Kenny earned his death...teaching a 12 year old to drive when the road had patches of ice...not wearing a seatbelt...then telling the 12 year old to kick it into third to go faster...I submit he was trying to kill all of them.
Why couldn't she shoot herself in the head so to not come back as a zombie... instead hanging herself putting the kids in danger.
Even in death her selfishness knows no bounds...
Hey, Clem. Where's Jane.
Oh, you know, she's hanging around somewhere.
Anyone else find it ironic that the woman who didn't like to hang around when things got tough hung herself when things got tough?
You mean my clean-shaven face, Mr. Everett?
Yes sir, how?
Well, I shaved.
Kenny earned his death...teaching a 12 year old to drive when the road had patches of ice...not wearing a seatbelt...then telling the 12 year old to kick it into third to go faster...I submit he was trying to kill all of them.
Teach me your ways master.
well.. don't pregnant women get hungrier or something?
Video should start at 8 minutes in.
I've heard it used, just not in the common vernacular.
No, that's where verosimilitude go's to die.
That's what I thought when I played this part as well.
Lol, these jokes are great but aren't you kinda reaching for the low hanging fruit?
As a Jane fan, this made me laugh. Thank you.
This makes more sense than her death.
Wow, way to make fun of a pregnant lady.
One we're not making fun of a pregnant lady.
Two she's not real.
Three, we'll make sure to apologise to Jane next time we see her.
Hey, Clem. Where's Jane.
Oh, you know, she's hanging around somewhere.
Anyone else find it ironic that the woman who didn't like to hang around when things got tough hung herself when things got tough?
She's not real? I had no idea.
She will be fine, Kenny has an eye on her.
He will be running to her for sure, maybe he'll catch a ride.
Eh, eh?