going to cut your pretty little face apart, until everyone sees you for the ugly monster you are!”, she spat. “You won't take anything from me!”
Kersea attempted to jump up, though Clayton kicked her down again. “Quite the scenery, don't you agree?”, he grinned, before his expression grew stern again. “But there's still unsettled business we have to take care of” As he spoke, he walked around her, until he stood between her and the others. “You betrayed me. Not simply went against my orders, you outright betrayed me. Tried to murder me. I can forgive many things, for you in particular, but this?” For a second, Kersea saw genuine sorrow on his face. “Why must you hurt me so much?”
Slowly, she rose from the ground after realizing that she was allowed to at last. Behind Clayton, Alysanne and Raenna exchanged blows. They let lose a hurricane of strikes, while parrying the attacks of each other. They struck with their knifes, punched, kicked, while Clayton prevented her from intervening.
“I'm going to kill you”, she spat and Clayton sighed. “And you do it again”, he said regretfully, before he tensed up. “I should have asked you this a long time ago. I was weak, so I ignored it, but I can't do it any longer” The look in his single eye hardened, as he drew his sword. “At long last, how do you want to die, Kersea Catelins?”
She shivered, as she saw Raenna landing a heavy punch into Alysanne's face. In retaliation, her opponent slashed at her, nearly hitting her throat and forcing her to jump back towards the large window behind her. Clayton used her momentary distraction to attack first. With his sword, he nearly landed a hit on her, though Kersea dodged the high strike. Still, he had the superior reach, prevented her from reaching him by attacking again, forcing her into the defensive.
An angry roar echoed through the room, as Alysanne glared over her shoulder. Clayton's eye widened and before Raenna was able to react, her opponent had kicked her in the back of the knee, followed by a hard punch to the face. Instead of finishing her off though, Alysanne spun around charging at Clayton. While she ran, she pulled out a second dagger.
Clayton jumped back, though Alysanne reached him nonetheless. The high-pitched sound of clashing steel filled the air as he parried her first set of strikes. However, before he could react again, she had attacked once more and this time, her daggers stopped, the one in her right hand directly under his crotch, the other one hovering directly over his remaining eye.
“I told you, I can kill you whenever I want”, she hissed, her voice shivering with fury, while Clayton was breathing hectically. His sword was pointed at her abdomen, but he wouldn't be able to kill her fast enough, before she would take his remaining eye. “Stay away from my Puppy”, she warned him, before she separated again.
Clayton gulped, though he managed to give her a nod, pale as snow. Then, she turned around and focussed on Raenna again, who had gotten up from the ground again, with a nasty bruise on her cheek. “Now I'm going to kill you”, she said with a glare. She tried to charge again, but this time, Kersea managed to get in her way. “No!”, she screamed. “Alysanne, stop!”
Alysanne grabbed her by the shoulders and nonchalantly pushed her onto the ground. “Get out of my way, Kersea”, she growled. “I'm doing this for you. I'm doing this for us!” Kersea raised a hand, though Alysanne had already continued to charge at Raenna. “No, I...!”, she managed to yell, but she noticed that neither of her friends were listening. Alysanne was too deep in the darkest corner of her mind, a broken, pitiable mess, full with envy, full with fear. And Raenna... Raenna was livid. She was shaking with anger and Kersea couldn't even blame her for it. She had tried, she had tried.
Her attempt at rushing towards the two fighters was yet again interrupted, when the pommel of Clayton's sword heavily hit the back of her head. Kersea stumbled forwards and fell onto the ground face first, though she managed to lessen the impact with her hands. Her vision blurred for a moment, as Clayton put the blade of his sword against her neck.
His strike did not come though. Instead, he gasped, before a soft chuckle left his throat. Kersea heard the sound of steel hitting the floor, as her vision cleared again. She looked up and her eyes widened in terror.
Raenna had lost the fight. Kersea had knocked the dagger from her hands and had let go of one of hers as well. With the newly free hand wrapped around Raenna's throat, she was holding her opponent out of the window, ready to push her down below into the sea. “I have waited too long for this”, she snarled.
“Alysanne!”, Kersea screamed and her friend glanced over her shoulder at her, with a mild expression. “Alysanne, please, no! Please don't kill her. Just let her go!” Alysanne sighed, before she shook her head. “Bad choice of words, puppy”, she said. “Real bad” Then, she opened her hand and let Raenna go. There was just a single short scream coming out of the valyrian woman's throat, before she was gone in the darkness behind the window, cutting her off in an instant.
Instantly, tears welled up in Kersea's eyes. “No...”, she gasped. “No!” She felt Clayton removing the pressure from her neck, as he put away his sword. “Oh, this is incredible”, he chuckled, as he gave Alysanne a nod. “Don't worry, I won't kill your precious little friend. Leaving her alive like this is so much more satisfying. Oh, if only Terroma could be here to see it...”
Sluggishly, Kersea got back onto her feet, as Alysanne approached her, with a hopeful, innocent smile on her face. “Puppy”, she said, as Kersea tensed up. “It's done. She won't get between us ever again” Her smile widened, as she spread her arms.
“What have you done?”, Kersea asked in a monotone voice, her eyes set onto the spot where Alysanne had just pushed her best friend out of the window. And Raenna was her best friend, had been. Her hesitation to fight had proven it once again. Her best friend, gone in an instant. “What have you done?”, she repeated.
A confused look appeared on Alysanne's face, as if she just now started to understand the severity of the situation. “I... I got rid of...” Kersea's open palm slapped her across the face, heavily and without holding back. She took the hit with a gasp. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?”, Kersea yelled again, this time at the top of her lungs, as she slapped her again. This time, she felt a sting of regret as deep down, even despite the maddening pain of losing Raenna once again, she realized that Alysanne was genuinely incapable of understanding what she had done wrong.
“I...” Alysanne stuttered, a shocked look on her face as she staggered backwards. “I have just...” She shook her head and tears welled up in her eyes. “I thought you would....” She sank against the wall and to the ground. “Please... Puppy... Kersea, please, don't... don't leave me!”
Kersea just stood there, shaking with pain, with anger, tears running down her face freely, even though she tried to hold them back. She heard Clayton walking up to her. He got into her field of view, as he put both of his hands onto her shoulders. “Now you understand my pain”, he said calmly. “Finally, you understand how I feel whenever you reject me, my love” He sighed. “Have you truly thought that she would share you with anyone else? Do you see it now, how she truly is?”, he continued. “Little Silver had to pay the price. And what do you think will happen if you take that... psychopath to your sister? How do you think Alysanne will react to Sweetbriar?”
She looked him deep in his one eye, her own opened widely, as she breathed hectically and in fear. “Raenna...”, she whimpered and he smirked. Behind him, Alysanne looked at her, still in shock over having been hit. “I'm sorry...”, she mumbled. “I did it for you. It's better this way. You and me. Not her...”
All of a sudden, the smirk faded from Clayton's face, as he glared at the door. “Someone's coming”, he growled, but his warning wasn't necessary. Unlike Kersea and Raenna, who had tried to sneak, this newcomer was loud. Heavy boots climbed the stairs in a hurry, accompanied by the metallic clanking of chainmail.
Alysanne raised from the ground again, still in sorrow over Kersea's reaction, but nonetheless carefully eyeing the door. Even Kersea herself took a deep breath as she removed her attention from Clayton. His time would come. If Raenna wouldn't walk out of this building alive, neither would he.
The door got pushed open, revealing a tall, armoured man. The sigil of Raylansfair was proudly displayed on his chest and he wasn't wearing a helmet, showing his finely wrinkled face, the long, bushy beard with just a hint of grey in the light brown. Cold green eyes glared at each of them, as he stepped into the room, tightly holding onto a longsword and a thick, metal shield. “What is going on here?”, he growled.
Clayton gave him a mocking nod. “Lord Harris”, he greeted him and Kersea finally realized just who this knight was. Instinctively, she gripped her dagger a bit tighter, as she took a step away from him. In the same movement, Alysanne took one step closer to him, a cold grin on her face as she mustered him. “My, my, the acting lord comes himself”, she said and Kersea only felt the tiniest bit of remorse in her words. She wasn't even sure if Alysanne was able to feel genuine remorse, or if that was another concept she just couldn't grasp.
“What is this?”, Harris snarled. “Who are you and what are you doing in my lighthouse?” Clayton raised an eyebrow. “Mylord, we have been your greatest allies in this city”, he replied. “You can thank us for the promotion” Harris needed a second to fully understand what he just heard. “You...”, he growled and narrowed his eyes. “You have killed Robert?”
“And the Maester, I'm afraid. A real shame, but he would have stopped a great many of our plans. Such a wise old man”, Clayton replied, his softness only making the mockery more cutting. Harris was breathing heavily at the revelation, as he glanced down at his sword. “And the others that died. What were their names? Halla? Corbin?”, Clayton continued.
“You killed them?”, Harris asked in a low tone, glaring at Clayton, who shook his head. “Oh, not me alone”, he said and moved his hand to point at Kersea and Alysanne. “All of us, in one way or the other” Instantly, Harris' sword moved upwards, pointing at him first, though moving to Kersea and finally to Alysanne, who was now smiling with excitement, a sort of joy that had fully suppressed whatever guilt she might feel over... over murdering Raenna.
“Then it is my duty to bring justice here”, Harris said, his voice a thin veil of calmness, only barely hiding the burning anger below. “For Raylansfair and for the dead. Lower your weapons and I won't kill you immediately” Alysanne let out a single, high-pitched laugh at his words. “Old man”, she chirped. “I could gut you like a fish without breaking a sweat” She glanced at Clayton. “Can I gut him, Clay?”
Kersea glared at Clayton and she noticed that he wasn't looking at her. He was barely paying attention to anyone but the acting lord in the middle of the room. “Yes, you may”, he offered. “I believe Lord Harris' use has come to an end” He offered a mocking bow in front of the older knight. “And how useful you have been. Butterfly couldn't have wished for a more perfect pawn”
Kersea used this moment to attack. Swiftly, in the hopes that she would take him by surprise, she took a swing at him, though he still reacted quicker than she expected. Clayton jumped back, dodging her blade in the process and now, the look on his face was outright irritated. “What are you doing?”, he barked. “We must stop this man first!”
Harris saw the opportunity, as he charged at Clayton as well. The assassin parried his sword, though he had to jump back once again as Harris took a second strike with the shield. Alysanne tried to flank the acting lord, though he quickly changed his stance, so that he was able to face both potential opponents. The only one he wasn't paying attention to was Kersea, who had no intention of posing a danger to this man. He wasn't her enemy. That was Clayton. A mutual enemy. But Alysanne... no matter her current, confused feelings about Alysanne, she wouldn't allow him to kill her.
Alysanne attacked and Harris parried her strike with his sword, using the shield to parry Clayton's next strike. Kersea used this in the futile attempt to strike him out of his blind spot. His hand spun around to grab her's at the wrist, as he pointed his sword at her, ready to impale her, as his eye showed nothing but disappointment turned into burning hatred. Now, Alysanne let out a shriek, as she tried to charge at him, only to be denied by Harris, who took a swing at her, forcing her to parry.
It was the acting lord who came to Kersea's rescue. Immediately after forcing Alysanne into a defensive position, he attacked Clayton and instead of impaling her, the assassin had to protect himself. He parried the strike, momentarily taking away his attention from her. This gave her an opportunity to knee him in the groin.
Gasping with pain, Clayton staggered backwards and let go of her wrist, as Harris attacked him again. He yanked his sword upwards to parry again and to Kersea's dismay, he managed to do so, though it caused him to stagger even more severely. Now, Harris briefly glared at her, as he took a hit at her.
She had seen such a move coming, but he had a speed that was surprising for his age. She dodge the first strike, almost feeling the steel cutting across her forehead, though his second attack got parried, not by her, but by Alysanne. Her friend, and at the end of the day that was still what she was, in a weird messed up way, her friend glared at Harris. “You will stay away from her!”, she yelled, as she started to attack Harris.
He parried the first strike with his sword, the second with his shield and the third with the steel on his forearm. The fourth hit him, though it only scratched across the metal that protected his chest, failing to hit the slightly weaker spot between the two plates, where only thin chainmail protected his body.
“Stay away from her!”, Alysanne screamed again, though Harris now had to divide his attention between her and Clayton. The master assassin had regained his footing, as he charged. Simultaneously, Harris parried a strike from Alysanne with his sword, while parrying Clayton's attack with his shield.
If she wouln't have been involved in this fight, Kersea would have marvelled at it. The sheer display of skill from all three combatants was astonishing. Alysanne hacked at the acting lord with fury, while he defended himself against her and Clayton, despite his age. Even Clayton, as much as she hated to admit it, was deadly. His style was less elegant than her own or Raenna's, but he unleashed a blur of strikes against Harris, paired with feints. More than once, he even landed a hit but each of these times, Harris managed to deflect the strike from his vulnerable spots towards the thicker armour that protected most of his body.
And Kersea... she charged at Clayton, intent to finally kill him. To make him pay at last. For herself of course. For Raenna. For Briar. In doing so, she forced Clayton's attention, giving Harris a moment of relief in which he only had to defend himself against Alysanne. This alone was quite the feat, but easier than facing two opponents for sure.
Clayton parried her strike, gasping as she came close to push her blade into his skull. “Die!”, she snapped at him. “Die! Die! Die!” And for a moment, Clayton was unable to attack her, as she gave him no opening, no chance, but to parry and to back off, away from her and towards the window.
Ironically, it was Harris who prevented her from fully focussing on Clayton. The acting lord parried a strike from Alysanne with his sword, but instead of readying himself for another attack, he used his shield as a weapon, heavily slamming it against her body with the sharp edge. He hit not any spot, but the large bandaged area on her side, where she had her barely healed burn scars. Alysanne's eyes widened, as pain flashed across her face, so severe that she wasn't even able to scream. Without a chance, she sank to the ground, holding her side. Though not fatal, the strike was hard enough to stun her and hard enough to cut the reddish scars open once anew. Kersea knew, the pain had to be numbing, as evidenced by the helpless tears that streamed down Alysanne's face.
Clayton used her momentary state of distraction to position himself again, now fully facing both remaining opponents. Instead of finishing his downed opponent off, Harris focussed back on Clayton, correctly seeing him as the greater danger in this situation. Then, both he and Kersea attacked.
Kersea's strike came first. Clayton moved to the side, into the direction of Harris' strike, to parry it. The crossguard of his sword moved upwards as the blades cut against each other, slamming against Harris' lower jaw, before he raised his sword again, to strike at Kersea.
She jumped back and as she did so, her eyes met Harris'. There were no words necessary. They instantly reached a silent agreement in the brink of a second, that they would be allies just for one strike. And so they attacked, both at the same time.
Of course, Clayton parried her strike. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction, wouldn't allow her to kill him. In doing so, he sent her one last, hateful glare, before taking Harris' strike just a second later. Instead of impaling him though, Harris simply hit his naked right arm, halfway between the shoulder and the elbow. The steel tore through flesh and bone until it left his body again, severing most of the limb in the process.
The arm fell to the ground. For a second, Clayton staggered, just staring at the gruesome wound, before he realized what had happened. His screams were full of pain, fear and shock and the sound was sweet in Kersea's ears. Then, Harris sent him to the ground, by heavily slamming the lower end of his shield against his forehead.
Heavily breathing, Kersea stared at the man that hat caused her so much pain for all these years. The man that forced her to cause so much pain. The man that threatened her sister. Lying in a pool of his own blood at last, his arm cut off, reduced to a barely conscious wreck in an instant. She managed to give Harris a weak, hopeful smile, though it faded immediately as he pointed his sword at her.
“My... mylord...”, she gasped. “What...?” She looked around for help, but Alysanne was still lying on the ground, shaking with helpless pain, as she clutched her wounded side. “He said you've all been involved in it”, Harris growled, momentarily glancing at Clayton. “So, whom have you killed, girl? Whom of my friends have you murdered?”
She gulped, as she took a step away from him. He immediately followed her, until she felt the wall behind her. “Robert?”, he asked. “Eaton? Halla? Corbin?” Her eyes widened at the last two names and he narrowed his. “I can see that he is right. I can see the guilt in your eyes. You look more guilty than he did. You feel more guilt”
“P... Please, mylord...”, Kersea gasped, knowing that she wouldn't have a chance against this man. He had defeated Alysanne and Clayton. What kind of a chance could she have against him? “This is... this is not what you think. I was... forced. I had no choice!”
He shook his head. “We always have a choice”, he barked. “I made mine, you made yours. We all have to pay in time. And your time has come now” She started to shiver. “I... they... he had my sister! He forced me to help him, or he would have harmed her!”, she exclaimed and Harris sighed. “If what you say is true, a quick death is all the mercy I can offer. I thank you for your help in this fight, but that won't absolve you. You committed crimes against Raylansfair and against House Raylan. In the name of Lord Robert, I Harris Flowers, castellan and acting lord of Raylansfair, sentence you to die” He pointed his sword at her. “Close your eyes, it will be over soon”
She did not close her eyes. She did not give in to the temptation to let him end all of this. She couldn't. And she wouldn't. For Briar. When he attacked, she jumped to the side and instead of her flesh, he only hit the cold stone behind her. His eyes glared with displeasure. “So be it”, he growled. “We do it my way then!”
Harris raised his sword to attack, but he didn't get much further. A gasp left his throat, as a thin dagger got shoved into the weak spot between the two metal plates that protected his chest and his back. The blade pierced the chainmail, cutting into the soft flesh below, as Alysanne came into Kersea's field of view behind him.
“Stay away from her”, she hissed, her voice thin, but filled with anger. She slowly twisted the dagger. “Stay the fuck away from my friend!” Harris' eyes widened, but the gasp of pain turned into a growl of anger. He spun around, yanking the dagger from her hands in the process. Once more, his shield slammed against Alysanne's heavily wounded side, sending her to the ground.
“NO!”, Kersea screamed at the top of her lungs, as Harris raised his sword. She jumped up, her dagger still in her hands, as she pointed it at Harris.
His sword cut down, impaling Alysanne in the stomach area.
And just a second later, Kersea's dagger found her way into the back of his skull, shoved through flesh and bone right to the hilt, until the tip of the blade left his head through the mouth.
Harris coughed and a gush of blood left his mouth. When Kersea removed the dagger again, he sank to the ground like a puppet. The acting lord of Raylansfair, a pawn to the end, Lord Harris Flowers, was dead before he reached the ground.
Kersea did not waste time. She let go of her blood-stained dagger, as she sank to the ground next to Alysanne. Her friend was wounded, grievously so and she was gasping in pain, as her hands clutched the heavily bleeding wound in her stomach. “Puppy...”, she gasped, as Kersea softly cradled her head. “It... oh god, it hurts so much...”
“Alysanne, stay calm. Stay calm, I'll get you a healer!” Alysanne shook her head weakly, a grimace of pain on her face. “There's no healer who can help me now”, she sighed, as she smiled thinly. “I told you there wouldn't be a happy ending for me”
Tears welled up in Kersea's eyes, as she started to sob. “No...”, she wimpered. “Please, no. Don't leave me!” Alysanne took a deep breath, followed by a shiver. “I'm sorry, Puppy... Kersea. I'm sorry for hurting you”, she said, as Kersea grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly. “I never wanted to hurt you. I... I overreacted. With Raenna. I made a mistake. Gods, I made so many mistakes” She looked her right in the eyes. “There was only one thing I did right” Her smile got wider, warmer and more genuine. “Becoming your friend”
Kersea closed her eyes, blinking the tears away, before she looked back at the last friend she had left in this world. “Please...”, she whispered. “Stay with me” Alysanne managed to shake her head. “Maybe it is better this way”, she replied. “I would have only hurt you again. That's what I do. I would have hurt you. I would have held you down. And now you are free at last, from everything” She sighed. “Give your little sister a hug for me”, she pleaded. “And... Kersea... are we still friends?”
She could only nod. “Yes”, she gasped with a tearful voice. “I will be your friend till the end of the world” Alysanne smiled. “Till the end of the world”, she repeated. “And beyond” Kersea shivered, as she moved closer. “Till we meet again”, she said, as she gave Alysanne a kiss on the forehead. She stopped when she noticed that her friend had passed away. Still clinging onto her, she was only able to cry.
“Kersea?”, a familiar voice sounded and she looked up. That sounded like... “Raenna?”, she asked. “Oh god, Kersea!”, Raenna yelled. “Is... are they all dead? I'm holding onto a ledge but I can't do it for much longer. Help me! Please, help me!”
Kersea jumped up, looking at the window where Alysanne had thrown Raenna into the deep. Before she was able to charge towards her though, another movement caught her attention. He was bleeding heavily from his missing arm. The remaining hand held his sword, but weakly so, as he staggered to his feet, then backwards against the window behind him. “KERSEA!”, he screamed at the top of his lungs, as his single eye caught her. Instead of charging at her, he almost collapsed against the windowsill, the stump of his right arm flailing around weakly. He was more dead than alive, but alive regardless. “Let us end this!”, he screamed, as he barely managed to point his blade at her. “LET US END THIS!”
[Try to save Raenna] [Try to kill Clayton]
[Try to kill Clayton]
Oh man we made the right choice. Now that one psycho is dead, we can kill another and let another one die.
Harris you have redeemed yourself in my eyes. Ah. Death leads to redemption. Sadly Lucas did not pursue you. If he did, maybe we get to save you and kill Kersea. At least Raenna may die. That's good.
Yes, yes. There's nothing better than when your least favorite characters die or get horribly injured.
Good, good. Good writing. Good death.
[Try to kill Clayton]
R.I.P Alysanne. You were my favorite. But in regards to the choice, we have to end Clayton here and now, or he will for sure escape again, and go on to cause a lot more death and chaos. Raenna can hold on to the ledge for 10 more seconds, and if she can't, well then I guess she can keep Alysanne company in the afterlife.
Agh! What the fuuuuck! Why did you kill of Harris?? I loved the man. And if I am not entirely wrong, he was the character that's been with us the longest that is, sorry was, still alive, right? So I will cheer for him in this new year. Finally Alysannes gone though, and Raenna lived, yaay. And now, I didn't really like Kersea before. But I will forever hate her now.
There is kind of one instance that bugged me a bit. Why didn't Harris just cut Alysannes throat the first time. It would've taken a second, and since Clay still attacked Kersea first, I didn't really get it. But hey, the heat of the moment, right?
It was a lovely part. Truly amazing.
[Try to save Raenna] Imma just let Clay live for just a while longer. Also, I don't want Raenna to lose her grip of the fucking ledge.
EDIT: Oh, and happy new year to you guys. Let's hope that 2017 will give us a lot of joy with this story and every other fantastic story, but also for everything happening in the world in general. And don't forget to cheer for Harris.
[Try to save Raenna] Wow, I am at a lost for words here. That was an great chapter to end the year with. Harris, a pawn to the end, but at least he was able to rid the world of two dangerous people. At first, I was willing to let Alysanne go free, but after she attacked Raenna, I knew that she would never be able to live a normal life. Luckily, we weren't left with the choice on her, cause she be dead. Harris on the otherhand, went out like a champ. Everyone here are murders and he was definitely in the right. But dang, he is actually dead. Hopefully Lucas won't spoil his memory by portraying his evil deeds. Because Harris only wanted to do what was right for the city and be it's hero. And thank god we finally took Clayton down a peg. Even if he escapes, he won't be assassinating anyone soon. But I don't think he is going to run. If anything, he is going to try and stop Kersea from saving Raenna. Good for Raenna for helping Kersea out, shame that all she got from it was less earlobe and more scary window hangings.