THE WALKING DEAD: A New Frontier Kenny's Ending Fan Story
Hey There if you read my Alone Fan Story then Thank you, But this story is less DARK & is my version of how I wanted Kenny's story to go.
FLASHBACK 1: The Forest
As a Day Passes since Kenny, Clem, & AJ left Wellington Together. As they have set up a Camp in a forest a couple of hours outside of wellington. Clem wakes as she see's Kenny coming back with a couple of Dead Rabbits. As kenny tells clem that he was out hunting for some food. Clem tells Kenny that his Bandage might need change. Kenny sighs and tells clem fine. As Clem Helps kenny change his bandage Kenny suggest's that they get out of the cold & head back down South because they are not going to be let back in Wellington. Clem tells kenny that's a Smart idea & Kenny tells clem its the only idea their got. After Clem changes Kenny's Bandage with a new one they decide to Pack up and head down South.
A couple of Days pass bye and Clem, Kenny, & AJ are on the road as Kenny is learning her how to drive. As Kenny tells Clem he's so Glad their out of the Snow and heading down South. Clem see's a Walker on the road and Kenny gets the wheel and they CRASH. As Clem wakes up and See's that kenny is Ok, Kenny says to Clem that he's just glad that he had his seatbelt on. As they cant get the car to work they leave the car and move on.
As Clem & Kenny sort out to where to go next Clem Suggest to go to search Howes Hardware for some food. Kenny says Ok but don't expect to stay there for long. And they move on & head to Howes Hardware.
FLASHBACK 4: Howes Hardware Store
As Clem & Kenny head to Howes Hardware Store to see if there is any food there. As they search the place & find out that no one are there. Clem suggest to kenny that they stay at Howes as kenny says "Only for a Night or Two we don't want to stay here for long". As Night comes Clem & Kenny have a campfire and they talk about the past from everything. Clem suggests to Kenny that they should have a Funeral for Alvin, Carlos, & Sarita in the morning. Kenny says good idea and they rest. As morning comes Clem & Kenny have a Funeral outside of Howes for Carlos, Alvin, & Sarita. As they say a couple of words & Kenny says to Alvin he will treat his boy the right way and they mourn
FLASHBACK 5: Plans for the future
As Clem & Kenny are thinking of going to Florida Clem suggest that it could take them weeks to get there and there might not be boats there. Kenny says "You got a Better Fucking Plan" Clem says "Yes". Clem suggest they go to the Lodge from Season 2 Episode 2. And They start heading there
FLASHBACK 6: The Lodge
As Clem & Kenny clear out the Lodge they decide to stay there for now. As they start making the lodge feel like home Clem searches the Lodge.
FLASHBACK 7: Look Through Hell
As Clem is walking about the cabin minding her own business she see's a Note from kenny saying he is out searching the area. She hears a noise and turns round and gets knocked out by a man. As Kenny returns to Lodge & See's the man beats up clem he runs to her help. As the man see's Kenny coming the man Shoots kenny. As Clem is in shock and is crying she kicks the man and kills him. As Clem Rushes too kenny's Help and trys to help him. Kenny says that its his time and clem crys Kenny says that he will miss her and says it was a pleasure meeting her. As Kenny dies Clem decides to shoot him as she is crying and screaming she shoots him on the head.
FLASHBACK 8: The Funeral
As Clem is burying Kenny and crys and says a few words at Kenny's Grave. She decides to leave with AJ & Move on.
Wow, you actually did the work that Telltale neglected to do. Thank you, this is my new headcanon.
Thank you
I really don't think it would've been so hard for Telltale to sprinkle the flashbacks throughout the season. They wouldn't have had to make 3 whole new games depending on your choices. It just would've affected 1 5-10 minute scene per episode.
Anyway, I don't wanna turn this into another "season 3 flashback hate" thread. I read the story and I thought it was pretty good. I wish something similar actually happened in the game.
It really wouldn't have been that hard. I was wondering if the Kenny/season 2 endings would last until the finale, but wow they were done with in less than 5 minutes. I've taken shits that were longer.
Did you like this version of Kenny's story
This is pretty good! I like it! I wonder how Telltale was so lazy they couldn't do this... and a fan has done it instead - Telltale, why?
Great work!
Very nice work! A much better send off than what the idiot writers made for Kenny.
Great story and a lot more climatic, but choices don't matter. 7/10
No problem.
Well I was going to put Christa in the story because when Clem & Kenny go to the Lodge they find a Brown Coat that was christa's but it wouldn't have made sense
& Thank you
IDK why I should have changed that part but you never know I hope you liked the story
good story yet again
Thank you
I'm not one any fan fiction at all, but considering how appalling the death of Kenny's was, this is amazing in comparison and I wish this is how the death would've occurred. Telltale literally killed Kenny/Jane off the first opportunity they could, it lacked any emotion depth, and the cause was stupid. I sincerely wish they didn't make Kenny die like that, but Telltale just wanted to say "good riddance" and use her flashbacks for something else I'd assume, probably something related to the New Frontier. If they really wanted your choice in season 2 to be respectable, they'd go your route and make an equally as one for Jane too, but nope, they killed them off first thing so they didn't have to make more flashbacks varieties, instead they just want them to be static for everyone; from episode 2 and above, we'll all get the same flashbacks. Anyways, great job OP, this was actually nice to see, although I'll never accept it since it's not canon, I wish I could though.
You did an amazing job writing this, but it doesn't fit Kenny's character. It would be stupid to go back to the lodge and howe's hardware, but this is way better than the original flashback. Anything would probably be better.
Did Telltale not expect backlash from the community giving us this awful flashback? I'd assume Telltale just wanted to put in less effort, making the ending for season 2 produce 4 different flashbacks, then make the rest of the flashbacks static so there's less work to be done, I may have got bingo.