Also, it shouldn't be anonymous, if you hover over the 'love' button with the mouse it should show who had "loved" it, that could work as a great replacement for when I can't come up with a new and good way to tell someone "I really liked this", which to me feels like I'm making an unnecessary post sometimes.
I'd also like a way to tell if I've already liked something because I've accidentally unliked posts more often than I care to admit after this update happened.
Also, it shouldn't be anonymous, if you hover over the 'love' button with the mouse it should show who had "loved" it, that could work as a … moregreat replacement for when I can't come up with a new and good way to tell someone "I really liked this", which to me feels like I'm making an unnecessary post sometimes.
It's a good idea, honestly, I support it.
I'd also like a way to tell if I've already liked something because I've accidentally unliked posts more often than I care to admit after this update happened.
Well at least we tagged another person called "blind" who last logged in 2011 on the day he made his account...
Maybe we can revive him from his death!
Eh... I may have not used the right words. My bad. What I mean is that romance or sex is a very minor thing that diatracts people from important things.
Really? You did a phenomenal job man.
Its Brad Kane, the lead writer.
Thank you. I knew he looked familiar and it was eating away at me that I couldn't remember why.
Oh so this doesn't count as a spoiler @Blind Sniper
(how do I even tag you with that space in your username!?)
I don't get it.
I want to like this more than once.
Why am I not allowed to like this more than once.
We should have a 'love' button as well as the 'like' button, for special occasions like this.
I'd be down for this!
Also, it shouldn't be anonymous, if you hover over the 'love' button with the mouse it should show who had "loved" it, that could work as a great replacement for when I can't come up with a new and good way to tell someone "I really liked this", which to me feels like I'm making an unnecessary post sometimes.
It's a good idea, honestly, I support it.
I'd also like a way to tell if I've already liked something because I've accidentally unliked posts more often than I care to admit after this update happened.
Yeah, that is starting get annoying.
Well... really, you can't.
Clementine looks ANGEREY, 10/10
Clementine's fate this season.
Let me get everyone triggered
AJ with a gun

Markaroni. This guy.
That's just sooo true!
So will we get 2 good seasons of TWD after TNF before they fuck it all up with TWD Boom?
Not Greg plz.
Well at least we tagged another person called "blind" who last logged in 2011 on the day he made his account...
Maybe we can revive him from his death!
This seems relevant
I see my Photoshop skills getting some use for this meme.
I can't tell if the dog is supposed to represent Clementine or the player...
I didn't know Goku was in that game!
Nice touch making his aura black.
Also, yes camera: his crotch is wide. Please stop staring at it.
You know, the TWAU section still has hope for a second season, although one was never confirmed.
When you die because Telltale thinks no one formed an emotional bond with you over 4 years
bruh lol
I get that it's a joke, but that's not why he died.
Well, shit, that was...brutal. I would be shattered if Clementine got killed off like this.
I approve of this.
Eh... I may have not used the right words. My bad. What I mean is that romance or sex is a very minor thing that diatracts people from important things.