Top 5 hated characters in TWD A New Frontier(My opinion)

5.Clementine: One thing that pisses me off in this season is that Clementine is completely changed in just 3 years after Season 2. The choices i made in Season 2 were mainly friendly and peaceful choices but still in season 3 Clem is always on a fcking temper, constantly tries to remind me to get a working ride when all i asked were directions and she is irresponsible(I was one of the 5% who called Clem on the Bar Scene and Clem then started to bitch about me not "trusting her" when i was perfectly honest).
4. Kate: Kate is either a love or hate relationship for the community. You either love here for her looks and occasional humor or you hate her for being always paranoid, irresponsible with the kids or just overall stupid. I know that Kate just witnessed the death of her step daughter but WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DARE TO RUN INTO OPEN FIRE???? I just hope that she is apart of the 30% mortality rate that comes with sepsis.
3. Gabe: I understand that Gabe is meant to be a troubled teenager living through the apocalypse but still he is just awful(I can see why Kate said that.) He is aggressive towards his uncle and step mom, swears like a child, is annoying af and sometimes cringy. I hope that i can teach Gabe discipline in later Episodes or abandon him with David.
2. Badger: This c
nt is unfortunately very poorly written as he is just one of those "cartooney villians* who comically laughs and taunts his enemies just for "the fun". Plus he killed a 10 year old and a town... FOR NO GODDAMN REASON OTHER THAN CUZ I ATE 3 POTS OF PUDDING! Jesus Christ he needs to chill, no wonder Max and the others think he is a mental idiot.
1. Conrad: I actually had respect for Conrad in Episode 1 but in Episode 2 he completely changed personality and turned into a selfish brat. We get it, he lost his lady friend Francine but WE ALL LOSE PEOPLE SO DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! Plus he thinks it's a great idea to use Clem as a bargaining chip when we've seen how great baraining Francine went, huh?

K Rant's over. I personally enjoyed TWD Season 3 but these 5 characters tickle my pickle in damaging ways


  • It's too soon for me to decide yet.

  • edited December 2016

    Yeah, but you have to remember that Clem has probably gone through a lot of shit since Season 2 ended. This might have changed her temper. Also she is getting older now and tries to take care for herself, because no one else was around. The World of "Walking Dead" is a dangerous world and you either harden up yourself or get eaten alive.

  • Well Clementine spent 2 of those years in care(I chose wellington) so she could'nt of changed that much...

    stoney1981 posted: »

    Yeah, but you have to remember that Clem has probably gone through a lot of shit since Season 2 ended. This might have changed her temper. A

  • edited December 2016

    We still do not know what her experience with The New Frontier did to her mindset. She fears them, so it probably hasn´t been too good. Telltale will reveal this hopefully in the next episode.

  • Badger is obviously the WORST. He really needs to die.

  • He probably will at Episode 3 since he killed Mariana and well David's the leader so.......................

    AronDracula posted: »

    Badger is obviously the WORST. He really needs to die.

  • Clem has probably been through worse(Carver, Lee's death, those fucking farmers in Episode 2)

    stoney1981 posted: »

    We still do not know what her experience with The New Frontier did to her mindset. She fears them, so it probably hasn´t been too good. Telltale will reveal this hopefully in the next episode.

  • I swear to God, if David doesn't do anything about it, I will put him in my "Please DIE" list.

    Masterfaust posted: »

    He probably will at Episode 3 since he killed Mariana and well David's the leader so.......................

  • Well, we do not know, as we don´t know what The New Frontier did to her.

    Masterfaust posted: »

    Clem has probably been through worse(Carver, Lee's death, those fucking farmers in Episode 2)

  • David is very aggressive and serious so Badger probably won't see himself alive in no more than 5 minutes after Javi tells David about the Mariana thing

    AronDracula posted: »

    I swear to God, if David doesn't do anything about it, I will put him in my "Please DIE" list.

  • Well Clementine isn't really that scarred from the group. We know that she is easily angered and very paronoid about trust so maybe The New Frontier betrayed her by either killing AJ, kicking her out the group or beating her up(the latter being unlikely as no scars are seen from Clem)

    stoney1981 posted: »

    Well, we do not know, as we don´t know what The New Frontier did to her.

  • Here's my list-

    5) Kate - Smokes weed in an apocalypse, unfaithful, careless and the worst part -" tell him off" (enough said).
    4) Conrad - ( exactly what you said)
    3) Gabe - Another Ben/Nick character. A total fuck up who tries to stand up and ends up fucking everything in the end.
    2) Eli (fake bullet guy) - Wtf is wrong with this dude? He sold fake bullets to a young girl without any regard for her safety, in return for all the hard work she did. He also attacked her with the possible motive of killing her when she confronted him (which ended in Javier getting hurt too). All I can say is I'm glad that one of her fake bullets worked and killed him(because he and the no.1 on my list deserve to die).
    1) Badger - this MOTHERFUCKER. If Eli is a dick then this guy is a next level dick. I'm so pissed at him. He shot Mari for eating some of his pudding. WTF?!?!. I understand that he wanted to show Javier's group that they're the boss. He could have shot Javier, Kate, Tripp/Eleanor (the ones who seemed most dangerous to him) but he kills a young girl on purpose (who couldn't have harmed him in any way) and then came back to attack Prescott. I just hope David delivers justice.

    And btw. anyone really likes The other new frontier guy (I'm sorry I don't know his name). The one who asks us to put down our guns just outside Richmond (I know he too was one of the attackers but I just can't hate him for some reason).

  • Surprisingly, I think most of the characters so far were well-done for what they needed to be. However, I will say that, , I have do minor concerns about the usage of Clementine, Jane, Elinor, and to a lesser degree Conrad.

    1. I forgot about Eli lol
    2. You mean Max? Max is actually quite likable as he just takes harsh precautions(he says that some assholes broke his trust when he let them go).

    Here's my list- 5) Kate - Smokes weed in an apocalypse, unfaithful, careless and the worst part -" tell him off" (enough said). 4) Conra

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